1、祁小樂 參譯,《獸醫病毒學》,中國農業出版社,2015.
2、祁小樂 參編,《獸醫微生物學》,中國農業出版社,2014.
3、祁小樂 參編,《動物病毒反向遺傳學》,科學出版社,2009, 2014.
4、祁小樂 參編,《動物基因工程疫苗原理與方法》,化學工業出版社 2009年05月
1、 Lu Z, Zhang L, Wang N, Chen Y, Gao L, Wang Y, Gao H, Gao Y, Li K, Qi X*, Wang X. Naturally occurring reassortant infectious bursal disease virus in northern China. Virus Research. 2015, 203:92-95.(*通訊作者)
2、 Wang N. Zhang L, Chen Y, Lu Z, Gao L, Wang Y, Gao Y, Gao H, Cui H, Li K, Liu C, Zhang Y, Qi X*, Wang X. Cyclophilin A interacts with viral VP4 and inhibits the replication of infectious bursal disease virus. BioMed Research International. 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/719454. (*通訊作者)
3、 Zhang L, Ren X, Chen Y, Gao Y, Wang N, Lu Z, Gao L, Qin L, Wang Y, Gao H, Li K, Jiang L, Cui H, Liu C, Zhang Y, Qi X*, Wang X*. Chondroitin sulphate N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase-2 contributes to the replication of infectious bursal disease virus via interaction with the capsid protein VP2. Viruses. 2015, 7(3):1474-91. (*通訊作者)
4、 Deng X, Hu F, Qi X*, Gao L, Li K, Gao H, Gao Y, Wang Y Shen N, Hua Y*, Wang X*. Construction and characterization of the recombinant reticuloendotheliosis virus expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein. Arch Virol. 2015, PMID: 26112763.(*通訊作者)
5、 Hu F, Zhao Y, Qi X*, Cui H, Gao Y, Gao H, Liu C, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Li K, Wang X*, Wang Y*. Soluble expression and enzymatic activity evaluation of protease from reticuloendotheliosis virus. Protein Expr Purif. 2015, pii: S1046-5928(15)00149-7.(*通訊作者)
6、 Qi X, Lu Z, Wang N, Chen Y, Zhang L, Gao L, Li K, Ren X, Wang Y, Gao H, Gao Y, Nicolas E, Wang X. Analysis of the function of D279N mutation of VP2 of infectious bursal disease virus. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2015.
7、 Qi X , Qin L, Gao Y, Gao H, Li Y, Gao L, Lu Z, Wang N, Chen Y, Zhang L, Li K, Wang Y, Wang X. Genetic Analysis of the VP2 hypervariable region of thirty-six infectious bursal disease virus Isolates in China. Agricultural Science & Technology, 2015, 8.
8、 Qi X, Chen Y, Ren X, Zhang L, Gao L, Wang N, Qin L, Wang Y, Gao Y, Wang X*. A reassortment vaccine candidate as the improved formulation to induce protection against very virulent infectious bursal disease virus. Vaccine 2014, 32: 1436-1443.
9、 Qi X, Zhang L, Chen Y, Gao L, Wu G, Qin LT, Wang Y, Ren X, Gao Y, Gao H, Wang X. Mutations of residues 249 and 256 in VP2 are involved in the replication and virulence of infectious bursal disease virus. Plos One, 2013, 8(7):e70982.
10、 Deng X#, Qi X#, Wu G, Gao Y, Qin L, Wang Y, Gao H, Wang X. Construction and characterization of the infectious clone of Reticuloendotheliosis virus carrying a genetic marker. Virus Res, 2012, 167(2):146-151. (#Contribute equally)
11、 Qi XL, Zhang LZ, Chen YM, Gao L, Wu G, Qin LT, Wang YQ, Ren XG, Gao YL, Gao HL, Wang XM. Mutations of residues 249 and 256 in VP2 are involved in the replication and virulence of infectious bursal disease virus. Plos One, 2013, 8(7):e70982..
12、 Qi XL, Gao HL, Gao YL, Qin LT, Wang YQ, Gao L, Wang XM. Naturally occurring mutations at residues 253 and 284 in VP2 contribute to the cell tropism and virulence of very virulent infectious bursal disease. Antiviral Res, 2009, 84: 225-233.
13、 Qi XL, Gao YL, Gao HL, Deng XY, Bu ZG, Fu CY, Wang XY, Wang XM. An improved method for infectious bursal disease virus rescue using RNA polymerase II system. J Virol Methods, 2007, 142: 81-88.
14、 Qi X, Gao L, Qin L, Deng X, Wu G, Zhang L, Yu F, Ren X, Gao Y, Gao H, Wang Y, Wang X. Genomic sequencing and characterization of a very virulent strain of infectious bursal disease virus isolated in China. Agricultural Science & Technology, 2011, 12:1950-1953.
15、 Deng X#, Qi X#, Wu G, Gao Y, Qin L, Wang Y, Gao H, Wang X. Construction and characterization of the infectious clone of Reticuloendotheliosis virus carrying a genetic marker. Virus Res, 2012, 167(2):146-151. (#Contribute equally)
16、 Deng X#, Qi X#, Gao Y, Qin L, Gao L, Wu G, Wang Y, Gao H, Wang X. Molecular characteristics of the gp90 gene of 14 Reticuloendotheliosis viruses isolated in China. Agricultural Science & Technology, 2011, 12:1954-1957. (#Contribute equally)
17、 Wang Y#, Qi X#, Kang Z, Yu F, Qin L, Gao H, Gao Y, Wang X. A single amino acid in the C-terminus of VP3 protein influences the replication of attenuated infectious bursal disease virus in vitro and in vivo. Antiviral Res, 2010, 87: 223-229. (#Contribute equally)
18、 Deng XY#, Qi XL#, Gao YL, Wang YQ, Qin LT, Gao HL, Gao L, Wang XM. Development of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for rapid detection of reticuloendotheliosis virus. J Virol Methods, 2010, 168: 82-86. (#Contribute equally)
19、雞傳染性法氏囊病活疫苗(Gt株)對超強毒株HLJ-4和Gx株的免疫保護試驗 宇文延青; 高玉龍; 高寵雷; 祈小樂; 林歡; 王笑梅 中國動物檢疫 2009/06