[1]三江平原水資源演變與適應性管理,章光新,王喜華等,中國水利水電出版社,2019, 副主編。
代表性國際SCI期刊論文(Last updated: August 2024)
[1]Jia, S., Wang, X*., Liu, Z., Mao, B.(2024). A new data-driven model to predict monthly runoff at watershed scale: insights from deep learning method applied in data-driven model. Water Resources Management. (Online)
[2]Wang, X., Ji,X., Xu, Y.J., Mao, B. Jia, S., Wang, C., Liu, Z., Lv, Q. (2024).Multi-machine learning methods to predict spatial variation characteristics of total nitrogen at watershed scale: Evidences from the largest watershed (Yangtze River Watershed), Asian. Science of the Total Environment. 175144.
[3]Liu, Z., Wang, X*., Wan, X. (2024).Evolution origin analysis and health risk assessment of groundwater environment in a typical mining area: Insights from water-rock interaction and anthropogenic activities. Environmental Research. 252.
[4]Mao, B., Wang, X*., Jia, S., Liu, Z., (2024). Multi-methods to investigate the baseflow: Insight from watershed scale spatiotemporal variety perspective. Ecological Indicators. 158, 111573.
[5]Wang, X., Jia, S., Xu, Y.J., Liu, Z. and Mao, B., (2024). Dual stable isotopes to rethink the watershed-scale spatiotemporal interaction between surface water and groundwater. Journal of Environmental Management. 351, 119728.
[6]Liu, Z., Wang, X*., Jia, S., Mao, B., (2023). Eutrophication causes analysis under the influencing of anthropogenic activities in China's largest fresh water lake (Poyang Lake): evidence from hydrogeochemistry and reverse simulation methods. Journal of Hydrology. 625. 130020.
[7]Jia, S., Wang, X*., Liu, Z., Mao, B. (2023). Comparison of multi-DLM approaches for predicting daily runoff: evidence from the data-driven model in one of China's largest wheat production-bases. Environmental science and pollution research international , 30, 93862–93876
[8]Wang, X., Xu, Y.J., Liu, Z., Jia, S., Mao, B., (2023). Spatiotemporal changes of nitrate retention at the interface between surface water and groundwater: insight from watershed scale in an elevated nitrate region. Hydrological Processes. e14856.
[9]Liu, Z., Wang, X*., Jia, S., Mao, B., (2023). Multi-methods to investigate spatiotemporal variations of nitrogen-nitrate and its risks to human health in China's largest fresh water lake (Poyang Lake). Science of the Total Environment. 160975.
[10]Wang, X. et al. (2022). Watershed-Scale Shallow Groundwater Anthropogenic Nitrate Source, Loading, and Contamination Assessment in a Typical Wheat Production Region: Case Study in Yiluo River Watershed, Middle of China. Water, 14, 3979.
[11]Wang, X., Xu, Y. J., & Zhang, L. (2022). Watershed scale spatiotemporal nitrogen transport and source tracing using dual isotopes among surface water, sediments and groundwater in the Yiluo River Watershed, Middle of China. Science of The Total Environment, 155180.
[12]Wang, X., Liu, C., Hou, H., & Wang, X. (2021). Identifying watershed-scale spatiotemporal groundwater and surface water mixing function in the Yiluo River, Middle of China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(9), 11053-11065.
[13]Wang, X. (2018). The characteristic and influence factors of extinction depth of shallow groundwater on the high-latitude region: a case study on the Sanjiang Plain, northeast China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(7), 6695-6706.
[14]Wang, X., Lu, W., Jun Xu, Y., Zhang, G., Qu, W., & Cheng, W. (2016). The positive impacts of irrigation schedules on rice yield and water consumption: synergies in Jilin Province, Northeast China. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 14(1), 1-12.
[15]Wang, X., Zhang, G., & Xu, Y. J. (2016). Groundwater and surface water availability via a joint simulation with a double control of water quantity and ecologically ideal shallow groundwater depth: a case study on the Sanjiang Plain, northeast China. Water, 8(9), 396.
[16]Wang, X., Zhang, G., Xu, Y. J., & Shan, X. (2015). Defining an ecologically ideal shallow groundwater depth for regional sustainable management: conceptual development and case study on the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. Water, 7(7), 3997-4025.
[17]Wang, X., Zhang, G., & Xu, Y. J. (2015). Impacts of the 2013 extreme flood in Northeast China on regional groundwater depth and quality. Water, 7(8), 4575-4592.
[18]Wang, X., Zhang, G., Xu, Y. J., & Sun, G. (2015). Identifying the regional-scale groundwater-surface water interaction on the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22(21), 16951-16961.
[19]Wang, X., Zhang, G., & Xu, Y. J. (2014). Spatiotemporal groundwater recharge estimation for the largest rice production region in Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology—AQUA, 63(8), 630-641.
[20]Zhao, Y., Wang, X., Liu, C., Wang, S., Wang, X., Hou, H., ... & Li, H. (2019). Purification of harvested rainwater using slow sand filters with low-cost materials: Bacterial community structure and purifying effect. Science of the Total Environment, 674, 344-354.
[21]Lu, W., Cheng, W., Zhang, Z., Xin, X., & Wang, X. (2016). Differences in rice water consumption and yield under four irrigation schedules in central Jilin Province, China. Paddy and Water Environment, 14(4), 473-480.
[22]Liu, Y., Jiang, X., Zhang, G., Xu, Y. J., Wang, X., & Qi, P. (2016). Assessment of shallow groundwater recharge from extreme rainfalls in the Sanjiang plain, northeast China. Water, 8(10), 440.
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