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轉型發展與落實 《巴黎協定》 目標——兼論 “戈爾悖論” 之破解



Implementation of the Targets Set in the Paris Agreement through Transformative Development
Pan Jiahua

摘要落實2030年可持續發展議程、 實現 《巴黎協定》 目標, 任重道遠。人類社會需要 “走得快”, 還要 “走得遠”。表象的 “改革” 或 “轉軌” 難以實現人類社會可持續發展的目標, 只能從根本上加以全面深入的 “轉型”, 對工業文明加以提升和改造, 向人與自然、 人與社會和諧的生態文明的發展范式轉型。保護自然、 改善生態環境, 就是保護和發展生產力。自然價值、 生態資產, 需要在國民經濟核算體系中得到科學客觀的體現。發達國家需要生活方式的轉型, 發展中國家需要生產方式的轉型。我們已經有了一個全球可持續發展的轉型議程, 中國的生態文明建設實踐和低碳轉型績效卓著。落實 《巴黎協定》 的目標, 轉型需要合作創新。


Abstracts: There is a long and difficult way ahead for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement. Human-kind must move fast and far so as to achieve sustainability. Conventional approaches such as reform and transition do not seem to be sufficient and the only possibility is comprehensive and in-depth transformation at fundamentals, towards ecological civilization such that man and nature, man and society are in harmony, through upgrading and reforming industrial paradigms of civilization. Natural conservation and ecological enhancement are in essence the protection and improvement of productivity. Transformative thinking is required and the value of nature and ecological assets must be reflected in National System of Accounting. Consumption pattern in the rich countries and the production mode in the developing world must be transformed to be compatible with sustainability. A global agenda for sustainable development is in position and the experiences in China's construction of ecological civilization substantiate the direction of transformative development. For realizing the targets set in the Paris Agreement, institutional innovation and international cooperation prove essential. 

Keywords: Transformative Development; Paris Agreement Targets; 2030 Agenda For Sustainable Development; Ecological Civilization

全文:轉型發展與落實 《巴黎協定》 目標——兼論 “戈爾悖論” 之破解.pdf

   轉型發展與落實 《巴黎協定》 目標——兼論 “戈爾悖論” 之破解.pdf

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