1.Classification of Charge Density Waves Based on Their Nature, Xuetao Zhu, Yanwei Cao, Jiandi Zhang, E. W. Plummer, and Jiandong Guo, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 112, 2367 (2015)
2.Precise control of LaTiO3(110) film growth by molecular beam epitaxy and surface termination of the polar film, Wentao Li, Yan Liang, Weihua Wang, Fang Yang, and Jiandong Guo, Acta Physica Sinica 64(7), 078103 (2015)
3.Epitaxial growth of cubic and hexagonal SrMnO3 films on SrTiO3(111) and their thermostability,Ruinan Song, Minhui Hu, Xiangrong Chen, and Jiandong Guo, Frontiers of Physics 10, 106802 (2015)
4.Homoepitaxial SrTiO3(111) film with high dielectric performance and atomically well-defined surface,Yan Liang, Wentao Li, Shuyuan Zhang, Chaojing Lin, Chao Li, Yuan Yao, Yongqing Li, Hao Yang, and Jiandong Guo, Scientific Reports 5, 10634 (2015)
5.Effect of polar surface on the growth of Au, Mingshan Xue, Jiandong Guo and Qinlin Guo, RSC Advances, 5, 11109-11114 (2015)
6.Room-temperature ferroelectricity of SrTiO3 films modulated by cation concentration, Fang Yang, Qinghua Zhang, Zhenzhong Yang, Junxing Gu, Yan Liang, Wentao Li, Weihua Wang, Kuijuan Jin,Lin Gu, and Jiandong Guo, Applied Physics Letters 107, 082904 (2015)
7.Origin of the metal-insulator transition in ultrathin films of La2/3Sr2/3MnO3, Zhaoliang Liao, Fengmiao Li, Peng Gao, Lin Li, Jiandong Guo, Xiaoqing Pan, R. Jin, E. W. Plummer, and Jiandi Zhang, Phys. Rev. B 92, 125123 (2015)
8.High resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy with two-dimensional energy and momentum mapping, Xuetao Zhu, Yanwei Cao, Shuyuan Zhang, Xun Jia, Qinlin Guo, Fang Yang, Linfan Zhu, Jiandi Zhang, E. W. Plummer, and Jiandong Guo, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86, 083902 (2015)
9.The roles of reduced Ti cations and oxygen vacancies in water adsorption and dissociation on SrTiO3(110), Wentao Li, Shuming Liu, Shuai Wang, Qinlin Guo, and Jiandong Guo, J. Phys. Chem. C 118, 2469 (2014)
10.Strain-Induced Defect Superstructure on the SrTiO3(110) Surface, Zhiming Wang, Fengmiao Li, Sheng Meng, Jiandi Zhang, E. W. Plummer, Ulrike Diebold, and Jiandong Guo, Physical Review Letters, 111, 056101 (2013)
11.Surface electronic structure and morphology of silver on iron oxide films, S.Wang, S.Liu, J.Guo and Q.Guo, Surface Science, 607, 124 (2013)
12.The reduction and oxidation of Fe2O3(0001) surface investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy, Y.Tang, H.Q, K.Wu, Q.Guo and J.Guo, Surface Science, 609, 67 (2013)
13.Water dissociation on magnetite (001) films, S.Liu, S.Wang, W.Li, J.Guo and Q.Guo, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 14070-14074, 117 (2013)
14.Growth and electronic structure of Ag on polar MgO(111) films, M.Xue, S.Liu, J.Guo and Q..Guo, RSC Advances, 3, 18916-18922 (2013)
15.Reconstructions on SrTiO3(111) surface tuned by Ti/Sr deposition, Jiagui Feng, Xuetao Zhu and Jiandong Guo, Surface Science, 614, 38 (2013)
16.Strong localization across the metal-insulator transition at the Ag/Si(111)-(√3 ×√3 )R30° interface, Tang Yuanyuan and Jiandong Guo, Frontiers of Physics, 1, 44 (2013)
17.Dielectric and insulating properties of SrTiO3/Si heterostructure controlled by cation concentration, Yang Fang, Yang Zhenzhong, Li Wentao, Li Fengmiao, Zhu Xuetao, Gu Lin, Lee H.D., Shubeita S., Xu C., Gustafsson T. and Guo Jiandong, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 56(12): 2404-2409 (2013)
18.Electron-Phonon Coupling on the Surface of Topological Insulators, Xuetao Zhu, Colin Howard, Jiandong Guo, and Michale El-Batanouny, Recent Research Developments in Surface Science, Transworld Research Network (Kerala, India), 2013
19.Surface electronic structure of polar NiO(111) films, S.Wang, S.Liu, J.Guo, K.Wu and Q.Guo, Surface Science, 606, 378 (2012)
20.Cation stoichiometry optimization of SrTiO3(110) thin films with atomic precision in homogeneous molecular beam epitaxy, Z.Wang, J.Feng, Y.Yang, Y.Yao, L.Gu, F.Yang, Q.Guo and J.Guo, Applied Physics Letters, 100, 051602 (2012)
21.Polarity and surface structural evolution of iron oxide films, S.Liu, S.Wang, J.Guo and Q.Guo, RSC Advances, 2, 9938 (2012)
22.Electronic structures of the SrTiO3(110) surface in different reconstructions, Y.Cao, S.Wang, S.Liu, Q.Guo and J.Guo, Journal of Chemical Physics, 137, 044701 (2012)
23.Growth of SrTiO3(110) film by oxide molecular beam epitaxy with feedback control, Jiagui Feng, Fang Yang, Zhiming Wang, Yang Yang, Lin Gu, Jiandi Zhang, and Jiandong Guo, AIP Advances, 2, 041407 (2012)
24.表面物理與表面物理國家重點實驗室 郭建東; 沈電洪 現代物理知識 2012-02-29
25.氧化物表面與界面的新奇性質研究 楊芳; 郭建東 現代物理知識 2012-02-29
26.Reversible transition between thermodynamically stable phases with low density of oxygen vacancies on the SrTiO3 surface, F.Li, Z.Wang, S.Meng, Y.Sun, J.Yang, Q.Guo and J.Guo, Physical Review Letters, 107, 036103 (2011)
27.Surface structural evolution in iron oxide thin films, M.Xue, S.Wang, K.Wu, J.Guo and Q.Guo, Langmuir (letter), 27, 11 (2011)
28.Evolution of the surface structures on SrTiO3(110) tuned by Ti or Sr concentration, Z.Wang, F.Yang, Z.Zhang, Y.Tang, J.Feng, K.Wu, Q.Guo and J.Guo, Physical Review B, 83, 155453 (2011)
29.Atomic structure of Sr-induced reconstruction on the Si(100) surface, J.He, G.Zhang, J.Guo, Q.Guo and K.Wu, Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 083522 (2011)
30.Guided growth of Ag nanoparticles on SrTiO3(110) surface, Z.Zhang, J.Feng, Z.Wang,F.Yang, Q.Guo and J.Guo, Journal of Chemical Physics, 135, 144702 (2011)
31.GaAs nanostructuring by self-organized stencil mask ion lithography, Zhiqiang Zhang, D. Chiappe, A. Toma, C. Boragno, J. D. Guo, E. G. Wang,and F. Buatier de Mongeot, Journal of Applied Physics, 110, 114321 (2011)
32.Direct Determination of the Electron-Phonon Coupling Matrix Element in a Correlated System, Huajun Qin, Junren Shi, Yanwei Cao, Kehui Wu, Jiandi Zhang, E. W. Plummer, J. Wen, Z. J. Xu, G. Gu and Jiandong Guo, Physical Review Letters, 105, 256402 (2010)
33.Catalystlike behavior of Si adatoms in the growth of monolayer Al film on Si(111), J.Teng, L.Zhang, Y.Jiang, J.Guo, Q.Guo and E.Wang, Journal of Chemical Physics, 133, 014704 (2010)
34.Locally probing the screening potential at a metal-semiconductor interface, Ying Jiang, Jiandong Guo, Ph. Ebert, E. G. Wang, and Kehui Wu, Phy. Rev. B 81, 033405 (2010).
35.Mechanism of the band gap opening across the order-disorder transition of Si(111)4´1-In, C. González, Jiandong Guo, J. Ortega, F. Flores, and H. H. Weitering, Physical Reviev Letters, 102, 115501 (2009)
36.Epitaxial Growth of ZnO films on Thin FeO(111) layers, M. Xue, Q. Guo, K. Wu and J. Guo, Journal of Crystal Growth, 311, 3918 (2009)
37.Quintuple-Layer epitaxy of Thin Films of Topological Insulator Bi2Se3, G. Zhang, H. Qin, J. Teng, J. Guo, Q. Guo, X. Dai, Z. Fang and K. Wu, Applied Physics Letters, 95, 053114 (2009)
38.Ordered Ultra Thin ZnO films on Metal Substrate, D. Guo, M. Xue, Q. Guo, K. Wu, J. Guo and E. G. Wang, Applied Surface Science, 255, 9015 (2009)
39.Tuning the termination of the SrTiO3(110) surface by Ar+ sputtering, Z.Wang, K.Wu, Q.Guo and J.Guo, Applied Physics Letters. 95, 021912 (2009)
40.Initial Oxidation and Interfacial Diffusion of Zn on Faceted MgO(111) Films, M.Xue, Q.Guo, K.Wu, J.Guo, Langmuir, 24, 8760-8764 (2008)
41.Tunable Surface Band Gap in MgxZn1-xO Thin Films, M.Xue, Q.Guo, K.Wu, J.Guo, Journal of Chemical Physics, 129, 234707 (2008)
42. 表面人工低維結構的功能設計與構造,郭建東,王恩哥,白雪冬,陳弘,郭麗偉,曹則賢,馬旭村,夏鈳,杜小龍,高世武,物理37,384 (2008).
43. Low Temperature epitaxial growth of pentacene films on Ag/Si(111)-(√3×√3), Jing Teng, Jiandong Guo, Kehui Wu, and E. G. Wang, Surf. Sci. 602, 3510 (2008).
44. Structure versus electron effects in the growth mode of pentacene on metal-induced Si(111)-√3×√3 surfaces, Jing Teng, Jiandong Guo, Kehui Wu, and Enge Wang, J. Chem. Phys. 129, 034703 (2008).
45. Jing Teng, Kehui Wu, Jiandong Guo, and E. G. Wang, Scanning-induced structure transformation between self-assembled phases of pentacene on Ag/Si(111), Surf. Sci. 602, 358 (2008).
46.表面納米結構的自組裝生長, 郭建東,物理37,86 (2008).
47. 完全由電子關聯驅動的Mott型金屬-絕緣體相變研究, 郭建東, 物理37, 71 (2008). (研究快訊).
48. A surface-tailored, Purely electronic, Mott metal-insulator transition, R. G. Moore, Jiandi Zhang, V. B. Nascimento, R. Jin, Jiandong Guo, G. T. Wang, Z. Fang, D. Mandrus, and E. W. Plummer,Science 318, 615 (2007).
49. Temperature and coverage driven condensation of pentacene on the Si(111)-(r3xr3)R30–Ag surface, oJ. Phys.: Condens. Jing Teng, Kehui Wu, Jiandong Guo, and E. G. Wang, Matter 19, 356005 (2007).
50. Reducing the critical thickness of epitaxial Ag film on the Si(111) substrate by introducing a monolayer Al buffer layer, Zhe Tang, Jing Teng, Ying Jiang, Jinfeng Jia, Jiandong Guo, and Kehui Wu, J. Appl. Phys. 102, 053504 (2007).
51. Formation of monatomic Fe chains on vicinal Cu(111) surfaces: An atomistic view,Jiandong Guo, Yina Mo, Efthimios Kaxiras, Zhenyu Zhang, and H. H. Weitering, Phys. Rev. B 73, 193405 (2006).
52. Real-space observation of nanoscale inhomogeneities and fluctuations in a phase transition of a surface quasi-one-dimensional system: In/Si(111), Geunseop Lee, Jiandong Guo, and E. W. Plummer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 116103 (2005).
53. Intertwined electronic and structural phase transitions in In/Si interface, Jiandong Guo, Geunseop Lee, and E. W. Plummer,Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 046102 (2005).
54. A low temperature disordered phase of α-Pb/Ge(111), Jiandong Guo, Junren Shi, and E. W. Plummer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 036105 (2005).
55. Self-Assembled FePt Nanodot Arrays with Mono-Dispersion and -Orientation, Zheng Gai, J. Howe, Jiandong Guo, D. A. Blom, E. W. Plummer, and J. Shen, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 23107 (2005).
56.. Efficient visible photoluminescence from metallic carbon nanotubes in zeolite templates, Jiandong Guo, Chunlei Yang, Z. M. Li, Ming Bai, H. J. Liu, G. D. Li, E. G. Wang, C. T. Chan, Z. K. Tang, W. K. Ge, and Xudong Xiao, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 17402 (2004).
57 超小碳納米管的高效率光致可見發光 李兆明; 郭建東; 楊春雷; 白明; 劉惠軍; 李國棟; 王恩哥; 陳子亭; 湯子康;葛惟昆; 肖旭東 物理 2004-11-12
58. J. D. Guo, C. Y. Zhi, X. D. Bai, and E. G. Wang, Boron Carbonitride Nanojuctions, Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 124 (2002).
59. C. Y. Zhi, J. D. Guo, X. D. Bai, and E. G. Wang, Adjustable Boron Carbonitride nanotubes, J. Appl. Phy. 91, 5325 (2002).
60. X. D. Bai, J. D. Guo, Jie Yu, E. G. Wang, Jun Yuan, and Wuzong Zhou, Synthesis and Field-Emission Behavior of Highly Oriented Boron Carbonitride Nanofibers, Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 2624 (2000).
61. M. H. Kuang, Z. L. Wang, X. D. Bai, J. D. Guo, and E. G. Wang, Catalytically Active Nickle {110} Surfaces in Growth of Carbon Tubular Structures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 1255 (2000).
62. Jiandong Guo, Xucun Ma, Ruwen Zhao, and E. G. Wang, Carbon Nitride Films on Diamond Layers and Their Thermal Behaviors, J. Mater. Sci. 35, 2209 (2000).
63. Jiandong Guo, Yin’an Li, Ruwen Zhao, and E. G. Wang, Structures and Bonding Properties of Carbon Nitride Films Prepared by Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering, Acta Metal. Sinica 35, 439 (1999).
64. Ze-xian Cao, Jian-dong Guo, En-ge Wang, and Feng-qin Liu, Electron-Spectroscopy Study of Amorphous CN:Ti Films, Chin. Phys. Lett. 16, 928 (1999).
65. Minya Ma, Toshihide Tsuru, Tomoya Ogawa, Zhenhong Mai, Chaoying Wang, Jiandong Guo, Xucun Ma, and E. G. Wang, Observation of defects in a C3N4/diamond/Si structure by infrared light scattering tomography, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 11, L191 (1999).
會議論文(Invited talks ):
1. 朱學濤; 曹彥偉; 郭沁林; 郭建東能量/動量二維解析高分辨率電子能量損失譜儀的研制及其應用 中國真空學會2014學術年會論文摘要集 2014-11-07 中國會議
2. Zhiming Wang and Jiandong Guo, “Structure evolution of SrTiO3(110) polar surface upon Sr/Ti concentration”, The international conference on superlattices, nanostructures and nanodevices (ICSNN’2010), Beijing, July 18-23, 2010.
3. Zhiming Wang and Jiandong Guo, “Structure evolution of the polar SrTiO3(110) surface upon Sr/Ti concentration”, The international vacuum congress, Beijing, August 23-27, 2010.
4. Jiandong Guo, “Studies on the reconstruction of SrTiO3(110) surface”, The 15th international conference on solid films and surfaces, Beijing, October 6-9, 2010.
5. Jiandong Guo, “Surface engineering on SrTiO3(110)”, ICAM Workshop on the Emerging Phenomena of Correlated Electron Materials with Broken Symmetry and Spatial Confinement, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, October 27-29, 2010.