14.Zhou Qixing. 2000. Application of biotechniques to water purification: Principles and methods. IN: Water Management, Purification, and Conservation in Arid Climates (Goosen FA, Shayya WH, eds.), Lancaster: Technomic Publishing Co., INC., pp31-44
15.Liu Jianv, Zhou Qixing, et al. 2006. Potential analysis of ornamental plant resources applied to contaminated soil remediation. IN: Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology: Advances and Topical Issues (Volume III). Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva (Ed.). Global Science Books, London, UK, pp245-252
85 Culture techniques and growth characteristics of Dinophysis acuminata and its prey 佟蒙蒙; 周啟星; KULIS M.David; 江天久; 齊雨藻; ANDERSON M.Donald Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 2010-11-15
1. Sun Xiaoyin, Zhou Qixing*, Wang Yingying, Ren Wenjie. 2013. Influence of hydro-geomorphology, land-use and riparian zones characteristics on herbicides occurrence and distribution in sediments in the Songhua River Basin, northeastern China. Geoderma, 193-194: 156-164
2. Li Wei, Nanaboina Venkateswarlu, Zhou Qixing*, Korshin GV. 2013. Changes of excitation/emission matrixes of wastewater caused by Fenton- and Fenton-like treatment and their associations with the generation of hydroxyl radicals, oxidation of effluent organic matter and degradation of trace-level organic pollutants. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 244-245: 698-708
3. Li Xuefeng, Zhou Qixing*, Luo Yi, Yang Guang, Zhou Tong. 2013. Joint action and lethal levels of toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene on midge (Chironomus plumosus) larvae. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20(2): 957-966
4. Mu Li, Hu Xiangang, Wen Jianping*, Zhou Qixing*. 2013. Robust aptamer sol-gel solid phase microextraction of very polar adenosine from human plasma. Journal of Chromatography A, 1279: 7-12
5. Sun Yuebing, Xu Yingming, Zhou Qixing*, Wang Lin, Lin Dasong, Liang Xuefeng. 2013. The potential of gibberellic acid 3 (GA3) and Tween-80 induced phytoremediation of co-contamination of Cd and Benzoa.pyrene (Ba.P) using Tagetes patula. Journal of Environmental Management, 114(1): 202-208
6. Zhou Qixing*, Diao Chunyan, Sun Yuebing, Zhou Junliang. 2012. Tolerance, uptake and removal of nitrobenzene by a newly-found remediation species Mirabilis jalapa L. Chemosphere, 86(10): 994-1000
7. Chen Fang, Gao Jie, Zhou Qixing*. 2012. Toxicity assessment of simulated urban runoff containing polycyclic musks and cadmium in Carassius auratus using oxidative stress biomarkers. Environmental Pollution, 162(1): 91-97
8. Hu Xiangang, Tulsieram Kurt Lomas, Zhou Qixing*, Mu Li, Wen Jianping. 2012. Polymeric nanoparticle-aptamer bioconjugates can diminish the toxicity of mercury in vivo. Toxicology Letters, 208(1): 69-74
9. Hu Xiangang, Mu Li, Wen Jianping, Zhou Qixing*. 2012. Immobilized smart RNA on graphene oxide nanosheets to specifically recognize and adsorb trace peptide toxins in drinking water. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 213-214: 387-392
10. Hu Xiangang, He Kangxin, Zhou Qixing*. 2012. Occurrence, accumulation, attenuation and priority of typical antibiotics in sediments based on long-term field and modeling studies. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 225-226: 91-98
11. Xiong Hongxia, Zhou Qixing*. 2012. Cellular and molecular damage of Phanerochaete chrysosporium by the oxidation hair dyes. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 19(6): 2172-2178
12. Zheng Shimei, Zhou Qixing*, Gao Jie, Xiong Hongxia, Chen Cuihong. 2012. Behavioral alteration and DNA damage of freshwater snail Bellamya aeruginosa stressed by ethylbenzene and its tissue residue. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 81(1): 43-48
13. Li Xuhui, Zhou Qixing*, Wei Shuhe, Ren Wenjie. 2012. Identification of cadmium-excluding welsh onion (Allium fistulosum L.) cultivars and their mechanisms of low cadmium accumulation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 19(5): 1773-1780
14. Dong Luxi, Gao Jie, Xie Xiujie, Zhou Qixing*. 2012. DNA damage and biochemical toxicity of two tetracycline antibiotics in soil on the earthworm Eisenia fetida. Chemosphere, 89(1): 44-51
15. Liu Shuo, Zhou Qixing*, Chen Chun. 2012. Antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation in earthworm Eisenia fetida exposed to galaxolide. Environmental Toxicology, 27(8): 472-479
16. Lin Dasong, Zhou Qixing*, Xu Yingming, Chen Chun, Li Ye. 2012. Physiological and molecular responses of the earthworm (Eisenia fetida) to soil chlortetracycline contamination. Environmental Pollution, 171(1): 46-51
17. Liu Wan*, Sun Lizhong, Zhong Ming, Zhou Qixing*, Gong Zongqiang, Li Peijun, Tai Peidong, Li Xiaojun. 2012. Cadmium-induced DNA damage and mutations in Arabidopsis plantlet shoots identified by DNA fingerprinting. Chemosphere, 89(9): 1048-1055
18. Lin Dasong, Xie Xiujie, Zhou Qixing*, Liu Yao. 2012. Assessment of biochemical and genotoxic effect of triclosan on the earthworm (Eisenia foetida) using contact and soil tests. Environmental Toxicology, 27(7): 385-392
19. Peng Xinhong, Yu Hongbing*, Wang Xin*, Zhou Qixing, Zhang Shijia, Geng Lijuan, Sun Jingwen, Cai Zhang. 2012. Enhanced performance and capacitance behavior of anode by rolling Fe3O4 into activated carbon in microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology, 121: 450-453
20. Dong Heng, Yu Hongbing, Wang Xin, Zhou Qixing, Feng Junli. 2012. A novel structure of scalable air-cathode without Nafion and Pt by rolling activated carbon and PTFE as catalyst layer in microbial fuel cells. Water Research, 46(17): 5777-5787
21. Liu Rui, Jadeja R. N., Zhou Qixing*, Liu Zhe. 2012. Effective treatment and remediation of petroleum contaminated soils using selective ornamental plants. Environmental Engineering Science, 29(6): 494-501
22. Zhou Qixing*, Cai Zhang, Zhang Zhineng, Liu Weitao. 2011. Ecological remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soils with weed plants. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2(2): 97-105
23. Zhou Qixing*, An Jing. 2011. Pollution ecology of terrestrial ecosystems: pollution-ecological processes and ecotoxicological effects. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 1(1): 14-26
24. Li Xuhui, Zhou Qixing*, Wei Shuhe, Ren Wenjie, Sun Xiaoyin. 2011. Adsorption/desorption of carbendazim and cadmium on two typical soils as affected by temperature in northeastern China. Geoderma, 160(3-4): 347-354
25. Li Yaning, Zhou Qixing*, Wang Yingying, Xie Xiujie. 2011. Fate of tetrabromobisphenol A and hexabromocyclododecane brominated flame retardants in soil. Chemosphere, 82(2): 204-209
26. Tang Jingchun*, Wang Min, Zhou Qixing, Nagata Shinichi. 2011. Improved composting of Undaria pinnatifida seaweed by inoculation with Halomonas and Gracilibacillus sp. isolated from marine environments. Bioresource Technology, 102(3): 2925-2930
27. Zhang Aiyong, Zhou Minghua*, Zhou Qixing**. 2011. A combined photocatalytic determination system for chemical oxygen demand with a highly oxidative reagent. Analytica Chimica Acta, 686(1-2): 133-143
28. Tong Mengmeng, Kulis David M., Fux Elie, Smith Juliette L., Hess Philipp, Zhou Qixing*, Anderson Donald M. 2011. The effects of growth phase and light intensity on toxin production by Dinophysis acuminata from the northeastern United States. Harmful Algae, 10(3): 254-264
29. Zhang Aiyong, Zhou Minghua*, Han Lu, Zhou Qixing**. 2011. The combination of rotating disk photocatalytic reactor and TiO2 nanotube arrays for environmental pollutants removal. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 186(2-3): 1374-1383
30. Sun Yuebing, Zhou Qixing*, Xu Yingming**, Wang Lin, Liang Xuefeng. 2011. Phytoremediation for co-contaminated soils of benzoa.pyrene (Ba.P) and heavy metals using ornamental plant Tagetes patula. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 186(2-3): 2075-2082
31. Sun Ruilian, Zhou Qixing*, Wei Shuhe. 2011. Cadmium accumulation in relation to organic acids and non-protein thiols in leaves of the new-found Cd-hyperaccumulator Rorippa globosa and the Cd-accumulating plant Rorippa islandica. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 30(1): 83-91
32. Wu Qiong, Hua Tao, Zhou Qixing*. 2011. Treatment and remediation of a wastewater lagoon using microelectrolysis and modified DAT/IAT methods. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 23(3): 388-395
33. Liu Shuo, Zhou Qixing*, Wang Yingying. 2011. Ecotoxicological responses of the earthworm Eisenia fetida exposed to soil contaminated with HHCB. Chemosphere, 83(8): 1080-1086
34. Tang Baohua, Zhu Lingyan, Zhou Qixing*. 2011. Joint effect of penta-BDE and heavy metals on Daphnia magna and its antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 5(1): 99-110
35. Chen Chun, Zhou Qixing*, Liu Shuo, Xiu Zongming. 2011. Acute toxicity, biochemical and gene expression responses of the earthworm Eisenia fetida exposed to polycyclic musks. Chemosphere, 83(8): 1147-1154
36. Xie Xiujie, Zhou Qixing*, Lin Dasong, Guo Jianmian, Bao Yanyu. 2011. Toxic effect of tetracycline exposure on growth, antioxidative and genetic indices of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 18(4): 566-575
37. Ren Wenjie, Wang Meie, Zhou Qixing*. 2011. Effect of soil pH and organic matter on desorption hysteresis of chlorimuron-ethyl in two typical Chinese soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 11(4): 552-561
38. Wei Shuhe, Zhan Jie, Zhou Qixing*, Niu Rongcheng, Li Yunmeng, Wang Shanshan. 2011. Effect of environmentally friendly amendment on a newly found accumulator Kalimeris integrifolia Turcz. ex DC. phytoremediating Cd-contaminated soil. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 218(1-4): 479-486
39. Yang Chuanjie, Zhou Qixing*, Wei Shuhe, Hu Yahu, Bao Yanyu. 2011. Chemical-assisted phytoremediation of Cd-PAHs contaminated soils using Solanum nigrum L.. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 13(8): 818-833
40. Tang Jingchun*, Wang Min, Wang Fei, Sun Qing, Zhou Qixing. 2011. Eco-toxicity of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 23(5): 845-851
41. Xie Xiujie, Zhou Qixing*, Bao Qiuhua, He Zhangchun, Bao Yanyu. 2011. Genotoxicity of tetracycline as an emerging pollutant on root meristem cells of wheat (Tritium aestivum L.). Environmental Toxicology, 26(4): 417-423
42. Tang Jingchun*, Zhou Qixing*, Chu Hongrui, Nagata Shinichi. 2011. Characterization of alginase and elicitor-active oligosaccharides from Gracilibacillus A7 in alleviating salt stress for Brassica campestris L. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59(14): 7896-7901
43. Li Wei, Hua Tao, Zhou Qixing*. 2011. Preparation, morphology and coagulation characteristics of a new polyferric chloride coagulant prepared using pyrite cinders. Environmental Technology, 32(8): 911-920
44. Hu Xiangang, Zhou Qixing*. 2011. Comparisons of microwave-assisted extraction, simultaneous distillation-solvent extraction, soxhlet extraction and ultrasound probe for polycyclic musks in sediment: recovery, repeatability, matrix effects and bioavailability. Chromatographia, 74(5-6): 489-495
45. Yu Ying, Zhang Haijun, Zhou Qixing*. 2011. Using soil available P and activities of soil dehydrogenase and phosphatase as indicators for biodegradation of organophosphorus pesticide methamidophos and glyphosate. Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal, 20(6): 688-701
46. Wei Shuhe*, Zhu Jiangong, Zhou Qixing*, Zhan Jie. 2011. Fertilizer amendment for improving the phytoextraction of cadmium by a hyperaccumulator Rorippa globosa (Turcz.) Thell. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 11(6): 915-922
47. Ren Wenjie, Wang Meie, Zhou Qixing*. 2011. Adsorption characteristics and influencing factors of chlorimuron-ethyl in two typical Chinese soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 75(4): 1394-1401
48. Chen Chun, Xue Shengguo, Zhou Qixing*, Xie Xiujie. 2011. Multilevel ecotoxicity assessment of polycyclic musks in earthworm Eisenia fetida using traditional and molecular endpoints. Ecotoxicology, 20(8): 1949-1958
49. Sun Xiaoyin, Zhou Qixing*, Ren Wenjie, Li Xuhui, Ren Liping. 2011. Spatial and temporal distribution of acetochlor in sediments and riparian soils of the Songhua River Basin in northeastern China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 23(10): 1684-1690
50. Yan Sha, Zhou Qixing*. 2011. Toxic effects of Hydrilla verticillata exposed to toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene and safety assessment for protecting aquatic macrophytes. Chemosphere, 85(6): 1088-1094
51. Li Wei, Hua Tao, Zhou Qixing*, Zhang Shuguang, Rong Weiying. 2011. Toxicity identification and high-efficient treatment of aging chemical industrial wastewater from the Hangu Reservoir, China. Journal of Environmental Quality, 40(6): 1714-1721
52. Ren Wenjie, Zhou Qixing*, Wang Meie, Jadeja R N. 2011. Interactive effects of chlorimuron-ethyl and copper (Ⅱ) on their sorption and desorption on two typical Chinese soils. European Journal of Soil Science, 62(6): 882-890
53. Zhou Qixing*, Wang Meie. 2010. Adsorption-desorption characteristics and pollution behavior of reactive X-3B red dye in four Chinese typical soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 10(7): 1324-1334
54. Liu Weitao, Zhou Qixing*, An Jing, Sun Yuebing, Liu Rui. 2010. Variations in cadmium accumulation among Chinese cabbage 2 cultivars and screening for Cd-safe cultivars. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 173(1-3): 737-743
55. Sun Yuebing, Zhou Qixing*, Xie Xiaokui, Liu Rui. 2010. Spatial, sources and risk assessment of heavy metal contamination of urban soils in typical regions of Shenyang. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 174(1-3): 455-462
56. Liu Weitao, Zhou Qixing*, Zhang Yinlong, Wei Shuhe. 2010. Lead accumulation in different Chinese cabbage cultivars and screening for pollution-safe cultivars. Journal of Environmental Management, 91(3): 781-788
57. Sun Fuhong, Zhou Qixing*. 2010. Interactive effects of 1,4-dichlorobenzene and heavy metals on their sorption behaviors in two Chinese soils. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 58(1): 33-41
58. Wei Shuhe, Li Yunmeng, Zhou Qixing*, Mrittunjai Srivastava, Siuwai Chiu, Zhan Jie, Wu Zhijie, Sun Tieheng. 2010. Effect of fertilizer amendments on phytoremediation of Cd-contaminated soil by a newly discovered hyperaccumulator Solanum nigrum L. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 176(1-3): 269-273
59. Li Ye, Zhao Yujie, Peng Shitao, Zhou Qixing, Ma Lena Q. 2010. Temporal and spatial trends of total petroleum hydrocarbons in the seawater of Bohai Bay, China from 1996 to 2005. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60(2): 238-243
60. Li Fengxiang, Yogesh Sharma, Lei Yu, Li Baikun, Zhou Qixing. 2010. Microbial Fuel Cells: The Effects of Configurations, Electrolyte Solutions, and Electrode Materials on Power Generation. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 160(1): 168-181
61. Wei Shuhe, Ma Lena Q, Uttam Saha, Shiny Mathews, Sabarinath Sundaram, Bala Rathinasabapathi, Zhou Qixing*. 2010. Sulfate and glutathione enhanced arsenic accumulation by arsenic hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata L. Environmental Pollution, 158(5): 1530-1535
62. Sun Ruilian, Jin Caixia, Zhou Qixing*. 2010. Characteristics of cadmium accumulation and tolerance in a new-found cadmium hyperaccumulator Rorippa globosa (Turcz.) Thell. Plant Growth Regulation, 61(1): 67-74
63. Jin Caixia, Zhou Qixing*, Zhou Qingxiang, Fan Jing. 2010. Effects of chlorimuron-ethyl and cadmium on biomass growth and cadmium accumulation of wheat in the phaiozem area, northeast China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 84(4): 395-400
64. Xie Xiujie, Zhou Qixing*, He Zhangchun, Bao Yanyu. 2010. Physiological and potential genetic toxicity of chlortetracycline as an emerging pollutant in wheat (Tritium aestivum L.). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 29(4): 922-928
65. Zhang Aiyong, Zhou Minghua, Liu Liang, Wang Wei, Jiao Yongli, Zhou Qixing. 2010. A novel photoelectrocatalytic system for organic contaminant degradation on a TiO2 nanotube (TNT)/Ti electrode. Electrochimica Acta, 55(18): 5091-5099
66. Bao Yanyu, Guan Lianzhu, Zhou Qixing, Wang He, Yan Li. 2010. Various sulphur fractions changes during different manure composting. Bioresource Technology, 101(20): 7841-7848
67. Wei Shuhe, Wang Shanshan, Zhou Qixing*, Zhan Jie, Ma Lihui, Wu Zhijie, Sun Tieheng, Prasad M. N. V. 2010. Potential of Taraxacum mongolicum Hand-Mazz for accelerating phytoextraction of cadmium in combination with eco-friendly amendments. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 181(1-3): 480-484
68. Wan Ying, Bao Yanyu, Zhou Qixing*. 2010. Simultaneous adsorption and desorption of cadmium and tetracycline on cinnamon soil. Chemosphere, 80(7): 807-812
69. Zhang Aiyong, Zhou Minghua, Han Lu, Zhou Qixing*. 2010. Combined potential of three catalysis types on TiO2 nanotube (TNT)/Ti and nanoparticle (TNP)/Ti photoelectrodes: a comparative study. Applied Catalysis A: General, 385(1-2): 114-122
70. Hu Xiangang, Zhou Qixing*, Luo Yi. 2010. Occurrence and source analysis of typical veterinary antibiotics in manure, soil, vegetables and groundwater from organic vegetable bases, northern China. Environmental Pollution, 158(9): 2992-2998 (II區,IF=3.746)
71. Tang Jingchun, Wang Rugang, Niu Xiaowei, Zhou Qixing. 2010. Enhancement of soil petroleum remediation by using a combination of ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and different microorganisms. Soil and Tillage Research, 110(1): 87-93
72. Cai Zhang, Zhou Qixing*, Peng Shengwei, Li Kenan. 2010. Promoted biodegradation and microbiological effects of petroleum hydrocarbons by Impatiens balsamina L. with strong endurance. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 183(1-3): 731-737
73. Zhang Zhineng, Zhou Qixing*, Peng Shengwei, Cai Zhang. 2010. Remediation of petroleum contaminated soils by joint action of Pharbifis nil L. and its microbial community. Science of the Total Environment, 408(22): 5600-5605
74. Li Wei, Hua Tao, Zhou Qixing*, Zhang Shuguang, Li Fengxiang. 2010. Treatment of stabilized landfill leachate by the combined process of coagulation/flocculation and powder activated carbon adsorption. Desalination, 264(1-2): 56-62
75. Li Wei, Zhou Qixing*, Hua Tao. 2010. Removal of organic matter from landfill leachate by advanced oxidation processes: A review. International Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2010: 1-10
76. Chen Cuihong, Zhou Qixing*, Cai Zhang, Wang Yingying. 2010. Effects of soil polycyclic musk and cadmium on pollutant uptake and biochemical responses of wheat (Triticum aestivum). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 59(4): 564-573
77. Tong Mengmeng, Zhou Qixing*, Kulis M. David, Jiang Tianjiu, Qi Yuzao, Anderson M. Donald. 2010. Culture techniques and growth characteristics of Dinophysis acuminata and its prey. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 28(6): 1230-1239
78. Luo Yi, Mao Daqing, Michal Rysz, Zhou Qixing, Zhang Hongjie, Xu Lin, Pedro J J Alvarez. 2010. Trends in antibiotic resistance genes occurrence in the Haihe River, China. Environmental Science and Technology, 44(19): 7220-7225
79. Tang Jingchun, Zhou Qixing, Katayama Arata. 2010. Effects of raw materials and bulking agents on the thermophilic composting process. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 20(5): 925-934
80. Lin Dasong, Zhou Qixing*, Xie Xiujie, Liu Yao. 2010. Potential biochemical and genetic toxicity of triclosan as an emerging pollutant on the earthworm Eisenia foetida. Chemosphere, 81(10): 1328-1333
81. Liu Jianv, Zhou Qixing*, Wang Song. 2010. Evaluation of chemical enhancement on phytoremediation of Cd-contaminated soils with Calendula officinalis L.. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 12(5): 503-515
82. Liu Yao, Zhou Qixing*, Xie Xiujie, Lin Dasong, Dong Luxi. 2010. Oxidative stress and DNA damage in the earthworm Eisenia fetida induced by toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene. Ecotoxicology, 19(8): 1551-1559
83. Bao Yanyu, Zhou Qixing*, Wan Ying, Yu Qiang, Xie Xiujie. 2010. Effects of soil/solution ratio and cation type on the adsorption and desorption of tetracycline in soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 74(5): 1553-1561
84. Chen Cuihong,Zhou Qixing*, Bao Yanyu, Li Yaning, Wang Ping. Ecotoxicological effects of polycyclic musks and cadmium on seed germination and seedling growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum). Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2010, 22(12): 1966-1973
85. Liu Rui,Zhou Qixing*. Fluxes and influencing factors of ammonia emission from monosodium glutamate production in China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2010, 85(3): 279-286
86. Hu Xiangang, Luo Yi,Zhou Qixing. Simultaneous determination of selected typical antibiotics in manure by microwave-assisted extraction and high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry. Chromatographia, 2010, 71(3/4): 217-223
87. Yu Zhiguo, Zhou Qixing*. 2009. Growth responses and cadmium accumulation of Mirabilis jalapa L. under interaction between cadmium and phosphorus. Journal of hazardous Materials, 167(1-3): 38-43
88. Wei Shuhe, Zhou Qixing*, Srivastava Mrittunjai, Xiao Hong, Yang Chuanjie, Zhang Qianru 2009. Kalimeris integrifolia Turcz. ex DC.: an accumulator of Cd. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 162(2-3): 1571-1573
89. Wei Shuhe, Zhou Qixing*, Uttam Kumar Saha, Xiao Hong, Hu Yahu, Ren Liping, Gu Ping. 2009. Identification of a Cd accumulator Conyza Canadensis. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 163(1): 32-35
90. Sun Yuebing, Zhou Qixing*, Liu Weitao, An Jing, Xu Zhiqiang, Wang Lin. 2009. Joint effects of arsenic and cadmium on plant growth and metal bioaccumulation: a potential Cd-hyperaccumulator and As-excluder Bidens pilosa L. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 165(1-3): 1023-1028
91. An Jing, Zhou Qixing*, Sun Fuhong, Zhang Lei. 2009. Ecotoxicological effects of paracetamol on seed germination and seedling development of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Hazardous Materials, 169(1-3): 751-757
92. Liu Wan, Zhou Qixing*, Li Peijun, Gao Hairong, Han YP, Li XJ, Yang YS, Li Yanzhi. 2009. DNA mismatch repair related gene expression as potential biomarkers to assess cadmium exposure in Arabidopsis seedlings. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 167(1-3): 1007-1013
93. An Jing, Zhou Qixing*, Sun Yuebing, Xu Zhiqiang. 2009. Ecotoxicological effects of typical personal care products on seed germination and seedling development of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Chemosphere, 76(10): 1428-1434
94. Liu Weitao, Zhou Qixing*, Sun Yuebing, Liu Rui. 2009. Identification of Chinese cabbage genotypes with low cadmium accumulation for food safety. Environmental Pollution, 157(6): 1961-1967
95. Sun Yuebing, Zhou Qixing*, Liu Weitao, Liu Rui. 2009. Chelator-enhanced phytoextraction of heavy metals from contaminated soil irrigated by industrial wastewater with the hyperaccumulator plant (Sedum alfredii Hance). Geoderma, 150(1-2): 106-112
96. Wei Shuhe, Hu Yahu, Mrittunjai Srivastava, Zhou Qixing*, Niu Rongcheng, Li Yunmeng, Wu Zhijie, Sun Tieheng. 2009. Seed germination of a newly discovered hyperaccumulator Solanum nigrum L. affected by illumination and seed-soaking reagent. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 170(2-3): 1256-1259
97. Wei Shuhe, Niu Rongcheng, Srivastava Mrittunjai, Zhou Qixing*, Wu Zhijie, Sun Tieheng, Hu Yahu, Li Yunmeng. 2009. Bidens tripartite L.: a Cd-accumulator confirmed by pot culture and site sampling experiment. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 170(2-3): 1269-1272
98. Sun Fuhong, Zhou Qixing*, Wang Meie, An Jing. 2009. Joint stress of copper and petroleum hydrocarbons on the polychaete Perinereis aibuhitensis at biochemical levels. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 72(7): 1887-1892
99. Wang Meie, Zhou Qixing*, Ren Liping. 2009. Toxicological responses in wheat Triticum aestivum under joint stress of chlorimuron-ethyl and copper. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 72(8): 2121-2129
100. Liu Jianv, Zhou Qixing*, Wang Song, Sun Ting. 2009. Cadmium tolerance and accumulation of Althaea rosea Cav. and its potential as a hyperaccumulator under chemical enhancement. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 149(1): 419-427
101. Wei Shuhe, Zhou Qixing*, Xiao Hong, Yang Chuanjie, Hu Yahu, Ren Liping. 2009. Hyperaccumulative property comparison of 24 weed species to heavy metals using a pot culture experiment. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 152(1): 299-307
102. Sun Yuebing,Zhou Qixing*, Wang Lin, Liu Weitao. Tolerant characteristics and cadmium accumulation of Bidens pilosa L. as a newly found Cd-hyperaccumulator. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 161(2-3): 808-814
103. Wei Shuhe,Zhou Qixing*, Srivastava Mrittunjai, Xiao Hong, Yang Chuanjie, Zhang Qianru. Kalimeris integrifolia Turcz. ex DC.: an accumulator of Cd. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 162(2-3): 1571-1573
104. Peng Shengwei,Zhou Qixing*, Cai Zhang, Zhang Zhineng. Phytoremediation of petroleum contaminated soils by Mirabilis Jalapa L. in a field plot experiment. Journal of hazardous Materials, 2009, 168(2-3): 1490-1496
105. Bao Yanyu,Zhou Qixing, Guan Lianzhu, Wang Yingying. Aerobic degradation of chlortetracycline in composting of aged and fresh contaminated manures. Waste Management, 2009, 29(4): 1416-1423
106. Bao Yanyu,Zhou Qixing*, Wang Yingying. Adsorption characteristics of tetracycline by two soils: assessing role of soil organic matter. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 2009, 47(3): 286-295
107. Lin Dasong,Zhou Qixing*. Effects of soil amendments on the extractability and speciation of cadmium, lead, and copper in a contaminated soil. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2009, 83(1): 136-140
108. Sun Yuebing,Zhou Qixing*, Wang Lin, Liu Weitao. The influence of different growth stages and dosage of EDTA on Cd uptake and accumulation using Cd-hyperaccumulator (Solanum nigrum L.). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2009, 82(3): 348-353
109. Wang Yuanyuan,Zhou Qixing*, Peng Shengwei, Ma Lena Q, Niu Xiaowei. Toxic effects of crude-oil-contaminated soil in aquatic environment on Carassius auratus and their hepatic antioxidant defense system. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2009, 21(5): 612-617
110. Zhang Ying, Fan Chunhui, Meng Qingjuan, Diao Zhuo, Dong Limin, Peng Xinran, Ma Shuyan,Zhou Qixing*. Biosorption of Pb2+ by Saccharomyces Cerevisiae in static and dynamic adsorption tests. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2009, 83(5): 708-712
111. Xu Zhiqiang,Zhou Qixing*, Liu Weitao. Joint effects of cadmium and lead on seedlings of four Chinese cabbage cultivars in northeastern China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2009, 21(11): 1598-1606
112. Liu Wan, Yang YS, Li PJ,Zhou Qixing, Xie LJ, Han YP. Risk assessment of cadmium-contaminated soil on plant DNA damage using RAPD and physiological indices. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 161(2-3): 878-883
113. Wei Shuhe, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, Zhou Qixing*. 2008. Agro-improving method of phytoextracting heavy metal contaminated soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 150(3): 662-668
114. Wang Lin, Zhou Qixing*, Ding Lingling, Sun Yuebing. 2008. Effect of cadmium toxicity on nitrogen metabolism in leaves of Solanum nigrum L. as a newly found cadmium hyperaccumulator. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 154(1-3): 818-825
115. Wei Shuhe, Zhou Qixing*, Shiny Mathews. 2008. A newly found cadmium accumulator - Taraxacum mongolicum. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 159(2-3): 544-547
116. Li Yaning, Zhou Qixing*, Li Fengxiang, Liu Xiaoling, Luo Yi. 2008. Effects of tetrabromobisphenol A as an emerging pollutant on wheat (Triticum aestivum) at biochemical levels. Chemosphere, 74(1): 119-124
117. Sun Fuhong, Zhou Qixing*. 2008. Oxidative stress biomarkers of the polychaete Nereis diversicolor exposed to cadmium and petroleum hydrocarbons. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 70(1): 106-114
118. Li Ting, Zhou Qixing*, Zhang Ning, Luo Yi. 2008. Toxic effects of chlorpromazine on Carassius auratus and its oxidative stress. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B, 43(8): 43(8): 638-643
119. Wei Shuhe, Zhou Qixing*. 2008. Screen of Chinese weed species for cadmium tolerance and accumulation characteristics. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 10(6): 584-597
120. An Jing, Zhou Qixing*, Liu Weitao, Ren Liping. 2008. Horizontal distribution and levels of heavy metals in the biggest snowstorm in a century in Shenyang, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 20(7): 846-851
121. Bao Yanyu, Zhou Qixing, Guan Lianzhu. 2008. Allantoin-N concentration changes and analysis of the influencing factors on its changes during different manure composting. Bioresource Technology, 99(18): 8759-8764
122. Cao Xinde, Ma Lena Q., Singh Satya P,Zhou Qixing. Phosphate-induced lead immobilization from different lead minerals in soils under varying pH conditions. Environmental Pollution, 2008, 152(1): 184-192
123. Wei Shuhe,Zhou Qixing*. Screen of Chinese weed species for cadmium tolerance and accumulation characteristics. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2008, 10(6): 584-597
124. Wei Shuhe,Zhou Qixing, Uttam Kumar Saha. Hyperaccumulative characteristics of weed species to heavy metals. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 2008, 192(1): 173-181
125. Liu Jianv,Zhou Qixing*, Sun Ting, Wang Song. Identification and Chemical Enhancement of Two Ornamental Plants for Phytoremediation. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2008, 80(3): 260-265
126. Wang Jing,Zhou Qixing*, Zhang Qianru, Zhang Ying. Single and joint effects of petroleum hydrocarbons and cadmium on the polychaete Perinereis aibuhitensis Grube. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2008, 20(1): 68-74
127. Zhang Qianru,Zhou Qixing*, Wang Jing, Sun Shulan, Hua Tao, Ren Liping. Influences of Cu or Cd on neurotoxicity induced by petroleum hydrocarbons in ragworm Perinereis aibuhitensis. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2008, 20(3): 364-371
128. Sun Fuhong, Zhou Qixing*. 2007. Metal accumulation in the polychaete Hediste japonica with emphasis on interaction between heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons. Environmental Pollution, 149(1): 92-98
129. Cui Shuang, Zhou Qixing*, Wei Shuhe, Zhang Wei, Chao Lei, Ren Liping. 2007. Effects of exogenous chelators on phytoavailablilty and toxicity of Pb in Zinnia elegans jacq. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 146(1-2): 341-346
130. Cui Shuang, Zhou Qixing*, Chao Lei. 2007. Potential hyperaccumulation of Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd in endurant plants distributed in an old smeltery, northeast China. Environmental Geology, 51(6): 1043-1048
131. Fayiga Abioye O, Ma Lena Q,Zhou Qixing. Effects of plant arsenic uptake and heavy metals on arsenic distribution in an arsenic-contaminated soil. Environmental Pollution, 2007, 147(3): 737-742
132.Chao Lei,Zhou Qixing*, Chen Su, Cui Shuang, Wang Meie. Single and joint stress of acetochlor and Pb on three agricultural crops in northeast China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2007, 19(6): 719-724
133.Liu Wan, Yang Yuesuo,Zhou Qixing, Xie L, Li Peijun, Sun Tieheng. Impact assessment of cadmium contamination on rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings at molecular and population levels using multiple biomarkers. Chemosphere, 2007, 67(6): 1155-1163
134.Tang Jing-Chun, Shibata Atsushi,Zhou Qixing, Katayama Arata. Effect of temperature on reaction rate and microbial community in composting of cattle manure with rice straw. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2007, 104(4): 321-328
135.Sun Yuebing,Zhou Qixing*, Wei Shuhe, Ren Liping. Growth responses of a newly-discovered Cd-hyperaccumulator Rorippa globosa and its accumulation characteristics of Cd and As under joint stress of Cd and As. Frontiers in Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 2007, 1(1): 107-113
136.Liu Rui,Zhou Qixing*, Zhang Lanying, Guo Hao. Toxic effects of wastewater from various phases of monosodium glutamate production on seed germination and root elongation of crops. Frontiers in Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 2007, 1(1): 114-119
137.Chen Su,Zhou Qixing, Sun Lina, Sun Tieheng, Chao Lei. Speciation of Cd, Pb in soils as affected by metal loading quantity and aging time. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2007, 79: 184-187
138. Zhou Qixing*, Zhang Qianru, Sun Tieheng. 2006. Technical innovation of land treatment systems for municipal wastewater in northeast China. Pedosphere, 16(3): 297-303
139. Zhou Qixing*, Zhang Qianru, Liang Jidong. 2006. Toxic effects of acetochlor and methamidophos on earthworm Eisenia foetida in phaeozem, northeast China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 18(4): 741-745
140. Wang Meie, Zhou Qixing*. 2006. Joint stress of chlorimuron-ethyl and cadmium on wheat Triticum aestivum at biochemical levels. Environmental Pollution, 144(2): 572-580
141. Wei Shuhe, Zhou Qixing*. 2006. Phytoremdiation of cadmium-contaminated soils by Rorippa globosa using two-phase planting. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 13(3): 151-155
142. Wei Shuhe, Zhou Qixing*, Koval P V. 2006. Flowering stage characteristics of Cd hyperaccumulator Solanum nigrum L. and their significance to phytoremediation. Science of the Total Environment, 369(1-3): 441-446
143. Guo Guanlin, Zhou Qixing*. 2006. Evaluation of heavy metal contamination in phaiozem of northeast China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 28(4): 331-340
144. Guo Guanlin, Zhou Qixing*, Ma L Q. 2006. Availability and assessment of fixing additives for the in situ remediation of heavy metal contaminated soils: a review. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 116(1-3): 513-528
145. Guo Guanlin, Zhou Qixing*, Koval PV, Belogolova GA. 2006. Speciation distribution of Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn in contaminated phaiozem in north-east China using single and sequential extraction procedures. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 44(2): 135-142
146. Wang Meie, Zhou Qixing*. 2006. Effects of herbicide chlorimuron-ethyl on physiological mechanisms in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 64(2): 190-197
147. Yu Ying, Zhou Qixing*. 2006. Impacts of soybean growth on Cu speciation and distribution in two rhizosphere soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 42(5): 450-456
148. Sun Ruilian,Zhou Qixing*, Jin Caixia. Cadmium accumulation in relation to organic acids in leaves of Solanum nigrum L. as a newly-found cadmium hyperaccumulator. Plant and Soil, 2006, 285: 125-134
149. Yoon Joonki, Cao Xinde,Zhou Qixing, Ma Lena Q. Accumulation of Pb, Cu, and Zn in native plants growing on acontaminated Florida site. Science of the Total Environment, 2006, 368(2-3): 456-464
150. Sun Fuhong,Zhou Qixing*, Zhang Qianru. Influences of petroleum on accumulation of copper and cadmium in the polychaete Nereis diversicolor. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2006, 18(1): 109-114
151. Zhang Qianru,Zhou Qixing*, Ren Liping, Zhu Yongguan, Sun Shulan. Ecological effects of crude oil residues on the functional diversity of soil microorganisms in three weed rhizospheres. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2006, 18(6): 1101-1106
152. Chao Lei,Zhou Qixing*, Chen Su, Cui Shuang. Speciation distribution of lead and zinc in soil profiles of the Shenyang Smeltery in northeast China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2006, 77(6): 874-881
153. Yu Ying, Zhou Qixing*. 2005. Adsorption characteristics of pesticides methamidophos and glyphosate by two soils. Chemosphere, 58(6): 811-816
154. Wang Xiaofei, Zhou Qixing*. 2005. Ecotoxicological effects of cadmium on three ornamental plants. Chemosphere, 60(1): 16-21
155. Wang Meie, Zhou Qixing*. 2005. Single and joint toxicity of chlorimuron-ethyl, cadmium, and copper acting on wheat Triticum aestivum. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 60(2): 169-175
156. Zhang Kaisong, Zhou Qixing*. 2005. Toxic effects of Al-based coagulants on Brassica chinensis and Raphanus sativus growing in acid and neutral conditions. Environmental Toxicology, 20(2): 179-187
157. Wei Shuhe, Zhou Qixing*, Wang Xin, Zhang Kaisong, Guo Guanlin, Ma Lena Qiying. 2005. A newly-discovered Cd-hyperaccumulator Solanum nigrum L. Chinese Science Bulletin, 50(1): 33-38
158. Wang Xiaofei,Zhou Qixing*. Joint toxicity of methamidophos and cadmium acting on Abelmoschus manihot. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2005, 17(3): 379-383
159. Ma Lean Q, Dong Yan,Zhou Qixing. Relation of relative colloid stability ratio and colloid release in two lead contaminated soils. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 2005, 160: 343-355
160. Xiao Hong,Zhou Qixing*, Lena Q Ma. Joint effects of acetochlor and urea on germinating characteristics of crop seeds. Science in China (Ser. C), 2005, 48 (supp. I): 1-6
161. Yu Ying,Zhou Qixing*, He Zhenli. Effects of methamidophos and glyphosate on copper sorption-desorption behavior in soils. Science in China (Ser. C), 2005, 48 (supp. I): 67-75
162. Song Yufang,Zhou Qixing, Gong Ping, Sun Tieheng. Ecotoxicity of soils contaminated with industrial and domestic wastewater in western Shenyang, China. Science in China (Ser. C), 2005, 48 (supp. I): 48-56
163. Zhang Huiwen,Zhou Qixing, Zhang Qianru, Zhang Chenggang. Impacts of methamidophos, copper, and their combinations on bacterial community structure and function in black soil. Science in China (Ser. C), 2005, 48 (supp. I): 14-25
164. Liu Wan, Li Peijun,Zhou Qixing, Sun Tieheng, Tai Peidong, Xu Huaxia. Short-term toxic effect of chlorobenzenes on broadbean (Vicia faba) seedlings. Science in China (Ser. C), 2005, 48 (supp. I): 33-39
165. Li Xinyu, Zhang Huiwen,Zhou Qixing, Su Zhencheng, Zhang Chenggang. Effects of acetochlor and methamidophos on fungal communities in black soils. Pedosphere, 2005, 15(5): 646-652
166. Shen Guoqing, Lu Yitong,Zhou Qixing, Hong Jingbo. Interaction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals on soil enzyme. Chemosphere, 2005, 61(8): 1175-1182
167. Liu Wan, Li Peijun, Qi X.M.,Zhou Qixing, Zheng L., Sun T.H., Yang Y.S. DNA changes in barley (Hordeum vulgare) seedlings induced by cadmium pollution using RAPD analysis. Chemosphere, 2005, 61(2): 158-167
168.Zhou Qixing*, Wang Wenxiong. Preface: ecological processes, remediation and regulation of contaminated soils. Science in China (Series C), 2005, 48 (Supp. I): i-ii
169. Zhou Qixing*, Cheng Yun, Zhang Qianru, Liang Jidong. 2004. Quantitative analyses of relationships between ecotoxicological effects and combined pollution. Science in China (SER C), 47(4): 332-339
170. Zhou Qixing*, Hua Tao. 2004. Bioremediation: a review of applications and problems to be resolved. Progresses in Natural Science, 14(11): 937-944
171. Xiao Hong, Zhou Qixing*, Liang Jidong. 2004. Single and joint effects of acetochlor and urea on earthworm Esisenia foelide populations in phaiozem. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 26(2): 277-283
172. Wei Shuhe, Zhou Qixing*. 2004. Identification of weed species with hyperaccumulative characteristics of heavy metals. Progress in Natural Science, 14(6): 495-503
173. Ji Guodong, Yang YS, Zhou Qixing, Sun Tieheng, Ni JR. 2004. Phytodegradation of extra heavy oil-based drill cuttings using mature reed wetland: An in situ pilot study. Environment International, 30(4): 509-517
174. Zhou Qixing*, Sylvester Runyuzi, Yu Jiyu, Zhang Qianru. Microbiological indication of municipal solid waste landfill non-stabilization. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2004, 16(4): 662-665
175. Wang Xin,Zhou Qixing*. Soil amendment and accumulation of heavy metals in meadow burozem – crop systems. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2004, 72(2): 298-306
176. Wei Shuhe,Zhou Qixing*, Wang Xin, Cao Wei, Ren Liping, Song Yufang. Potential of weed species applied to remediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2004, 16(5): 868-873
177. Zhang Kaisong,Zhou Qixing*, Xiao Hong. Flocculation performance of a novel synthesized flocculant with low ecological risk. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2004, 16(3): 443-446
178. Luo Yi, Zhang Tingzhou,Zhou Qixing*, Mao Daqing, Wan Dongmei. Decomposition dynamic of higher plant pigments by HPLC analysis. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2004, 16(5): 847-850
179. Zhang Haijun, Wu Zhijie,Zhou Qixing*. Dicyandiamide sorption-desorption behavior on soils and peat humus. Pedosphere, 2004, 14(3): 395-399
180. Liu Wan, Yang Yuesuo, Li Peijun,Zhou Qixing, Sun Tieheng. Root growth inhibition and induction of DNA damage in soybean (Glycine max) by chlorobenzenes in contaminated soil. Chemosphere, 2004, 57 (2): 101-106
181. Zhou Qixing, Rainbow PS, Smith BD. 2003. Tolerance and accumulation of the trace metals zinc, copper and cadmium in three populations of the polychaete Nereis diversicolor. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 83(1): 65-72
182. Zhou Qixing*, Tang Xiangyu, Wu Wenhua, Yang Yuesuo, Sylvester Runyuzi, Yu Jiyu. 2003. A risk factor analysis of municipal domestic refuse landfills using a reactor with high water input. Waste Management and Research, 21(4): 383-390
183. Zhou Qixing*. 2003. Interaction between heavy metals and nitrogen fertilizers applied in soil-vegetable systems. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 71(2): 338-344
184. Zhou Qixing*, Wang Xin, Liang Renluo, Wu Yanyu. 2003. Effects of cadmium and mixed heavy metals on rice growth in Liaoning, China. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 12(6): 851-864
185. Yu Ying, Zhou Qixing*. 2003. Effect of methamidophos on sorption-desorption behavior of copper in soils. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 71(5): 979-987
186. Liang Jidong, Zhou Qixing*. 2003. Single and binary-combined toxicity of methamidophos, acetochlor and copper acting on earthworms Esisenia Foelide. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 71(6): 1158-1166
187. Zhou Qixing*, Tang Xiangyu, Wu Wenhua, Yang Yuesuo, Sylvester Runyuzi, Yu Jiyu. A risk factor analysis of municipal domestic refuse landfills using a reactor with high water input. Waste Management and Research, 2003, 21(4): 383-390
188. Zhou Qixing*, Gibson CE, Stewart BM. Chemical forms and extractability of iron in sediments of three contrasting lakes of China and UK. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2003, 15(6): 728-733
189. Liu Wan,Zhou Qixing, Li Peijun, Sun Tieheng, Yang Yuesuo, Xiong Xianzhe. 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene induction of chromosomal aberrations and cell division of root-tip cells in Vicia faba seedlings. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2003, 71(4): 689-697
190. Chen Suhua,Zhou Qixing, Sun Tieheng, Li Peijun. Rapid ecotoxicological assessment of heavy metal combined polluted soil using canonical analysis. Journal Environmental Sciences, 2003, 15(6): 854-858
191. Zhou Qixing*, Sun Tieheng. 2002. Effects of chromium (VI) on extractability and plant uptake of fluorine in agricultural soils of Zhejiang Province, China. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 133(1-4): 145-160
192. Cheng Yun, Zhou Qixing*. 2002. Ecological toxicity of reactive X-3B red dye and cadmium acting on wheat (Triticum aestivum). Journal of Environmental Sciences, 14(1): 136-140
193. Ji Guodong, Sun Tiehang, Zhou Qixing, Sui Xin, Chang Shijun, Li Peijun. 2002. Constructed subsurface flow wetland for treating heavy oil-produced water of the Liaohe Oilfield in China. Ecological Engineering, 18(4): 459-465
194. Luo Yi, Micky Tackx, Li Fayun, Mao Daqing,Zhou Qixing*. Leaf litter ecological fate in the Schelde Estuary in Belgium. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2002, 14(4): 563-567
195. Zhou Qixing*, Gibson CE, Zhu Yinmei. 2001. Evaluation of phosphorus bioavailability in sediments of three contrasting lakes in China and the UK. Chemosphere, 42(2): 221-225
196. Zhou Qixing*. 2001. Chemical pollution and transport of organic dyes in water-soil-crop systems of the Chinese coast. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 66(6): 784-793
197. Zhou Qixing, Gibson CE, Foy RH. 2000. Long-term changes of nitrogen and phosphorus loadings to a large lake in north-west Ireland. Water Research, 34(3): 922-926
198. Zhou Qixing*. 1999. Combined chromium and phenol pollution in a marine prawn fishery. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 62(4): 476-482
199. Zhou Qixing*, Zhu Yinmei, Chen Yiyi. 1997. Food-security indexes related to combined pollution of chromium and phenol in soil-rice systems. Pedosphere, 7(1): 15-24
200. Zhou Qixing*, Zhu Yinmei. 1997. Pollution Monitoring of marine organisms grown in the Zhoushan Sea of China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 9(3): 288-292
201. Zhou Qixing*. 1996. Soil-quality guidelines related to combined pollution of chromium and phenol in agricultural environments. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 2(3): 591-607
202. Zhou Qixing*, Dai Limei,Bell RW. 1996. An integrated plan for town-enterprise wastewater reuse and wetland strategy: A case study. Desalination, 106(1-3): 439-442
203. Zhou Qixing*, Dai Limei. 1995. Joint effects of chromium and phenol on marine prawns (Penaeus japonicus). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 31(4-12): 387-389
204 Zhou Qixing*, Dai Limei,Bell RW. An integrated planning for reuse and wetland strategy of waste water from rural enterprises. Pedosphere, 1995, 5(3): 237-243
205. Zhou Qixing*, Gao Zhengmin. 1994. Compound contamination and secondary ecological effects of Cd and As in soil-alfalfa ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 6(3): 330-336
206. Wu Yanyu, Zhou Qixing, Adriano DC. 1991. Interim environmental guidelines for cadmium and mercury in soils of China. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 57-58: 733-743