2007-08--2015-06 中國科學院深圳先進技術研究院 醫工所醫療機器人研究中心主任/研究員
2005-08--2007-08 Imperial College London, UK Research associate
2000-01--2005-08 University of Glasgow and the Institute for System Research engineer
2、2013-04--今 東北大學中荷生物醫學與信息工程學院,兼職教授。
3、2011-12--今 國家外國專家局重點引智項目,評審專家。
4、2010-04--今 香港中文大學兼職教師,兼職教師。
8、EMBC, World Congress, BSN, BHI, BioCAS等國際學術會議的Theme chair, Track chair及Session chair.
人體傳感器網絡(Body Sensor Network, BSN)新技術及在體征監測和微創治療的創新應用。
(1) 三維快速術中X線影像引導系統,參與,院級級,2013-04--2015-03
(2) 腦癱(行走功能)康復的家用監測與評估系統,參與,省級,2013-01--2015-12
(3) 面向數字醫院的醫療物聯網關鍵技術研究與設備開發及驗證,參與,國家級,2013-01--2015-12
(4) 新型智能健康終端—健康一體機系統的研發,參與,市地級,2012-01--2013-12
(5) 數字化醫療-個人健康信息智能獲取技術及系統開發,參與,國家級,2011-01--2015-12
(6) 高可信生命信息動態監測方法及其在心腦血管事件預后評估中的應用研究,主持,市地級,2012-01--2014-12
(7) 心腦血管易損斑塊的高分辨成像識別與風險評估預警體系重大問題的基礎研究 國家科技部973項目 2010-2014 子課題六
(8) 低成本健康技術 廣東省引進海外人才創新團隊 2010-2014
(9) 深圳市生物醫療電子與健康信息公共技術服務平臺,主持,市地級,2011-01--2013-12
(10) 泛在式生理參數提取方法及其在健康干預中的應用研究,主持,市地級,2011-01--2012-12
(11) 基于微型傳感器的人體運動信息融合理論與方法研究,參與,國家級,2010-01--2014-12
(12) 泛在式生理參數提取方法及其在呼吸反饋中應用的研究,主持,國家級,2010-01--2012-12
(13) 心腦血管易損斑塊的高分辨成像識別與風險評估預警體系重大問題的基礎研究,參與,國家級,2010-01--2015-12
(14) ‘低成本健康’專項,主持,院級級,2010-01--2012-12
(15) 移動健康:基于人體傳感器網絡的低成本運動健康系統,主持,國家級,2009-11--2012-10
(16) 健康家居系統關鍵技術研究,主持,院級級,2009-06--2011-12
(17) 深圳市低成本健康實驗室,主持,市地級,2009-01--2012-12;
(18) 面向全消化道膠囊機器人的自主驅動與控制技術,參與,國家級,2009-01--2010-12
(19) 低功耗醫學集成電路設計與應用,主持,國家級,2009-01--2011-12
(20) 人體傳感網絡與應,主持,院級級,2008-08--2011-08
累計發表科研論文二百余篇,其中SCI索引三十篇,SCI/EI/ISTP三大國際檢索工具索引一百余篇,中文核心期刊三十余篇;出版專著章節四個;獲二項國際發明專利、四項發明專利、七項實用新型專利的授權,其中三項專利已轉移到企業,三十余項發明專利正在授理中。作為技術持有人和首席科學家,先后孵化國內外高科技企業四個,公司發展態勢良好。獲2012年深圳市產業發展與創新人才獎,2011年中科院廣州分院優秀共產黨員,2010年中科院廣州教育基地優秀研究生指導教師、優秀員工,以及廣東省醫藥科技二等獎和IEEE EMBC、EPSRC學術會議獎多項,自2012年享受深圳市政府特殊津貼。 是IEEE會刊等多個學術刊物審稿人和多個國際學術會議TPC成員,多次受邀學術演講,是歷屆BSN國際學術會議(2004-2013年)的主要發起與組織者。
(1) Sensitive and efficient detection of quadriceps muscle thickness changes in cross-sectional plane using ultrasonography:afeasibility investigation,IEEE journal of biomedical and health information,2014,通訊作者
(2) Relationship of EMG/SMG features and muscle strength level:an exploratory study on tibialis anterior muscles during plantar-flexion among hemiplegia patients,Biomedical Engineering Online ,2014,通訊作者
(3) Dynamic virtual fixture on the euclidean group for admittance-type manipulator in deforming environments,Biomendical Engineering Online,2014,通訊作者
(4) Contour-based image registration bipartite graph matching with munkres algorithm,Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences,2014,通訊作者
(5) An investigation on dynamic human body communication channel characteristics at 45MHz in different surrounding,IEEE Antenna and Propagation Letters,2014,通訊作者
(6) A new approach todetect congestive heart failure using short-term heart variability measures,PLOS one,2014,通訊作者
(7) Exploration and comparison of the pre-impact lead time of active and passive falls based on inertial sensors,Bio-medical materials and engineering,2014,通訊作者
(8) Prefect snapping:an accurate and efficient interactive image segmentation algorithm ,Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences ,2013,通訊作者
(9) Automatic detection of respiratory rate from electrocardiogram ,Journal of central south university ,2013,通訊作者
(10) An optical tracker based robot registration and servoing method for ultrasound guided percutaneous renal access,Biomendical Engineering Online ,2013,通訊作者
(11) A novel nonlinear regression approach for efficient and accurate image matting ,IEEE Signal Processing Letters,2013,通訊作者
(12) Balance and knee extensibility evaluation of hemiplegic gait using an inertial body sensor network ,Biomedical Engineering Online,2013,通訊作者
(13) Sample entropy charateristics of movement for four foot types based on plantar centre of pressure during stance phase,Biomedical Engineering Online,2013,通訊作者
(14) Automatic tracking of aponeuroses and estimation of muscle thickness in ultrasonography:a feasibility study,IEEE journal of biomedical and health information ,2013,通訊作者
(15) An efficient framework for estimation of muscle fiber orientation using ultrasonography,Biomendical Engineering Online ,2013,通訊作者
(16) Dynamic propagation channel characterization and modeling for human body communication,sensors ,2012,通訊作者
(17) ECG signal de-noising on node based a dedicated FFT circuit,10th IEEE INTERNATIONAL NEWCAS CONFERENCE,2012,通訊作者
(18) Augmenting intraoperative ultrasound with preoperative magnetic resonance planning models for percutaneous renal access,Biomedical Engineering Online ,2012,通訊作者
(19) Exploration and implementation of a pre-impact fall recognition method based on inertial body sensor network,sensors,2012,通訊作者
(20) Low power single-chip RFtransceiver for human body communication,China communications,2012,通訊作者
(21) Plantar ROIcharaterization during the stance phase of gait based on low-cost pressure acquisition platform,Journal of bionic engineering,2012,通訊作者
(22) Plantar ROI Characterization during the Stance Phase of Gait Based on Low-cost Pressure Acquisition Platform,Journal of Bionic Engineering,2012,通訊作者
(23) A low-cost body inertial-sensing network for practical gait discrimination of hemiplegia patients,Telemedicine and e-health ,2012,通訊作者
(24) A novel recursive bayesian learning based method for the efficient and accurate segmentation of sequence image ,IEEE trans.on image processing ,2012,通訊作者
(25) In-situ characterizations of 1-200MHZ radio-ferquency signal coupling with human body,Biomedical engineering applications basis and communications,2012,通訊作者
(26) 5MHz highpass filter with -80db total harmonic distortions,Electronics letters,2012,通訊作者
(27) Estimation of Respiratory Rate from 3D Acceleration Data based on Body Sensor Networks ,telemedicine ane e-healt ,2011,通訊作者
(28) A Wearable Respiratory Biofeedback System Based on Generalized Body Sensor Network,telemedicine ane e-health,2011,通訊作者
(29) Experimental Studies on Human Body Communication Characteristics based upon Capacitive Coupling,body sensor networks 2011 conference,2011,通訊作者
(30) Video Quality in Transmission over Burst-Loss Channels: A Forward Error Correction Perspective,IEEE Communications Letters,2011,第4作者
(31) 呼吸反饋研究進展綜述,中國生物醫學工程學報,2011,通訊作者
(32) Automated Detection of Plantar Pressure ROIs based on Multiple Frame Data,IEEE 2nd International Symposium on Bioelectronics and Bioinformatics,2011,通訊作者
(33) Recursive Kernel Density Learning for Modeling the Background and Segmenting the Image ,Science Letters,2011,第4作者
(34) A Low-cost Body Sensor Networks for Elderly Activities Recognition and Fall Prediction,Proceedings of the International Bionic Engineering Conference ,2011,通訊作者
(35) Body Inertial-Sensing Network Platform for Wearable 3D Gesture Analysis[,IEEE 2nd International Symposium on Bioelectronics and Bioinformatics,2011,通訊作者
(36) Analysis of Filtering Methods for 3D Acceleration Signals in Body Sensor Network[,IEEE 2nd International Symposium on Bioelectronics and Bioinformatics,2011,通訊作者
(37) A Human Body Communication Transceiver Based on On-Off Keying Modulation[,IEEE 2nd International Symposium on Bioelectronics and Bioinformatics,2011,通訊作者
(38) Experimental Characterization of human body communication,IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics,2011,通訊作者
(39) Low-power digital ASIC for on-chip spectral analysis of low-frequency physiological signals,Chinese journal of semiconductors,2011,通訊作者
(40) 醫療芯片的研究現狀及未來展望,世界醫療器械,2011,通訊作者
(41) Video quality in transmission over burst-loss channels:a forward error correction perspective ,IEEE communication letters,2011,通訊作者
(42) A Wearable Respiratory Biofeedback System Based on Body Sensor Networks,IEEE EMBC2010,2010,通訊作者
(43) Design of wireless power management SOC for Active Capsule Endoscope,IEEE BMEI2010,2010,通訊作者
(44) Use of Refined Sample Entropy and Heart Rate Variability to assess the effects of wearable respiratory biofeedback,IEEE BMEI2010,2010,通訊作者
(45) A low-power fully differential reconfigurable biomedical electronics interface to detect heart signals,PrimeAsia2010,2010,通訊作者
(46) Multi-Channel CMOS Frot-End IC for Physiological Signal Acquisition,IEEE ISCAS2010,2010,通訊作者
(47) A Wireless Biomedical Signal Interface System-on-Chip for Body Sensor Networks,IEEE TBCaS 2010 ,2010,通訊作者
(48) A Compact High-Accuracy Rail-to Rail CMOS Operational Amplifier,IEEE iCBBE2010,2010,通訊作者
(49) A new parameter set for clubfoot classification,IEEE iCBBE2010,2010,通訊作者
(50) Clubfoot Pattern Recognition towards Personalized Insole Designed ,IEEE BSN2010,2010,通訊作者
(51) A Multiple-hop Synchronization Protocol with Packet Reconstitution,IEEE BSN2010,2010,通訊作者
(52) A pilot study on quantitative analysis for table tennis block using a 3D accelerameter,IEEE ITAB2010,2010,通訊作者
(53) A customized model for 3D human segmental kinematic coupling analysis by ptoelectronic stereophotogrammetry ,SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences,2010,第2作者
(54) Towards Low Frequency Low Noise Low Power Body Sensor Networks,IEEE ICGCS2010,2010,通訊作者
(55) Design of wireless power supply microsystem for capsule endoscope,PrimeAsia2010,2010,通訊作者
(56) Baseband system for human body channel communication,IEEE BMEI2010,2010,通訊作者
(57) A Wireless Biomedical Signal Interface System-on-Chip for Body Sensor Networks,IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems,2010,第1作者
(58) A modular FPGA-based ultrasonic array system for applications including non-destructive testing,Insight,2008,通訊作者
(59) In situ characterisation of two wireless transmission schemes for ingestible capsules,IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering,2007,第1作者
(60) Multi-channel reflective PPG earpiece sensor with passive motion cancellation,Trans. on Biomedical Circuits and Systems,2007,第1作者
(61) A pervasive body sensor network for measuring postoperative recovery at home,Surg Innov,2007,第4作者
(62) Biocompatibility of a lab-on-a-pill sensor in artificial gastrointestinal,IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering,2006,第2作者
(63) Implementation of radiotelemetry in a lab-in-a-pill format ,lab on a chip ,2006,通訊作者
(64) 2D ultrasonic arrays with low voltage operation for,INSIGHT,2006,第4作者
(65) A programmable microsystem using system-on-chip for real-time biotelemetry,IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering,2005,第1作者
(66) All-digital interface ASIC for a QCM-based electronic nose ,Sensors and actuators b-chemical,2004,通訊作者
(67) Implementation of multi-channel sensors for remote biomedical measurements in a microsystems format ,IEEE trans. on biomedical engineering ,2004,通訊作者
(68) Variable-rate data sampling for low-power microsystems using modified adams methods,IEEE trans. on signal processing,2003,通訊作者
(69) Toward a miniature wireless integrated multisensor microsystem for industrial and biomedical applications ,IEEE sensors journal ,2002,通訊作者
(1) 人體傳感器網絡(第二版),Body sensor networks (2nd edition) ,springer,2014-03,第1作者
(2) 低成本健康集成技術,Low cost health-integration technology,科學出版社,2014-03,第1作者
(3) 健康信息科學,Health Information Science,springer,2014-02,第4作者
(4) 低成本健康保健,Low-Cost Healthcare ,斯普林格出版社,2012-08,第1作者
(5) 生物醫學工程學科發展報告 之健康保健技術部分 ,biomedical engineering discipline development report ,中國科協出版社,2011-04,第1作者
(6) 生物醫學工程學科發展報告 之生物傳感部分,biomedical engineering discipline development report,中國科協出版社 ,2009-06,第1作者
(7) 人體傳感器網絡,Body Sensor Networks,Springer,2006-07,第3作者