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2、 Liuniu Tong*,Tingting Li, Yichao Wang, Xian-Mei He, Peng Deng, The effects of the growth pressure and annealing conditions on perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of sputtered NdFeCo films on Si(111), J. Alloy Compounds,605, 149–156 (2014).
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5、Jinlian Hu*, Lu Chen, Zichao Lian, Min Cao, Haijin Li, Wenbin Sun, Liuniu Tong, and Haibo Zeng, Deep-Ultraviolet−Blue-Light Surface Plasmon Resonance of Al and Alcore/Al2O3shell in Spherical and Cylindrical Nanostructures, J. Phys. Chem. C116, 15584−15590 (2012).
6、Liu-Niu Tong*, Yi-Chao Wang, Xian-Mei He, Huai-Bin Han, Ai-Lin Xia, Jin-Lian Hu, Effects of hydrogen annealing on the room temperature ferromagnetism and optical properties of Cr-doped ZnO nanoparticles,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials324,1795 (2012) .
7、Yaohui Lv*, Wei Zhang, Jie Tan, Yuanhua Sang, Haiming Qin, Jinlian Hu,Liuniu Tong, Hong Liub*, Jiyang Wang, Robert I Boughton, Dispersion of concentrated aqueous neodymia–yttria–alumina mixture with ammonium poly(acrylic acid) as dispersant, Journal of Alloys and Compounds509,3122–3127 (2011).
8、Ailin Xia*, Chuangui Jin, Dexin Du, Yaxin Sun, Liuniu Tong, Effects of impurity Na+ ions on the structural and magnetic properties of Ni-Zn-Cu ferrite powders: an improvement for chemical coprecipitation method, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 323, 2080-2082 (2011).
9、 Liu-Niu Tong*, Teng Cheng, Huai-Bin Han, Jin-Lian Hu, Xian-Mei He, Yan Tong, Claus M. Schneider, Photoluminescence studies on structural defects and room temperature ferromagnetism in Ni and Ni–H doped ZnO nanoparticles,Journal of Applied Physics108, 023906 (2010).
10、Liu-Niu Tong*, Xian-Mei He, Huai-Bin Han, Jin-Lian Hu, Ai-Lin Xia, Yan Tong, Effects of H2 annealing on ferromagnetism of Ni-doped ZnO powders,Solid State Communications150, 1112 (2010).
11、 Liu-Niu Tong, Huai-Bin Han, Jin-Lian Hu, Xian-Mei He,Effects of hydrogen annealing on structural defects, room temperature ferromagnetism and photoluminescence properties in Zn0.97Cr0.03O nanoparticles, Proceeding of 2010 8th International Vacuum Electron Sources Conference on Nanocarbon, Nanjin, China, (2010), IEEE PRESS.
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13、A. L. Xia*, H. L. Zhang, L. N. Tong, B. S. Han, Lattice mismatch induced weak perpendicular anisotropy in Fe/Co multilayers prepared by direct current magnetron sputtering, Thin Solid Films, 516, 7653-7656 (2008).
14、TONG Liu-Niu, LI Tai, XIA Ai-Lin, Hu Jin-Lian, and Lee Chan-Gyu.Magnetic properties and interface electronic structure for the epitaxial Fe/MgO/Fe(001) single crystal magnetic tunneling junctions. Acta Metallurgic Sinic 《金屬學報》 43, 1166 (2007).
15、Xia Ai-Lin, Cao Jiang-Wei, Tong Liu-Niu, Wei Fu-Lin, Yang Zheng, Han Bao-Shan,Magnetic force microscopy Study of Alternate Sputtered (001) Oriented L10 Phase FePt Films,Chinese Physics Letters. 24, 222-225 (2007).
16、Jinlian Hu, Woong Lee, Weiping Cai , Liuniu Tong and Haibo Zeng, Evolution of the optical spectra of an Ag/mesoporous SiO2 nanostructure heat-treated in air and H2 atmospheres,Nanotechnology 18, 185710 (2007).
17、Liu-Niu Tong, Cai-Lian Deng, F. Matthes, M. Müller, Claus M. Schneider, Chan-Gyu Lee,Influence of MgO overlayers on the electronic states of bct Co(001) thin films grown on bcc Fe(001)/GaAs(001), Phys. Rev. B, 73, 214401 (2006).
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21、Liuniu Tong, Minhu Pan, Jianguo Long, Mu Lu, Xiaoshan Wu, An Hu, Hongru Zhai,Anisotropic magnetoresistance of sputtered Ni80Co20/Fe multilayers,J. Magn. Magn. Matter 226-230, 1749 (2001).
22、M. H. Pan*, J. Chen, J. G. Long, L. N. Tong, M. Lu, J. Du, A. Hu and H. R. Zhai, A 90° ferromagnetic layer coupling in FM/AFM/FM structures, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 226-230, 1817-1819 (2001).
23、Liuniu Tong, He Xianmei, Influence of Anisotropy on Magnetic and AMR of Sputtered Ni80Co20 Alloy Film,Journal of Functional Material 《功能材料》32 (3), 254 (2001).
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1 快速退火對Si/NdFeCo/Cr薄膜微結構與磁性的影響 童六牛; 高成; 何賢美; 李婷婷; 鄧朋 稀有金屬 2015/04
2 材料物理專業定位及課程體系設置的探索 方道來; 童六牛; 夏愛林; 呂耀輝; 胡錦蓮; 孫雅馨 安徽工業大學學報(社會科學版) 2011/03
3 Co_2MnZ(Z=Si,Ge)半金屬Heusler合金原子反位無序的XRD研究 童六牛; 韓懷賓; 鄧彩蓮 安徽工業大學學報(自然科學版) 2008/01
4 磁性隧道結Fe/MgO/Fe(001)的磁性及界面電子結構 童六牛; 李泰; 夏愛林; 胡錦蓮; 李贊揆 金屬學報 2007/11
5 Cu摻雜對Fe/Si多層膜的層間耦合和負磁電阻效應的影響 童六牛; 何賢美 安徽工業大學學報 2001/03
6 感生各向異性對濺射Ni80Co20合金膜的磁及磁電阻性能的影響 童六牛; 何賢美 功能材料 2001/03
7 界面散射對Ni80Co20/M(M=Co,Cr,Ag)多層膜各向異性磁電阻的影響 何賢美; 童六牛金屬學報 2001/05
8 顆粒型Ni/Pb不連續多層膜的鐵磁共振研究 何賢美; 童六牛 安慶師范學院學報(自然科學版) 2001/02
9 真空退火對周期性界面摻雜Ni80Co20薄膜磁性的影響 童六牛; 何賢美; 鹿牧 物理學報 2000/11
10 Co/Pb多層膜的磁垂直各向異性與磁光克爾效應 童六牛; 何賢美; 翟宏如 安慶師范學院學報(自然科學版) 1999/02
11 Co/Pb多層膜的磁電阻與磁光克爾效應 童六牛; 何龍慶; 鹿牧 華東冶金學院學報 1999/01
12 NiCo/Cu多層膜的巨磁電阻與磁光克爾效應 童六牛; 何龍慶; 翟宏如 華東冶金學院學報 1999/01
13 Co-Ag/Ag多層膜的巨磁電阻效應 游彪; 趙宏武; 夏鈳; 杜軍; 童六牛; 鹿牧; 翟宏如; 周仕明; 陳良堯 南京大學學報(自然科學版) 1998/04
14 優化工科大學物理課程的知識結構 葉善專; 童六牛 教學與教材研究 1995/04
15 也談工科大學物理課程改革─—一個容易被忽視的問題 葉善專; 童六牛 教學與教材研究 1994/04