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3.Qiong Qi, Yeping Jiang, Aifang Yu, Xiaohui Qiu and Chao Jiang* “Enhancement of Electrical Conductance for Pentacene Thin Film Transistor by Controlling an Initial Layer-by-layer Growth Mode Directly on SiO2 Insulator”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 48(2009)04C164-1.
4.Aifang Yu, Qiong Qi, Peng Jiang and Chao Jiang* “The effects of hydroxyl-free polystyrene buffer layer on electrical performance of pentacene-based thin-film transistors with high-k oxide gate dielectric”, Synthetic metals 159(2009)1467-1470.
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6.Qiong Qi, Aifang Yu, Liangmin Wang and Chao Jiang* “Behavior of Pentacene Initial Nucleation on Various Dielectrics and Its Effect on Carrier Transport in Organic Field-effect Transistor”, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 10(2010)XXX.(DOI: 10.1166/jnn.2010.2802)
7.Miao Zhao, Peng Jiang*, Ke Deng, Si-Shen Xie, Guang-Lu Ge and Chao Jiang* “Modulated self-assembly of 4,4_-diphenyltetrathiafulvalene molecules on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite by n-tetradecane solvent”, Nanotechnology 20 (2009)425301.
8.Miao Zhao, Ke Deng, Peng Jiang,*, Si-Shen Xie, Denis Fichou, and Chao Jiang* “Binary-Component Self-Assembled Monolayer Comprising Tetrathiafulvalene and n-Tetradecane Molecules with Periodic Ordered Phase Separation Structures on a Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite Surface”, J. Phys. Chem. C 114(2010)1646.
9. T. Muranaka, C. Jiang, A. Ito, H. Fujikura and H. Hasegawa "Origin of Non-uniformity in MBE Grown Nanometer-sized InGaAs Ridge Quantum Wires and Its Removal by Atomic Hydrogen-assisted Cleaning", Thin Solid Films 380(2000)189.
10.Chao Jiang, Takuya Kawazu, Shigeki Kobayashi and Hiroyuki Sakaki “Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of Very Large Lateral Anisotropic GaSb/GaAs Quantum Dots”, J. Cryst. Growth301-302(2007)828-832.
11. Chao Jiang and Hiroyuki Sakaki “Controlling Anisotropy of GaSb(As)/GaAs Quantum Dots by Self-Assembled Molecular Beam Epitaxy”, Physica E32, 17(2006).
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14. Chao Jiang, Tsutomu Muranaka and Hikeki Hasegawa "Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth Mechanism and Wire Width Control for Formation of Dense Networks of Narrow InGaAs Quantum Wires", Microelectronic Engineering 63 (2002)293.
15. Chao Jiang and Hideki Hasegawa "Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth of High-Quality Linear Arrays of InGaAs Ridge Quantum Wires with Nanometer Wire Widths and Submicron Pitches on Patterned InP Substrates" Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 41(2002)972.
16. Chao Jiang, Tsutomu Muranaka and Hideki Hasegawa “Structural and Optical Properties of InGaAs Ridge Quantum Wires Arrays with Sub-micron Pitches Grown by Selective MBE on Patterned InP Substrates” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 41(2002)2683-2688.
17. A. Ito, T. Muranaka, C. Jiang, and H. Hasegawa "Formation of High-Density Hexagonal Networks of InGaAs Ridge Quantum Wires by Atomic Hydrogen-Assisted Selective Molecular Beam Epitaxy", Appl. Surf. Sci. 190(2002)231.
18. Chao Jiang, Tsutomu Muranaka and Hideki Hasegawa "Improvement of Growth Process to Achieve High Geometrical Uniformity in InGaAs Ridge Quantum Wires Grown by Selective MBE on Patterned InP Substrate", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 40(2001)3003-3008.
19. Tsutomu Muranaka, Chao Jiang, Akira Ito and Hikeki Hasegawa "Characterization and Optimization of Atomic Hydrogen Cleaning of InP Surface for Selective MBE Growth of InGaAs Quantum Structure Arrays", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 40(2001)1874.
20. Y-G. Xie, S. Kasai, H. Takahashi, C. Jiang and H. Hasegawa "A Novel InGaAs/InAlAs Insulated Gated Pseudomorphic HEMT with a Silicon Interface Control Layer Showing High DC- and RF-Performance", IEEE Electron Device Lett. 22(2001)312.
21. C. Jiang, H. Fujikura and H. Hasegawa "Vertical Barrier Layer Formation during Selective MBE Growth of InGaAs Ridge Quantum Wires on InP Patterned Substrates", Physica E7(2000)902-906
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