曾曉雄, 男 ,1964年4月出生。1994年9月評為湖南省青年骨干教師,現為南京農業大學食品科技學院教授,博士生導師。
1. 機能性寡糖庫的構建與應用,南京農業大學高層次人才引進基金,2004-10——2006-10,主持;
2. 硫酸化寡糖的酶法合成及其與血凝素和SARS冠狀病毒S蛋白相互作用的研究,國家自然科學基金,2006-1——2008-12,主持;
3. 硫酸化寡糖的酶促合成及其與凝集素的相互作用分析, 教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金,2006-1——2007-12,主持;
4. 芯-殼納米顆粒及其納米營養物制備技術的研究,863計劃,2007——2010,主持;
6. 葡萄糖醛酸寡糖的酶法合成及其與朊病毒蛋白和選凝素相互作用的研究國家自然科學基金,2009-1——2011-12,主持。
1 響應曲面法優化獸疫鏈球菌變異株透明質酸發酵條件的研究 甘聃; 柯春林; 劉俊; 王雷; 曾曉雄 食品工業科技 2009-06-25
2 多糖生物活性及應用研究新進展 章棟梁; 郭向瑩; 余南靜; 張博; 周楠; 孫怡; 葉紅; 曾曉雄 湖北農業科學 2009-09-05
3 低分子量透明質酸的制備及其抗氧化活性的研究 柯春林; 喬德亮; 曾曉雄 食品工業科技 2010-01-25
4 利用乳酸菌發酵獼猴桃汁 王曉晴; 王榆元; 曾曉雄 飲料工業 2006-06-28
5 產谷氨酸脫羧酶金銀花內生菌的鑒定及其轉化特性研究 楊勝遠; 陸兆新; 孫力軍; 別小妹; 呂鳳霞; 曾曉雄 食品科學 2007-02-15
6 納米技術在食品工業中的應用研究進展 曾曉雄 湖南農業大學學報(自然科學版) 2007-02-28
7 乳酸發酵獼猴桃汁的研究 王曉晴; 王榆元; 曾曉雄 食品科學 2007-03-15
8 芯-殼復合納米顆粒及其納米營養物制備技術的研究 Ⅰ.兒茶素納米膠囊的研制 胡冰; 周蓓; 孫怡; 葉紅; 曾曉雄 湖南農業大學學報(自然科學版) 2007-06-15
9 高效液相色譜法分析大豆和大豆低聚糖漿中糖的組成與含量 向小麗; 楊立怡; 孫怡; 葉紅; 麻浩; 曾曉雄 食品科學 2007-12-15
10 酶固定化及其在食品工業中應用新進展 喬德亮; 胡冰; 曾曉雄 食品工業科技 2008-01-25
11 Folin-Ciocalteu比色法測定苦丁茶中多酚含量 劉麗香; Tanguy Laura; 梁興飛; 孫怡; 葉紅; 曾曉雄 茶葉科學 2008-04-15
12 苦丁茶提取物多酚含量與抗氧化活性的測定 劉麗香; 梁興飛; 孫怡; Tanguy Laura; 葉紅; 曾曉雄 茶葉科學 2008-08-15
13 魚油中DHA與EPA的開發應用研究Ⅰ.魚油精制與魚油中DHA和EPA的GC/MS,GC分析 曾曉雄; 楊紅旗; 羅澤民 湖南農學院學報 1994-06-30
14 魚油中DHA與EPA的開發應用研究Ⅱ.鹽法與尿素包合法制備PUFA 曾曉雄; 楊紅旗; 羅澤民 湖南農學院學報 1994-08-30
15 DHA制品脂肪酸組成分析 曾曉雄; 孫怡; 廖愛君; 羅澤民 湖南農業大學學報 1996-10-30
16 茶葉中類胡蘿卜素的氧化降解及其與茶葉品質的關系 曾曉雄 茶葉通訊 1992-03-01
17 茶樹體內咖啡堿的生物合成 曾曉雄; 譚淑宜 茶葉通訊 1992-08-28
18 酶在茶葉加工中的應用研究現狀與展望 曾曉雄; 羅澤民 食品工業科技 1993-10-28
19 固定化酵母發酵生產酒精的研究——Ⅰ.小試試驗 謝達平; 曾曉雄; 譚淑宜; 戴小陽; 羅澤民 湖南農學院學報 1993-06-30
20 固定化酵母發酵生產酒精的研究——Ⅱ.中試試驗 謝達平; 曾曉雄; 戴小陽; 譚淑宜; 羅澤民 湖南農學院學報 1993-10-28
21 林檎保健茶主要化學成分分析 曾曉雄; 譚淑宜; 羅澤民 湖南農學院學報 1993-10-28
22 茶樹品種間核酸含量差異及其在紅碎茶初制中的變化初探 譚淑宜; 曾曉雄 湖南農學院學報 1993-12-27
23 茶葉香氣中萜烯物質的生物合成及其與茶樹無性系分類 曾曉雄 福建茶葉 1988-07-01
24 炒青綠茶香氣的研究Ⅱ:提取時間與溶劑對香氣成分提取率的影響 曾曉雄 茶葉 1988-05-26
25 速溶茉莉花茶香氣成份的GC\MS分析 曾曉雄; 寵新文; 陸廣源 食品科學 1989-09-28
26 炒青綠茶香氣的研究——Ⅲ. 春夏季炒青綠茶以及不同級別炒青綠茶香氣特點與差異 曾曉雄; 汪琢成 湖南農學院學報 1989-08-29
27 “冷后渾”的形成與轉溶 曾曉雄 茶葉通訊 1989-06-30
28 固定化酵母錐形罐式生物反應器發酵生產啤酒的研究 謝達平; 曾曉雄; 譚淑宜; 羅澤民 湖南農學院學報 1991-03-02
29 提高速溶茶品質的研究 Ⅰ. 酶法提取 譚淑宜; 曾曉雄; 羅澤民 湖南農學院學報 1991-08-29
1.Bing Hu, Lin Wang, Bei Zhou, Xin Zhang, Yi Sun, Hong Ye, Liyan Zhao, Qiuhui Hu, Guoxiang Wang, Xiaoxiong Zeng (通訊作者). Efficient procedure for isolating methylated catechins from green tea and effective simultaneous analysis of ten catechins, three purine alkaloids, and gallic acid in tea by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detector. Journal of Chromatography A, 1216, 3223-3231 (2009).
2.Lixiang Liu, Yi Sun, Tanguy Laura, Xingfei Liang, Hong Ye, Xiaoxiong Zeng (通訊作者). Determination of polyphenolic content and antioxidant activity of kudincha made from Ilex kudingcha C.J.Tseng. Food Chemistry, 112, 35-42 (2009).
3.Chunlin Ke, Deliang Qiao, Dan Gan, Yi Sun, Hong Ye, Xiaoxiong Zeng (通訊作者). Antioxidant acitivity in vitro and in vivo of the capsule polysaccharides from Streptococcus equi subsp. Zooepidemicus. Carbohydrate Polymers, 75, 677-682 (2009).
4.Deliang Qiaoa, Bing Hu, Dan Gan, Yi Sun, Hong Ye, Xiaoxiong Zeng (通訊作者). Extraction optimized by using response surface methodology, purification and preliminary characterization of polysaccharides from Hyriopsis cumingii. Carbohydrate Polymers, 76, 422-429 (2009).
5.Wei Li, Xiaoli Xiang, Shufen Tang, Bing Hu, Lin Tian, Yi Sun, Hong Ye, Xiaoxiong Zeng (通訊作者). Effective enzymatic synthesis of lactosucrose and its analogues by -D-galactosidase from Bacillus circulans. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Online (2009).
6.Deliang Qiao, Chunlin Ke, Bing Hu, Dan Gan, Yi Sun, Hong Ye, Xiaoxiong Zeng (通訊作者). Antioxidant activities of polysaccharides from Hyriopsis cumingii. Carbohydrate Polymers, Online (2009).
7.Jun Liu, Jianguang Luo, Hong Ye, Yi Sun, Zhaoxin Lu, Xiaoxiong Zeng (通訊作者). Production, characterization and antioxidant activities in vitro of exopolysaccharides from endophytic bacterium Paenibacillus polymyxa EJS-3. Carbohydrate Polymers, Online (2009).
8.Xiaoxiong Zeng, Yi Sun, Hong Ye, Hirotaka Uzawa. Chemoenzymatic synthesis of p-aminophenyl glycosides of sialyl or sulfated N-acetyllactosaminide and analysis of their interactions with proteins. Glycobiology, 18 (11), 981 (2008).
9.Bing Hu, Chenliang Pan, Yi Sun, Zhiyun Hou, Hong Ye, Bing Hu, Xiaoxiong Zeng (通訊作者). Systematic examination of various fabrication parameters for chitosan-tripolyphosphate nanoparticles as delivery of tea catechins. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56, 7451-7458 (2008).
10.Xiang Xiaoli, Yang Liyi, Hua Shuang, Li Wei, Sun Yi, Ma Hao, Zhang Jusong, Zeng Xiaoxiong (通訊作者). Determination of oligosaccharide contents in 19 cultivars of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L) seeds by high performance liquid chromatography. Food Chemistry, 111, 215-219 (2008).
11.Hong Ye, Keqi Wang, Chunhong Zhou, Jun Liu, Xiaoxiong Zeng (通訊作者). Purification, antitumor and antioxidant activities in vitro of polysaccharides from the brown seaweed Sargassum pallidum. Food Chemistry, 111, 428-432 (2008).
12.Xiaoxiong Zeng, Yi Sun, Hong Ye, Jun Liu, Xiaoli Xiang, Bei Zhou and Hirotaka Uzawa. Effective chemo-enzymatic synthesis of p-aminophenyl glycosides of sialyl N-acetyllactosaminide and analysis of their interactions with lectins. Carbohydrate Research, 342, 1244-1248 (2007).
13.Xiaoxiong Zeng, Yi Sun, Hong Ye, Jun Liu and Hirotaka Uzawa. Synthesis of p-nitrophenyl sulfated disaccharides with b-D-(6-sulfo)-GlcNAc units using b-N-acetylhexosaminidase from Aspergillus oryzae for a transglycosylation reaction. Biotechnology Letters, 29, 1105-1110 (2007).
14.Makoto Ogata, Xiaoxiong Zeng,Taichi Usuia,and Hirotaka Uzawa. Substrate specificity of N-acetylhexosaminidase from Aspergillus oryzae to artificial glycosyl acceptors having various substituents at the reducing ends, Carbohydrate Research, 342, 23-30 (2007).
15.Chun Liu, Hongling Wang, Zhumei Cui, Xiaoling He, Xiansheng Wang, Xiaoxiong Zeng, Hao Ma. Optimization of extraction and isolation for 11S and 7S globulins of soybean seed storage protein, Food Chemistry, 102: 1310-136 (2007).
16.Xiaoxiong Zeng, Yi Sun, Hong Ye, Jun Liu and Hirotaka Uzawa. Enzymatic synthesis of sulfated disaccharides with b-D-(6-sulfo)-GlcNAc units with b-N-acetylhexosaminidase and used for substrates of glycosyltransferase, Abstract of The XXIIIrd International Symposium on Carbohydrate, Canadan (July, 2006).
17.Xiaoxiong Zeng, Yi Sun, Hirotaka Uzawa. Efficient enzymatic synthesis of 4-methyl umbelliferyl N-acetyllactosaminide and 4-methylumbelliferyl sialyl N- acetyllactosaminides empolying b-D-galactosidase and sialyltransferases, Biotechnology Letters, 27, 1461-1465 (2005).
18.Xiaoxiong Zeng, Hirotaka Uzawa. Convenient enzymatic synthesis of p-nitrophenyl oligosaccharide series of sialyl N-acetyl lactosamine, sialyl LeX, and relevant compounds, Carbohydrate Research, 340, 2469-2475 (2005).
19.Makoto Ogata, Xiaoxiong Zeng, Takeomi Murata, Taichi Usui, and Hirotaka Uzawa. Synthesis of 6'- sulfodisaccharides by Aspergillus oryzae b-N-acetylhexosaminidase-catalyzed transglycosylation reaction and its acceptor substrate specificity, Glycoconjugates Journal, S127 (2005).
20.Xiaomei Bie, Zhaoxin Lu, Fengxia Lu, and Xiaoxiong Zeng. Screening the main factors affecting extraction of the antimicrobial substance from Bacillus sp. fmbJ using the Plackett-Burman method, World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 21, 925-928 (2005).
21.Xiaoxiong Zeng, Takeomi Murata, and Taichi Usui. Glycosidase-catalyzed synthesis of fucosyl di- and trisaccharides derivatives using beta-L-fucosidase from Alcaligenes ap., Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry, 22, 309-316 (2003).
22.Hirotaka Uzawa, Xiaoxiong Zeng, and Norihiko Minoura. Synthesis of 6’-sulfodisaccharides by beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase-catalyzed transglycosylation, ChemComm, 100 -101 (2003).
23.Xiaoxiong Zeng, Takeomi Murata, Yumiko Nakaaki, Hirokazu Kawagishi, Kazukiyo Kobayashi, and Taichi Usui. Chemo-enzymatic synthesis of of glycopolypeptides carrying Neu5Ac(alpha)2→3Gal(beta)1→3GalNAc(alpha), Gal (beta)1→3GalNAc(alpha), and related compounds and analysis of their specific interactions with lectins, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 383, 28-37 (2000).
24.Xiaoxiong Zeng, Rika Yoshino, Takeomi Murata, Kastumi Ajisaka, and Taichi Usui. Regioselectivity synthesis of p-nitrophenyl glycoside beta-galactopyranosyl-disaccharide by use of transglycosylation of beta-D- galactosidase, Carbohydrate Research, 325, 120-131 (2000).
25.Xiaoxiong Zeng, Shigenori Morimoto, Takeomi Murata, and Taichi Usui, Regioselectivity of alpha-L-fucopyranosyloligosaccharide formation by the alpha-L-fucosidase from porcine liver, Journal of Applied Glycoscience, 46, 241-247 (1999).
26.Takeomi Murata, Shigenori Morimoto, Xiaoxiong Zeng, and Taichi Usui. Enzymatic synthesis of O-alpha-L-fucosyl N-acetyllactosamine and O-alpha-L-fucosyl-lactose by alpha-L-fucosidases, Carbohydrate Research, 320,192-199 (1999).
27.Xiaoxiong Zeng, Yumiko Nakaaki, Takeomi Murata, Taichi Usui, and Kazukiyo Kobayashi. Analysis of the interactions of glycopolypeptides carrying Gal(beta)1→3GalNAc unit and related compounds with lectins, Glycoconjugate Journal, 16, S120 (1999).
28.Takeomi Murata, Shigenori Morimoto, Xiaoxiong Zeng, Shima Watanabe, and Taichi Usui. Enzymatic syntheses of O-alpha-L-fucosyl N-acetyllactosamine and O-alpha-L-fucosyl -lactose utilizing alpha-L-fucosidases, Glycoconjugate Journal, 16, S170 (1999).
29.Xiaoxiong Zeng, Takeomi Murata, Hirokazu Kawagishi, Taichi Usui, and Kazukiyo Kobayashi. Analysis of specific interactions of synthetic glycopolypeptides carrying N-acetyllactosamine and related compounds with lectins, Carbohydrate Research, 312, 209-217 (1998).
30.Xiaoxiong Zeng, Takeomi Murata, Hirokazu Kawagishi, Taichi Usui, and Kazukiyo Kobayashi. Synthesis of artificial N-glycopolypeptides carrying N-acetyllactosamine and related compounds and their specific interactions with lectins, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 62, 1171-1178 (1998).
31.Xiaoxiong Zeng and Wang Zuocheng. Study on the aroma of roasted green tea, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Tea Science, pp60-66, 1991, Shizuoka, Japan.
32.Xiaoxiong Zeng, Tan Shuyi, and Luo Zemin. Study on the application of enzymes to improve the quality of instant tea, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Tea Science and Human Health, pp381-388, 1993, Calcutta, India.
1 利用唾液鏈球菌嗜熱亞種生產γ-氨基丁酸的方法 陸兆新; 楊勝遠; 呂鳳霞; 別小姝; 鄒曉葵; 曾曉雄 南京農業大學 2005-12-21