1、 金屬/氧化物異質結的阻變性能穩定性研究 江蘇省青年基金項目/BK20130576 2013.7-2016.6 20 主持人
2、 基于金屬/氧化物異質結的阻變穩定性能及其機制研究 國家青年自然科學基金/51301084 2014.1-2016.12 25 主持人
3、 高性能電阻開關效應物理機制研究:中國博士后科學基金(一等) 中國博士后科學基金會/0204003186 2012.1-2012.12 5 主持人
到目前為止已在Adv.Mater.、Sci. Rep.、Phys.Rev. B、Appl. Phys. Lett.及其它期刊中發表學術論文30余篇。
1 一種新型貼片式憶容器及其制備方法 顏志波;劉俊明 南京大學 中國專利 2016-04-11 2016-06-15
1. Z. B. yan, H. M. Yau, Z. W. Li, X. S. Gao, J. Y. Dai, and J.-M. Liu
Self-electroforming and high-performance complementary memristor based on ferroelectric tunnel junctions
Applied Physics Letters 109, 053506. (2016 August)
2. L. Li, Y. Liu, J. Y. Dai, A. J. Hong, M. Zeng, Z. B. yan, J. Xu, D. Zhang, D. Shan, S. L. Liu, Z. F. Ren, and J.-M. Liu
High thermoelectric performance of superionic argyrodite compound Ag8SnSe6
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4, 5806. (2016 May)
3. Y. L. Wang, M. F. Liu, R. Liu, Y. L. Xie, X. Li, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
High stability of electro-transport and magnetism against the A-site cation disorder in SrRuO3
Scientific Reports 6, 27840. (2016 June)
4. A. J. Hong, J. J. Gong, L. Li, Z. B. yan, Z. F. Ren, and J.-M. Liu
Predicting high thermoelectric performance of ABX ternary compounds NaMgX (X = P, Sb, As) with weak electron–phonon coupling and strong bonding anharmonicity
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4, 3281. (2016 March)
5. A. J. Hong, L. Li, R. He, J. J. Gong, Z. B. yan, K. F. Wang, J.-M. Liu , and Z. F. Ren
Full-scale computation for all the thermoelectric property parameters of half-Heusler compounds
Scientific Reports 6, 22778. (2016 March)
6. L. Lin, H. M. Zhang, M. F. Liu, S. D. Shen, S. Zhou, D. Li, X. Wang, Z. B. yan, Z. D. Zhang, J. Zhao, S. Dong, and J.-M. Liu
Hexagonal phase stabilization and magnetic orders of multiferroic Lu1-xScxFeO3
Physical Review B 93, 075146. (2016 February)
7. L. Lin, Y. L. Xie, J. J. Wen, S. Dong, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Experimental observation of magnetoelectricity in spin ice Dy2Ti2O7
New Journal of Physics 17, 123018. (2015 December)
8. Y. L. Xie, Z. Z. Du, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Magnetic-charge ordering and phase transitions in monopole-conserved square spin ice
Scientific Reports 5, 15875. (2015 October)
9. Z. X. Lu, X. Song, L. N. Zhao, Z. W. Li, Y. B. Lin, M. Zeng, Z. Zhang, X. B. Lu, S. J. Wu, X. S. Gao, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Temperature dependences of ferroelectricity and resistive switching behavior of epitaxial BiFeO3 thin films
Chinese Physics B 24, 107705. (2015 August)
10. Z. Y. Zhao, Y. L. Wang, L. Lin, M. F. Liu, X. Li, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Manipulation of Dy-Mn coupling and ferrielectric phase diagram of DyMn2O5: The effect of Y substitution of Dy
Journal of Applied Physics 118, 174105. (2015 November)
11. G. H. Wu, X. Li, M. F. Liu, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Enhanced near-band-edge emission from a-plane ZnO thin films on SrTiO3 substrates
Applied Physics A 121, 17-21. (2015 August)
12. Y. L. Wang, M. F. Liu, Y. L. Xie, Z. B. yan, S. Dong, and J.-M. Liu
Manipulating the ferromagnetism in narrow-bandwidth Pr1-xCaxMnO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.6) by means of the Mn-Ru t2g ferromagnetic super-exchanges
Journal of Applied Physics 118, 123901. (2015 September)
13. Y. Zhang, Y. L. Wang, P. Chu, Y. L. Xie, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
The 90o domain splitting and electromechanical behaviors in ferroelectric thin films with triangle anti-dot array
Computational Materials Science 108, 301-308. (2015 March)
14. C. Y. Ma, S. Dong, P. X. Zhou, Z. Z. Du, M. F. Liu, H. M. Liu, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
The ferroelectric polarization of Y2CoMnO6 aligns along the b-axis: the first-principles calculations
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17, 20961. (2015 July)
15. P. X. Zhou, S. Dong, H. M. Liu, C. Y. Ma, Z. B. yan, C. G. Zhong, and J.-M. Liu
Ferroelectricity driven magnetism at domain walls in LaAlO3/PbTiO3 superlattices
Scientific Reports 5, 13052. (2015 August)
16. A. J. Hong, L. Li, H. X. Zhu, Z. B. yan, J.-M. Liu , and Z. F. Ren
Optimizing the thermoelectric performance of low-temperature SnSe compounds by electronic structure design
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3, 13365. (2015 May)
17. Z. B. yan and J.-M. Liu
Resistance switching memory in perovskite oxides
Annals of Physics 358, 206-224. (2015 April)
18. Y. J. Guo, Y. J. Gao, C. N. Ge, Y. Y. Guo, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Soft mode characteristics of up-up-down-down spin chains: the role of exchange interactions on lattice dynamics
Journal of Applied Physics 117, 17C920. (2015 April)
19. S. Z. Li, X. Z. Wang, Z. B. yan, K. F. Wang, H. Li, and J.-M. Liu
Unusual enhancement of multiferroicity in YMn2-xTixO5 due to ferroelectrically active TiO6 oxygen octahedral units
Journal of Applied Physics 117, 17C917. (2015 April)
20. M. F. Liu, Z. Z. Du, Y. L. Xie, X. Li, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Unusual ferromagnetism enhancement in ferromagnetically optimal manganite La0.7-yCa0.3+yMn1-yRuyO3(0≤y<0.3): the role of Mn-Ru t2g super-exchange
Scientific Reports 5, 9922. (2015 April)
21. J. P. Chen, Y. L. Xie, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Tunable magnetic helicity in Mn1-xFexGe: A Monte Carlo simulation
Journal of Applied Physics 117, 17C750. (2015 April)
22. L. Lin, Y. L. Xie, Z. Y. Zhao, J. J. Wen, Z. B. yan, S. Dong, and J.-M. Liu
Enhanced magnetism-generated ferroelectricity in highly frustrated Fe-doped Ho2Ti2O7
Journal of Applied Physics 117, 17D915. (2015 April)
23. P. X. Zhou, S. Dong, Y. L. Xie, Z. B. yan, X. H. Zhou, and J.-M. Liu
Magnetic and ferroelectric orders in strained Gd1/2Na1/2TiO3
Journal of Applied Physics 117, 17C742. (2015 April) Download PDF
24. H. W. Yu, X. Li, Y. L. Xie, Z. B. yan, X. H. Zhou, and J.-M. Liu
Modulated multiferroic phases and electric polarization in Mn1-xRuxWO4+δ
Journal of Applied Physics 117, 17D912. (2015 March)
25. Y. L. Xie, L. Lin, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Magnetic phase transitions and monopole excitations in spin ice under uniaxial pressure: A Monte Carlo simulation
Journal of Applied Physics 117, 17C714. (2015 February) F
26. P. H. Che, Z. B. yan, M. F. Liu, Y. L. Wang, X. H. Zhou, and J.-M. Liu
Abnormal colossal electroresistance in Ru-doped La0.225Pr0.4Ca0.375MnO3
Journal of Applied Physics 117, 17C722. (2015 March)
27. Z. Q. Wang, Z. B. yan, M. H. Qin, X. S. Gao, and J.-M. Liu
Dynamic resistive switching in a three-terminal device based on phase separated manganites
Chinese Physics B 24, 037101. (2015 January)
28. J. X. Wang, Z. B. yan, Y. L. Xie, X. H. Zhou, and J.-M. Liu
Ferroelectricity and competing interactions in Ho-deficient non-stoichiometric orthorhombic HoMnO3
Journal of Applied Physics 117, 17D903. (2015 January)
29. J. J. Feng, W. C. Li, M. H. Qin, Y. L. Xie, Z. B. yan, X. T. Jia, and J.-M. Liu
In-plane magnetization behaviors in the Shastry-Sutherland system TbB4: Monte Carlo simulation
Journal of Applied Physics 117, 17C104. (2015 January)
30. W. C. Li, J. J. Feng, M. H. Qin, Y. L. Xie, Z. B. yan, X. T. Jia, and J.-M. Liu
Phase transitions in classical biquadratic Heisenberg model for strained iron pnictides
Journal of Applied Physics 117, 17E302. (2015 January)
31. P. Chu, Y. L. Xie, Y. Zhang, J. P. Chen, D. P. Chen, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Real-space anisotropic dielectric response in a multiferroic skyrmion lattice
Scientific Reports 5, 8318. (2015 February)
31. X. Li, C. L. Lu, J. Y. Dai, S. Dong, Y. Chen, N. Hu, G. H. Wu, M. F. Liu, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Novel multiferroicity in GdMnO3 thin films with self-assembled nano-twinned domains
Scientific Reports 4, 7019. (2014 November)
32. Y. Zhang, P. Chu, Y. L. Xie, D. P. Chen, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Domain splitting and enhanced piezoelectricity in ferroelectric thin films with square grid structure
EPL 108, 27009. (2014 October)
33. L. Lin, H. X. Zhu, X. M. Jiang, K. F. Wang, S. Dong, Z. B. yan, Z. R. yang, J. G. Wan, and J.-M. Liu
Coupled ferroelectric polarization and magnetization in spinel FeCr2S4
Scientific Reports 4, 6530. (2014 October)
34. X. M. Jiang, Z. B. yan, D. Liu, K. F. Wang, G. C. Guo, S. Z. Li, and J.-M. Liu
Large and Fast Single-Crystal Resistive Humidity Sensitivity of Metal Pnictide Halides Containing van der Waals Host–Guest Interactions
Chemistry an Asian Journal 9, 2872-2879. (2014 October)
35. N. Zhang, S. Dong, Z. M. Fu, Z. B. yan, F. G. Chang, and J.-M. Liu
Phase transition and phase separation in multiferroic orthorhombic Dy1-xHoxMnO3(0≤x≤1)
Scientific Reports 4, 6506. (2014 September)
36. Z. Y. Zhao, M. F. Liu, X. Li, J. X. Wang, Z. B. yan, F. Wang, and J.-M. Liu
Reversing ferroelectric polarization in multiferroic DyMn2O5 by nonmagnetic Al substitution of Mn
Journal of Applied Physics 116, 054104. (2014 August)
37. H. W. Yu, X. Li, M. F. Liu, L. Lin, Z. B. yan, X. H. Zhou, and J.-M. Liu
Electric field control of ferroelectric domain structures in MnWO4
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26, 305901. (2014 July)
38. P. Chu, D. P. Chen, Y. L. Wang, Y. L. Xie, Z. B. yan, J. G. Wan, J.-M. Liu , and J. Y. Li
Kinetics of 90° domain wall motions and high frequency mesoscopic dielectric response in strained ferroelectrics: A phase-field simulation
Scientific Reports 4, 5007. (2014 May)
39. A. J. Hong, L. Li, H. X. Zhu, X. H. Zhou, Q. Y. He, W. S. Liu, Z. B. yan, J.-M. Liu , and Z. F. Ren
Anomalous transport and thermoelectric performances of CuAgSe compounds
Solid State Ionics 261, 21-25. (2014 April)
40. Y. B. Lin, Z. B. yan, X. B. Lu, Z. X. Lu, M. Zeng, Y. Chen, X. S. Gao, J. G. Wan, J. Y. Dai, and J.-M. Liu
Temperature-dependent and polarization-tuned resistive switching in Au/BiFeO3/SrRuO3 junctions
Applied Physics Letters 104, 143503. (2014 April)
41. Z. C. Xu, M. F. Liu, L. Lin, H. M. Liu, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Experimental observations of ferroelectricity in double pyrochlore Dy2Ru2O7
Frontiers of Physics 9, 82-89. (2014 )
42. M. F. Liu, Z. Z. Du, H. M. Liu, X. Li, Z. B. yan, S. Dong, and J.-M. Liu
Enhanced ferromagnetism, metal-insulator transition, and large magnetoresistance in La1-xCaxMn1-xRuxO3 free of eg-orbital double-exchange
Journa of Applied Physics 115, 123904. (2014 March)
43. J. X. Wang, M. F. Liu, Z. Y. Zhao, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Stability of multiferroicity against Dy/Mn off-stoichiometry in DyMnO3
Journa of Applied Physics 115, 17D911. (2014 March)
44. H. W. Yu, X. Li, L. Li, M. F. Liu, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Multiferroic phase stability in non-stoichiometric MnWO4
Journa of Applied Physics 115, 17D722. (2014 February)
45. P. X. Zhou, H. M. Liu, Z. B. yan, S. Dong, and J.-M. Liu
Magnetic properties and electronic structures of (YTiO3)2/(BaTiO3)n superlattices
Journa of Applied Physics 115, 17D710. (2014 February)
46. Z. Y. Zhao, M. F. Liu, X. Li, L. Lin, Z. B. yan, S. Dong, and J.-M. Liu
Experimental observation of ferrielectricity in multiferroic DyMn2O5
Scientific Reports 4, 3984. (2014 February)
47. Y. L. Xie, Y. L. Wang, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Magnetization plateaus of dipolar spin ice on kagome lattice
Journa of Applied Physics 115, 17E122. (2014 January)
48. Y. L. Xie, P. Chu, Y. L. Wang, J. P. Chen, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Wang-Landau sampling with logarithmic windows for continuous models
Physical Review E 89, 013311. (2014 January)
49. X. M. Jiang, Z. B. yan, D. Liu, J. X. Wang, M. F. Liu, G. C. Guo, B. B. Jin, X. G. Li, and J.-M. Liu
Ferroelectric transition in the inorganic supramolecular complex (Hg6P4)(CuCl3)2
Chemistry-An Asian Journal 8(12), 2925-2931. (2013 Sept.)
50. C. L. Lu, S. Dong, Z. C. Xia, H. Luo, Z. B. yan, H. W. Wang, Z. M. Tian, S. L. Yuan, T. Wu, and J.-M. Liu
Polarization enhancement and ferroelectric switching enabled by interacting magnetic structures in DyMnO3 thin films
Scientific Reports 3, 3374. (2013 Dec.)
51. Z. B. yan and J.-M. Liu
Coexistence of high performance resistance and capacitance memory based on multilayered metal-oxide structures
Scientific Reports 3, 2482. (2013 Aug.)
52. Critical exponents of ferroelectric transitions in modulated SrTiO_3:Consequences of quantum fluctuations and quenched disorder 王景雪; 劉美風; 顏志波; 劉俊明 Chinese Physics B 2013/07
53. L. Lin, L. Li, Z. B. yan, Y. M. Tao, S. Dong, and J.-M. Liu
Ferroelectricity of polycrystalline GdMnO3 and multifold magnetoelectric responses
Applied Physics A 112, 947-954. (2012 Nov.)
54. L. Lin, Y. L. Xie, M. F. Liu, Y. J. Guo, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Multiferroicity in Mn-deficient Ca3CoMnO6: the consequence of Fe substitution
Journal of Applied Physics 114(02), 027006. (2013 July)
55. J. X. Wang, M. F. Liu, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Critical exponents of ferroelectric transitions in modulated SrTiO3: consequences of quantum fluctuations and quenched disorder
Chinese Physics B 22(07), 077701. (2013 July)
56. W. C. Huang, L. Huo, J. J. Feng, Z. B. yan, X. T. Jia, X. S. Gao, M. H. Qin, and J.-M. Liu
Dynamic magnetization process in the frustrated Shastry-Sutherland system TmB4
EPL 102, 37005. (2013 May)
57. H. W. Yu, M. F. Liu, X. Li, L. Li, L. Lin, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Stabilized helical spin order and multiferroic phase coexistence in MnWO4: consequence of 4d Ru substitution of Mn
Physical Review B 87(10), 104404. (2013 Mar.)
58. L. Lin, Z. Y. Zhao, D. Liu, Y. L. Xie, S. Dong, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Chemically modulated multiferroicity in Dy-doped Gd2Ti2O7
Journal of Applied Physics 113(07), 17D903. (2013 Mar.)
59. D. Liu, L. Lin, M. F. Liu, Z. B. yan, S. Dong, and J.-M. Liu
Multiferroicity in spin ice Ho2Ti2O7: an investigation on single crystals
Journal of Applied Physics 113(07), 17D901. (2013 Mar.)
60. L. Huo, W. C. Huang, Z. B. yan, X. T. Jia, X. S. Gao, M. H. Qin, and J.-M. Liu
The competing spin orders and fractional magnetization plateaus of the classical Heisenberg model on Shastry-Sutherland lattice: Consequence of long-range interactions
Journal of Applied Physics 113(07), 073908. (2013 Feb.)
61. Y. Y. Guo, Z. B. yan, N. Zhang, W. W. Cheng, and J.-M. Liu
Ferroelectric aging behaviors of BaTi0.995Mn0.005O3 ceramics: grain size effects
Applied Physics A 107(1), 243-248. (2012 Dec.)
62. Z. B. yan, X. C. Zhu, M. Liu, X. M. Jiang, X. F. Jiang, and J.-M. Liu
Repetitive switching behaviour of a memristor for passive crossbar applications
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 45(50), 505107. (2012 Nov.)
63. L. Li, L. Lin, Z. B. yan, Q. Y. He, and J.-M. Liu
Multiferroicity and phase transitions in Tm-substituted GdMnO3
Journal of Applied Physics 112(03), 034115. (2012 Aug.)
64. Y. L. Xie, L. Lin, Z. B. yan, K. F. Wang, and J.-M. Liu
The role of dipole-dipole interaction in modulating the step-like magnetization of Ca3Co2O6
Journal of Applied Physics 111(07), 07E133. (2012 Mar.)
65. L. Lin, Y. J. Guo, Y. L. Xie, S. Dong, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Spin frustration destruction and ferroelectricity modulation in Ca3CoMnO6: Effects of Mn deficiency
Journal of Applied Physics 111(07), 07D901. (2012 Feb.)
66. G. Q. Zhang, S. Dong, Z. B. yan, Y. Y. Guo, Q. F. Zhang, S. Yunoki, E. Dagotto, and J.-M. Liu
Multiferroic properties of CaMn7O12
Physical Review B 84(17), 174413. (2011 Dec.)
67. N. Zhang, Y. Y. Guo, L. Lin, S. Dong, Z. B. yan, X. G. Li, and J.-M. Liu
Ho substitution suppresses collinear Dy spin order and enhances polarization in DyMnO3
Applied Physics Letters 99(10), 102509. (2011 Sept.)
68. Z. B. yan and J.-M. Liu
Anomalous phase separation in La0.225Pr0.4Ca0.375MnO3
Applied Physics A 104(1), 471-476. (2011 Jan.)
69. Z. B. yan, Y. Y. Guo, G. Q. Zhang, and J.-M. Liu
High-performance programmable memory devices based on Co-doped BaTiO3
Advanced Materials 23 (11), 1351-1355. (2011 Feb.)
70. S. J. Luo, L. Li, K. F. Wang, S. Z. Li, X. W. Dong, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Enhanced magnetic and ferroelectric properties of multiferroic CuCrO2 by Ni-doping
Thin Solid Films 518(), 53. (2010 April)
71. C. L. Lu, N. Hu, K. F. Wang, Z. B. yan, and J.-M. Liu
Dynamical transport behavior in electron-doped manganites La0.4Ca0.6(Mn1-xRux)O3
Applied Physics A 100(4), 1211-1215. (2010 June)
72. S. Z. Li, C. Zhu, Z. B. yan, S. J. Luo, K. F. Wang, and J.-M. Liu
Ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism of La0.5Lu0.5Ni0.5Mn0.5O3 thin films on Nb:SrTiO3 substrates
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matters 22(20), 206005. (2010 April)
73. Z. B. yan, S. Z. Li, K. F. Wang, and J.-M. Liu
Unipolar resistive switching effect in YMn1-dO3 thin films
Applied Physics Letters 96(01), 012103. (2010 Jan.)
74. Z. B. yan, K. F. Wang, S. Z. Li, S. J. Luo, and J.-M. Liu
Reversible resistance switching in La0.225Pr0.4Ca0.375MnO3: the Joule-heat-assisted phase transition
Applied Physics Letters 95(14), 143502. (2009 Oct.)
75. S. J. Luo, K. F. Wang, S. Z. Li, X. W. Dong, Z. B. yan, H. L. Cai, and J.-M. Liu
Enhanced ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity in Multiferroic CuCr1-xNixO2
Applied Physics Letters 94(17), 172504. (2009 April)
76. S. Z. Li, Z. B. yan, T. Wei, S. J. Luo, B. Liu, K. F. Wang, and J.-M. Liu
Preparation of epitaxial orthorhombic YMnO3 thin films and the current-voltage rectifying effect
Applied Physics A 94(4), 975-980. (2008 Sept.)
77. Z. B. yan, S. Dong, K. F. Wang, C. L. Lu, H. X. Guo, and J.-M. Liu
Eleectric current-induced relaxations of conductivity in phase-separated La0.5Ca0.5Mn0.95Fe0.05O3
Journal of Applied Physics 104(01), 013916. (2008 July)
1 SOS型多鐵性材料CaMn7O12的制備及其本征鐵電回線的測量 張國泉; 高英杰; 顏志波 2011中國材料研討會 中國會議 2011-05-17
聚焦創新探索 提升阻變性能
然而,串聯在異質結上鐵電薄膜電阻通常很大,縮小了器件高低電阻比值,這意味著需要制備超。<10 nm)或具有較小帶隙(~1.0-2.0eV)的高質量鐵電薄膜以維持較高高低電阻比值。事實上,除了薄膜,人們也可以用無苛刻厚度要求的氧化物材料來替代超薄鐵電薄膜,并利用金屬/氧化物異質結界面載流子的注入與釋放機制來實現高性能非細絲型阻變器件。
在Ag/DyMnO3/Ag/DyMnO3/Pt器件中,他對新鮮樣品不斷進行I-V循環能,從而使器件從簡單的雙極阻變行為演化為特定的雙極阻變行為,它不僅能解決阻變器件中的sneak path問題,還可直接應用于三維堆垛的RRAM器件中。……
來源:科學中國人 2016年第7期