2008-2009年,澳大利亞University of Wollongong訪問學者。
1. 民盟江蘇大學委員會副主委。
2. 鎮江市政協委員。
1. 先進能源與環境材料:主要研究各種氧化物、硫化物、石墨烯基納米復合物、配位聚合物等納米材料的控制合成和組裝,研究材料的光電磁性質及其在鋰離子電池、超級電容器、氣體傳感器、電化學催化、光催化等方面的應用。
2. 分子基功能材料:研究分子基磁性材料、多孔貯氫材料等各種新穎配合物的合成和晶體結構,研究材料的磁性和吸附-脫附性能,探討材料結構與性質的構效關系。
1. 國家自然科學基金(51272094)石墨烯/銀系半導體復合光催化材料的構筑及其可見光催化性能,2013.1-2016.12。
2. 江蘇省自然科學基金項目兩項( BK2005056 , BK2009196 )
3. 國家自然科學基金項目三項( 20875039, 20371026, 20571040)
4. 國家自然科學基金重大項目一項( 20391001 )
5. 江蘇省高校自然科學基金( 01KJB150010 )
6. 國家及省重點實驗室開放基金。
1. 有關科研成果獲2005年鎮江市科技進步二等獎(排名第一)和鎮江市第六、七、八和九屆優秀科技論文一等獎。
2. 沈小平教授課題組成功制備了石墨烯與各種金屬、合金、氧化物、硫化物、鐵酸鹽等的復合材料,研究了這類材料在吸附、催化、氣體傳感、鋰離子電池等領域的應用。其中,他們采用簡單的低溫回流方法制備出了結構和形貌可控的石墨烯 (RGO) /Ni納米復合材料,發現該復合材料對于對硝基苯酚(4-NP) 的還原反應具有優異的催化性能。他們首次合成了石墨烯負載的FeNi合金和NiCo合金納米粒子。在合成RGO-FeNi復合物中,他們首次得到了FeNi合金納米花,并發現石墨烯作為基底材料對于FeNi合金納米花的形成起到了關鍵作用。通過定向流動自組裝法,他們將該材料制備成磁性紙片,所得的復合材料顯示軟鐵磁性,使其在磁性存儲、生物分離、水處理和電磁波吸收等領域有潛在的應用價值。他們合成的RGO-NiCo復合物不僅具有鐵磁性質,而且對4-NP的還原具有很好的催化活性,是一種可磁性分離的高效催化劑。他們同時發現了石墨烯對于催化活性和穩定性的促進作用,這使得RGO-NixCo100-x復合材料在催化方面具有潛在的應用價值。
3. 沈小平教授等人首次用一種通用的方法合成了基于石墨烯的各種鐵酸鹽(MnFe2O4,ZnFe2O4,CoFe2O4和 NiFe2O4)復合材料,首次將石墨烯復合材料的磁性,吸附性和光催化性三者結合于一體,將該復合材料設計成高吸附、高催化活性的可磁分離材料。他們發現吸附主要是石墨烯的作用,而光催化性和磁性主要是鐵酸鹽的貢獻。石墨烯的高吸附活性以及MFe2O4納米粒子的磁學和光催化性能使得該復合材料在環境領域有著潛在的應用。另外,通過微波法他們簡便快速地合成了系列化的石墨烯-金屬硫化物(ZnS,CdS,Ag2S和Cu2S)的納米復合材料。該法基于同時生長金屬硫化物納米粒子和還原氧化石墨烯,從而在石墨烯上原位形成無積聚的金屬硫化物納米粒子;并研究了合成參數對硫化物納米粒子在石墨烯上的尺寸、形貌和分布的影響,這在石墨烯負載的復合材料中尚未被研究。
4. 沈小平教授首次提出了一種通過長鏈伯胺的非共價鍵改性將GO從水相轉移到各種有機溶劑中的簡單而有效的方法,并實現了GO在水相和有機相之間的可逆轉移。他們首次通過溶劑熱法合成了基于皺褶石墨烯的復合材料——由Fe2O3納米紡綞體和皺褶的石墨烯納米片結合而成的新型RGO-Fe2O3納米復合物。作為鋰離子電池負極材料,該納米復合物與單獨的Fe2O3納米紡綞體和單獨RGO納米片相比,電化學性能得到顯著提高。與平整的RGO支撐的納米復合物相比,皺褶的石墨烯可以對Fe2O3納米紡綞體起到更多維數的限制,這對于Fe2O3在鋰離子嵌入時的體積膨脹起到了更好的限制作用。該研究為基于皺褶的石墨烯材料的合成和應用開辟了新的領域。在此過程中,沈小平教授首次從實驗上系統研究了不同皺褶程度的石墨烯材料,發現通過簡單的改變溶劑中水、乙二醇的比例可以方便地調控石墨烯的皺褶程度,同時發現不同皺褶程度對于石墨烯的比表面積、吸附和催化性能具有重要的影響。
5. 沈小平教授在功能納米材料的可控合成和性質應用方面的許多新發現,他成功開發出利用單源前驅體的模板基CVD法合成各種氧化物、硫化物和有機物的納米管有序陣列的普適方法,同時在國內外首次對石墨烯無機納米復合材料作了全面的述評。沈小平教授的研究成果受到了國際同行的關注,產生了良好的社會影響,目前已在Journal of Materials Chemistry, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Carbon, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, CrystEngComm, Nanotechnology等國際SCI源期刊發表學術論文150余篇,論文被SCI源期刊引用1600余次,10多篇論文入選ESI高被引論文。目前研究成果獲授權國家發明專利9項。
1. 沈小平,姜雷,吳繼禮。一種親水性石墨烯的制備方法,中國發明專利, 專利號 ZL 2010 1 0187469.2. 授權發文序號:2011121200097670
2. 沈小平,季振源,繆華娟。一種碳酸錳納米棒的制備方法,中國發明專利, 專利號 ZL 2010 1 0158824.3. 授權發文序號:2011082000037500
3. 沈小平,郭麗君,孫吉全。一種合成紡錘狀ZnO納米結構的方法,中國發明專利, 專利號ZL 2010 1 0187478.1. 授權發文序號:2011111700669270
4. 沈小平,張倩。氰基橋聯鉻-錳一維配位聚合物磁性材料及其制備方法,中國發明專利, 專利號ZL 2010 1 0145873.3. 授權發文序號:2011112300195070
5. 沈小平,孫吉全,郭麗君。微波法合成花簇狀ZnO等級納米結構,中國發明專利, 專利號ZL 2010 1 0158804.6. 授權發文序號:2012032800638800.
6. 沈小平,郭麗君。一種氧化銦介孔納米球的制備方法,中國發明專利, 專利號 ZL 2010 1 0518619.3. 授權發文序號:2012033000094810
7. 沈小平,季振源,柏嵩。一種石墨烯/Ni納米復合材料的制備方法,中國發明專利, 專利號 ZL 2010 1 0523516.6. 授權發文序號:2012031300286020.
8. 沈小平,柏嵩,季振源。一種制備親水性石墨烯的方法,中國發明專利, 專利號 ZL 2010 1 0523571.5. 授權發文序號:2012071100308830
9. 沈小平,季振源,柏嵩。一種燃料電池用石墨烯/FePt納米催化劑的制備方法,中國發明專利, 專利號 ZL 2010 1 0523435.6. 授權發文序號:2012071000070100.
已在ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Carbon, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, Nanotechnology等國際SCI源期刊發表學術論文150余篇,論文被SCI源期刊引用4000余次,十多篇論文入選ESI高被引論文。
1 Zhenyuan Ji, Xiaoping Shen*, Hu Zhou, Kangmin Chen, Facile synthesis of reduced graphene oxide/CeO2 nanocomposites and their application in supercapacitors,Ceram. Int., 2015, 41, 8710-8716.
2 Xiaoqing Cai, Xiaoping Shen*, Lianbo Ma, Zhenyuan Ji, Chen Xu, Aihua Yuan, Solvothermal synthesis of NiCo-layered double hydroxide nanosheets decorated on RGO sheets for high performance supercapacitor, Chem. Eng. J., 2015, 268, 251-259.
3 Junling Zhao, Zhenyuan Ji, Xiaoping Shen*, Hu Zhou, Lianbo Ma, Facile synthesis of WO3 nanorods/g-C3N4 composites with enhanced photocatalytic activity,Ceram. Int., 2015, 41, 5600-5606.
4 Hu Zhou, Jun Zhang, Jian Zhang, Xiufen Yan, Xiaoping Shen, Aihua Yuan*, Spillover enhanced hydrogen storage in Pt-doped MOF/graphene oxide composite produced via an impregnation method, Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2015, 54, 54-56.
5 Jinglei Yang, Xiaoping Shen*, Zhenyuan Ji, Hu Zhou, Guoxing Zhu, Kangmin Chen, In-situ growth of Cu nanoparticles on reduced graphene oxide nanosheets and their excellent catalytic performance, Ceram. Int., 2015, 41, 4056-4063.
6 Lianbo Ma, Xiaoping Shen*, Hu Zhou, Guoxing Zhu, Zhenyuan Ji, Kangmin Chen, CoP nanoparticles deposited on reduced graphene oxide sheets as an active electrocatalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 5337-5343.
7 Lianbo Ma, Xiaoping Shen*, Hu Zhou, Zhenyuan Ji, Kangmin Chen, Guoxing Zhu, High performance supercapacitor electrode materials based on porous NiCo2O4hexagonal nanoplates/reduced graphene oxide composites, Chem. Eng. J., 2015, 262, 980-988.
8 Lianbo Ma, Xiaoping Shen*, Zhenyuan Ji, Xiaoqing Cai, Guoxing Zhu, Kangmin Chen, Porous NiCo2O4 nanosheets/reduced graphene oxide composite: Facile synthesis and excellent capacitive performance for supercapacitors, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2015, 440, 211-218.
9 Hongbo Zhou, Yingying Wang, Fangyou Mou, Xiaoping Shen*, Yashu Liu, Low dimensional magnetic assemblies based on MnIII(Schiff base) and/or Mer-tricyanidoferrate building blocks: Syntheses, crystal structures and magnetic properties,Polyhedron, 2015, 85, 457-466.
10 Xiaoping Shen*, Qiang Liu, Zhenyuan Ji, Guoxing Zhu, Hu Zhou, Kangmin Chen, Controlled synthesis and gas sensing properties of porous Fe2O3/NiO hierarchical nanostructures, Crystengcomm, 2015, 17, 5522-5529.
11 Xiaoqing Cai, Xiaoping Shen*, Lianbo Ma, Zhenyuan Ji, Lirong Kong, Facile synthesis of nickel-cobalt sulfide/reduced graphene oxide hybrid with enhanced capacitive performance, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 58777-58783.
12 Lianbo Ma, Xiaoping Shen*, Jun Zhu, Guoxing Zhu, Zhenyuan Ji, Co3ZnC core-shell nanoparticle assembled microspheres/reduced graphene oxide as an advanced electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction in an acidic solution, J. Mater. Chem. A,2015, 3, 11066-11073.
13 Shikui Wu, Xiaoping Shen*, Zhenyuan Ji, Guoxing Zhu, Chaojun Chen, Kangmin Chen, Ren Bu, Limin Yang, Synthesis of AgCl hollow cubes and their application in photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants, Crystengcomm, 2015, 17, 2517-2522.
14 Guoxing Zhu*, Chunyan Xi, Yuanjun Liu, Jun Zhu, Xiaoping Shen*, CN foam loaded with few-layer graphene nanosheets for high-performance supercapacitor electrodes, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 7591-7599.
15 Chunlin Bao, Guoxing Zhu*, Jing Yang, Miaomiao Liu, Rongxian Zhang, Xiaoping Shen*, Small molecular amine mediated synthesis of hydrophilic CdS nanorods and their photoelectrochemical water splitting performance, Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 1465-1472.
16 Junling Zhao, Zhenyuan Ji, Chen Xu, Xiaoping Shen*, Lianbo Ma, Xiansheng Liu, Hydrothermal syntheses of silver phosphate nanostructures and their photocatalytic performance for organic pollutant degradation, Cryst. Res. Technol., 2014, 49, 975-981.
17 Hongbo Zhou, Yingying Wang, Fangyou Mou, Xiaoping Shen*, Yashu Liu, Crystal structures and magneto-structural correlation analysis for several cyano-bridged bimetallic complexes based on MnIII-FeIII systems, New J. Chem., 2014, 38, 5925-5934.
18 Lianbo Ma, Xiaoping Shen*, Zhenyuan Ji, Shuang Wang, Hu Zhou, Guoxing Zhu, Carbon coated nickel sulfide/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites: facile synthesis and excellent supercapacitor performance, Electrochim. Acta, 2014, 146, 525-532.
19 Hongbo Zhou, Yingying Wang, Xiaoping Shen*, Yashu Liu, Aihua Yuan, Tuning the structures of manganese(III) (Schiff base) complexes: Syntheses, crystal structures and magnetic properties, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2014, 423, 115-122.
20 Jinglei Yang, Xiaoping Shen*, Zhenyuan Ji, Hu Zhou, Guoxing Zhu, Kangmin Chen, In situ growth of hollow CuNi alloy nanoparticles on reduced graphene oxide nanosheets and their magnetic and catalytic properties, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2014, 316, 575-581.
21 Zhenyuan Ji, Xiaoping Shen*, Yuling Xu, Guoxing Zhu, Kangmin Chen, Anchoring noble metal nanoparticles on CeO2 modified reduced graphene oxide nanosheets and their enhanced catalytic properties, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2014, 432, 57-64.
22 Yuanjun Liu, Guoxing Zhu*, Jing Yang, Aihua Yuan, Xiaoping Shen, Peroxidase-like catalytic activity of Ag3PO4 nanocrystals prepared by a colloidal route,PLoS One, 2014, 9, 109158.
23 Lianbo Ma, Xiaoping Shen*, Guoxing Zhu, Zhenyuan Ji, Hu Zhou, FeCo nanocrystals encapsulated in N-doped carbon nanospheres/thermal reduced graphene oxide hybrids: Facile synthesis, magnetic and catalytic properties, Carbon, 2014, 77, 255-265.
24 Lianbo Ma, Xiaoping Shen*, Guoxing Zhu, Zhenyuan Ji, Hu Zhou, Ag nanoparticles decorated MnO2/reduced graphene oxide as advanced electrode materials for supercapacitors, Chem. Eng. J., 2014, 252, 95-103.
25 Jixia Zhang, Guoxing Zhu, Xiaoping Shen*, Zhenyuan Ji, Kangmin Chen, alpha-Fe2O3 nanospindles loaded with ZnO nanocrystals: Synthesis and improved gas sensing performance, Cryst. Res. Technol., 2014, 49, 452-459.
26 Yuanjun Liu, Aihua Yuan, Guoxing Zhu*, Chunlin Bao, Rongxian Zhang, Xiaoping Shen, Ag2S-CoS2 hetero-nanostructures: One-pot colloidal synthesis and improved magnetic properties, Funct. Mater. Lett., 2014, 7.
27 Hongwei Lv, Xiaoping Shen*, Zhenyuan Ji, Kangmin Chen, Guoxing Zhu, One-pot synthesis of PrPO4 nanorods-reduced graphene oxide composites and their photocatalytic properties, New J. Chem., 2014, 38, 2305-2311.
28 Yingying Wang, Hongbo Zhou, Xiaoping Shen*, Aihua Yuan, Structures and magnetic studies of two new bimetallic chain complexes constructed by manganese(III)-(Schiff-base) and mer-tricyanidoferrate building block, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2014, 414, 53-58.
29 Yuanjun Liu, Guoxing Zhu, Chunlin Bao, Aihua Yuan*, Xiaoping Shen, Intrinsic peroxidase-like activity of porous CuO micro-/nanostructures with clean surface, Chin. J. Chem., 2014, 32, 151-156.
30 Xiaoping Shen*, Hongbo Zhou, Jiahao Yan, Yanfeng Li, Hu Zhou, Syntheses, crystal structures, and magnetic properties of four new cyano-bridged bimetallic complexes based on the mer-[FeIII(qcq)(CN)3]- building block, Inorg. Chem., 2014, 53, 116-127.
31 Guoxing Zhu*, Chunlin Bao, Yuanjun Liu, Xiaoping Shen*, Chunyan Xi, Zheng Xu, Zhenyuan Ji, Self-regulated route to ternary hybrid nanocrystals of Ag-Ag2S-CdS with near-infrared photoluminescence and enhanced photothermal conversion,Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 11147-11156.
32 Yuan Yan, Feihu Du, Xiaoping Shen*, Zhenyuan Ji, Hu Zhou, Guoxing Zhu, Porous SnO2-Fe2O3 nanocubes with improved electrochemical performance for lithium ion batteries, Dalton Trans., 2014, 43, 17544-17550.
33 Lianbo Ma, Hu Zhou, Xiaoping Shen*, Quanrun Chen, Guoxing Zhu, Zhenyuan Ji, Facile synthesis of Co3O4 porous nanosheets/reduced graphene oxide composites and their excellent supercapacitor performance, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 53180-53187.
34 Yuan Yan, Feihu Du, Xiaoping Shen*, Zhenyuan Ji, Xuexi Sheng, Hu Zhou, Guoxing Zhu, Large-scale facile synthesis of Fe-doped SnO2 porous hierarchical nanostructures and their enhanced lithium storage properties, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 15875-15882.
35 Zhenyuan Ji, Xiaoping Shen*, Yuling Xu, Hu Zhou, Song Bai, Guoxing Zhu, A facile and general route for the synthesis of semiconductor quantum dots on reduced graphene oxide sheets, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 13601-13609.
36 Zhenyuan Ji, Xiaoping Shen*, Jinglei Yang, Guoxing Zhu, Kangmin Chen, A novel reduced graphene oxide/Ag/CeO2 ternary nanocomposite: Green synthesis and catalytic properties, Appl. Catal. B-Environ., 2014, 144, 454-461.
37 Hongbo Zhou, Jiahao Yan, Xiaoping Shen*, Hu Zhou, Aihua Yuan, Low dimensional cyano-bridged heterobimetallic M-FeIII (M = NiII, CuII) complexes constructed from mer-[FeIII(qcq)(CN)3]- building blocks: syntheses, structures and magnetic properties, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 61-70.
38 Jinglei Yang, Xiaoping Shen*, Guoxing Zhu, Zhenyuan Ji, Hu Zhou, ZnNi alloy nanoparticles grown on reduced graphene oxide nanosheets and their magnetic and catalytic properties, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 386-394.
39 Guoxing Zhu, Huan Xu, Yuanjun Liu, Chunyan Xi, Jing Yang, Xiaoping Shen*, Jun Zhu, Jinglei Yang, Platelet-like nickel hydroxide: Synthesis and the transferring to nickel oxide as a gas sensor, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2013, 412, 100-106.
40 Zhenyuan Ji, Xiaoping Shen*, Jinglei Yang, Yuling Xu, Guoxing Zhu, Kangmin Chen, Graphene Oxide Modified Ag2O Nanocomposites with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity under Visible-Light Irradiation, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2013, 6119-6125.
41 Zhenyuan Ji, Jiquan Sun, Xiaoping Shen*, Guoxing Zhu, Low temperature synthesis of spindle-like ZnO nanostructures under microwave irradiation, Cryst. Res. Technol., 2013, 48, 1022-1026.
42 Hongwei Lv, Xiaoping Shen*, Zhenyuan Ji, Dezhou Qiu, Guoxing Zhu, Yongliang Bi, Synthesis of graphene oxide-BiPO4 composites with enhanced photocatalytic properties, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2013, 284, 308-314.
43 Jinglei Yang, Xiaoping Shen*, Zhenyuan Ji, Guoxing Zhu, Reduced graphene oxide/CoSe2 nanocomposites: hydrothermal synthesis and their enhanced electrocatalytic activity, J. Mater. Sci., 2013, 48, 7913-7919.
44 Guoxing Zhu, Yunyun Xiao, Xiaoping Shen*, Qingjing Zhang, Aihua Yuan, Shape and size tunable synthesis of coordination polymer Mn2W(CN)8·xH2O microcrystals through a simple solution chemical route, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2013, 5297-5302.
45 Song Bai, Xiaoping Shen*, Hongwei Lv, Guoxing Zhu, Chunlin Bao, Yuexia Shan, Assembly of Ag3PO4 nanocrystals on graphene-based nanosheets with enhanced photocatalytic performance, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2013, 405, 1-9.
46 Song Bai, Xiaoping Shen*, Guoxing Zhu, Aihua Yuan, Jun Zhang, Zhenyuan Ji, Dezhou Qiu, The influence of wrinkling in reduced graphene oxide on their adsorption and catalytic properties, Carbon, 2013, 60, 157-168.
47 Hongbo Zhou, Qian Zhang, Yuqi Yang, Yan Xu, Hu Zhou, Xiaoping Shen*, Syntheses, crystal structures and magnetic properties of three cyano-bridged trinuclear clusters based on modified hexacyanometalates building blocks, Inorg. Chim. Acta,2013, 402, 97-103.
48 Xiang Xu, Xiaoping Shen*, Hu Zhou, Dezhou Qiu, Kangmin Chen, Facile microwave-assisted synthesis of monodispersed ball-like Ag@AgBr photocatalyst with high activity and durability, Appl. Catal. A-Gen., 2013, 455, 183-192.
49 Zhenyuan Ji, Xiaoping Shen*, Minzhi Li, Hu Zhou, Guoxing Zhu, Kangmin Chen, Synthesis of reduced graphene oxide/CeO2 nanocomposites and their photocatalytic properties, Nanotechnology, 2013, 24, 115603.
50 Xiaoping Shen*, Juquan Sun, Guoxing Zhu, Zhenyuan Ji, Zhixin Chen, Niya Li, Morphological syntheses of ZnO nanostructures under microwave irradiation, J. Mater. Sci., 2013, 48, 2358-2364.
51 Yuanjun Liu, Guoxing Zhu, Junzhi Chen, Huan Xu, Xiaoping Shen, Aihua Yuan, Co3O4/ZnO nanocomposites for gas-sensing applications, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2013, 265, 379-384.
52 Guoxing Zhu, Yuanjun Liu, Chunyan Xi, Chunlin Bao, Huan Xu, Xiaoping Shen*, Xiaolu Zhu, Polymer guided synthesis of Ni(OH)2 with hierarchical structure and their application as the precursor for sensing materials, Crystengcomm, 2013, 15, 9189-9195.
53 Shikui Wu, Chaojun Chen, Xiaoping Shen*, Gang Li, Lina Gao, Amei Chen, Jinfeng Hou, Xingjie Liang, One-pot synthesis, formation mechanism and near-infrared fluorescent properties of hollow and porous alpha-mercury sulfide, Crystengcomm,2013, 15, 4162-4166.
54 Qingjing Zhang, Guoxing Zhu, Xiaoping Shen*, Lei Tong, Zhefei Ye, Kangmin Chen, Coordination polymer micro/nano-crystals: controlled synthesis and formation mechanism in the case of Mn2Mo(CN)8·xH2O, Crystengcomm, 2013, 15, 2909-2915.
55 Song Bai, Xiaoping Shen*, Guoxing Zhu, Hu Zhou, Huan Xu, Guohua Fu, Zhefei Ye, Optical Properties and a Simple and General Route for the Rapid Syntheses of Reduced Graphene Oxide-Metal Sulfide Nanocomposites, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2013, 2, 256-262.
56 Qian Zhang, Hongbo Zhou, Xiaoping Shen*, Hu Zhou, Yuqi Yang, Syntheses, crystal structures and magnetic properties of four cyano-bridged bimetallic alternating chain complexes based on [CrIII(salen)(CN)2]- and [CrIII(bipy)(CN)4]- building blocks,New J. Chem., 2013, 37, 941-948.
57 Xiaoping Shen*, Hongbo Zhou, Qiang Zhang, Yan Xu, Hu Zhou, Syntheses, crystal structures, and magnetic properties of two cyano-bridged CrIIIMII (M = Cu, Ni) bimetallic assemblies with macrocyclic ligands, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2012, 31, 5050-5057.
58 Huan Xu, Guoxing Zhu, Dan Zheng, Chunyan Xi, Xiang Xu, Xiaoping Shen*, Porous CuO superstructure: Precursor-mediated fabrication, gas sensing and photocatalytic properties, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2012, 383, 75-81.
59 Qiang Xu, Xiaoping Shen*, Guoxing Zhu, Liquan Jing, Xiansheng Liu, Kangmin Chen, Magnetically recoverable Bi2WO6-Fe3O4 composite photocatalysts: Fabrication and photocatalytic activity, Chem. Eng. J., 2012, 200, 521-531.
60 Zhenyuan Ji, Xiaoping Shen*, Guoxing Zhu, Kangmin Chen, Guohua Fu, Tong Lei, Enhanced electrocatalytic performance of Pt-based nanoparticles on reduced graphene oxide for methanol oxidation, J. Electroanal. Chem., 2012, 682, 95-100.
61 Guoxing Zhu, Huan Xu, Yuanjun Liu, Qiang Xu, Zhenyuan Ji, Xiaoping Shen*, Zheng Xu, Enhanced gas sensing performance of Co-doped ZnO hierarchical microspheres to 1,2-dichloroethane, Sens. Actuator B-Chem., 2012, 166, 36-43.
62 Song Bai, Xiaoping Shen*, Guoxing Zhu, Minzhi Li, Haitao Xi, Kangmin Chen, In situ growth of NixCo100-x nanoparticles on reduced graphene oxide nanosheets and their magnetic and catalytic properties, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2012, 4, 2378-2386.
63 Song Bai, Xiaoping Shen*, Xin Zhong, Yang Liu, Guoxing Zhu, Xiang Xu, Kangmin Chen, One-pot solvothermal preparation of magnetic reduced graphene oxide-ferrite hybrids for organic dye removal, Carbon, 2012, 50, 2337-2346.
64 Guoxing Zhu, Yuanjun Liu, Zhenyuan Ji, Song Bai, Xiaoping Shen*, Zheng Xu, Hierarchical ZnO microspheres built by sheet-like network: Large-scale synthesis and structurally enhanced catalytic performances, Mater. Chem. Phys., 2012, 132, 1065-1070.
65 Guoxing Zhu, Huan Xu, Yunyun Xiao, Yuanjun Liu, Aihua Yuan, Xiaoping Shen*, Facile fabrication and enhanced sensing properties of hierarchically porous CuO architectures, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2012, 4, 744-751.
66 Song Bai, Shuangqiang Chen, Xiaoping Shen*, Guoxing Zhu, Guoxiu Wang, Nanocomposites of hematite α-Fe2O3 nanospindles with crumpled reduced graphene oxide nanosheets as high-performance anode material for lithium-ion batteries, RSC Adv., 2012, 2, 10977-10984.
67 Yuanjun Liu, Guoxing Zhu, Baolong Ge, Hu Zhou, Aihua Yuan, Xiaoping Shen*, Concave Co3O4 octahedral mesocrystal: polymer-mediated synthesis and sensing properties, Crystengcomm, 2012, 14, 6264-6270.
68 Zhenyuan Ji, Guoxing Zhu, Xiaoping Shen*, Hu Zhou, Chaomin Wu, Min Wang, Reduced graphene oxide supported FePt alloy nanoparticles with high electrocatalytic performance for methanol oxidation, New J. Chem., 2012, 36, 1774-1780.
69 Guoxing Zhu, Chunyan Xi, Huan Xu, Dan Zheng, Yuanjun Liu, Xiang Xu, Xiaoping Shen*, Hierarchical NiO hollow microspheres assembled from nanosheet-stacked nanoparticles and their application in a gas sensor, RSC Adv., 2012, 2, 4236-4241.
70 Xiaoping Shen*, Qian Zhang, Hongbo Zhou, Hu Zhou, Aihua Yuan, Syntheses, crystal structures and magnetic properties of two low-dimensional cyano-bridged CrIII-MnII/III assemblies, New J. Chem., 2012, 36, 1180-1186.
71 Zhenyuan Ji, Xiaoping Shen*, Guoxing Zhu, Hu Zhou, Aihua Yuan, Reduced graphene oxide/nickel nanocomposites: facile synthesis, magnetic and catalytic properties, J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 3471-3477.
72 Song Bai, Xiaoping Shen*, Guoxing Zhu, Zheng Xu, Juan Yuan, In situ growth of FeNi alloy nanoflowers on reduced graphene oxide nanosheets and their magnetic properties, Crystengcomm, 2012, 14, 1432-1438.
73 Guoxing Zhu, Yuanjun Liu, Huan Xu, Yu Chen, Xiaoping Shen*, Zheng Xu, Photochemical deposition of Ag nanocrystals on hierarchical ZnO microspheres and their enhanced gas-sensing properties, Crystengcomm, 2012, 14, 719-725.
74 Song Bai, Xiaoping Shen*, Graphene-inorganic nanocomposites, RSC Adv.,2012, 2, 64-98.
75 Yunyun Xiao, Xiaoping Shen*, Yizhi Li, Tetra-n-butylammonium tricyanido[N-(2-pyridylcarbonyl)pyridine-2-carboximidato]ferrate(III) dihydrate, Acta Crystallogr. Sect. E.-Struct Rep. Online, 2011, 67, M1879-U1895.
76 Yunyun Xiao, Xiaoping Shen*, Yizhi Li, Bis[N-(pyridin-2-ylcarbonyl)pyridine-2-carboximidato-κ3N,N',N'']iron(III) tris(cyanido-κC)[N-(pyridin-2-ylcarbonyl)pyridine-2-carboximidato-κ3N,N',N'']ferrate(III) monohydrate, Acta Crystallogr. Sect. E.-Struct Rep. Online, 2011, 67, M1734-U1656.
77 Song Bai, Xiaoping Shen*, Guoxing Zhu, Zheng Xu, Yuanjun Liu, Reversible phase transfer of graphene oxide and its use in the synthesis of graphene-based hybrid materials, Carbon, 2011, 49, 4563-4570.
78 Guoxing Zhu, Shuguang Zhang, Zheng Xu*, Jing Ma, Xiaoping Shen, Ultrathin ZnS Single Crystal Nanowires: Controlled synthesis and room-temperature ferromagnetism properties, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011, 133, 15605-15612.
79 Heqing Shu, Yan Xu, Xiaoping Shen*, Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Magnetic Property of a cyano-bridged two-dimensional heterometallic assembly [Mn(salen)]2[Fe(CN)5NO]·2H2O, J. Chem. Crystallogr., 2011, 41, 1218-1223.
80 Lijun Guo, Xiaoping Shen*, Guoxing Zhu, Kangmin Chen, Preparation and gas-sensing performance of In2O3 porous nanoplatelets, Sens. Actuator B-Chem., 2011, 155, 752-758.
81 Zhenyuan Ji, Xiaoping Shen*, You Song, Guoxing Zhu, In situ synthesis of graphene/cobalt nanocomposites and their magnetic properties, Mater. Sci. Eng. B -Adv. Funct. Solid-State Mater., 2011, 176, 711-715.
82 Xiaoping Shen*, Zhenyuan Ji, Huajuan Miao, Juan Yang, Kangmin Chen, Hydrothermal synthesis of MnCO3 nanorods and their thermal transformation into Mn2O3 and Mn3O4 nanorods with single crystalline structure, J. Alloy. Compd., 2011, 509, 5672-5676.
83 Zhenyuan Ji, Jili Wu, Xiaoping Shen*, Hu Zhou, Haitao Xi, Preparation and characterization of graphene/NiO nanocomposites, J. Mater. Sci., 2011, 46, 1190-1195.
84 Xiaoping Shen*, Jinglei Yang, Zhenyuan Ji, Jili Wu, Hu Zhou, Guoxing Zhu, Stable aqueous dispersions of graphene prepared with hexamethylenetetramine as a reductant, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2011, 354, 493-497.
85 Jili Wu, Song Bai, Xiaoping Shen*, Lei Jiang, Preparation and characterization of graphene/CdS nanocomposites, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2010, 257, 747-751.
86 柏嵩,沈小平*,石墨烯基無機納米復合材料,化學進展,2010,22,2106-2118.
87 Lei Jiang, Xiaoping Shen*, Jili Wu, Kecheng Shen, Preparation and characterization of graphene/poly(vinyl alcohol) nanocomposites, J. Appl. Polym. Sci.,2010, 118, 275-279.
88 Xiaoping Shen*, Jili Wu, Song Bai, Hu Zhou, One-pot solvothermal syntheses and magnetic properties of graphene-based magnetic nanocomposites, J. Alloy. Compd., 2010, 506, 136-140.
89 Jiahao Yan, Xiaoping Shen*, Hu Zhou, μ-Oxido-bis({2,2'-[o-phenylenebis(nitrilomethylidyne)]diphenolato}iron(III)) methanol monosolvate dihydrate,Acta Crystallogr. Sect. E.-Struct Rep. Online, 2010, 66, M1090-U522.
90 Yan Xu, Heqing Shu, Xiaoping Shen*, catena-poly[[[(2,2'-bipyridine-2κ2 N,N')-μ-cyanido-1:2κ2N:C-cyanido-2κC-tris(methanol-1κO)(nitrato-1κ2O,O')iron(II)yttrium(III)]-di-μ-cyanido-1:2'κ2N:C; 2:1'κ2 C:N] methanol solvate hemihydrate], Acta Crystallogr. Sect. E.-Struct Rep. Online, 2010, 66, M1034-U1605.
91 Xiaoping Shen*, Jiquan Sun, Guoxiu Wang, Park, Jinsoo, Kangmin Chen, A facile single-source approach to urchin-like NiS nanostructures, Mater. Res. Bull., 2010, 45, 766-771.
92 Jili Wu, Xiaoping Shen*, Lei Jiang, Kun Wang, Kangmin Chen, Solvothermal synthesis and characterization of sandwich-like graphene/ZnO nanocomposites, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2010, 256, 2826-2830.
93 Jiquan Sun, Xiaoping Shen*, Lijun Guo, Guoxiu Wang, Park, Jinsoo, Kun Wang, Solvothermal synthesis of ternary sulfides of Sb2-xBixS3 (x = 0.4, 1) with 3D flower-like architectures, Nanoscale Res. Lett., 2010, 5, 364-369.
94 Xiaoping Shen, Guoxiu Wang*, Wexler, David, Large-scale synthesis and gas sensing application of vertically aligned and double-sided tungsten oxide nanorod arrays, Sens. Actuator B-Chem., 2009, 143, 325-332.
95 Shikui Wu, Xiaoping Shen, Baosen Cao, Li Lin, Kecheng Shen, Wei Liu, Shape- and size-controlled synthesis of coordination polymer {[Cu(en)2][KFe(CN)6]}nnano/micro-crystals, J. Mater. Sci., 2009, 44, 6447-6450.
96 Yao, Jane, Xiaoping Shen, Bei Wang, Huakun Liu, Guoxiu Wang*, In situ chemical synthesis of SnO2-graphene nanocomposite as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries, Electrochem. Commun., 2009, 11, 1849-1852.
97 Qian Zhang, Xiaoping Shen*, Hu Zhou, Diaqua(5,5,7,12,12,14-hexamethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane)nickel(II) tetracyanidonickelate(II), Acta Crystallogr. Sect. E.-Struct Rep. Online, 2009, 65, M1141-U1124.
98 Shikui Wu, Xiaoping Shen*, Zheng Xu, Jili Wu, Cuiling Gao, Microrods based on nanocubes of Prussian blue, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2009, 255, 9182-9185.
99 Jiquan Sun, Xiaoping Shen*, Lijun Guo, Kangmin Chen, Qi Liu, Microwave-assisted synthesis of flower-like PbS crystals, Physica E, 2009, 41, 1527-1532.
100 Guoxiu Wang*, Xiaoping Shen, Jane Yao, Jinsoo Park, Graphene nanosheets for enhanced lithium storage in lithium ion batteries, Carbon, 2009, 47, 2049-2053.
101 Yan Xu, Hu Zhou, Aihua Yuan, Xiaoping Shen*, Qian Zhang, A cyanide-bridged Fe-II-Nd-III bimetallic assembly with a one-dimensional ladder-like chain structure, Acta Crystallogr. Sect. C-Cryst. Struct. Commun., 2009, 65, M177-M179.
102 Guoxiu Wang*, Xiaoping Shen, Bei Wang, Yao, Jane, Park, Jinsoo, Synthesis and characterisation of hydrophilic and organophilic graphene nanosheets, Carbon,2009, 47, 1359-1364.
103 Guoxiu Wang*, Xiaoping Shen, Yao, Jane, One-dimensional nanostructures as electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries with improved electrochemical performance, J. Power Sources, 2009, 189, 543-546.
104 Guoxiu Wang*, Xiaoping Shen, Horvat, Josip, Bei Wang, Hao Liu, Wexler, David, Yao, Jane, Hydrothermal Synthesis and Optical, Magnetic, and Supercapacitance Properties of Nanoporous Cobalt Oxide Nanorods, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2009, 113, 4357-4361.
105 Yan Xu, Xiaoping Shen*, Hu Zhou, Heqing Shu, Wenxian Li, Aihua Yuan, Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of a cyanide-bridged FeIII-MnIIIbimetallic chain based on [Fe(bipy)(CN)4]- building block, J. Mol. Struct., 2009, 921, 341-345.
106) Park, Jinsoo, Xiaoping Shen, Guoxiu Wang*, Solvothermal synthesis and gas-sensing performance of Co3O4 hollow nanospheres, Sens. Actuator B-Chem., 2009, 136, 494-498.
107 Guoxiu Wang*, Xiaoping Shen, Yao, Jane,Hydrothermal synthesis of carbon nanotube/cobalt oxide core-shell one-dimensional nanocomposite and application as an anode material for lithium-ion batteries, Electrochem. Commun., 2009, 11, 546-549.
108 Aihua Yuan*, Wenyan Liu, Hu Zhou, Yingying Chen, Xiaoping Shen, Crystal structure and magnetic properties of a copper(II)-octacyanotungstate(V) bimetallic complex coordinated with macrocyclic ligand, J. Mol. Struct., 2009, 919, 356-360.
109 Xiaoping Shen*, Hui Zhao, Heqing Shu, Hu Zhou, Aihua Yuan, Self-assembly of CuS nanoflakes into flower-like microspheres: Synthesis and characterization, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 2009, 70, 422-427.
110 Xiaoping Shen*, Gui Yin, Cuiling Gao, Zheng Xu, Construction and fluorescence of organic nanotube arrays by template-based physical vapor deposition method, Mater. Chem. Phys., 2009, 113, 202-207.
111 Guoxiu Wang*, Bei Wang, Park, Jinsoo, Juan Yang, Xiaoping Shen, Yao, Jane, Synthesis of enhanced hydrophilic and hydrophobic graphene oxide nanosheets by a solvothermal method, Carbon, 2009, 47, 68-72.
112 Xiaoping Shen*, Shikui Wu, Yan Liu, Kun Wang, Zheng Xu, Wei Liu, Morphology syntheses and properties of well-defined Prussian Blue nanocrystals by a facile solution approach, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2009, 329, 188-195.
113 Yan Xu, Xiaoping Shen*, Qian Zhang, Aihua Yuan, Hu Zhou, Cyanide-bridged FeIII-MnIII bimetallic chain derived from [Fe(bipy)(CN)4]-: synthesis, structure and magnetic characteristics, J. Coord. Chem., 2009, 62, 3126-3133.
114 Xiaoping Shen*, Yi Xu, Hu Zhou, Heqing Shu, Aihua Yuan, Crystal structure and magnetic properties of a cyano-bridged bimetallic assembly [CuL4]3[Fe(CN)6]2·2H2O (L4 = 3,10-dibutyl-1,3,5,8,10,12-hexaazacyclotetradecane), J. Mol. Struct., 2008, 892, 58-62.
115 Shikui Wu, Wei Liu, Xiaoping Shen*, Chunyan Shi, Honghong Xu, Synthesis of CdII-4,4 '-bipy coordination polymer nanorods with tunable size and shape, Physica E,2008, 41, 101-105.
116 Jiquan Sun, Xiaoping Shen*, Kangmin Chen, Qi Liu, Wei Liu, Low-temperature synthesis of hexagonal ZnS nanoparticles by a facile microwave-assisted single-source method, Solid State Commun., 2008, 147, 501-504.
117 Xiaoping Shen*, Huajuan Miao, Hui Zhao, Zheng Xu, Synthesis, characterization and magnetic properties of Co3O4 nanotubes, Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process., 2008, 91, 47-51.
118 Hu Zhou, Yingying Chen, Aihua Yuan*, Xiaoping Shen, Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of a new three-dimensional cyano-bridged Ni(II)-Mo(IV) complex, Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2008, 11, 363-366.
119 Aihua Yuan*, Xiaoping Shen, Hu Zhou, Crystal structure and magnetic properties of a three-dimensional complex constructed from [CuL]2+ and [Fe(CN)(6)]3-precursors, Transit. Met. Chem., 2008, 33, 133-136.
120 沈小平*, 趙慧, 劉琦,徐正,水熱法制備Sb2S3納米棒有序陣列,無機化學學報,2007, 23, 1561-1566.
121 Yingying Chen, Hu Zhou, Xiaoping Shen, Haifen Lu, Aihua Yuan*, Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of an octacyanometallate-based 3-D CuII-WIVbimetallic assembly, J. Mol. Struct., 2007, 839, 64-68.
122 Hu Zhou, Aihua Yuan*, Xiaoping Shen, Yingying Chen, Price, David J., Kepert, Cameron J., Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of a three-dimensional cyano-bridged heterometallic complex {NiII(Me6-[14]ane-N4)}2[WIV(CN)8]·6H2O, Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2007, 10, 940-943.
123 Xiaoping Shen*, Shikui Wu, Hui Zhao, Qi Liu, Synthesis of single-crystalline Bi2O3 nanowires by atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition approach, Physica E, 2007, 39, 133-136.
124 Xiaoping Shen, Yizhi Li, Yong Song, Zheng Xu*, Guocong Guo, Single-crystal structure and magnetic behavior of a molecule-based ferrimagnet Mn[Mn0.2Cr0.8(CN)6]·4H2O, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2007, 12, 1698-1702.
125 Aihua Yuan*, Hu Zhou, Yingying Chen, Xiaoping Shen, A novel three-dimensional CuII-MoIV bimetallic complex: Synthesis, crystal structure, and magnetic properties, J. Mol. Struct., 2007, 826, 165-169.
126 Xiaoping Shen, Zhiyuan Jiang, Cuiling Gao, Zheng Xu*, Zhaoxiong Xie, Lansun Zheng, One-step construction of ZnS/C and CdS/C one-dimensional core-shell nanostructures, J. Mater. Chem., 2007, 17, 1326-1330.
127 Xiaoping Shen*, Hu Zhou, Poly[[cyanatocobalt(II)]bis[μ-1,4-bis(1,2,4-triazol-1-ylmethyl)benzene]], Acta Crystallogr. Sect. E.-Struct Rep. Online, 2006, 62, M3548-M3550.
128 Xiaoping Shen*, Aihua Yuan, 1,2-bis(benzimidazol-2-yl)ethane]diisothiocyanatocobalt(II), Acta Crystallogr. Sect. E.-Struct Rep. Online, 2006, 62, M2849-M2850.
129 Xiaoping Shen*, Gui Yin, Wenli Zhang, Zheng Xu, Synthesis and characterization of Bi2S3 faceted nanotube bundles, Solid State Commun., 2006, 140, 116-119.
130 Aihua Yuan*, Xiaoping Shen, Hu Zhou, 5,7,7,12,14,14-Hexamethyl-4,11-diaza-1,8-diazoniacyclotetradecane pentacyanonitrosoferrate(II) dihydrate: a supramolecular compound constructed by hydrogen bonds, Acta Crystallogr. Sect. C-Cryst. Struct. Commun., 2006, 62, M161-M162.
131 Jiang Yuan, Xun Li, Hongjiang Liu, Zheng Xu*, Xiaoping Shen, Xiang Ma, Ziling Xue, Fabrication of monodisperse colloidal array with confinement effects, Chem. Commun., 2006, 1, 75-77.
132 Xiaoping Shen, Yizhi Li, Aihua Yuan, Zheng Xu*, A novel three-dimensional mixed bridging-ligand complex [CuII2(tn)2][FeII(CN)6]·H2O with an unexpected 1,3-diaminopropane bridge, J. Mol. Struct., 2005, 754, 106-110.
133 Aihua Yuan*, Xiaoping Shen, Hu Zhou, Xiaodong Liu, Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic property of a supermolecule (H2teta)2{[Ni(teta)][Fe(CN)6]2}·17H2O (teta = 5,7,7,12,14,14-hexamethyl-1,4,8,11- tetraazacyclotetradecane), Acta Chim. Sin., 2005, 63, 1795-1801.
134 Xiaoping Shen, Aihua Yuan, Yingmo Hu, Yu Jiang, Zheng Xu, Hu Zhou, Fabrication, characterization and field emission properties of large-scale uniform ZnO nanotube arrays, Nanotechnology, 2005, 16, 2039-2043.
135 Xiaoping Shen*, Min Han, Jianming Hong, Ziling(Ben) Xue, and Zheng Xu, Template-based CVD synthesis of ZnS nanotube arrays, Chem. Vapor Depos., 2005, 11, 250-253.
136 Xiaoping Shen, Hongjiang Liu,Xin Fan, Yuan Jiang, Jianming Hong, Zheng Xu*, Construction and photoluminescence of In2O3 nanotube array by CVD-template method, J. Cryst. Growth, 2005, 276, 471-477.
137 Xiaoping Shen, Aihua Yuan, Fei Wang, Jianming Hong, Zheng Xu*, Fabrication of well-aligned CdS nanotubes by CVD-template method, Solid State Commun., 2005, 133, 19-22.
138 Xie Chi*, Wei Wang, Jianzhong Zou, Hongli Liu, Xiaoping Shen, Baolong Li, Huaiming Hu, Zheng Xu, Template self-assembly of cyano-bridged supramolecular complexes {[Cu(en)2][KM(CN)6]}n (M = CrIII, FeIII, CoIII), J. Coord. Chem., 2004, 57, 1519-1527.
139 Xiaoping Shen, Hongjiang Liu, Li Pan, Kangmin Chen, Jianming Hong, Zheng Xu*, An efficient template pathway to synthesis of ordered metal oxide nanotube arrays using metal acetylacetonates as single-source molecular precursors, Chem. Lett., 2004, 33, 1128-1129.
140 Xiaoping Shen*, Aihua Yuan, Bis(N,N-dimethylformamide-κ O)bis[1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-benzoyl-1H-pyrazol-5(4H)-onato-κ2O,O']nickel(II), Acta Crystallogr. Sect. E.-Struct Rep. Online, 2004, 60, M1228-M1230.
141 Xiaoping Shen*, Aihua Yuan, cis-dibromobis(1,10-phenanthroline)manganese(II), Acta Crystallogr. Sect. E.-Struct Rep. Online, 2004, 60, M1074-M1075.
142 Xiaoping Shen, Zheng Xu*, Aihua Yuan, Zixiang Huang, Syntheses, crystal structures and magnetic properties of two cyano-bridged two-dimensional assemblies [Fe(salpn)]2[Fe(CN)5NO] and [Fe(salpn)](2)[Ni(CN)(4)], Transit. Met. Chem., 2004, 29, 100-106.
143 Xiaoping Shen, Song Gao, Gui Yin, Kaibei Yu, Zheng Xu*, Crystal structure and magnetic behavior of a three-dimensional cyano-bridged assembly [CuL1]2[Cr(CN)6]ClO4×0.5H2O (L1 = 3,10-dipropyl-1,3,5,8,10,12- hexaazacyclotetradecane), New J. Chem., 2004, 28, 996-999.
144 Aihua Yuan*, Xiaoping Shen, Kaibei Yu, Lude Lu, Wei Zhou, Juanjuan Zhou, Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of a cyano-bridged two-dimensional coordination polymer {[Fe(salen)]2[Ni(CN)4]}n, Acta Chim. Sin., 2003, 61, 1603-1607.
145 Xiaoping Shen, Baolong Li, Jianzhong Zou, Huanming Hu, Zheng Xu*, The first cyano-bridged heptanuclear Mn(III)6Fe(III) cluster: crystal structure and magnetic properties of [{Mn(salen)H2O}6Fe(CN)6][Fe(CN)6]·6H2O, J. Mol. Struct., 2003, 657, 325-331.
146 Aihua Yuan, Lude Lu*, Xiaoping Shen, Lizhaung Chen, Kaibei Yu, Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of a two-dimensional mixed-valence assembly [Fe(salen)]2[Fe(CN)5NO], Transit. Met. Chem., 2003, 28, 163-167.
147 Xiaoping Shen, Jianzhong Zou, Baolong Li, Huaiming Hu, Zheng Xu, A novel self-assembled supramolecular complex {[CuII(en)2·H2O][CuI2(CN)4]}n with honeycomb-like structure and its adsorption properties, Chin. J. Chem., 2002, 20, 1472-1476.
148 Baolong Li, Xiaoping Shen, Kaibei Yu, Zheng Xu*, Synthesis, structure and characterization of the cyano-bridged heteropolymer poly{[bis(trimethylene-diamine)copper(II)][hexacyanocobalt(III)]} perchlorate dihydrate with a two-dimensional framework, J. Coord. Chem., 2002, 55, 1191-1198.
149 Minqiang He, Xiaoping Shen, Wenli Zhang, Yunlong Wu, Xiaonong Cheng, Yunpeng Yu, Synthesis and crystal structure of Co[(C6H11O)2PS2]2·2Py, Chin. J. Inorg. Chem., 2002, 18, 739-743.
150 Xiaoping Shen, Baolong Li, Jianzhong Zou, Zheng Xu*, Yunpeng Yu, Shixiong Liu, Crystal structure of a cyanide-bridged heptanuclear manganese(III)-chromium(III) complex with a ground state S = 21/2, Transit. Met. Chem., 2002, 27, 372-376.
151 Aihua Yuan*, Xiaoping Shen, Qiangjun Wu, Zixiang Huang, Zheng Xu, Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of a two-dimensional heterometallic assembly [Mn(salen)]2[Ni(CN)4]·1/2H2O, J. Coord. Chem., 2002, 55, 411-420.
152 Baolong Li, Xiaoping Shen, Jianzhong Zou, Zheng Xu*, Kaibei Yu, A three-dimensional porous framework complex, poly[[bis(ethylenediamine)copper(II)] [potassium hexacyanocobalt(III)]], Acta Crystallogr. Sect. C-Cryst. Struct. Commun., 2001, 57, 1242-1244.
153 Xiaoping Shen*, Aihua Yuan, Qiangjun Wu, Zixiang Huang, Zheng Xu, Yunpeng Yu, A new two-dimensional cyano-bridged chromium(III)-nickel(II) bimetallic assembly with stair-like layers, Chin. J. Chem., 2001, 19, 627-629.
154 Yong Wu, Xiaoping Shen, Chunying Duan, Yongjiang Liu, Zheng Xu*, New double-1,2-amide-bridged calix[4]arenes by aminolysis of calix[4]arene esters,Tetrahedron Lett., 1999, 40, 5749-5752.
1 高校無機化學教學中大學生科研潛質的培養 周紅波; 朱國興; 沈小平; 劉雅淑 教育教學論壇 2014/2/19
2 醫學院無機化學教學的幾點思考 優先出版 朱國興; 周紅波; 沈小平 教育教學論壇 2012/10/17 20:27
3 MIL-101/氧化石墨烯復合材料的制備、表征與儲氫性能 劉曉慶; 周虎; 張穎; 劉元君; 袁愛華; 沈小平 中國化學會第28屆學術年會第5分會場摘要集 2012/4/13
4 分等級氧化物微球:制備及其氣體傳感性能 朱國興; 徐歡; 劉元君; 沈小平 中國化學會第28屆學術年會第4分會場摘要集 2012/4/13
5 石墨烯基無機納米復合材料 柏嵩; 沈小平 化學進展 2010/11/24
6 水熱法制備Sb_2S_3納米棒有序陣列 沈小平; 趙慧; 劉琦; 徐正 無機化學學報 2007/9/10
7 硫化鋅納米線的合成和表征 沈小平; 趙慧; 武世奎 功能材料與器件學報 2007/6/25
8 單源化學氣相沉積法制備In_2O_3納米線 沈小平; 趙慧; 武世奎 江蘇大學學報(自然科學版) 2007/5/10
9 一維納米結構材料制備方法的研究進展 袁愛華; 汪萍; 沈小平 化學研究與應用 2006/2/28
10 氰基橋聯配合物的研究進展 袁愛華; 周虎; 沈小平 化學研究與應用 2005/10/28
11 (H_2teta)_2{[Ni(teta)][Fe(CN)_6]_2}•17H_2O(teta=5,7,7,12,14,14-Hexa-methyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane)超分子化合物的合成、晶體結構和磁性質研究 袁愛華; 沈小平; 周虎; 陸路德 化學學報 2005/10/15
12 WS_2納米管的制備和微摩擦行為的研究 顏科紅; 李長生; 范真; 沈小平; 姜廷順; 陳康敏 2004年材料科學與工程新進展 2004/11/1
14 新型雙-1,2-酰胺橋聯杯[4]芳烴對堿金屬苦味酸鹽的加合性質 舒和慶; 張蓉仙; 沈小平 江蘇大學學報(自然科學版) 2004/3/30
15 三維氰基橋聯Cu(I)配位聚合物的模板合成和晶體結構 張蓉仙; 馬敏; 董振益; 沈小平 化學研究與應用 2003/10/28
16 新型氰基橋聯二維配位聚合物{[Fe(salen)]_2[Ni(CN)_4]}_n的合成、晶體結構和磁性質 袁愛華; 沈小平; 郁開北; 陸路德; 周偉; 鐘娟娟 化學學報 2003/10/20
17 Co[C6H11O2PS2]2•2Py的合成和晶體結構 賀敏強; 沈小平; 張文莉; 吳云龍; 程曉農; 俞運鵬 無機化學學報 2002/7/1
18 [CuC8H4F3O2S2(C12H8N2)]•C3H6O的合成及其晶體結構 張文莉; 沈小平; 賀敏強; 俞運鵬; 徐正 理化檢驗(化學分冊) 2002/1/28
19 雙核銅配合物{Cu[μ-S2PC2H5O2](C10H8N2)}2的合成和晶體結構 張文莉; 沈小平; 賀敏強; 俞運鵬; 徐正 無機化學學報 2001/3/20
20 1,1,2,2-四乙酰基乙烷陰離子(TAE2-)橋聯的鄰菲咯啉雙核銅配合物的合成結構和磁性 沈小平; 鄒建忠; 查正根; 段春迎; 徐正 無機化學學報 1999/11/15
21 氰基橋聯鉻(Ⅲ)-鎳(Ⅱ)和鉻(Ⅲ)-銅(Ⅱ)多核配合物的合成、表征和磁性質研究(英文) 沈小平; 袁愛華; 徐正; 鄒建忠; 俞運鵬 蘇州大學學報(自然科學) 1999/10/10
22 若干1,1,2,2-四乙酰基乙烷陰離子(TAE2-)橋聯的聯吡啶雙核銅配合物的合成,結構和磁性 沈小平; 鄒建忠; 查正根; 徐正; YipBoonChuan; FunHoongKunc 無機化學學報 1999/9/15
11月29-30日, “長沙礦冶研究院-江蘇大學電池材料技術發展研討會” 在江蘇大學新材料研究院成功舉行。中國五礦•長沙礦冶研究院有限責任公司(金瑞新材料科技股份有限公司)肖可頌總工程師、長沙礦冶研究院有限責任公司首席專家習小明教授及長遠鋰科胡柳泉總經理等一行10人、與江蘇大學新材料研究院沈湘黔教授團隊23人就鋰電池材料的發展、機遇與挑戰進行了廣泛深入的交流。
來源:江蘇大學材料科學與工程學院 2014-12-1
來源:江蘇大學化學化工學院 2014-10-28
1. 被評為江蘇大學優秀教師。
1. 獲2005年鎮江市科技進步二等獎(排名第一)。
2. 獲鎮江市第六、七、八和九屆優秀科技論文一等獎。
沈小平教授1992年碩士畢業于蘇州大學物理化學專業,2005年博士畢業于南京大學無機化學專業,2008年至2009年在澳大利亞University of Wollongong作高級訪問學者,現為江蘇大學教授、博士生導師、化學系主任、民盟江蘇大學委員會副主委。多年來,沈小平教授秉承“踏實做事,老實做人”的原則,默默耕耘在高校教學、科研的第一線。教學中兢兢業業,為國家培養了一批批優秀人才;科研中立足于先進功能材料的研究,在石墨烯等納米材料的研究中取得了一系列重要進展。
立足前沿 沉下心來搞創新
一方面,沈小平教授課題組成功制備了石墨烯與各種金屬、合金、氧化物、硫化物、鐵酸鹽等的復合材料,研究了這類材料在吸附、催化、氣體傳感、鋰離子電池等領域的應用。其中,他們采用簡單的低溫回流方法制備出了結構和形貌可控的石墨烯 (RGO) /Ni納米復合材料,發現該復合材料對于對硝基苯酚(4-NP) 的還原反應具有優異的催化性能。他們首次合成了石墨烯負載的FeNi合金和NiCo合金納米粒子。在合成RGO-FeNi復合物中,他們首次得到了FeNi合金納米花,并發現石墨烯作為基底材料對于FeNi合金納米花的形成起到了關鍵作用。通過定向流動自組裝法,他們將該材料制備成磁性紙片,所得的復合材料顯示軟鐵磁性,使其在磁性存儲、生物分離、水處理和電磁波吸收等領域有潛在的應用價值。他們合成的RGO-NiCo復合物不僅具有鐵磁性質,而且對4-NP的還原具有很好的催化活性,是一種可磁性分離的高效催化劑。他們同時發現了石墨烯對于催化活性和穩定性的促進作用,這使得RGO-NixCo100-x復合材料在催化方面具有潛在的應用價值。
其次,沈小平教授等人首次用一種通用的方法合成了基于石墨烯的各種鐵酸鹽(MnFe2O4,ZnFe2O4,CoFe2O4和 NiFe2O4)復合材料,首次將石墨烯復合材料的磁性,吸附性和光催化性三者結合于一體,將該復合材料設計成高吸附、高催化活性的可磁分離材料。他們發現吸附主要是石墨烯的作用,而光催化性和磁性主要是鐵酸鹽的貢獻。石墨烯的高吸附活性以及MFe2O4納米粒子的磁學和光催化性能使得該復合材料在環境領域有著潛在的應用。另外,通過微波法他們簡便快速地合成了系列化的石墨烯-金屬硫化物(ZnS,CdS,Ag2S和Cu2S)的納米復合材料。該法基于同時生長金屬硫化物納米粒子和還原氧化石墨烯,從而在石墨烯上原位形成無積聚的金屬硫化物納米粒子;并研究了合成參數對硫化物納米粒子在石墨烯上的尺寸、形貌和分布的影響,這在石墨烯負載的復合材料中尚未被研究。
天道酬勤 踏踏實實做學問
上述中我們看到,沈小平教授在功能納米材料的可控合成和性質應用方面的許多新發現,他成功開發出利用單源前驅體的模板基CVD法合成各種氧化物、硫化物和有機物的納米管有序陣列的普適方法,同時在國內外首次對石墨烯無機納米復合材料作了全面的述評。沈小平教授的研究成果受到了國際同行的關注,產生了良好的社會影響,目前已在Journal of Materials Chemistry, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Carbon, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, CrystEngComm, Nanotechnology等國際SCI源期刊發表學術論文110余篇,論文被SCI源期刊引用1600余次,7篇論文入選ESI高被引論文。目前研究成果獲授權國家發明專利9項。
三尺講臺 傳道授業不倦怠
來源:科學中國人 2013年第7期