2018/01至今,上海大學,力學與工程科學學院,應用數學和力學研究所, 教授
[3]Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction主編,2019-至今。
[7]國際應用科學技術協會(International Association of Applied Science and Technology(IAAST))聯合主席,2022-至今。
研究方向: 程結構與生物結構中的力學問題研究。
[1]國家自然科學基金重點項目,基于耳蝸宏微觀多結構聯動的聽覺主動放大機制,主持,2020/01-2024/12 。
[6]國家軍隊重大攻關項目(保密課題)的子課題, 核酸立體xx結構電磁力學特性研究,2004-2007。
[7]交通部課題,長江口深水航道促淤潛堤結構損傷機理研究,2008-2010 。
[1]姚文娟, 謝立全, 喻國良, 練學標, 高加云, 溫學鈞, 周健. 一種用于海工三段式樁基的動力分析方法[P]. 上海市: CN114662363A, 2022-06-24.
[2]姚文娟, 謝立全, 練學標, 溫學釣, 喻國良, 高加云. 一種用于考慮樁側摩阻力軟化和強化的超長樁沉降計算方法[P]. 上海市: CN114462243A, 2022-05-10.
[3]姚文娟, 房霆宸, 潘峰. 用于樁基在爆炸動荷下穩定分析的解析計算方法[P]. 上海市: CN113887109A, 2022-01-04.
[4]姚文娟, 程澤坤, 李武, 房霆宸, 顧文胤. 一種群樁動力響應和動力阻抗的分析方法和系統[P]. 上海市: CN113177243A, 2021-07-27.
[5]姚文娟, 張志宏, 程澤坤, 李武, 房霆宸. 一種船舶撞擊荷載作用下的單樁動力穩定性分析方法和系統[P]. 上海市: CN112948939A, 2021-06-11.
[6]姚文娟. 一種橫向載荷作用下超長樁在成層地基中的水平位移求解方法[P]. 上海市: CN112417544A, 2021-02-26.
[7]姚文娟, 張震, 徐旭, 姚文娟, 程澤坤, 丁剛. 一種用于波浪荷載作用下的樁基動力穩定性分析計算方法[P]. 上海市: CN112287574A, 2021-01-29.
[8]姚文娟, 徐賜敏, 顧毛亮, 程澤坤, 邱季. 用于樁基工程的樁基負摩擦力解析解分析方法[P]. 上海市: CN112100863A, 2020-12-18.
[9]姚文娟, 顧毛亮, 徐賜敏, 程澤坤, 肖路. 考慮加筋效應的擴底抗拔群樁的變形分析方法[P]. 上海市: CN111460547A, 2020-07-28.
[10]姚文娟, 徐賜敏, 顧毛亮, 陳君, 程澤坤. 堆載作用下超長樁基負摩阻力發展變化規律的分析方法[P]. 上海市: CN111382516A, 2020-07-07.
[11]姚文娟, 王雪明, 顧毛亮, 程澤坤, 顧文胤. 基于雙參數地基模型的樁基屈曲臨界荷載解析解分析方法[P]. 上海市: CN111382517A, 2020-07-07.
[12]姚文娟, 肖路, 顧毛亮, 程澤坤, 趙正山. 基于擴底抗拔樁的優化模型的分析方法[P]. 上海市: CN111382910A, 2020-07-07.
[13]姚文娟, 沈曉麗, 陸偉. 一種新型靜鉆根植竹節超長樁的荷載傳遞函數計算方法[P]. 上海市: CN110399630A, 2019-11-01.
[14]姚文娟,陳雷遠, 徐旭, . 一種裙式吸力桶形基礎的水平承載力計算方法[P]. 上海市: CN110241865A, 2019-09-17.
[15]姚文娟, 劉逸敏, 張峻, 洪一紅, 劉娟娟, 張效忠, 師明系. 深水開敞式組合基礎碼頭及其施工方法[P]. 上海: CN103321241A, 2013-09-25.
[16]姚文娟, 黃新生, 李武, 傅祥卿, 李曉青, 梁斌. 套型人工鐙骨及其制作工藝[P]. 上海: CN101322665, 2008-12-17.
[1]姚文娟, 張志宏, 程澤坤, 李武, 房霆宸. 一種船舶撞擊荷載作用下的單樁動力穩定性分析方法和系統[P]. 上海市: CN112948939B, 2022-07-12.
[2]姚文娟. 一種橫向載荷作用下超長樁在成層地基中的水平位移求解方法[P]. 上海市: CN112417544B, 2022-07-08.
[3]姚文娟, 程澤坤, 李武, 房霆宸, 顧文胤. 一種群樁動力響應和動力阻抗的分析方法和系統[P]. 上海市: CN113177243B, 2022-07-08.
[4]姚文娟, 徐賜敏, 顧毛亮, 程澤坤, 邱季. 用于樁基工程的樁基負摩擦力解析解分析方法[P]. 上海市: CN112100863B, 2022-06-14.
[5]姚文娟, 徐旭, 張震, 程澤坤, 丁剛. 一種用于波浪荷載作用下的樁基動力穩定性分析計算方法[P]. 上海市: CN112287574B, 2021-10-08.
[6]姚文娟, 徐旭, 陳雷遠. 一種裙式吸力桶形基礎的水平承載力計算方法[P]. 上海市: CN110241865B, 2021-05-07.
[7]劉逸敏, 姚文娟, 沈東, 張春鋒, 洪一紅. 一種深水開敞式組合基礎碼頭及其建造方法[P]. 上海市: CN103741706B, 2016-02-17.
[8]姚文娟, 劉逸敏, 張峻, 洪一紅, 劉娟娟, 張效忠, 師明系. 深水開敞式組合基礎碼頭及其施工方法[P]. 上海市: CN103321241B, 2015-10-07.
[9]姚文娟, 黃新生, 李武, 胡寶琳, 李曉青, 梁斌. 套型人工鐙骨的制作工藝[P]. 上海市: CN101322665B, 2010-08-11..
1、姚文娟, 葉志明,《房屋建筑及結構設計》(65萬字),高等教育出版社,2009,再版2015
2、姚文娟, 《基于解析及數值方法的不同模量彈性結構力學行為解答》(30萬字),清華大學出版社,2020,12
4、姚文娟, 《超長樁承載性狀及力學行為解析分析》(50萬字),上海交通大學出版社,2022,3
(1)Wenjuan Yao,zhming ye, Internal forces for statically indeterminate structures having different moduli, ASCE, Journal of Engineering Mechanics,2006,132(7) :739-746. ( SCI收錄:000238430500005)
(2)Yao Wenjuan,ye zhiming, Analytical solution of bending-compression column using different modulus, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,2004, 25(9): 983-993. (SCI收錄:000225574700004)
(3) Wenjuan Yao,Zhang CH, Jiang XF, Nonlinear Mechanical Behavior of Combined Members with Different Moduli , International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation,2006,7(2):233-238. ( SCI收錄:000236960300021)
(4)Yao Wenjuan,ye zhiming, Analytical solution for bending beam subject to lateral force with different modulus, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2004, 25(10): 1107-1117. (SCI收錄:000224933600004)
(5)Wenjuan Yao,Xin-Sheng Huang, Li-Jie Fu, Transmitting Vibration of Artificial Ossicle, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation,2008,9(2):131-139. ( SCI收錄:000257002700003)
(6) Yao Wen-juan, Qiu Yuan-zhong, Chen Ze-kun ,Ultimate Bearing Capacity Analysis of Super-Long Rock-Socketed Filling Pile Based on Catastrophe Theory,International Journal of Advances in Structural Engineering ,2010,13(2):331-338. (SCI收錄:000277975900010)
(7)Yao Wenjuan ,Zhou Hua-cong ,Huang Xin-sheng ,Hu Bao-lin , Li Xiao-qing,Research on Ossicular Chain Mechanics Model,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2010(6):688-702. (SCI收錄:000279960400001)
(8) Wenjuan Yao, Wuxian Yin. ,Numerical Simulation and Study for Super-Long Pile Group under Axis and Lateral Loads.,Advances in Structural Engineering-An International Journal, 2010 ,13(6):1139-1151. (SCI收錄:000284994300012)
(9) Wenjuan Yao,Jianwei Ma,Baolin Hu. Numerical model on sound-solid coupling in human ear and study on sound pressure of tympanic membrane . Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2011,(3):356-362. (SCI收錄:000298420200001)
(10) Wenjuan Yao, Jianwei Ma,Stability analysis of bimodular pin-ended slender rod,International Journal of Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2011,40(4): 563-582. (SCI收錄:000296998900007)
(11)Yao, Wenjuan,Li, Bing,Huang, Xinsheng,Guo, Cuiping,Luo, Xuemei,Zhou, Wenting, Duan, Maoli, Restoring hearing using total ossicular replacement prostheses-analysis of 3D finite element model, Acta Otolaryngol, 2012, Feb; 132(2): 152-159. (SCI 收錄:000298864900006)
(12)Wenjuan Yao,Yimin Liu, and Jun Chen.,Characteristics of Negative Skin Friction for Superlong Piles under Surcharge Loading,ASCE,International Journal of Geomechanics,2012,12(2):90-97. (SCI收錄:000318490000002)
(13)Wenjuan Yao ,Cuiping Guo ,Xuemei Luo,Study on effects of partial ossicular replacement prostheses with different materials on hearing restoration,J Mater Sci: Mater Med,2013,24(2):515-522 (Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine) (SCI收錄:000314775100022)
(14)Yao Wenjuan, Zhou Huacong, Research on the Horizontal Displacement Coefficient of Soil surrounding Pile in Layered Foundations by Considering the Soil Mass’ Longitudinal Continuity, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, 65,(5):583-590. (SCI收錄:000322396900001)
(15)Wenjuan Yao, Yiqiang Chen, Jianwei Ma,Amplitude analysis of Basement Membrane , Journal of Investigative Medicine ,2013,61(4 )15. (SCI收錄:00319477600049)
(16)Wenjuan Yao and Jianwei Ma Xinsheng Huang,Numerical simulation of the human ear and the dynamic analysis of the middle ear sound transmission, Journal of Instrumentation, 2013,8(6):1--13. (SCI 收錄:000321627400009)
(17)Wenjuan Yao, Jianwei Ma,Semi-analytical buckling solution and experimental study of variable cross-section rod with different moduli, ASCE,International Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2013,139,(9): 1149-1157. (SCI收錄:000325214400001)
(18)Wenjuan Yao, Jianwei Ma, Xuemei Luo, Bote Luo. Numerical analysis of tympanosclerosis and treatment effect . Journal of Mechanics in Medicine & Biology, 2014, 14(4): 54-75. (SCI 收錄::000339011400007)
(19)Jianwei Ma, Wenjuan Yao, Research on the distribution of pressure field on the basilar membrane in the passive spiral cochlea, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 2014, 14(4): 1-22. (SCI 收錄::000339011400017 )
(20)Yao, W.J.; Chen, S.P. Elastic-plastic analytical solutions of deformation of uplift belled pile. Tehnicki Vjesnik-Technical Gazette, 2014.,21(6):1201-1211. (SCI 收錄:000346848900002)
(21)Xiaozhong Zhang,Wenjuan Yao,Yimin Liu. Research on Identification Method of Scour Depth for Bridge Based on ERA and SVM. Shock and Vibration , 2015, (1): 1-8. (SCI收錄:000348327500001)
(22) Jianwei Ma, Wenjuan Yao, Nonlinear large deflection buckling analysis of compression rod with different moduli, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2015,54(5):855-875. (SCI 收錄:000356243800002)
(23)Wenjuan Yao, Yimin Liu, Yuanzhong Qiu. An analytical solution for the diffraction problem of a submerged vertical cylinder considering bottom-mounted barrier effect. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 2015, 38(6): 780-790. (SCI 收錄:000355323500011)
(24)Yiqiang Chen and Wenjuan Yao. Mechanical Model of Round Window Membrane under Reverse Excitation Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2016, 37(10):1341-1348. (SCI收錄:000385125500006)
(25)Wenjuan Yao, Yiqiang Chen, Jianwei Ma, et al. Numerical simulation on the dynamic behavior of the basilar membrane in the spiral cochlea, Biomedical Research. 2016, 27 (3): 977-984. (SCI收錄:000385125500006)
(26) Wenjuan Yao, Jinling Gao,Thermal stress analysis for bi-modulus foundation beam under nonlinear temperature difference. International Journal of Computational Methods, 2016, 17(1): 1-27. (SCI收錄 :000393632900010)
(27) Jinling Gao,Wenjuan Yao, Yudong Ma. Analytical and numerical study of graphite IG110 parts in advanced reactor under high temperature and irradiation. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2016, 305: 421-432. (SCI收錄: :000383003400040)
(28)Wenjuan Yao and Yiqiang Chen. Numerical Simulation on the Mechanical Behavior of Outer Stereocilia in Corti Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 2017,17(4):713-729. (SCI 收錄:000401539400005)
(29)Yiqiang Chen and Wenjuan Yao. Numerical simulation of Corti stimulated by the fluid in the Tunnel of Corti , Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2017, 38(5):737-748. (SCI收錄:000400542500008)
(30) Yiqiang Chen and Wenjuan Yao. Mechanical model of the organ of Corti Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2017, 38(6):867-876. (SCI收錄:000401450800007)
(31) Wenjuan Yao and Yiqiang Chen. Numerical simulation based on the three-dimensional model of inner stereocilium Applied Mathematics and Mechanics ,2017,38(7):997-1006 (SCI收錄:000404207300007)
(32)Jinling Gao, Wenjuan Yao, and Jiankang Liu. Temperature stress analysis for the bi-modulus beam placed on the Winkler foundation. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics , 2017,38(7):921-934. (SCI收錄:000404207300002)
(33) Hong YH, Yao WJ and Xu Y. Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Wrinkling Pattern for Aerospace Laminated Membrane Structures,International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2017,10(6):1350-1361. (SCI收錄: 000402927100001 )
(34)Xu Xu, Xueming Wang, Chenyu Cai, Wenjuan Yao. Improved Calculation Method of Super-long Pile in Deep Soft Soil Area. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 2018, 18(10):04018117. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0001223 ( SCI收錄: 000445712500005 )
(35)Hong YH, Yao WJ, Xu Y, et al. Research on the Folding Patterns and Deployment Dynamics of Inflatable Capsule Structures. J Aerosp Technol Manag, 2018,10(2):4718-4729. DOI:10.5028/jatm.v10.958; (SCI收錄:000450108500007)
(36).Hong YH, Yao WJ and Xu Y.Structural Design and Impact Analysis of Deployable Habitat Modules[J]. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering,2018, 11(11): 654-669. DOI:10.1155/2018/3252104 (SCI收錄:000450784300001)
(37) Wenjuan Yao, Zhong JC, Duan ML Three-dimensional Finite Element Analysis of the Cochlear Hypoplasia.,Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 2018, 138(11):961-965 . DOI:10.1080/00016489.2018.1497304 (SCI收錄:000459000600001)
(38) Yao WJ, Tang DT, Chen YQ, Li BT. Study on vibration characteristics and transmission performance of round window membrane under inverse excitation . Journal of mechanics in medicine and biology. 2018: 1850033.DOI:10.1142/S0219519418500331 ( SCI收錄: 000433093400012)
(39) Wenjuan Yao, Lu Xiao. Analytical Solutions of Deformation of Uplift Belled Piles Considering Reinforcement Effect. KSCE. Journal of Civil Engineering, 2019, 23(3): 1007-1016. DOI:10.1007/s12205-019-1635-4 ( SCI收錄:000459969900008)
(40) Wen-juan Yao,Wei Lu,Chen-yu Cai,Kun-lin Ruan, The analysis model of shaft resistance gsoftening of a new type of static drill rooted super-long nodular pile.. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2019,12(5): 1-7.DOI:10.1007/s12517-019-4320-5 (SCI收錄:000459981500001)
(41) Yao Wenjuan, Fan Lei. Advance in Properties of Graphene and Graphene/Metal Layered Composite After Irradiation Damage. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering. 2019, 48(10): 3130-3135. (SCI收錄:000494079600009)
(42)Lei Fan, Wenjuan Yao.Effect of Parameter Describing Pore Structure on Properties of Carbon and Graphite Materials. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2019,48(8):2488-2494. (SCI收錄: 000483636500015)
(43) Lei Fan, Wenjuan Yao. Effect of defects on mechanical properties of planar h-BN-graphene heterostructure. Materials Research Express, 2019,6: 105613. DOI:10.1088/2053-1591/ab3b14 (SCI收錄:000483109300002)
(44) Lei Fan, Wenjuan Yao. Effect of interlayer sp3 bonds and nanopores on mechanical properties of vertically-stacked 2D heterostructures. Materials Research Express, 2019,6:105618. DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/ab3c44 (SCI收錄:000484135200004)
(45) Lei Fan, Wenjuan Yao. Regulation and coupling effects on mechanical properties of copper-graphene/h-BN layered heterostructure via ion irradiation, interlayer sp3 bonds and temperature. Materials Research Express, 2019,6(10):1050b1.DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/ab403c (SCI收錄:000485731900001)
(46)Lei Fan, Wenjuan Yao. Mechanical properties of a G/h-BN heterobilayer nanosheets coupled by interlayer sp(3) bonds and defects. Materials Research Express, 2019, 6(9): 095075. DOI:10.1088/2053-1591/ab2ec1 DOI:10.1088/2053-1591/ab2ec1; ( SCI收錄: 000475902300001)
(47)Lei Fan, Wenjuan Yao. Effect of defects on mechanical properties of graphene/copper/h-BN layered composites. Materials Research Express, 2019, 6(9): 095061. DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/ab3026 (SCI收錄:000475902000002)
(48)Wenjuan Yao, Lei Fan.The Effect of Ion Irradiation Induced Defects on Mechanical Properties of Graphene/Copper Layered Nanocomposites. Metals, 2019,9(7):733. DOI:10.3390/met9070733 (SCI收錄:000482332400017)
(49)Wenjuan Yao, Lei Fan. Effect of defects on mechanical properties of novel hybrid graphene-h-BN/copper layered nanostructures. Applied Physics A-Materials Science Processing, 2019, 125(9): 663. DOI: 10.1007/s00339-019-2971-4 (SCI收錄:000483596000008)
(50)J.Ma, T.Fan, W.Yao, Nonlinear large deflection buckling analysis of compression rod with different moduli , mechanics of advanced materiaIs and structures ,2019,26(6):539-551 DOI: 10.1080/15376494.2017.1410898 (SCI收錄: 000469968900007)
(51)Lei Fan, Wenjuan Yao. Effect of transverse and longitudinal defects on mechanical properties of graphene-h-BN copper vertically-stacked heterostructure. Computational Materials Science, , 2020, 183: 109810.DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2020.109810 (SCI收錄: 000557904800001)
(52)Wenjuan Yao, Lei Fan. Research on correlation of mechanical properties of graphene/h-BN vertically-stacked heterostructure in the presence of interlayer sp3 bonds and nanopores with temperature. Phys.Chem, 2020, 22:5920-5928 DOI: 10.1039/d0cp00179a (SCI收錄:000528810000050)
(53)J.Ma, W.Yao, B.Hu, Simulation of the Multiphysical Coupling Behavior of Active Hearing Mechanism Within Spiral Cochlea. ASME, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering,2020, 142/091005-1--091005-11. DOI:10.1115/1.4046204 ( SCI收錄:000561431000005 )
(54)L. Fan and W. J. Yao. Effects of vacancy defects on the mechanical properties of graphene/ hexagonal BN superlattice nanoribbons. New Carbon Materials, 2020, 35(2): 2165-174. DOI:10.1016/S1872-5805(20)60482-6 ( SCI收錄: 000538854200005)
(55) W. J. Yao, L. Fan, Z. P. Zhang. Research on correlation of mechanical behavior of multilayer in-plane graphene/hexagonal boron nitride heterostructures in the presence of Stone-Wales defects and interlayer sp 3 bonds with multiple physical fields. Computational Materials Science, 2020, 185: 109974.DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2020.109974 (SCI收錄: 000579155500025)
(56) L. Fan and W. J. Yao. Regulation of failure mechanism of a bilayer Gr/h-BN staggered stacked heterostructure via interlayer sp 3 bonds, interface connection, and defects[J]. Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, 2020, 126: 752. DOI: 10.1007/s00339-020-03895-7 (SCI收錄: 000569626400002)
(57 )Cimin Xu & Wenjuan Yao,Buckling analysis of super-long rock-socketed piles based on double-parameter foundation model,Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures,2020 22(6)https://doi.org/10.1080/15376494.2020.1799270 (SCI收錄: 000557627200001)
(58)Jingjing Xu, Xu Xu, Wenjuan Yao. New Method for Calculating the Settlement of Single Pile and Pile Group in Soft Soil Area. Advances in Civil Engineering. 2020 , DOI:10.1155/2020/8816704 (SCI收錄:000595651200001)
(59)Jiangtao Su , Wenjuan Yao , and Zhengshan Zhao, An Analytical Mechanical Model of Corti in the Cochlea,Shock and Vibration , 2020, ID 8856159, 10 pages . https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8856159 (SCI收錄: 000601170300006)
(60). Xu, J. J., Xu, X., Yao, W. J. Improved Approach of Super-long Pile Group Considering Multiple Interaction under Axial Load. Arabian Journal of Geosciences.2021, 14, 58.DOI:10.1007/s12517-020-06406-3 (SCI收錄: 000610088000002)
(64)Xu Xu, Zeping Zhang and Wenjuan Yao,Mechanical Properties of Graphene Oxide Coupled by Multi-Physical Field: Grain Boundaries and Functional Groups,Crystals,2021, 11(1), 62; doi:10.3390/cryst11010062 (SCI收錄: 000610129700001)
(65)Xu Xu. Zhen Zhang. Wenjuan Yao. Zhengshan Zhao. Dynamic Stability Analysis of Pile Foundation Under Wave Load.ASCE, International Journal of Geomechanics, 2021. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0001968 (SCI收錄: 000624711300003 )
(66)W. J. Yao and L. Fan. Defects in graphene/h-BN planar heterostructures: Insights into the interfacial thermal transport properties. Nanomaterials, 2021. 11(2): 500. DOI:10.3390/nano11020500 (SCI收錄 000622934300001)
(67)L. Fan and W. J. Yao. Reduction of interfacial thermal transport of bilayer in-plane graphene/hexagonal boron nitride heterostructures via interlayer sp3 bonds and defects. Diamond and Related Materials, 2021. 118: 108521. DOI: 10.1016/j.diamond. 2021.108521 (SCI收錄: 000696983300012)
(68)L. Fan, W. J Yao, Y. M. Wang. Graphene-reinforced copper matrix composites: Insights into interfacial mechanical properties of the “bottom-up” hybrid configuration. Diamond and Related Materials, 2021. 118: 108519.DOI: 10.1016/j.diamond. 2021.108519 (SCI收錄: 000696986600010)
(69)Yao W, Zhao Z, Wang J, Duan M. Time-domain analysis of a three-dimensional numerical model of the human spiral cochlea at medium intensity. Comput Biol Med. 2021 Sep;136:104756. Epub 2021 Aug 8. DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.104756. (SCI收錄:000696935800007)
(70)Wenjuan Yao , Junyi Liang,Liujie Ren , Jianwei Ma,Zhengshan Zhao ,Jiakun Wang .Youzhou Xie,Peidong Dai,Tianyu Zhang, Revealing the actions of the human cochlear basilar membrane at low frequency, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,2021,1007-5704/© 2021,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cnsns.2021.106043 (SCI收錄:000706374300011)
(71)Xu Xu , Wenyin Gu , Wenjuan Yao,Numerical simulation of the VIV of twin tandem diamond cylinders at low Reynolds numbers,Ocean Engineering 2021 109745,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109745 DOI: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109745 ; (SCI收錄: 000696806000003)
(72)C Chen , Z Wang, W Wu, M Wen , W Yao ,Semi-Analytical Solution for the Vertical Vibration of a Single Pile Embedded in a Frozen Poroelastic Half-Space,,Appl. Sci. 2022, 13, 1508. DOI:org/10.3390/app13031508
(73)Xu Xu, Ma Wen-Kai, Yao Wen-Juan, Dynamic study of tip-link tension and stereocilia motion cochlea, Acta , Phys. Sin. ,2022,71(04):358-366. DOI:10.7498/aps.71.20211105 ( SCI收錄: 000766021300039)
(74)Wenjuan Yao , Lei Gao , Jiangtao Sua, Niki Karpeta , Wen Xie ,Maoli Duan, Effects of lesions of the Organ of Corti on hearing, Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 2022 DOI:10.1080/00016489.2022.2027517 ( SCI收錄: 000750126200001)
(75)Zhengshan Zhao,Wenjuan Yao,Jiakun Wang,Lei Zhou,Xinsheng Huang,Mechanism of sensorineural hearing loss caused by typical sclerosis of cochlea, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 2022, 22(01): 2250002. DOI: 10.1142/S0219519422500026 (SCI收錄:000744095800001)
(76)S Wang ,C Li, J Xu, L Chen,Y Xie,P Dai, LRen, W Yao and T Zhang, The Effect of endolymphatic hydrops and Mannitol dehydration Treatment on Guinea Pigs, Cellular Neuroscience,2022,16,836093 DOI:10.3389/fncel.2022.836093 ( SCI收錄: 000792408700001)
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(78)Xu Xu, Naying Wei, Wenjuan Yao , The Stability Analysis of Tension-Leg Platforms under Marine Environmental Loads via Altering the Connection Angle of Tension Legs ,water, DOI:10.3390/w14030283 (SCI收錄: 000755997100001)
(79)Xu X., Xiong C.Q., Mao S.P., Yao W.J., Established Model on Polycrystalline Graphene Oxide and Analysis of Mechanical Characteristic. Crystals 2022, 12(3), 382; DOI:10.3390/cryst1203038 2 (SCI收錄: 000775577400001)
(80)Wenyin Gu, Wenjuan Yao , Yusha Shi , Liquan Xie , Xuebiao Lian , Jian Zhouc, Wen Xuejun, Study on dynamic stability for the superlong pile foundation of marine engineering structures in service. Structures, 2022. 41: 1257-1265 DOI :10.1016/j.istruc.2022.05.074 (SC收錄:I: 000814565000006)
(81) ZHAO Z, YAO W, WANG M, et al. Radial flow field of spiral cochlea and its effect on stereocilia . ASME,Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 2022 DOI:10.1115/1.4054930 (SCI收錄: 000942355100011)
(82)Yao, W., Shi, Y. Dynamic stability analysis of pile groups under wave load. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2022. 110: 367-386 DOI:10.1016/j.apm.2022.06.003 ( SCI收錄: 000815940500011)
(83)Yusha Shi, Wenjuan Yao , Guoliang Yu,Dynamic Analysis on Pile Group Supported Offshore Wind Turbine under Wind and Wave Load,JMSE ,2022,10(8) DOI:10.3390/jmse10081024 (SCI收錄: 000834925700004)
(84)Chen, C.; Wang, Z.; Wu, W.; Wen, M.; Yao, W. Semi-Analytical Solution for the Vertical Vibration of a Single Pile Embedded in a Frozen Poroelastic Half-Space. Appl. Sci. 2022, 13, 1508. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13031508 (SCI收錄:000933799700001)
(85)Lei Fan and Wenjuan Yao,Temperature Dependence of Interfacial Bonding and Confifiguration Transition in Graphene/Hexagonal Boron Nitride Containing Grain Boundaries Functional Groups,Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 1433. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms23031433 (SCI收錄: 000760145900001)
(86)Naying Wei, Zhen Zhang, Xu Xu, Wenjuan Yao ,Stability Analysis of TLP with Inclined Tension Legs under Different Marine Survival Conditions,JMSE ,2022,DOI:10.3390/jmse10081058 (SCI收錄: 000835126800001)
(87)Gu Wenyin, Xu Xu, Wei Naying, Yao Wenjuan, Yu Guoliang, Lian Xuebiao, Gao Jiayun, Zhou Jian. The space effect on WIV interference between a fixed and oscillating diamond cylinder at a low Reynolds number of 100. Ocean engineering, 2022, 264: 112428. (DOI:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.112428 (SCI收錄: 000860788600002)
(88)Yusha shi, Wenjuan Yao, MinJing. Jiang,Dynamic analysis on monopile supported offshore wind turbine under wave and wind load, Structures , 2023 47(1): 520-529 DOI:10.1016/j.istruc.2022.11.080 (SCI收錄: 000929860800002)
(89)Shaoping Mao and Wenjuan Yao, Enhancing the mechanical properties of calcium silicate hydrate by engineering graphene oxide structures via molecular dynamics simulations, Molecular Simulation,2023, DOI:10.1080/08927022.2022.2159995 (SCI收錄: 000905040000001)
(90)Gu Wenyin, Xu Xu, Wenjuan Yao, MinJing. Jiang, Effects of spacing ratio on vortex-induced vibration of twin tandem diamond cylinders in a steady flow, Physics of Fluids,2023 DOI: 10.1063/5.0146395 (SCI收錄:000969142200016)
(91)Ci min Xu and Wenjuan Yao,Failure analysis of gas explosion load based on structural impact failure characteristic,Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2023, 15(2) 1–11 DOI: 10.1177/16878132231155829 (SCI收錄: 000939708500001)
(92)Lei Gao, Jiakun Wanga,, Junyi Liang, Wenjuan Yao, Lei Zhou and Xinsheng Huang, Study of fatigue damage to the cochlea,Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2023,,DOI:10.1080/10255842.2022.2164712 (SCI收錄: 000911997700001)
(93)Junyi Liang , Jiakun Wang , Wenjuan Yao and Mianzhi Wang,Development of an assessing model for effect of replacement of minimal artificial ossicles on hearing in the inner ear, micromachines,2023,14(2) ,DOI:10.3390/mi14020483 (SCI收錄: 000941484500001)
(94)Junyi Liang , Jiakun Wang , Wenjuan Yao, Lei Zhou, Xinsheng Huang,Behavioral characteristics in sensing mechanism of the Corti, Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal,2023 ,21:1797-1806, DOI: 10.1016/j.csbj.2023.02.030 (SCI收錄::000992770300001)
(95)Junyi Liang ,Wenjuan Yao ,Niki Karpeta , Wen Xie ,Maoli Duan, Effects of basilar-membrane lesions on dynamic responses of the middle ear, Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 2023, 143(3): 255-261 (SCI收錄: 000954098800001)
(96)J Liang, W Yao, Revealing the contribution of biological activity to the mechanism on basilar membrane of amplification function of sensation , Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023,44(5):823-840. ( SCI收錄:000980926400009)
(97)J Liang, M Wang,J Wang , W Yao.Pathogenic mechanism analysis of cochlear key structural lesion and phonosensitive hearing loss,Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2023 ,DOI: 10.1007/s10237-023-01760-z ( SCI收錄:001043660900002)
(98)L Gao J Liang, W Yao, LZhou, X Huang,Computational mathematics model of Passive spiral cochlea, Acta Phys. Sin. 2023,72(7) DOI:10.7498/aps.72.20221200 (SCI收錄:000985790500007)
(99) Wang J, Liang J, Gao L, Yao W. Study on damage of the macrostructure of the cochlea under the impact load. Proc Inst Mech Eng H. 2023 .Doi:10.1177/09544119231209187 ( SCI收錄:001100738100001)
(100)M Wang,J Wang , J Liang, W Yao. Vibration modes of three-dimensional spiral cochlea covering the organ of Corti,COMPUTER METHODS IN BIOMECHANICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING,2024,DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2024.2313065 ( SCI收錄:001157161400001)
(101)J Wang , J Liang, B Liu,W Yao. Fluid-solid coupling analysis of the whole spiral Organ of Corti, MECCANICA,2024,DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11012-024-01761-x ( SCI收錄:001270480200001)
(102) Zhengshan Zhao, Junyi Liang,Wenjuan Yaoa,The Impact of the Fluid–Solid Coupling Behavior of Macro and Microstructures in the Spiral Cochlea on Hearing , ASME,Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 2024,Vol. 146/ 061001-1,doi.org/10.1115/1.4065043 ( SCI收錄:001209558300003)
(103)Liu B, Liang J, Yao W, Xu C. The Potential Changes and Stereocilia Movements during the Cochlear Sound Perception Process. Mathematics, 2024, 12(16), 2470. https://doi.org/10.3390/math12162470. (SCI收錄:001270480200001)