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Zhu X., Qi T., Yang Q., He F., Tan C., Ma W., Voegele R.T., Kang Z., Guo J. Host-induced gene silencing of the MAPKK gene PsFUZ7 confers stable resistance to wheat stripe rust. Plant Physiology, 2017, 175:1853-1863. (5Y IF=7.024, 通訊作者)
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Qi T., Zhu X., Tan C., Liu P., Guo J., Kang Z., Guo J. Host-induced gene silencing of an important pathogenicity factor PsCPK1 in Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici enhances resistance of wheat to stripe rust. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2018, 16:1-11. (5Y IF=6.792, 通訊作者)
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Zhu X., Guo J., He F., Zhang Y., Tan C., Yang Q., Huang C., Kang Z., Guo J. Silencing PsKPP4, a MAP kinase kinase kinase gene, reduces pathogenicity of the stripe rust fungus. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2018, 19: 2590-2602. (5Y IF=4.697, 通訊作者)
Zhu X., Jiao M., Guo J., Liu P., Tan C., Yang Q., Zhang Y., Voegele R.T., Kang Z, Guo J. A novel MADS-box transcription factor PstMCM1-1 is responsible for full virulence of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. Environmental Microbiology, 2018, 20:1452-1463. (5Y IF=5.513, 通訊作者)
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