1998年11月 - 2000年11月,Research fellow,Delft University of Technology,荷蘭。
2001年2月 - 2003年2月,博士后及教授助理,顆粒技術研究中心,University of WesternOntario, 加拿大。
2007年12月 - 至今,教授,清華大學化學工程系。
6、荷蘭Delft University of Technology 研究員。
7、加拿大University of Western Ontario 顆粒技術研究中心博士后、教授助理。
反應工程基礎 本科生課程
計算流體力學 研究生課程
博士后:8名;博士研究生:9名; 碩士研究生:4名; 本科生:3名。
2、小尺度反應器內復雜反應流動的實驗研究和數值模擬,2008-2010 。
1、金涌,魏飛,程易,汪展文,王金福. 氣固并流折疊式快速流化床反應裝置.發明專利,ZL 00100823.4, 申請日:2000.02, 授權公告號: CN1113689C, 授權公告日: 2003.07.09.
2、程易 ,王金福,金涌,杜閏萍 . 球形高壓多相反應器,發明專利, ZL 200410069373.0, 申請日: 2004.07.21, 授權公告號: CN1304099C, 授權公告日: 2007.03.14.
3、程易 ,駱培成,汪展文,金涌 . 一種液液快速混合反應器 . 發明專利, ZL 200510004936.2 ,申請日: 2005.01.31, 授權公告號: CN1278767C, 授權公告日: 2006.10.11.
4、胡永琪, 程易 ,金涌,趙鳳云,汪展文 . 熱激式多段烴類轉化反應器,實用新型, ZL 200420117191.1 申請日: 2004.12.17, 授權公告號: CN2758233Y, 授權公告日: 2006.02.15.
5、胡永琪,程易 ,金涌,趙鳳云. 帶內換熱器的熱激式多段轉化反應器,實用新型,ZL 200420117192.6 申請日:2004.12.17, 授權公告號: CN2758234Y, 授權公告日: 2006.02.15.
6、胡永琪,王德錚,程易,魏飛,劉潤靜,王金福,金涌. 一種烴類轉化生產合成器的裝置和方法,發明專利,申請號:200410064563.3 ,申請日:2004.11.25, 授權公告號: CN100361890C, 授權公告日: 2008.01.16.
7、程易 , 吳昌寧,丁宇龍,金涌,魏飛 . 一種基于遺傳算法的 X 射線 CT 多相流檢測方法,發明專利,申請號: 200510086250.2 ,申請日: 2005.08.19, 授權公告號: CN 100403987C, 授權公告日: 2008.07.23.
8、丁建生,程易,駱培成,王勇,于天杰,李洪波. 一種液膜撞擊式噴射反應器. 發明專利,申請號:200610007237.8,申請日:2006.02.15, 授權公告號: CN100406112C, 授權公告日: 2008.07.30.
9、程易,王琦,丁石,金涌. 循環流化床甲烷水蒸汽重整制氫反應工藝及反應裝置. 發明專利,申請號:200610007237.8,申請日:2007.05, 授權公告號: CN100491235C, 授權公告日: 2009.05.27.
10、程易,劉喆,魏飛,金涌. 一種氯化法制備鈦白的氧化反應器及其方法. 發明專利,申請號: 200610112892.X,申請日: 2006.09.06, 授權公告號: CN100482592C, 授權公告日: 2009.04.29.
11、程易,丁石, 金涌. 一種甲烷與氧氣預混器. 發明專利, 申請號: 200710118927.5, 申請日: 2007.06.15, 公開號: CN 101125282, 公開日: 2008.02.20.
12、程易,丁石, 胡蓉蓉, 白躍華, 金涌, 喬明, 王德崢. 一種甲烷與氧氣預混器. 發明專利, 申請號: 200710120775.2, 申請日: 2007.08.27, 公開號: CN 101376085, 公開日: 2009.03.04.
13、王金福, 高繼賢, 王鐵峰, 程易, 金涌. 一種煙氣凈化與硫回收系統及工藝. 發明專利, 申請號: 200810104398.8, 申請日: 2008.04.18, 公開號: CN101274193, 公開日: 2008.10.01.
14、程易,王琦, 顏彬航, 金涌. CH4和CO2共轉化制備H2和CO的方法及裝置. 發明專利, 申請號: 200810114915.X, 申請日: 2008.06.13, 公開號: CN101289166, 公開日: 2008.10.22.
15、程易,陳家琦, 郭文康, 熊新陽, 黃崢嶸, 吳昌寧, 周軍. 一種應用于等離子體煤裂解制乙炔反應器的煤粉入口結構. 發明專利, 申請號: 200910080098.5, 申請日: 2009.03.20.
16、程易,郭文康, 吳昌寧, 熊新陽, 周軍, 金涌, 劉軍.一種涉及遮流構件的等離子體煤裂解反應裝置. 發明專利, 申請號: 200910080099.X, 申請日: 2009.03.20.
17、程易,陳家琦, 郭文康, 熊新陽, 黃崢嶸, 吳昌寧, 周軍. 一種應用于等離子體煤裂解制乙炔反應器的煤粉噴射裝置. 實用新型, 申請號: 200920106388.8, 申請日: 2009.03.20.
18、程易,郭文康, 吳昌寧, 熊新陽, 周軍, 金涌, 劉軍.一種涉及遮流構件的等離子體煤裂解反應裝置. 實用新型, 申請號: 200920106389.2, 申請日: 2009.03.20.
19、程易,吳昌寧, 金涌, 顏彬航, 雙玥, 章莉. 一種熱等離子體煤裂解-氣化耦聯工藝及反應裝置. 發明專利, 申請號: 200910083705.3, 申請日: 2009.05.08.
20、程易,雙玥, 吳昌寧, 章莉, 顏彬航. 一種應用于等離子體煤裂解過程的產物急冷方法及裝置. 發明專利, 申請號: 200910083706.8, 申請日: 2009.05.08.
22、程易,章莉, 吳昌寧, 顏彬航, 雙玥, 金涌. 一種含有氣固快分結構的等離子體煤裂解過程后處理工藝. 發明專利, 申請號: 200910083704.9, 申請日: 2009.05.08.
23、程易,顏彬航, 吳昌寧, 雙玥, 章莉. 應用于煤裂解制乙炔過程的熱等離子體與煤粉混合結構. 發明專利, 申請號: 200910083703.4, 申請日: 2009.05.08.
24、程易,吉定豪, 潘偉雄,田大勇,金涌. 一種合成氣制甲烷的流化床工藝和裝置. 發明專利, 申請號: 200910093101.7, 申請日: 2009.09.18.
25、程易,盧巍, 王琦, 金涌. 低溫等離子體制備氯化聚氯乙烯的噴動床反應器及其方法. 發明專利, 申請號: 200910092630.5, 申請日: 2009.09.18.
26、程易,王琦, 盧巍, 金涌. 低溫等離子體循環流化床制備氯化聚氯乙烯的方法及裝置. 發明專利, 申請號: 200910092928.6, 申請日: 2009.09.11.
27、程易,丁石, 翟緒麗, 金涌. 一種甲烷水蒸氣重整制氫工藝及其裝置. 發明專利, 申請號: 200910085584.6, 申請日: 2009.05.26.
28、謝蘭英, 劉琦, 曾毅, 高澤華, 劉斌, 胡蓉蓉, 王德錚, 程易. 降低卷煙煙氣CO、NO熱穩氧化錳分子篩催化劑的制備及應用. 發明專利, 申請號: 200910304944.7, 申請日: 2009.07.29.
29、程易,田大勇,史慧亮. 一種用于二氧化碳完全甲烷化的催化劑及其制備方法. 發明專利,申請號:201010217356.2,申請日:2010.06.29.
30、程易, 熊新陽, 章莉, 劉軍, 顏彬航, 周軍. 應用于等離子體煤裂解過程的毫秒級快速冷卻裝置. 發明專利, 申請號: 201010551088.8, 申請日: 2010.11.18.
1、報告題目:Geometrical control of hydrodynamics in multiphase flow reactors using fractal injectors,英國劍橋大學化工系(倫敦),2000。
2、報告題目:Development of coal pyrolysis to acetylene in hydrogen plasma reactor,International Symposium on Gasification and Application(上海),2008。
3、報告題目:Reactor analysis of coal pyrolysis to acetylene in hydrogen plasma reactor,New Jersey Institute of Technology(Newark, USA),2008。
4、報告題目:Research activities of Tsinghua University in multiphase reaction engineering,Ohio State University(Columbus, USA),2008。
5、報告題目:Research activities on fundamentals and applications of microreactors, Bayer,上海,2008。
6、報告題目:Research activity of Tsinghua University in fluidized bed technology field, Seminar on Fluidization and Fluidized Bed Conversion Processes(Kyoto,Japan),2008。
7、報告題目:Modeling and simulation of hydrodynamics in downer reactor, Chinese-German Workshop:From microscale to technical dimension - challenges in the simulation of dense gas-particle flows,2008。
8、報告題目:Millisecond mixing and reactions in multiphase reactors, Eindhoven University of Technology(荷蘭),2008。
9、報告題目:Downer reactor: from concept phase to industrial application,AIChE年會(San Francisco,USA),2006。
10、報告題目:Non-invasive measurement techniques applied in multiphase flow tomography and fluid micromixing studies,第一屆中美化學工程前沿研究會,2005。
11、報告題目:Novel downer reactor: from fundamental study to industrial application,UOP公司邀請訪問(Chicago,USA),2003。
Zhu, J.X., Cheng, Y. (2006). Fluidized-Bed Reactors and Applications, in Multiphase Flow Handbook, ed. by Crowe, C.T., CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group): Boca Raton, pp.5-55~5-83.
1、Wu, C.N., Cheng, Y., Ding, Y.L., Jin, Y. (2010). CFD-DEM simulation of gas-solid reacting flows in fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) process. Chemical Engineering Science, 65(1): 542-549.
2、Zhao, Y.Z., Ding, Y.L., Wu, C.N., Cheng, Y. (2010). Numerical simulation of hydrodynamics in downers using a CFD-DEM coupled approach. Powder Technology, 199: 2-12.
3、Zhao, Y.Z., Cheng, Y. ., Wu, C.N., Ding, Y.L., Jin Y. (2010). Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation of distinct clustering phenomena and RTDs in riser and downer. Particuology, doi: 10.1016/j.partic.2009.11.002.
4、Wu, C.N., Chen, J.Q., Cheng, Y.(2010). Thermodynamic analysis of coal pyrolysis to acetylene in hydrogen plasma reactor. Fuel Processing Technology, doi: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2009.09.013.
5、Ding, S., Wu, C.N., Cheng, Y.H., Jin, Y., Cheng, Y. (2010). Analysis of catalytic partial oxidation of methane on Rhodium-coated foam monolith using CFD with detailed chemistry. Chemical Engineering Science, 65: 1989-1999.
6、He, Y., Huang, Y.B., Cheng, Y. (2010). Structure evolution of curcumin nanoprecipitation from a microreactor. Crystal Growth & Design. 10: 1021-1024.
7、Yan, B.H., Wang, Q., Jin, Y., Cheng, Y. (2010). Dry reforming of methane with carbon dioxide using pulsed DC arc plasma at atmospheric pressure. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing. 30(2): 257-266.
8、Hu, Y.Y., Liu, Z., Yang, J.C., Jin, Y., Cheng, Y. (2010). Study on the reactive mixing process in a stirred tank using planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) technique. Chemical Engineering Science, 65: 4511-4518.
9、Liu, Z., Huang, Y.B., Jin, Y., Cheng, Y. (2010). Droplet-based mixing intensification by chaotic advection for controlled nano-particle preparation. Microfluid Nanofluid, 9(4-5): 773-786.
10、Zhai, X.L., Ding, S., Cheng, Y.H., Jin, Y., Cheng, Y. (2010). CFD simulation with detailed chemistry of steam reforming of methane for hydrogen production in an integral micro-reactor. Int J Hydrogen Energy, 35: 5383-5392.
11、Shuang, Y., Wu, C.N., Yan, B.H., Cheng, Y. Heat transfer inside particles and devolatilization for coal pyrolysis to acetylene at ultra-high temperatures. Energy Fuels, 24(5): 2991-2998.
12、Zhai X.L., Ding S., Liu Z.H, Jin Y., Cheng Y. (2010) Catalytic performance of Ni catalysts for steam reforming of methane at high space velocity. Int J Hydrogen Energy, doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2010.10.053.
13、Wu C.N., Yan B.H., Jin Y. and Cheng Y. (2010). Modeling and simulation of chemically reacting flows in gas-solid catalytic and non-catalytic processes. Particuology, 8(6): 525-530.
14、Wu C.N., Jin Y. and Cheng Y. (2010). Modelling and simulation of catalytically reacting flows in the fluid catalytic cracking process. Hydrocarbon World, 5(2): 27-30.
15、Wang, Q., Yan, B.H., Jin, Y., Cheng, Y. (2009). Dry reforming of methane in a dielectric barrier discharge reactor with Ni/Al2O3 catalyst: the interaction of catalyst and plasma. Energy & Fuels, 23(8): 4196-4201.
16、Wang, Q., Yan, B.H., Jin, Y., Cheng, Y. (2009). Dry reforming of methane in an atmospheric pressure plasma fluidized bed with Ni/g-Al2O3 catalyst. Catalysis Today, 148(3-4): 275-282.
17、Chen, J.Q., Cheng, Y. (2009). Process development and reactor analysis of coal pyrolysis to acetylene in hydrogen plasma reactor. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 42(s1): s1-s8.
18、Ding, S., Yang, Y.Y., Jin, Y., Cheng, Y. (2009). Catalyst deactivation of Rh-coated foam monolith for catalytic partial oxidation of methane. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48(6): 2878-2885.
19、Wu, C.N., Cheng, Y., Jin, Y. (2009). Downer-to-riser coupling technique for petroleum refining. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 32(3): 482-491.
20、Wang, Q., Yan, B.H., Jin, Y., Cheng, Y. (2009). Investigation of dry reforming of methane in a dielectric barrier discharge reactor. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 29(3): 217-228.
21、Liu, Z., Cheng, Y., Jin, Y. (2009). Experimental study of reactive mixing in a mini-scale mixer by laser-induced fluorescence technique. Chemical Engineering Journal, 150(2-3): 536-543.
22、Wu, C.N., Cheng, Y., Jin, Y. (2009). Understanding riser and downer based FCC processes by a comprehensive two-dimensional reactor model. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48(1): 12-26.
23、Hu, Y.Y., Liu, Z., Yang, J.C., Jin, Y., Cheng, Y. (2009). Millisecond mixing of liquids using a novel jet nozzle. Chemical Engineering Science, 64(5): 812-820.
24、Zhao, Y.Z., Cheng, Y. (2008). Numerical simulation of radial segregation patterns of binary granular systems in a rotating horizontal drum. Acta Physica Sinica, 57(1): 322-328.
25、Wu, C.N., Cheng, Y., Liu, M.L., Jin, Y. (2008). Measurement of axisymmetric two-phase flows by an improved x-ray-computed tomography technique. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 47(6): 2063-2074.
26、Wu, C.N., Cheng, Y., Jin, Y. (2008). Modeling the hydrodynamics in a coupled high-density downer-to-riser reactor. Powder Technology, 181(3): 255-265.
27、Wang, Q., Cheng, Y., Wu, C.N., Jin, Y. (2008). A novel energy conservation process for zero emission of carbon dioxide: Chemical looping combustion. Progress in Chemistry, 20(10): 1612-1620.
28、Liu, Z., Cheng, Y., Jin, Y. (2008). Fast liquid jet mixing in millimeter channels with various multislits designs. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 47(23): 9744-9753.
29、Liu, F., Wei, F., Li, G.L., Cheng, Y., Wang, L., Luo, G.H., Li, Q., Qian, Z., Zhang, Q., Jin, Y. (2008). Study on the FCC process of a novel riser-downer coupling reactor (III): Industrial trial and CFD modeling. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 47(22): 8582-8587.
30、Hu, R.R., Xie, L.Y., Ding, S., Huo, J., Cheng, Y., Wang, D.Z., (2008). CO Oxidation and Oxygen-assisted CO Adsorption/Desorption on Ag/MnOx Catalysts. Catalysis Today, 131: 513-519.
31、Wu, C.N., Cheng, Y., Liu, M.L., Jin. Y., (2008). Measurement of Axisymmetric Two-Phase Flows by an Improved X-ray-Computed Tomography Technique. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 47(6): 2063-2074.
32、Cheng, Y., Wu, C.N., Zhu, J.X., Wei, F., Jin, Y. (2008). Downer Reactor: from Fundamental Study to Industrial Application. Powder Technology, 183(3): 364-384..
33、Cheng, Y., Zhu, J. (2008). Hydrodynamics and scale-up of liquid-solid circulating fluidized beds: Similitude method vs. CFD. Chemical Engineering Science, 63(12): 3201-3211.
34、Cheng, Y. Chen, J.Q., Ding, Y.L., Xiong, X.Y., Jin, Y. (2008). Inlet effect on the coal pyrolysis to acetylene in a hydrogen plasma downer reactor. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, , 86(3): 413-420.
35、Cheng, Y. and Zhu, J.X. (2008). Hydrodynamics and Scale-up of Liquid-Solid Circulating Fluidized Beds: Similitude Method vs. CFD. Chemical Engineering Science, 63(12): 3201-3211.
36、Wu, C.N., Cheng, Y. , Ding, Y.L., Wei, F., Jin, Y. (2007). A novel X-ray computed tomography method for fast measurement of multiphase flow. Chemical Engineering Science, 62(16): 4325-4335.
37、Luo, P.C., Cheng, Y. , Jin, Y., Yang, W.H., Ding, J.S. (2007). Fast liquid mixing by cross-flow impingement in millimeter channels. Chemical Engineering Science, 62: 6178-6190.
38、Luo, P.C., Cheng, Y. , Zhao, Y.Z., Jin, Y., Yang, W.H. (2007). Millisecond mixing of two liquid streams in a mixer model. Chemical Engineering Science, 62(18-20): 5688-5695.
39、Hu, R.R., Zhao, X.L., Ding, S., Li, W.J., Cheng, Y. ., Wang, D.Z. (2007). Determination of a catalyst powder's active site concentration with a pulse reactor in Knudsen flow. Chemical Engineering Science, 62(18-20): 5317-5321.
40、Wang, Y.,Cheng, Y. , Jin, Y., Bi, H.T. (2007). On Impacts of Solid Properties and Operating Conditions on the Performance of Gas-Solid Fluidization Systems. Powder Technology, 172(3): 167-176.
41、Li, W.J., Xie, L.Y., Gao, L., Zhao, X.L., Hu, R.R.,Cheng, Y. , Wang, D.Z. (2007). The measurement of gas diffusivity in porous materials by temporal analysis of products (TAP). Catalysis Today, 121(3-4): 246-254.
42、Xu, C.B., Cheng, Y. and Zhu, J. Fluidization of Fine Particles in a Sound Field and Identification of Group C/A Particles Using Acoustic Waves. Powder Technology, (2006). 161(3), 227-234.
43、Luo, P.C., Cheng, Y., Wang, Z.W., Jin, Y. and Yang, W.H. (2006). Study on the Mixing Behavior of Thin Liquid Sheets Impinging Jet Using PLIF Technique, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 45: 863-870.
44、Cheng, Y., Ye, A.W., Liu, F. and Wei, F. (2006). Numerical Simulation of Swirling Flows in Oxidation Reactors for TiO2 Manufacture. China Particuology, 4(3-4): 108-113.
45、Yuan, Y.H., Han, M.H., Cheng, Y.,Wang, D.Z. and Jin, Y. (2005). Experimental and CFD Analysis of Two-Phase Cross/Countercurrent Flow in the Packed Column with a Novel Internal. Chemical Engineering Science, 60 (22): 6210-6216.
46、Cheng, Y. and Zhu, J.X. (2005). CFD Modeling and Simulation of Hydrodynamics in Liquid-Solid Circulating Fluidized Beds. Can. J. Chem. Eng. 83 (2): 177-185.
47、Zheng, Y., Cheng, Y., Wei, F., Jin, Y. (2002). CFD Simulation of Hydrodynamics in Downer Reactors. Chem. Eng. Comm.,189(12): 1598-1610.
48、Cheng, Y., Wei, F., Guo, Y.C., Jin, Y. (2001). CFD Simulation of Hydrodynamics in the Entrance Region of a Downer. Chemical Engineering Science, 56(4): 1687-1696.
49、Cheng, Y., Guo, Y.C., Wei, F., Jin, Y., Lin, W.Y. (1999). Modeling the Hydrodynamics of Downer Reactors Based on Kinetic Theory. Chemical Engineering Science, 54(13-14): 2019-2027.
50、Wei, F., Lin, H.F., Cheng, Y., Wang, Z.W., Jin, Y. (1998). Profiles of Particle Velocity and Solids Fraction in a High-Density Riser. Powder Technology, 100(2-3): 183-189.
50、Cheng, Y., Wei, F., Yang, G.Q., Jin, Y. (1998). Inlet and Outlet Effects on Flow Patterns in Gas-Solid Risers. Powder Technology, 98(2): 151-156.
51、Wei, F., Cheng, Y., Jin, Y., Yu, Z.Q. (1996). Axial and Lateral Dispersion of Fine Particles in a Binary-Solid Riser. Can. J. Chem. Eng., 76(1): 19-26.
52、Yan, B.H., Wu, C.N., Cheng Y. CFD simulation of the reacting flow process of coal pyrolysis to acetylene in hydrogen plasma downer reactors. In Fluidization XIII, eds. Kim, S.D., Kang, Y., Lee, J.K. and Seo, Y.C., Engineering Conferences International, Gyeong-ju, Korea, May 16-21, 2010, p725.
53、Wu, C.N., Tian, D.Y., Cheng Y. CFD-DEM simulation of syngas-to-methane process in a fluidized-bed reactor. In Fluidization XIII, eds. Kim, S.D., Kang, Y., Lee, J.K. and Seo, Y.C., Engineering Conferences International, Gyeong-ju, Korea, May 16-21, 2010, p733.
54、Liu, Z., He, Y., Wang, W.T., Cheng Y. Visualization of liquid-liquid mixing in micro-channels and micro-droplets for controlled nanoparticle formation of drugs. IMRET-11, Kyoto, Japan, March 7-10, 2010.
55、Zhai, X.L., Ding, S., Cheng, Y.H.,Cheng Y. CFD simulation with detailed chemistry of steam reforming of methane in an integral micro-reactor. IMRET-11, Kyoto, Japan, March 7-10, 2010.
56、Hu Y.Y., Liu Z., Wu C.N., Yang J. C., Cheng Y. Reactive-LIF measurement and modeling of gas-liquid mass transfer and reaction. 2009 World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, August 23-28, 2009.
57、Wang, Q., Wu. C.N., Cheng, Y. Characteristics of gas-solid two-phase flow in a plasma fluidized bed at atmospheric pressure. 2009 World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, August 23-28, 2009.
58、Wang, Q., Cheng, Y. Jin, Y. Dry reforming of methane in an atmospheric pressure plasma fluidized bed with Ni/g-Al2O3 catalyst. 10th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization, Tianjin May 22-23, 2009.
59、Zhang. L.C., Zhao, Y.Z., Cheng, Y. DEM simulation on pattern formation of radial segregation of granular in rotating drums. The 1st China International Symposium on Particles Technology (CISPT 2008), Shanghai, China, December 8-11, 2008.
60、Wu, C.N., Cheng, Y., Ding, Y.L., Jin, Y. Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation of gas-solid reacting flows in the solid catalyzed process. The 1st China International Symposium on Particles Technology (CISPT 2008), Shanghai, China, December 8-11, 2008.
61、Cheng, Y. Development of coal pyrolysis to acetylene in hydrogen plasma reactor. International Symposium on Gasification and Application, Shanghai, China, December 8-11, 2008.
62、Wu, C.N., Cheng, Y., Ding, Y.L., Jin, Y. CFD-DEM simulation of gas-solid reacting flows in fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) process. The 20th International Symposiums on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Kyoto, Japan, September 7-10, 2008.
63、Chen, J.Q., Cheng, Y. Process development and reactor analysis of coal pyrolysis to acetylene in hydrogen plasma reactor. The 20th International Symposiums on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Kyoto, Japan, September 7-10, 2008.
64、Chen, J.Q., Cheng, Y. Reactor analysis of coal pyrolysis to acetylene in hydrogen plasma reactor. 2008 AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, Nov. 16-21, 2008.
65、Liu, Z., Cheng, Y., Jin, Y. Experimental study of reactive mixing in a mini-scale jet mixer by laser induced fluorescence technique. 2008 AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, Nov. 16-21, 2008.
66、Wu, C.N., Cheng, Y., Jin, Y. (2008). Downer-to-riser coupling technique for heavy oil catalytic cracking, In: The 9th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 401-406.
67、Ding, Y.L., Cheng, Y., Wu, C.N. (2008). Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation of the wall effect in gas-solid circulating fluidized bed downers, In: The 9th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 325-330.
68、Cheng, Y., Ding, Y.L., Chen, J.Q., Xiong, X.Y., Jin, Y. (2008). Coal injection for pyrolysis process in a 2 MW hydrogen plasma reactor for acetylene, In: The 9th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 661-666.
69、Wu, C.N., Cheng, Y., Jin, Y. Downer-to-Riser coupling technique for heavy oil catalytic cracking. 2007 AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, Nov. 4-9, 2007.
70、Zhao, Y.Z., Cheng, Y., Jin, Y. DEM Simulation on Pattern Formation of Radial Segregation of Granular in Rotating Drums. 2007 AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, Nov. 4-9, 2007.
71、Cheng, Y., Ding, Y.L., Chen, J.Q., Jin, Y. Coal Injection for Pyrolysis Process in a 2MW Hydrogen Plasma for Acetylene. 2007 AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, Nov. 4-9, 2007.
72、Zhao, Y.Z., Cheng, Y., Ding, Y.L., Jin, Y. (2007). Understanding the hydrodynamics in a 2-dimensional downer by CFD-DEM simulation, In: Fluidization XII, Berruti, F., Bi, X.T., Pugsley, D., Eds., Vancouver, Canada, pp. 855-862.
73、Gao, J.X., Cheng, Y., Ding, Y.L., Wang, J.F. (2007). Numerical simulation of the cavity behavior in two-dimensional radial flow moving-bed reactors by CFD-DEM technique, In: The 3rd Asian Particle Technology Symposium, Wei, F., Li, J.H., Eds., Beijing, China, pp. 374-382.
74、Chen, J.Q., Cheng, Y., Chen, B., Ding, S. (2007). Controlled synthesis of Titanium dioxide nanoparticles in a flame reactor, In: The 3rd Asian Particle Technology Symposium, Wei, F., Li, J.H., Eds., Beijing, China, pp. 599-606.
75、Cheng, Y. Downer reactor: from concept phase to industrial application. 2006 AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Nov. 12-17, 2006.
76、Luo, P.C., Cheng, Y., Liu, Z., Yang, W.H. Millisecond mixing of two liquid sheets in a jet nozzle. 2006 AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Nov. 12-17, 2006.
77、Cheng, Y., Wu. C.N., Ding, Y.L., Jin, Y. Genetic Algorithm Based Fast X-Ray CT Technique Applied in Multiphase Flow Measurement. 2006 AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Nov. 12-17, 2006.
78、Zhao, Y.Z., Ding, Y.L., Cheng, Y., Jin, Y. Eulerian-Lagrangian Simulation of Distinct Clustering Phenomena and RTDs in Riser and Downer. The 19th International Symposiums on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Postdam, Germany, September 2006.
79、Luo, P.C., Cheng, Y., Zhao, Y.Z., Jin, Y., Yang, W.H. Millisecond mixing of two liquid streams in a mixer model. The 19th International Symposiums on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Postdam, Germany, September 2006.
80、Zhao, Y.Z., Cheng, Y., Ding, Y.L., Wu, C.N., Jin, Y. Understanding the hydrodynamics and mixing behavior in a 2-dimensional downer by CFD-DEM simulation. 2006 AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Nov. 12-17, 2006.
81、Wu, C.N., Cheng, Y., Jin, Y. (2006). Hydrodynamics in a coupled high-density downer-to-riser reactor, In: The Ninth China-Japan Symposium on Fluidization, Wei, F., Horio, M., Eds., Beijing, China, pp.175-180.
82、Gao, J.X., Zhao, Y.Z., Cheng, Y., Ding, Y.L., Wang, J.F. (2006). CFD-DEM simulation of the cavity behavior in two-dimensional radial flow moving-bed reactors, In: The Ninth China-Japan Symposium on Fluidization, Wei, F., Horio, M., Eds., Beijing, China, pp. 289-294.
83、Zhao, Y.Z., Cheng, Y., Jin, Y. Full-three-dimensional numerical simulation of a conical-cylindrical spouted bed. The 3rd China/USA/Japan Joint Chemical Engineering Conference, October 11-13, 2005.
84、Cheng, Y., Ding, Y.L., Wu, C.N. Genetic Algorithm Based Fast X-Ray CT Technique Applied in Multiphase Flow Measurement. The 3rd China/USA/Japan Joint Chemical Engineering Conference, October 11-13, 2005.
85、Luo, P.C., Cheng, Y., Wang, Z.W., Jin, Y., Yang, W.H. Comprehensive study of a liquid-liquid fast mixing process by PLIF technique and CFD simulation. The 3rd China/USA/Japan Joint Chemical Engineering Conference, October 11-13, 2005.
86、Cheng, Y. Non-invasive measurement techniques applied in multiphase flow tomography and fluid micromixing studies. The First China-U.S.A. Workshop on Chemical Engineering. Beijing, China, August 9-12, 2005.
87、Zhang, X.J., Cheng,Y., Yuan, Y.H., Han, M.H. Study on the gas-liquid flow patterns and RTDs in a packed bed with internals by CFD simulation. The 4th ASIA-PACIFIC Chemical Reaction Engineering Symposium, Gyeongju, Korea, June 12-15, 2005.
88、Wu, C.N., Cheng, Y., Wei, F., Jin, Y. Novel reactor coupling technique for petroleum refining towards clean gasoline production. The 4th ASIA-PACIFIC Chemical Reaction Engineering Symposium, Gyeongju, Korea, June 12-15, 2005.
89、Wu, C.N., Cheng, Y., Wei, F., Jin, Y. Novel design and modeling of a coupled high-density downer-riser reactor, In: The 8th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, Cen, K.F., Ed., Hangzhou, China, pp. 720-726.
90、Wu, B., Cheng, Y., Briens, L., Zhu, J.X. Analysis of gas-solids suspension flow behavior in a high-density downer, In: The 8th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, Cen, K.F., Ed., International Academic Publishers: Hangzhou, China, pp. 704-711.
91、Liu, F., Cheng,Y., Wei, F. A novel coupled riser-downer reactor: industrial trial and CFD simulation of reacting flows. The 18th International Symposiums on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Chicago, June 2004.
1、 煤粉高溫快速裂解過程的顆粒內部傳遞行為 雙玥; 吳昌寧; 顏彬航; 程易 清華大學化學工程系 化工學報 2010-12-15
2 、微通道中液滴內部速度場的LBM模擬 王文坦; 劉喆; 金涌; 程易 清華大學化學工程系北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室 中國科技論文在線 2010-12-15
3 、超短接觸反應器氣固快分裝置的數值模擬 章莉; 顏彬航; 吳昌寧; 程易 清華大學化學工程系; 北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室 【期刊】化工學報 2010-03-15
4、 熱等離子體裂解煤一步法制乙炔關鍵技術及過程經濟性分析 吳昌寧; 顏彬航; 章莉; 雙玥; 金涌; 程易 清華大學化學工程系; 北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室 【期刊】化工學報 2010-07-15
5、 微混合器與靜電噴霧一體化可控制備納米藥物 何藝; 程易; 黃延賓 清華大學化工系 【期刊】中國科技論文在線 2010-09-15
6、 偏心攪拌反應器內的液相混合行為 胡銀玉; 劉喆; 楊基礎; 程易 清華大學化學工程系 【期刊】化工學報 2010-10-15
7、 直流電弧等離子體甲烷二氧化碳重整反應 顏彬航; 王琦; 金涌; 程易 清華大學化學工程系 【期刊】化工學報 2010-11-15
8、 熱等離子體裂解煤制乙炔的研究進展 陳家琦; 程易; 熊新陽; 吳昌寧; 金涌 清華大學化工系北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室; 新疆天業集團公司 【期刊】化工進展 2009-03-05
9、 Rh負載的泡沫獨石上甲烷部分氧化的基元反應動力學模擬 丁石; 陽宜洋; 王琦; 胡蓉蓉; 王德崢; 程易 清華大學化學工程系北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室 【期刊】高校化學工程學報 2009-04-15
10、 甲烷部分氧化過程Rh負載的泡沫獨石的穩定性 丁石; 程音弘; 吳昌寧; 金涌; 程易 清華大學化學工程系; 北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室 【期刊】過程工程學報 2009-04-15
11、 三方程線性彈性-阻尼DEM模型及碰撞參數確定 趙永志; 程易; 鄭津洋 浙江大學化學工程與生物工程學系; 清華大學化學工程系 【期刊】計算力學學報 2009-04-15
12、 微反應器與溶劑揮發法制備相變蓄熱材料微膠囊 劉喆; 章莉; 金涌; 程易 清華大學化學工程系; 北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室 【期刊】化工學報 2009-05-15
13、 化學反應工程教學新理念和實踐探索 王垚; 金涌; 程易; 王金福 清華大學化工系北京綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室 【期刊】化工高等教育 2009-04-30
14、 Rh/MgO/γ-Al_2O_3上的毫秒級甲烷蒸汽重整過程 陽宜洋; 丁石; 金涌; 程易 清華大學化學工程系; 北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室 【期刊】化工學報 2009-08-15
15、 工業生物技術的過程科學基礎研究 譚天偉; 元英進; 程易; 張嗣良; 蘇志國; 陳堅 北京化工大學; 天津大學; 清華大學; 華東理工大學; 中國科學院過程工程研究所; 江南大學 【期刊】中國基礎科學 2009-10-15
16、 微通道反應器內毫秒級甲烷蒸汽重整過程分析 張忠濤; 翟緒麗; 陽宜洋; 程易 中國石油大慶化工研究中心; 清華大學化學工程系; 北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室 【期刊】石油與天然氣化工 2009-12-15
17、 甲烷催化部分氧化制合成氣研究進展 劉志紅; 丁石; 程易 中國石油天然氣股份有限公司科技管理部; 清華大學化學工程系; 清華大學化學工程系 【期刊】石油與天然氣化工 2006-02-28
18、 氯化法鈦白氧化反應器氣體錯流混合 程易; 劉喆; 駱培成; 魏飛 清華大學化學工程系; 清華大學化學工程系; 清華大學化學工程系 北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室; 北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室 【期刊】化工學報 2006-12-30
19、 提升管與下行床顆粒團聚行為的離散顆粒模擬 趙永志; 程易; 金涌 綠色反應工程與工藝北京市重點實驗室清華大學化學工程系; 綠色反應工程與工藝北京市重點實驗室清華大學化學工程系; 綠色反應工程與工藝北京市重點實驗室清華大學化學工程系 北京 【期刊】化工學報 2007-01-30
20、 基于遺傳算法的快速X射線計算機層析成像多相流測試技術(Ⅰ)測試原理和數值仿真 吳昌寧; 丁宇龍; 程易; 金涌 北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室 清華大學化學工程系; 北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室; 清華大學化學工程系 【期刊】化工學報 2007-02-28
21、 基于遺傳算法的快速X射線計算機層析成像多相流測試技術(Ⅱ)靜態實驗驗證 丁宇龍; 吳昌寧; 程易; 金涌 北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室 清華大學化學工程系; 北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室; 清華大學化學工程系 【期刊】化工學報 2007-02-28
22、 新型內構件填充床反應器數值模擬——Ⅰ.氣相流場和停留時間分布 張學佳; 程易; 韓明漢 清華大學化學工程系綠色反應工程與工藝北京市重點實驗室; 清華大學化學工程系綠色反應工程與工藝北京市重點實驗室; 清華大學化學工程系綠色反應工程與工藝北京市重點實驗室 北京 【期刊】過程工程學報 2007-02-28
23、 下行床氣粒流動行為的Eulerian-Lagrangian模擬 趙永志; 程易; 丁宇龍; 金涌 清華大學化學工程系; 清華大學化學工程系; 清華大學化學工程系 綠色反應工程與工藝北京市重點實驗室; 綠色反應工程與工藝北京市重點實驗室 【期刊】化工學報 2007-05-15
24、 摻Ag對氧化錳八面體分子篩催化CO氧化性能的影響 胡蓉蓉; 程易; 謝蘭英; 王德崢 清華大學化學工程系北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室; 清華大學化學工程系北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室; 湖南中煙工業公司技術中心; 清華大學化學工程系北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室 北京; 湖南長沙 【期刊】催化學報 2007-05-15
25、 不同入口結構下行床內氣固流動及混合行為的CFD-DEM模擬 趙永志; 程易; 丁宇龍; 金涌 清華大學化學工程系 綠色反應工程與工藝北京市重點實驗室; 清華大學化學工程系; 綠色反應工程與工藝北京市重點實驗室 【期刊】化工學報 2007-06-15
26、 二維導流管噴動床離散顆粒動力學模擬 趙永志; 程易; 金涌 清華大學化學工程系綠色反應工程與工藝北京市重點實驗室; 清華大學化學工程系綠色反應工程與工藝北京市重點實驗室; 清華大學化學工程系綠色反應工程與工藝北京市重點實驗室 北京 【期刊】化學工程 2007-06-15
27、 高溫氣相法可控制備納米TiO_2 程易; 陳家琦; 丁石 清華大學化學工程系北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室; 清華大學化學工程系北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室; 清華大學化學工程系北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室 北京 【期刊】化工學報 2007-08-15
28、 Rh負載的整體型催化劑甲烷催化部分氧化過程 丁石; 胡蓉蓉; 陽宜洋; 王德崢; 程易 清華大學化學工程系北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室; 清華大學化學工程系北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室; 清華大學化學工程系北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室 北京 【期刊】化工學報 2007-09-15
29、 顆粒移動床內不穩定運動的計算顆粒動力學模擬 趙永志; 程易; 金涌 清華大學化學工程系綠色反應工程與工藝北京市重點實驗室; 清華大學化學工程系綠色反應工程與工藝北京市重點實驗室; 清華大學化學工程系綠色反應工程與工藝北京市重點實驗室 北京 【期刊】化工學報 2007-09-15
30、 CO在Ag摻雜的氧化錳八面體分子篩上吸附的TAP研究 胡蓉蓉; 程易; 丁宇龍; 謝蘭英; 王德崢 清華大學化學工程系北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室; 清華大學化學工程系北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室; 湖南中煙工業公司技術中心; 清華大學化學工程系北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室 北京 【期刊】化學學報 2007-09-28
31、 火焰法合成納米TiO_2顆粒生長過程 陳博; 程易; 丁石; 胡蓉蓉 清華大學化學工程系 北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室; 清華大學化學工程系; 北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室 【期刊】過程工程學報 2007-10-15
32、 平面激光誘導熒光技術用于快速液-液混合過程溫度場測量 杜閏萍; 劉喆; 程易; 駱培成 清華大學化學工程系 北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室; 清華大學化學工程系; 北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室 【期刊】過程工程學報 2007-10-15
33、 沉浸管式流化床的顆粒尺度模擬 趙永志; 程易 浙江大學化工機械研究所; 清華大學化學工程系 浙江杭州 【期刊】化學工程 2007-11-15
34、 水平滾筒內二元顆粒體系徑向分離模式的數值模擬研究 趙永志; 程易 浙江大學化學工程與生物工程學系化工機械研究所; 清華大學化學工程系 杭州 【期刊】物理學報 2008-01-15
35、 氣固催化反應流動的CFD-DEM模擬研究 吳昌寧; 丁宇龍; 金涌; 程易 清華大學化學工程系; 北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室 【期刊】中國科技論文在線 2008-12-15
36、 新型節能CO_2零排放工藝——化學循環燃燒技術 王琦; 程易; 吳昌寧; 金涌 清華大學化學工程系 【期刊】化學進展 2008-10-24
37、 液-液快速混合設備研究進展 駱培成; 程易; 汪展文; 金涌; 楊萬宏 清華大學化工系; 清華大學化工系; 煙臺萬華聚氨酯股份有限公司 北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室; 煙臺萬華聚氨酯股份有限公司; 北京市綠色反應工程與工藝重點實驗室 【期刊】化工進展 2005-12-30
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39、 流態化及流固接觸技術 鄧任生; 魏飛; 胡永琪; 程易 清華大學化工系; 清華大學化工系 【期刊】現代化工 1999-12-20
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41、 下行床氣固兩相流動計算流體力學模擬 程易; 魏飛; 鄭雨; 金涌; 郭印誠; 林文漪 清華大學化學工程系; 清華大學化學工程系; 清華大學工程力學系 【期刊】化工學報 2000-06-25
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45、 垂直氣固并流上行/下行系統完全發展段的混沌研究 程易; 魏飛; 林仟; 金涌; 俞芷青 清華大學化工系; 清華大學化工系 【期刊】化工學報 1998-04-25
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47、 應用于多相流快速檢測的X射線CT新方法 吳昌寧; 程易; 丁宇龍; 魏飛; 金涌 【會議】中國顆粒學會2006年年會暨海峽兩岸顆粒技術研討會論文集 2006-08-01
48、 不同入口結構下行床內氣固流動及混合行為的CFD--DEM模擬 趙永志; 程易; 丁宇龍; 金涌 【會議】中國顆粒學會2006年年會暨海峽兩岸顆粒技術研討會論文集 2006-08-01
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