1. 國家自然科學基金地區項目,62262015,基于深度學習及多組學數據整合的三陰性乳腺癌多層任務模式挖掘研究,2023/01-2026/12,35萬,在研,主持。
2. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,62101100,基于多模態多任務深度學習的蛋白質-核酸相互作用的系統性預測,2022/01-2024/12,30萬元,在研,主持。
3. 海南省重點研發項目,基于多模態生物醫學數據的罕見腫瘤個性化診療模式挖掘中關鍵技術研發與應用,2024/01-2025/12,64萬,在研,主持。
4. 四川省自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,2022NSFSC0943,基于深度遷移學習的蛋白質-核酸相互作用預測研究,2022/01-2023/12,10萬元,在研,主持。
5. 海南大學高層次人才科研啟動基金,2022/05-2027/04,35萬元,在研,主持。
6. 博士后國際交流計劃引進項目, YJ20200042, 非編碼RNA的挖掘、疾病關系預測及相關計算方法的研究,2020/05-2022/04,70萬元, 已結題, 主持。
7. 中國博士后科學基金面上資助項目,2021M700694,基于多模態深度學習的蛋白質-RNA結合偏好預測,2022/01-2023/12,8萬元,已結題,主持。
8. 國家自然科學基金重點項目,62131004,面向單細胞RNA測序數據的深度遷移模型與細胞通信網絡研究,2022/01-2026/12,305萬元,在研,參與。
9. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,62172076,面向藥物副作用識別的多視角稀疏模型研究,2022/01-2025/12,60萬元,在研,參與。
10. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,62172128,基于多源生物數據融合的代謝綜合征相關的lncRNA識別方法研究,2022/01-2025/12,60萬元,在研,參與。
1. Feifei Cui#, Shuang Li#, Zilong Zhang, Miaomiao Sui, Chen Cao, Abd El-Latif Hesham, Quan Zou*. DeepMC-iNABP: Deep learning for multiclass identification and classification of nucleic acid-binding proteins. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 2022, 20: 2020-2028. (IF=7.271,中科院二區)
2. Ruiqi Liu, Xiuhao Fu, Shankai Yan, Zilong Zhang, and Feifei Cui*. AIPPT: Predicts anti-inflammatory peptides using the most characteristic subset of bases and sequences by stacking ensemble learning strategies. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine 2023. (CCF-B會議,已錄用).
3. Zhibin Lv#, Feifei Cui#, Quan Zou*, Lichao Zhang*, Lei Xu*. Anticancer peptides prediction with deep representation learning features. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2021, 22(5): 1-14. (IF=13.994,中科院一區Top 期刊)
4. Feifei Cui, Zilong Zhang, Chen Cao, Quan Zou, Dong Chen*, Xi Su*. Protein-DNA/RNA interactions: Machine intelligence tools and approaches in the era of artificial intelligence and big data. Proteomics. 2022, 3: e2100197. Doi: 10.1002/pmic.202100197. (IF=3.984)
5. Feifei Cui, Zilong Zhang, Quan Zou*. Sequence representation approaches for sequence-based protein prediction tasks that use deep learning. Briefings in Functional Genomics. 2021, 20(1): 61-73. (IF=4.241)
6. Feifei Cui, Liang Cheng *, Quan Zou *. Briefings in functional genomics special section editorial: analysis of integrated multiple omics data. Briefings in Functional Genomics. 2021, 20(4): p. 196-197. (IF=4.241)
7. Feifei Cui, Quan Zou*. Biocomputing and Synthetic Biology in Cells: Cells Special Issue. Cells. 2020, 9(11): 2459. (IF=4.326)
8. Feifei Cui, Quan Zou*, Qin Ma, Leyi Wei, Jijun Tang and Dariusz Mrozek. IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Feature Representation and Learning Methods With Applications in Large-Scale Biological Sequence Analysis. IEEE Access. 2021, 9: 33110-33119. (IF=3.367)
9. Feifei Cui, Murong Zhou, Quan Zou*. Computational biology and chemistry Special section editorial: Computational analyses for miRNA. Computational Biology and Chemistry. 2021, 91:107448. (IF=2.877)
10.Zilong Zhang, Feifei Cui, Wei Su, Lijun Dou, Anqi Xu, Chen Cao, Quan Zou*. webSCST: an interactive web application for single-cell RNA-sequencing data and spatial transcriptomic data integration. Bioinformatics. 2022. Doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btac350. (IF=6.937,生物信息學頂刊)
11. Zilong Zhang, Feifei Cui, Chunyu Wang, Lingling Zhao*, Quan Zou*. Goals and approaches for each processing step for single-cell RNA sequencing data. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2021, 22(4): bbaa314. (IF=13.994,中科院一區TOP期刊)
12. Zilong Zhang, Feifei Cui, Chen Lin, Lingling Zhao, Chunyu Wang, Quan Zou*. Critical downstream analysis steps for single-cell RNA sequencing data. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2021, 22(5): bbab105. (IF=13.994,中科院一區TOP期刊)
13. Yunyun Su, Shiyu Yan, Chen Cao, Feifei Cui, Quan Zou, Zilong Zhang*. Human-Spa: An Online Platform Based on Spatial Transcriptome Data for Diseases of Human Systems. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine 2023. (CCF-B會議,已錄用)
14. Zilong Zhang, Feifei Cui, Song Wu*, Quan Zou*. Single-cell RNA analysis reveals the potential risk of organ-specific cell types vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 infections. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 2021, 140: 105092. (IF=4.589
15. Zilong Zhang, Feifei Cui, Murong Zhou, Song Wu*, Quan Zou*, Bo Gao*. Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis identifies key genes in brain metastasis from lung adenocarcinoma. Current Gene Therapy. 2021, 21(4): 338-48.(IF=4.391)
16. Chen Cao, Jianhau Wang, Devin Kwok, Feifei Cui, Zilong Zhang, Da Zhao, Mulin Jun Li, Quan Zou*. webTWAS: a resource for disease candidate susceptibility genes identified by transcriptome-wide association study. Nucleic acids research. 2022, 50(D1): D1123-D1130. (IF=16.971,中科院分區一區TOP期刊)
17. Kunsen Lin, Youcai Zhao, Jia-Hong Kuo, Hao Deng, Feifei Cui, Zilong Zhang, Meilan Zhang, Chunlong Zhao, Xiaofeng Gao*, Tao Zhou*, Tao Wang*. Toward smarter management and recovery of municipal solid waste: A critical review on deep learning approaches. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022: p. 130943. (IF=9.297,中科院分區一區)
18. Cao Chen, Shao Mengting, Zuo Chunman, Kwok Devin, Liu Lin, Ge Yuli, Zhang Zilong, Cui Feifei, Chen Mingshuai, Fan Rui, Ding Yijie, Jiang Hangjin, Wang Guishen, Zou Quan*. RAVAR: a curated repository for rare variant-trait associations. Nucleic acids research. 2023. (IF=16.971,中科院分區一區TOP期刊, 已錄用)