[1]余一平, 高志, 倪秋龍, 楊曉雷, 辛煥海, 鞠平, 王沖, 鄭迪, 楊瀅, 韓中杰, 陸夢可, 邵雨琪, 蘇昱辰. 基于關聯分析的受端電網電壓薄弱節點辨識方法、系統與計算機可讀介質[P]. 江蘇省: CN117575430A, 2024-02-20.
[2]王沖, 吳峰, 張磊, 鞠平, 梁偉, 石大夯. 電力故障事件驅動恢復方法、裝置、設備及存儲介質[P]. 江蘇省: CN117374952A, 2024-01-09.
[3]王沖, 吳峰, 萬燦, 鞠平. 基于改進Q學習的配電系統過程狀態驅動的彈性策略方法[P]. 江蘇省: CN116739074A, 2023-09-12.
[4]王沖, 鞠平, 吳峰. 一種基于馬爾科夫決策的配電系統彈性策略構建的方法[P]. 江蘇省: CN111860611A, 2020-10-30.
[5]王沖, 鞠平, 吳峰. 一種基于等效電路的微電網可求解邊界分析的方法[P]. 江蘇省: CN111817359A, 2020-10-23.
[6]鞠平, 姜婷玉, 王沖, 劉婧孜, 秦川, 劉波. 一種定頻空調短期功率調節的方法[P]. 江蘇省: CN111271839A, 2020-06-12.
[7]鞠平, 姜婷玉, 王沖, 劉婧孜, 劉波, 秦川, 金宇清. 考慮用戶調節行為隨機性的空調負荷聚合功率建模方法[P]. 江蘇省: CN111209672A, 2020-05-29.
[1]王沖, 吳峰, 萬燦, 鞠平. 基于改進Q學習的配電系統過程狀態驅動的彈性策略方法[P]. 江蘇省: CN116739074B, 2023-11-17.
[2]鞠平, 姜婷玉, 王沖, 劉婧孜, 劉波, 秦川, 金宇清. 考慮用戶調節行為隨機性的空調負荷聚合功率建模方法[P]. 江蘇省: CN111209672B, 2021-11-30.
[3]王沖, 鞠平, 吳峰. 一種基于等效電路的微電網可求解邊界分析的方法[P]. 江蘇省: CN111817359B, 2021-11-02.
[4]鞠平, 姜婷玉, 王沖, 劉婧孜, 秦川, 劉波. 一種定頻空調短期功率調節的方法[P]. 江蘇省: CN111271839B, 2021-05-11.
Power Grid Resilience against Natural Disasters: Preparedness, Response, and Recovery
作者:雷順波, 王沖, 侯云鶴
Online ISBN: 9781119801504
版權信息:© 2023 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
以第一作者/通訊作者在IEEE Transactions on Power Systems、IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid、IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy、Energy、Applied Energy、 Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews等雜志發表論文四十余篇。
[1]Chong Wang, Ping Ju, Feng Wu, et al. Long-Term voltage stability-constrained coordinated scheduling for gas and power grids with uncertain wind power [J]. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2022, 12(1): 363-377.
[2]Hanchen Liu, Chong Wang, Ping Ju, et al. A sequentially preventive model enhancing power system resilience against extreme-weather-triggered failures [J], Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2022, 156, 111945.
[3]Chong Wang, Ping Ju, Feng Wu, et al. Sequential steady-state security region-based transmission power system resilience enhancement[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021, 151, 111533.
[4]Chong Wang, Ping Ju, Shunbo Lei, et al. Markov decision process-based resilience enhancement for distribution systems: An approximate dynamic programming approach [J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2020, 11(3): 2498-2510.
[5]Chong Wang, Ping Ju, Feng Wu, et al. Best response-based individually look-ahead scheduling for natural gas and power systems [J]. Applied Energy, 2021, 304, 117673.
[6]Chong Wang, Ping Ju, Feng Wu, et al. Coordinated scheduling of integrated power and gas grids in consideration of gas flow dynamics [J]. Energy, 2021, 220, 119760.
[7]Chong Wang, Shunbo Lei, Ping Ju, et al. MDP-based distribution network reconfiguration with renewable distributed generation: An approximate dynamic programming approach [J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2020, 11(4): 3620-3631.
[8]Chong Wang, Zhaoyu Wang, Jianhui Wang, et al. SVM-based parameter identification for composite ZIP and electronic load modeling [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2019, 34(1): 182-193
[9]Chong Wang, Zhaoyu Wang, Jianhui Wang, et al. Robust time-varying parameter identification for composite load modeling [J]. IEEE Transactions Smart Grid, 2019, 10(1): 967-979.
[10]Chong Wang, Zhaoyu Wang, Jianhui Wang, et al. Chance-constrained maintenance scheduling for interdependent power and natural gas grids considering wind power uncertainty [J]. IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, 2019, 13(5): 686-694.
[11]Chong Wang, Bai Cui, Zhaoyu Wang, et al. SDP-based optimal power flow with steady-state voltage stability constraints [J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019, 10 (4): 4637-4647.
[12]Chong Wang, Zhaoyu Wang, Yunhe Hou, et al. Dynamic game-based maintenance scheduling of integrated electric and natural gas grids with a bilevel approach [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018, 33(5): 4958-4971.
[13]Chong Wang, Chee-Wooi Ten and Yunhe Hou. Inference of compromised synchrophasor units within substation control networks [J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018, 9(6): 5831-5842.
[14]Chong Wang, Zhijun Qin, Yunhe Hou, et al. Multi-area dynamic state estimation with PMU measurements by an equality constrained extended Kalman filter [J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018, 9(2): 900-910.
[15]Chong Wang, Bai Cui and Zhaoyu Wang. Analysis of solvability boundary for droop-controlled microgrids [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018, 33(5): 5799-5802.
[16]Chong Wang, Chee-Wooi Ten, Yunhe Hou, et al. Cyber inference system for substation anomalies against alter-and-hide attacks [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2017, 32(2): 896-909.
[17]Chong Wang, Yunhe Hou and Chee-Wooi Ten. Determination of Nash Equilibrium Based on Plausible Attack-Defense Dynamics [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2017, 32(5): 3670-3680.
[18]Chong Wang, Yunhe Hou, Feng Qiu, et al. Resilience Enhancement with Sequentially Proactive Operation Strategies [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2017, 32(4): 2847-2857., Jul. 2017.
[19]C. Wang, Y. Hou, Z. Qin, C. Peng, and H. Zhou, “Dynamic coordinated condition-based maintenance for multiple components with external conditions,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 2362 - 2370, Jun. 2015.
[20]T. Lu, Z. Wang, J. Wang, Q. Ai, and C. Wang, “A data-driven Stackelberg market strategy for demand response-enabled distribution systems,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 10, no.3, pp.2345-2357, Jan. 2018.
[21]C. Wang, Z. Wang, K. Zhou and S. Ma, Maintenance Scheduling of Integrated Electric and Natural Gas Grids with Wind Energy Integration, IEEE PES General Meeting, Portland, OR, 2018, pp. 1-5.
[22]C. Wang, Z. Wang and S. Ma, SVM-Based Parameter Identification for Static Load Modeling, IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D), Denver, CO, 2018, pp. 1-5.
[23]C. Wang and Z. Wang, “Maintenance scheduling of integrated electric and natural gas grids,” IEEE PES General Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2017, pp. 1-5.
[24]C. Wang and Y. Hou, “Preventive defensive strategies for power systems under persistent malicious cyberattack,” IEEE PES General Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2017, pp. 1-5.
[25]C. Wang and Y. Hou, “Reliability-based updating strategies of cyber infrastructures,” IEEE PES General Meeting, Denver, CO, 2015, pp. 1-5.
[26]C. Wang and Y. Hou, “A PMU-based three-step controlled separation with transient stability considerations,” IEEE PES General Meeting, Washington, DC, 2014, pp. 1-5.
[27]C. Wang and Y. Hou, “A novel method for optimal life cycle management scheme with Markov model,” IEEE PES General Meeting —Conference Exposition, July 2014, Washington, DC, 2014, pp. 1-5.DOI:10.1109/PESGM.2014.6939421
[28] C. Wang, H. Zhou, Y. Hou, and H. Liu, “Dynamic maintenance strategiesfor multiple transformers with markov models,” in ISGT 2014, Feb.2014, pp. 1–5.
[29] C. Wang and Z. Wang, “Short-term transmission line maintenancescheduling with wind energy integration,” in IEEE Power Energy SocietyGeneral Meeting, Jul. 2017, pp. 1–5.
[1]王沖, 葛玉林, 鞠平, 陸煜. 基于碳排放動態分配調度優先級的配電系統低碳經濟運行[J]. 電網技術, 2023, 47 (11): 4467-4481.
[2]王沖, 陸煜, 左娟, 鞠平. 計及光熱電站與風氫系統互補運行的低碳經濟調度策略[J]. 電力自動化設備, 2023, 43 (12): 188-196.
[3]劉瀚琛, 王沖, 鞠平. 雙碳背景下綜合能源電力系統彈性分析與提升研究綜述[J]. 電氣工程學報, 2023, 18 (02): 108-124.
[4]劉瀚琛, 王沖, 鞠平, 李洪宇, 孫斌. 計及統一潮流控制器的電力系統雙層協調彈性調度[J]. 電力自動化設備, 2023, 43 (04): 159-167.
[5]李國慶, 王沖, 雷順波, 王瀟. 考慮碳捕集技術的電力系統雙層優化配置[J]. 電力自動化設備, 2023, 43 (01): 25-31.
[6]徐俊俊, 陳洪凱, 張騰飛, 王沖. 需求響應視角下有源配電網分層分區切負荷方法[J]. 電力自動化設備, 2022, 42 (07): 244-252.
[7]王沖, 王秀麗, 鞠平, 邵成成, 李洪宇. 電力系統隨機分析方法研究綜述[J]. 電力系統自動化, 2022, 46 (03): 184-199.
[8]趙曰浩, 李知藝, 鞠平, 王沖. 低碳化轉型下綜合能源電力系統彈性:綜述與展望[J]. 電力自動化設備, 2021, 41 (09): 13-23+47.
[9]鞠平, 王沖, 辛煥海, 李洪宇, 江道灼, 沈賦. 電力系統的柔性、彈性與韌性研究[J]. 電力自動化設備, 2019, 39 (11): 1-7.
[10]姜婷玉, 鞠平, 王沖. 考慮用戶調節行為隨機性的空調負荷聚合功率模型[J]. 電力系統自動化, 2020, 44 (03): 105-113.
[11]何裕強, 王沖, 周海強, 鞠平. 基于主動響應負荷電壓調節的預防控制策略[J]. 電測與儀表, 2019, 56 (08): 131-136.
[12]王沖, 徐群. 抽水蓄能電站經濟運行方式的分析[J]. 華北水利水電學院學報, 2006, (01): 45-48.