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新農藥創制是多學科交叉的復雜系統工程,具有難度大、周期長、投入大、風險高、成功率低(四萬至十四萬分之一)等特點(不僅要世界首創,還要經過多年的嚴格檢驗與驗證,這個過程通常需要8-10年時間,大浪淘沙,確認是個“好”產品,獲準登記 — 需要進行各種生物學性能測試研究以及安全評價研究,包括毒理學、環境安全與風險研究如致癌、致畸、致突變,土壤殘留、植物殘留、果實殘留,對蜂鳥魚蠶、地下水、以及代謝與蓄積毒性研究等的,類似醫藥的一期、二期、三期、四期臨床試驗。“大浪淘沙”過后,還要進行合成方法、工藝過程和工程化研究,才能產業化,最后還要進行推廣應用。即使方法得當,各方面配合好,還有運氣特別好,從開始研究,到獲準登記,再到產業化,為農業增產增收產生很好的社會效益 — 整個過程也需要20年時間)。

農藥對糧食生產安全作用極大(據統計、如果不使用農藥,作物將減產40%以上,甚至絕收。如霜霉病、晚疫病等毀滅性氣傳病害,若不使用農藥將導致作物絕收, 1845年因馬鈴薯晚疫病爆發,造成愛爾蘭大饑荒:當時愛爾蘭共800多萬人,因饑荒死亡100多萬,150多萬人背井離鄉逃亡美洲等),但我國創制的農藥品種數量極少(世界常用600多個農藥品種中,我國發明的僅10多種)。因此發展符合我國國情的綠色新農藥創制方法、加速我國新農藥創制,是確保糧食生產安全的重大科學問題。



中間體衍生化方法從有機合成角度出發,選擇“中間體”、利用化學反應,把新藥創制的復雜過程簡單化,如利用關鍵中間體進行多樣化衍生、重要基團替換和活性化合物衍生等多種方式進行全新 或 二次先導化合物的研制,可有效避開已有專利的保護,大幅提高新藥創制的效率和成功率。該創制技術還有助于發明性能更優、全新作用機制或多作用靶標藥物,不僅解決抗性問題,而且還可以減少農藥用量,更好的保護環境



1)用上述中間體,進行進一步化學反應包括衍生,經生物活性篩選,發現新的先導化合物—直接合成法(CIM)— 旨在發現全新結構、尤其是全新作用機制的化合物






自2003年至今,劉長令相繼受邀在國內相關大學、科研單位,以及農藥會議上作關于“中間體衍生化方法”及其應用報告,于2010年2月和2011年4月分別在美國陶氏益農、富美實公司作關于“中間體衍生化方法” 及其應用的報告,均得到好評。2014年8月受邀在美國舊金山召開的世界最重要的IUPAC國際農藥會議上作大會主題報告。同時劉長令團隊在農藥化學領域影響因子最高的兩個國際期刊《Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry》(JAFC)和《Pest Management Science》(PMS)發表與“中間體衍生化方法”及其應用有關的論文10余篇。并于2014年受邀為Chemical Reviews撰寫關于“中間體衍生化方法”及其應用的綜述性論文。


受邀撰寫新農藥創制技術論文“Application of the Intermediate Derivatization Approach in Agrochemical Discovery”于2014年5月發表在國際權威雜志《Chemical Reviews》,詳見:http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/cr4005605

2014年8月受邀在美國舊金山召開的第13屆IUPAC國際農藥會議作大會主題報告《Efficient Approach To Discover Novel Agrochemical Candidates: Intermediate Derivatization Method(創制新農藥品種的有效途徑:中間體衍生化方法)》,該報告整理后發表于農藥化學領域影響因子最高的國際期刊JAFC,詳見:http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jf5054707

“世界農用化學品會議”是世界上另一個重要的農藥會議。英國Agranova公司總裁Rob Bryant博士在2012年11月世界農用化學品會議上作報告,正面評價了該方法及其應用。詳見:http://www.agranova.co.uk/pdf/RJB20121127.pdf



1、Application of the Intermediate Derivatization Approach in Agrochemical Discovery

•By Guan, Aiying; Liu, Changling; Yang, Xiaoping; Dekeyser, Mark

•From Chemical Reviews (Washington, DC, United States) (2014), 114(14), 7079-7107

2、Efficient Approach To Discover Novel Agrochemical Candidates: Intermediate Derivatization Method

•By Liu, Changling; Guan, Aiying; Yang, Jindong; Chai, Baoshan; Li, Miao; Li, Huichao; Yang, Jichun; Xie, Yong

•From Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2014), Ahead of Print.

3、N-Phenyl heteroarylamine analogues of fluazinam using the intermediate derivatization methods approach

•By Guan, Aiying; Li, Huichao; Li, Zhinian; Yang, Fan; Xie, Yong; Yang, Xiaoping; Liu, Changling

•From Journal of Chemical Sciences (Bangalore, India) (2014), 126(4), 1107-1114.

4、Synthesis and fungicidal activity of fluorine-containing chlorothalonil derivatives

•By Guan, Aiying; Liu, Changling; Huang, Guang; Li, Huichao; Hao, Shulin; Xu, Ying; Xie, Yong; Li, Zhinian

•From Journal of Fluorine Chemistry (2014), 160, 82-87.

5、Synthesis of novel strobilurin-pyrimidine derivatives and their antiproliferative activity against human cancer cell lines

•By Chai, Baoshan; Wang, Shuyang; Yu, Wenquan; Li, Huichao; Song, Chuanjun; Xu, Ying; Liu, Changling; Chang, Junbiao

•From Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters (2013), 23(12), 3505-3510.

6、Design, Synthesis, and Herbicidal Activity of Novel Substituted 3-(Pyridin-2-yl)benzenesulfonamide Derivatives

•By Xie, Yong; Chi, Hui-Wei; Guan, Ai-Ying; Liu, Chang-Ling; Ma, Hong-Juan; Cui, Dong-Liang

•From Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2014), 62(52), 12491-12496.

7、Design, synthesis and structure-activity relationship of novel oxime ether strobilurin derivatives containing substituted benzofurans

•By Xie, Ya-Qiang; Huang, Yi-Bing; Liu, Jian-She; Ye, Li-Yi; Che, Li-Ming; Tu, Song; Liu, Chang-Ling

•From Pest Management Science (2015), 71(3), 404-414.

8、Design, Synthesis, and Structure-Activity Relationship of Novel Aniline Derivatives of Chlorothalonil

•By Guan, Ai-Ying; Liu, Chang-Ling; Huang, Guang; Li, Hui-Chao; Hao, Shu-Lin; Xu, Ying; Li, Zhi-Nian

•From Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2013), 61(49), 11929-11936.

9、Synthesis and acaricidal activity of strobilurin-pyrimidine derivatives

•By Chai, Bao-Shan; Liu, Chang-Ling; Li, Hui-Chao; Liu, Shao-Wu; Xu, Ying; Song, Yu-Quan; Chang, Jun-Biao

•From Chinese Chemical Letters (2014), 25(1), 137-140. |

10、Design, synthesis and structure-activity relationship of novel insecticidal dichloro-allyloxy-phenol derivatives containing substituted pyrazol-3-ols

•By Li, Miao; Liu, Chang-Ling; Zhang, Jing; Wu, Qiao; Hao, Shu-Lin; Song, Yu-quan

•From Pest Management Science (2013), 69(5), 635-641.

11、Synthesis and bioactivity of novel coumarin derivatives

•By Guan, Ai-Ying; Liu, Chang-Ling; Li, Miao; Li, Zhi-Nian; Zhang, Ming-Xing; Zhang, Hong

•From Natural Product Communications (2011), 6(12), 1917-1920.

12、The discovery of SYP-10913 and SYP-11277: novel strobilurin acaricides

•By Chai, Bao-Shan; Liu, Chang-Ling; Li, Hui-Chao; Zhang, Hong; Liu, Shao-Wu; Huang, Guang; Chang, Jun-Biao

•From Pest Management Science (2011), 67(9), 1141-1146.

13、Design, synthesis and structure-activity relationship of novel coumarin derivatives

•By Guan, Ai-Ying; Liu, Chang-Ling; Li, Miao; Zhang, Hong; Li, Zhi-Nian; Li, Zheng-Ming

•From Pest Management Science (2011), 67(6), 647-655.

14、Synthesis and bioactivity of novel coumarin derivatives containing (E)-methyl 2-(methoxyimino)-2-phenylacetates

•By Guan, Ai Ying; Liu, Chang Ling; Li, Zhi Nian; Zhang, Ming Xing

•From Chinese Chemical Letters (2011), 22(6), 663-666.

15、Design, synthesis and acaricidal activity of novel strobilurin derivatives containing pyrimidine moieties

•By Chai, Bao-Shan; Liu, Chang-Ling; Li, Hui-Chao; He, Xiao-Min; Luo, Yan-Mei; Huang, Guang; Zhang, Hong; Chang, Jun-Biao

•From Pest Management Science (2010), 66(11), 1208-1214.

16、Synthesis and fungicidal activity of novel strobilurin analogues containing substituted N-phenylpyrimidin-2-amines

•By Li, Hui Chao; Chai, Bao Shan; Li, Zhi Nian; Yang, Ji Chun; Liu, Chang Ling

•From Chinese Chemical Letters (2009), 20(11), 1287-1290.

17、Design, synthesis and biological activities of new strobilurin derivatives containing substituted pyrazoles

•By Li, Miao; Liu, Chang-Ling; Li, Lin; Yang, Hao; Li, Zhi-Nian; Zhang, Hong; Li, Zheng-Ming

•From Pest Management Science (2010), 66(1), 107-112.

18、Synthesis and Biological Activity of New (E)-α-(Methoxyimino)benzeneacetate Derivatives Containing a Substituted Pyrazole Ring

•By Li, Miao; Liu, Chang-Ling; Yang, Ji-Chun; Zhang, Jin-Bo; Li, Zhi-Nian; Zhang, Hong; Li, Zheng-Ming

•From Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2010), 58(5), 2664-2667.

19、Design, synthesis and biological activity of new strobilurin derivatives with a 1H-pyrazol-5-oxy side chain

•By Li, Miao; Liu, Chang-Ling; Yang, Ji-Chun; Li, Lin; Li, Zhi-Nian; Zhang, Hong; Li, Zheng-Ming

•From Natural Product Communications (2009), 4(9), 1215-1220.

20、Design, synthesis and fungicidal activity of novel strobilurin analogues containing substituted N-phenylpyrimidin-2-amines

•By Li, Hui-Chao; Liu, Chang-Ling; Chai, Bao-Shan; Li, Miao; Li, Zhi-Nian; Yang, Ji-Chun

•From Natural Product Communications (2009), 4(9), 1209-1214.

21、Design, synthesis and fungicidal activity of novel (E)-methyl 2-{2-[(coumarin-7-yloxy)methyl]phenyl}-3-methoxyacrylates

•By Liu, Chang-Ling; Li, Miao; Guan, Ai-Ying; Zhang, Hong; Li, Zheng-Ming

•From Natural Product Communications (2007), 2(8), 845-848.

22、Synthesis and biological activity of novel 2-(3-trifluoromethylphenoxy)-4-trifluoromethylthiazole-5-carboxamide derivatives

•By Liu, Chang-Ling; Li, Miao; Chi, Hui-Wei; Hou, Chun-Qing; Li, Zheng-Ming

•From Journal of Fluorine Chemistry (2006), 127(6), 796-799.

23、Design, synthesis, and biological activity of novel 4-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-methylthiazole-5-carboxylic acid derivatives

•By Liu, Chang-Ling; Li, Lin; Li, Zheng-Ming

•From Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry (2004), 12(11), 2825-2830.


1、Natural coumarin and methoxyacrylate hybrids: Anticancer activity, SAR, and mode of action studies

•By Guan, Aiying; Liu, Changling; Zhang, Mingxing; Yang, Fan; Xie, Yong

•From Abstracts of Papers, 248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, CA, United States, August 10-14, 2014 (2014), MEDI-138. |

2、Substituted diarylamine compounds with antineoplastic activity

•By Li, Huichao; Guan, Aiying; Liu, Changling

•From Abstracts of Papers, 248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, CA, United States, August 10-14, 2014 (2014), MEDI-137. |

3、Novel substituted anilinopyrimidine compounds: Design, synthesis, and fungicidal activity

•By Chai, Baoshan; Sun, Xufeng; Liu, Changling

•From Abstracts of Papers, 248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, CA, United States, August 10-14, 2014 (2014), AGRO-725. |

4、N-Phenyl benzothiazolamine compounds using the intermediate derivatization methods approach

•By Guan, Aiying; Liu, Changling; Li, Huichao; Chen, Wei; Xie, Yong; Yang, Fan; Li, Zhinian

•From Abstracts of Papers, 248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, CA, United States, August 10-14, 2014 (2014), AGRO-724. |

5、Novel fluorinated strobilurin-pyrimidine acaricide: Design, synthesis, and acaricidal activity

•By Chai, Baoshan; Liu, Changling; Chang, Junbiao

•From Abstracts of Papers, 246th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, United States, September 8-12, 2013 (2013), AGRO-213. |

6、Design, synthesis, and acaricidal activity of strobilurin-pyrimidine conjugates

•By Chai, Baoshan; Liu, Changling; Li, Huichao

•From Abstracts of Papers, 246th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, United States, September 8-12, 2013 (2013), AGFD-193. |

7、Novel pyrazolone fungicide: Applications of byproducts in agrochemicals

•By Chai, Baoshan; Liu, Changling

•From Abstracts of Papers, 244th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, United States, August 19-23, 2012 (2012), AGRO-105. |

8、Novel substituted diphenylamine fungicide

•By Li, Huichao; Liu, Changling; Huang, Guang; Li, Zhinian; Zhu, Minna

•From Abstracts of Papers, 241st ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Anaheim, CA, United States, March 27-31, 2011 (2011), AGFD-99. |

9、Design, synthesis and structure-activity relationship of novel dichloro-allyloxy-phenol derivaties containing substituted pyrazoles

•By Li, Miao; Liu, Changling; Zhang, Jing; Wu, Qiao; Song, Yuquan

•From Abstracts of Papers, 241st ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Anaheim, CA, United States, March 27-31, 2011 (2011), AGFD-96. |

10、SYP-11277: A novel strobilurin containing phenylaminopyrimidine acaricide

•By Chai, Baoshan; Liu, Changling; Li, Huichao; Liu, Shaowu; Song, Yuquan; Chang, Junbiao

•From Abstracts of Papers, 241st ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Anaheim, CA, United States, March 27-31, 2011 (2011), AGFD-94. |

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