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最后更新: 2013-10-30
發布專家信息 推廣科研成果
建立專家網頁 在線洽談生意






1998年8月至1999年8月在美國在美國北德州大學(University of North Texas) 做高級訪問學者。



1. 國際學術期刊《International Journal of Advanced Intelligence(IJAI)》編委。

2. 國際學術期刊《International Journal of Cognitive Informatics & Natural Intelligence》編委。

3. 國際學術期刊《International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence (IJSSCI)》編委。

4. 國際學術期刊《LNCS Transactions on Rough Sets》編委。

5. 《The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications》編委。

6. 《計算機科學》編委。

7. 《計算機學報》編委。

8. 《小型微型計算機系統》編委。

9. 《智能技術學報》編委會副主任。

10. 《智能系統學報》編委。

11. 《重慶郵電大學學報(自然科學版)》編委會副主任。




1. PC Chair: RSFDGrC2003 (9th Int. Conf. on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing, Chongqing, China).

2. PC Co-Chair: WSS2004 (2nd Int. Workshop on Web-based Support Systems, Beijing).

3. General Chair: ASGIS2004 (The 2nd Asian Symposium on Geographic Information Systems from Computer Science & Engineering View, Chongqing, China).

4. PC Co-Chair: RSFDGrC2005 (10th Int. Conf. on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing, Regina, Canada).

5. Organizing Committee Chair: ISNN2005 (The 2nd International Symposium on Neural Networks, Chongqing, China).

6. Organization Co-Chair: ICCI2006 (5th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics, Beijing, China).

7. Publicity Chair: AMT2006 (The Forth International Conference on Active Media Technology, Brisbane, Australia).

8. PC Chair: RSKT2006 (The 1st International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, Chongqing, China).

9. PC Co-Chair: ICSCA2006 (Int. Conf. on Sensing, Computing and Automation, Chongqing, China).

10. Conference Chair: JRS2007 (Joint Rough Set Symposium, Toronto, Canada).

11. PC Co-Chair: HPCNCS2007 (International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, and Communication Systems, Orlando, FL, USA).

12. Publicity Chair: MUE2007 (The 1st International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, Seoul, Korea).

13. Executive Chair: ASGIS2007 (The 5th Asian Symposium on Geographic Information Systems from Computer Science & Engineering View, Chongqing, China).

14. PC Chair: RSKT2008 (The 3rd International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, Chengdu, China).

15. General Chair: IFKT2008 (2008 International Forum on Knowledge Technology, Chongqing, China).

16. PC Vice Chair: IEEE GrC2008 (2008 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, Hangzhou, China).

17. PC Co-Chair: ISP2009 (2009 International Conference on Information Security and Privacy, Orlando, FL, USA).

18. SC Chair: RSKT2009 (The 4th International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, Gold Coast, Australia).

19. SC Chair: RSKT2010 (The 5th International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, Beijing, China).

20. PC Co-Chair: HPCS2010 (International Conference on High Performance Computing Systems, Orlando, FL, USA).

21. PC Co-Chair: RSKT2011 (The 6th International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, Banff, Canada).

22. PC Chair: ICSI2011 (The Second International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, Chongqing, China).

23. PC Co-Chair: iTAP2011 (The 2nd International Conference on Internet Technology and Applications, Wuhan, China).

24. International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing (RSFDGrC).

25. International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing (RSCTC).

26. IASTED International Conference on Information and Knowledge Sharing (IKS).

27. IASTED International Conference on Circuits, Signals and Systems (CSS).

28. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI).

29. International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (IKE).

30. International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA).

31. World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI).

32. International Workshop on Monitoring, Security, and Rescue Tasks in Multi-agent Systems (MSRAS).

33. IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics (ICCI).

34. International Conference on Neural Networks and Brain (ICNNB).

35. International Workshop on Web-based Support Systems (WSS).

36. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI).

37. International Conference on Active Media Technology (AMT).





1. 國際粗糙集學會(International Rough Set Society, IRSS)常務理事兼顧問委員會(Advisory Board)主席。

2. IEEE高級會員(Senior Member IEEE)。

3. 國際科學技術開發協會(Int. Assoc. of S.&T. for Development, IASTED)信息學委員會委員。

4. 中國人工智能學會(CAAI)常務理事兼粗糙集與軟計算專業委員會(CRSSC)主任委員。

5. 中國神經網絡委員會(CNNC)委員。

6. 中國計算機學會人工智能與模式識別專業委員會常務理事。

7. 重慶計算機學會副理事長。

8. 重慶計算機用戶協會副理事長。

9. 重慶市人工智能學會副理事長。








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