1 煤矸石提鋁后氧化硅的綜合利用技術及產業化 準能集團 2602.0
2 離子交換技術在稀土選冶廢水中的應用 國土資源部公益性行業科研專項 851.0
3 稀土生產廢水中氨氮的達標排放及稀土回收技術與產業化 江西贛州稀土礦業 600.0
4 準格爾煤田煤炭伴生元素賦存狀態和富集機理研究 準能集團 299.3
5 云南省臨滄市臨翔區永泉高嶺土礦區綜合開發利用與無尾礦示范工程 云天化集團企業項目 270.0
6 天津澤希礦業高嶺土改性研究 天津澤希企業項目 150.0
7 浙江安吉蒙脫石的開發與應用 浙江三鼎 130.0
8 油頁巖渣制備石油壓裂支撐劑 大慶油田 120.0
9 湖南鳳凰-花垣地區難選碳酸錳礦資源綜合利用研究 中國地質調查局 115.0
10 利用煤工業廢棄物制備超細高嶺土和高檔瓷質磚的產業化技術開發 國家“863”項目 100.0
11 茂名高嶺土降粘技術研究與產業化 廣東省產學研項目 96.0
12 上天梯管理區膨潤土、珍珠巖、沸石、瓷石資源評價及應用技術研究 信陽上天梯管理區 71.8
13 醇基涂料用海泡石懸浮劑的研制 湘潭市工業科技重點項目 40.0
14 礦物功能材料脫霉機理與性能調控研究 國家重點研發計劃 31.6
15 礦物功能材料脫霉機理與性能調控研究( 31.6 萬元)
16 改性礦物聚合物對 Cr ( Ⅵ )一次性解毒 / 固化機理研究( 25 萬元)
17 茂名油頁巖渣資源化技術開發( 71 萬元)
18 大田伊利石和煤矸石的產業化技術開發 ( 22 萬元)
19 貴金屬精密鑄粉的研究和開發 ( 48 萬元)
20 白泥基橡塑填料制備技術研究( 490 萬元)
21 高嶺土產業化開發關鍵技術集成應用 ( 180 萬元)
22 廣西北海高鐵高嶺土綜合利用研究與產業化( 120 萬元)
23 白泥基透水路面磚制備技術研究( 98 萬元)
24 覆膜砂技術配方及制作工藝研究 ( 81 萬元)
25 高嶺土產業化開發關鍵技術集成應用 ( 40 萬元)
26 貴州省織金地區磷塊巖型礦中稀土礦石工藝礦物學與稀土元素賦存狀態研究( 30 萬元)
1. Yan Chujie, Zhu Xiaoyan, Chen Jieyu, Hai Shujie, Process for Producing Kaolin Product for Paper Coating, 2011.9.2, Europe, EP 2,036,958 B1.
2. Yan Chunjie, Zhu Xiaoyan, Chen Jieyu, Hai Shujie, Process for Producing Kaolin Product for Paper Coating, 2011.4.12, United States, US 7,922,806 B2.
3. Yan Chunjie, Wang Yixia, Chen Tao, Zhang Yonghan, Chen Yuting, Jing Luru, Method for preparing ultra-light-weight (ULW) proppant applied on oil and gas wells, 2016.8.9, United States, US 9,410,077 B2.
4. Yan Chunjie, Zhou Sen, Jing Luru, Liu Chen, Zhu Youfa, Wang Zhenhua, Li Xujian, Liang Tian, System and method for recycling rare earth and ammonia nitrogen from rare earth wastewater, United States, US 10,046,979 B2.
1. 著作《稀土生產廢水處理技術》,嚴春杰,羅文君,周森,中國地質大學出版社,2021.
1. Feng Zhou, Guangyu Ye, Yuting Gao, Hongquan Wang, Sen Zhou, Yi Liu, Chunjie Yan*, Cadmium adsorption by thermal-activated sepiolite: Application to in-situ remediation of artificially contaminated soil, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 423, 127104. (IF 10.588)
2. Liang C, Liu Y, Yan C, et al. Green synthesis of loofah fiber-based adsorbents with high adsorption performance for methylene blue[J]. Materials Letters, 2021, 284: 128929.
3. Yufeng Pan, Yuting Gao, Jiayuan Hu, Guangyu Ye, Feng Zhou, Chunjie Yan*, Montmorillonite nanosheets with enhanced photodynamic performance for synergistic bacterial ablation, Journal of Materials Chemistry B , 2021, 9, 404-409. (IF 6.331)
4. Feng Zhou, Hongquan Wang, Sen Zhou, Yi Liu, Chunjie Yan*, Fabrication of europium-nitrogen co-doped TiO2/Sepiolite nanocomposites and its improved photocatalytic activity in real wastewater treatment, Applied Clay Science, 2020, 197, 105791. (IF 5.467)
5. Xue Wen, Wenqiang Wang, Qiuping Ye, Yunfei Zhou, Jian Yang, Na Sun, Yigen Tan, Wenbin Wang, Yang Hou, Chunjie Yan*, One-step synthesis of rice husk carbon with dangling CC bonds loaded g-C3N4 for enhanced photocatalytic degradation, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 272, 122625. (IF 9.297)
6. Li L, Shi Q, Huang L, Yan C, et al. Green synthesis of faujasite-La0. 6Sr0. 4Co0. 2Fe0. 8O3-δ mineral nanocomposite membrane for low temperature advanced fuel cells[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46(15): 9826-9834.
7. Zhou S, Kong L, Yan C, et al. Rhodamine B dye is efficiently degraded by polypropylene-based cerium wet catalytic materials[J]. RSC Advances, 2020, 10(45): 26813-26823.
8. Qiu L, Yang H, Dai Z, Yan C,et al. Highly efficient and stable CsPbBr 3 perovskite quantum dots by encapsulation in dual-shell hollow silica spheres for WLEDs[J]. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2020, 7(10): 2060-2071.
9. Zhang J, Paydar S, Akbar N, Yan C,et al. Electrical properties of Ni-doped Sm2O3 electrolyte[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46(15): 9758-9766.
10. Yang X, Liu Y, Yan C, et al. Solvent-free preparation of hierarchical 4A zeolite monoliths: Role of experimental conditions[J]. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2019, 528: 125286.
11. Liang T, Wang H, Fei R, Yan C, et al. A high-power lithium-ion hybrid capacitor based on a hollow N-doped carbon nanobox anode and its porous analogue cathode[J]. Nanoscale, 2019, 11(43): 20715-20724.
12. Chen W, Zhou F, Wang H, Yan C,et al. The Occurrence states of rare earth elements bearing phosphorite ores and rare earth enrichment through the selective reverse flotation[J]. Minerals, 2019, 9(11): 698.
13. Yang X, Liu Y, Yan C, et al. Geopolymer-TiO2 nanocomposites for photocsatalysis: Synthesis by one-step adding treatment versus two-step acidification calcination[J]. Minerals, 2019, 9(11): 658.
14. Liu Y, Yang X, Yan C, et al. Solvent-free synthesis of zeolite LTA monolith with hierarchically porous structure from metakaolin[J]. Materials Letters, 2019, 248: 28-31.
15. Qiu L, Hao J, Feng Y, Yan C,et al. One-pot in situ synthesis of CsPbX 3@ h-BN (X= Cl, Br, I) nanosheet composites with superior thermal stability for white LEDs[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7(14): 4038-4042.
16. Zhou Y, Yan C, Zhou S, et al. Preparation of montmorillonite grafted polyacrylic acid composite and study on its adsorption properties of lanthanum ions from aqueous solution[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(10): 9861-9875.
17. Liang C, Liu C, Yan C, et al. Cr (VI) reduction and adsorption by amino-functionalized magnetic loofah fiber composites[J]. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2019, 148: 248-258.
18. Yan C, Guo L, Ren D, et al. Novel composites based on geopolymer for removal of Pb (II)[J]. Materials Letters, 2019, 239: 192-195.
19. Hao J, Qu X, Li G, Yan C,et al. Solid-solution transformation and photoluminescence control in Ce3+-doped Ln4Si2-xMxO7+ xN2-x (Ln= Y, Lu; M= B, Al, P) oxonitridosilicate phosphors[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 776: 224-235.
20. Jiarui Hao, Xingyu Qu, Lei Qiu, Guogang Li, Yi Wei, Gongcheng Xing, Hongquan Wang, Chunjie Yan*, Ho Seong Jang, Ziyong Cheng, Jun Lin*, One-Step Loading on Natural Mineral Halloysite Nanotube: An Effective Way to Enhance the Stability of Perovskite CsPbX3 (X = Cl, Br, I) Quantum Dots, Advanced Optical Materials, 2019,7, 1801323. (IF 9.926)
21. Feng Zhou, Chunjie Yan*, Qi Sun, Sridhar Komarneni, TiO2/Sepiolite nanocomposites doped with rare earth ions: Preparation, characterization and visible light photocatalytic activity, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2019, 274, 25–32. (IF 5.455)
22. Wang H, Chang Q, Zhou F, Yan C, et al. Synthesis and characterization of a single phase zeolite X from high silicon fly ash[J]. Science of Advanced Materials, 2019, 11(1): 60-67.
23. Wen X, Sun N, Tan Y, Yan C, et al. One-step synthesis of petals-like graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets with triazole defects for highly improved photocatalytic hydrogen production[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(5): 2675-2684.
24. Feng Zhou, Huaibing Song, Hongquan Wang, Sridhar Komarneni, Chunjie Yan*, N-doped TiO2/sepiolite nanocomposites with enhanced visible-light catalysis: Role of N precursors, Applied Clay Science, 2018, 166, 9–17. (IF 5.467)
25. Sun N, Wen X, Tan Y, Yan C, et al. Generated gas molecules-modified carbon nitride nanosheets with nitrogen vacancies and high efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 470: 724-732.
26. Yi Liu, Chunjie Yan*, Junjie Zhao, Zuhua Zhang, Hongquan Wang, Sen Zhou, Linmei Wu, Synthesis of zeolite P1 from fly ash under solvent-free conditions for ammonium removal from water, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 202, 11-22. (IF 9.297).
27. Liang T, Wang H, Xu D, Yan C,et al. High-energy flexible quasi-solid-state lithium-ion capacitors enabled by a freestanding rGO-encapsulated Fe 3 O 4 nanocube anode and a holey rGO film cathode[J]. Nanoscale, 2018, 10(37): 17814-17823.
28,Zhou F, Yan C, Wang H, et al. Fabrication and characterization of TiO2/Sepiolite nanocomposites doped with rare earth ions[J]. Materials Letters, 2018, 228: 100-103.
29. Xue Wen, Na Sun, Chunjie Yan*, Sen Zhou, Tao Pang, Rapid removal of Cr (VI) ions by densely grafted corn stalk fibers: High adsorption capacity and excellent recyclable property, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2018, 89, 95–104. (IF 5.876)
30. Zhou F, Yan C, Liang T, et al. Photocatalytic degradation of Orange G using sepiolite-TiO2 nanocomposites: optimization of physicochemical parameters and kinetics studies[J]. Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 183: 231-239.
31. Li L, Zhu B, Zhang J, et al. Electrical properties of nanocube CeO2 in advanced solid oxide fuel cells[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43(28): 12909-12916.
32. Wu Y, Duan P, Yan C. Role of layered double hydroxides in setting, hydration degree, microstructure and compressive strength of cement paste[J]. Applied Clay Science, 2018, 158:123-131.
33. Zhang J, Song H, Xu R, Yan C,et al. The heterogeneous electrolyte of CuFeO2 nano-flakes composited with flower-shaped ZnO for advanced solid oxide fuel cells[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43(28): 12789-12796.
34. Wu Y, Dong B, Zhang J, Yan C, et al. The synthesis of ZnO/SrTiO3 composite for high-efficiency photocatalytic hydrogen and electricity conversion[J]. international journal of hydrogen energy, 2018, 43(28): 12627-12636.
35. Wang H, Yan C, Li D, et al. In situ transformation of geopolymer gels to self-supporting NaX zeolite monoliths with excellent compressive strength[J]. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2018, 261: 164-169.
36. Mei J, Lv L, Gao J, Yan C, et al. Luminescence and thermal stability tuning in (Ba, Mn) 3 (Gd, Y) Na (PO4) 5F: Eu2+ phosphors via cation-substitution[J]. Optical Materials, 2018, 78: 452-456.
37. Wen X, Yan C, Sun N, et al. A biomass cationic adsorbent prepared from corn stalk: low-cost material and high adsorption capacity[J]. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 2018, 26(4): 1642-1651.
38. Liang T, Yan C, Li X, et al. Withdrawn: Polyacrylic acid grafted silica fume as an excellent adsorbent for dysprosium (III) removal from industrial wastewater[J]. Water Science and Technology, 2018, 77(6): 1570-1580.
39. Wu Y, Liu L, Yu X, Yan C,et al. Natural hematite ore composited with ZnO nanoneedles for energy applications[J]. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2018, 137: 178-183.
40. Na Sun, Xue Wen, Chunjie Yan*, Adsorption of mercury ions from wastewater aqueous solution by amide functionalized cellulose from sugarcane bagasse, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2018, 108, 1199–1206. (IF 6.953)
41. Duan P, Yan C, Zhou W. Effects of calcined layered double hydroxides on carbonation of concrete containing fly ash[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 160: 725-732.
42. Hao J, Cao L, Wei Y, et al. Improving photoluminescence and thermal stability of CaSi2O2N2: Eu2+ phosphors by codoping lanthanide ions (Ln= Sc, La, Gd, Yb, Lu)[J]. Materials Letters, 2018, 211: 122-125.
43. Xu Q, Zeng M, Chen J, et al. Synthesis, polymerization kinetics, and high-frequency dielectric properties of novel main-chain benzoxazine copolymers[J]. Reactive and functional polymers, 2018, 122: 158-166.
44. Yan C, Guo L, Ren D, et al. Novel composites based on geopolymer for removal of Pb (II)[J]. Materials Letters, 2019, 239: 192-195.
45. Xu Q, Zeng M, Chen J, Yan C, et al. Synthesis, polymerization kinetics, and high-frequency dielectric properties of novel main-chain benzoxazine copolymers[J]. Reactive and functional polymers, 2018, 122: 158-166.
46. Liang T, Yan C, Zhou S, et al. Carbon black reinforced polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)-based composite particles: preparation, characterization, and application[J]. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2017, 14(5): 1225-1232.
47. Liu C, Yan C, Zhou S, et al. Fabrication of sponge biomass adsorbent through UV-induced surface-initiated polymerization for the adsorption of Ce (III) from wastewater[J]. Water Science and Technology, 2017, 75(12): 2755-2764.
48. Liu C, Yan C, Zhou S, et al. Fabrication of sponge biomass adsorbent through UV-induced surface-initiated polymerization for the adsorption of Ce (III) from wastewater[J]. Water Science and Technology, 2017, 75(12): 2755-2764.
49. Duan P, Song L, Yan C, et al. Novel thermal insulating and lightweight composites from metakaolin geopolymer and polystyrene particles[J]. Ceramics International, 2017, 43(6): 5115-5120.
50. Yang H, Yan C, Luo W, et al. Surface modification of peanut shell by UV-induced graft polymerization for enriching and recycling rare earth metals (Ce (Ⅲ)) from aqueous solution[J]. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2017, 74: 105-112.
51. Liu Y, Yan C, Zhang Z, et al. One-step fabrication of novel porous and permeable self-supporting zeolite block from fly ash[J]. Materials Letters, 2017, 196: 328-331.
52. Duan P, Yan C, Zhou W. A novel water permeable geopolymer with high strength and high permeability coefficient derived from fly ash, slag and metakaolin[J]. Advanced Powder Technology, 2017, 28(5): 1430-1434.
53. Zhou F, Yan C, Wang H, et al. Sepiolite-TiO2 nanocomposites for photocatalysis: Synthesis by microwave hydrothermal treatment versus calcination[J]. Applied Clay Science, 2017, 146: 246-253.
54. Zhou F, Yan C, Wang H, et al. The result of surfactants on froth flotation of unburned carbon from coal fly ash[J]. Fuel, 2017, 190: 182-188.
55. Ren D, Yan C, Duan P, et al. Durability performances of wollastonite, tremolite and basalt fiber-reinforced metakaolin geopolymer composites under sulfate and chloride attack[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 134: 56-66.
56. Duan P, Yan C, Zhou W. Compressive strength and microstructure of fly ash based geopolymer blended with silica fume under thermal cycle[J]. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2017, 78: 108-119.
57. Zhu X, Zhu Z, Lei X, Yan C,et al. Comparative study on the defects of kaolinite from America, Brazil and China applied for paper coating: XRD and refinement by Rietveld method[J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 2017, 32(2): 373-377.
58. Qiu X, Liu Y, Alshameri A, Yan C,et al. Viscosity of kaolin slurries: Effects of dispersant and urea-intercalation[J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 2017, 32(1): 51-57.
59. Pu S, Duan P, Yan C, et al. Influence of sepiolite addition on mechanical strength and microstructure of fly ash-metakaolin geopolymer paste[J]. Advanced Powder Technology, 2016, 27(6): 2470-2477.
60. Duan P, Yan C, Zhou W, et al. Development of fly ash and iron ore tailing based porous geopolymer for removal of Cu (II) from wastewater[J]. Ceramics International, 2016, 42(12): 13507-13518.
61. Yang H, Zhou Q, Luo W, Yan C, et al. The preparation of a cross-linked cerium (III)-loaded alginate bead adsorbent for the removal of phosphate from wastewater[J]. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2016, 57(39): 18354-18365.
62. Zhang Y, Yan C, Chen T, et al. Ultra-lightweight composite proppants prepared via suspension polymerization[J]. Journal of Composite Materials, 2016, 50(20): 2823-2831.
63. Liang C, Luo W, Yan C, et al. Ultra-lightweight proppant synthesized from PMMA/Pine bark composite: Low-cost material and outstanding properties[J]. Chemistry Letters, 2016, 45(8): 994-996.
64. Duan P, Yan C, Zhou W. Influence of partial replacement of fly ash by metakaolin on mechanical properties and microstructure of fly ash geopolymer paste exposed to sulfate attack[J]. Ceramics International, 2016, 42(2): 3504-3517.
65. Zhang Z, Li L, He D, Yan C,et al. Novel self-supporting zeolitic block with tunable porosity and crystallinity for water treatment[J]. Materials Letters, 2016, 178: 151-154.
66. Liu Y, Yan C, Zhang Z, et al. A facile method for preparation of floatable and permeable fly ash-based geopolymer block[J]. Materials Letters, 2016, 185: 370-373.
67. Zhou W, Yan C, Duan P, et al. A comparative study of high-and low-Al2O3 fly ash based-geopolymers: The role of mix proportion factors and curing temperature[J]. Materials & Design, 2016, 95: 63-74.
68. Zhou Q, Yan C, Luo W. Polypyrrole coated secondary fly ash–iron composites: novel floatable magnetic adsorbents for the removal of chromium (VI) from wastewater[J]. Materials & Design, 2016, 92: 701-709.
69.Zhou Q, Yan C, Luo W. Preparation of a novel carboxylate-rich wheat straw through surface graft modification for efficient separation of Ce (III) from wastewater[J]. Materials & Design, 2016, 97: 195-203.
70. Liu Y, Yan C, Zhang Z, et al. A comparative study on fly ash, geopolymer and faujasite block for Pb removal from aqueous solution[J]. Fuel, 2016, 185: 181-189.
71. Duan P, Yan C, Luo W. A novel waterproof, fast setting and high early strength repair material derived from metakaolin geopolymer[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 124: 69-73.
72. Duan P, Yan C, Luo W, et al. Effects of adding nano-TiO2 on compressive strength, drying shrinkage, carbonation and microstructure of fluidized bed fly ash based geopolymer paste[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 106: 115-125.
73. Duan P, Yan C, Zhou W, et al. Fresh properties, mechanical strength and microstructure of fly ash geopolymer paste reinforced with sawdust[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 111: 600-610.
74. Duan P, Yan C, Zhou W, et al. Fresh properties, compressive strength and microstructure of fly ash geopolymer paste blended with iron ore tailing under thermal cycle[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 118: 76-88.
75. Zhou Q, Yang H, Yan C, et al. Synthesis of carboxylic acid functionalized diatomite with a micro-villous surface via UV-induced graft polymerization and its adsorption properties for Lanthanum (III) ions[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2016, 501: 9-16.
76. Gao J, Bao F, Wu Q, et al. Multifunctionalgraphenefilled silicone encapsulant for high-performance light-emitting diodes[J]. Materials Today Communications, 2016, 7: 149-154.
77. Zhou C, Yan C, Zhao J, et al. Rapid synthesis of morphology-controlled mesoporous silica nanoparticles from silica fume[J]. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2016, 62: 307-312.
78. Zhou F, Yan C, Zhang Y, et al. Purification and defibering of a Chinese sepiolite[J]. Applied Clay Science, 2016, (124-125) 119-126.
79. Zhu X, Zhu Z, Lei X, et al. Defects in structure as the sources of the surface charges of kaolinite[J]. Applied Clay Science, 2016, 124: 127-136.
80. Zhou C, Yan C, Zhou Q, et al. Producing a synthetic zeolite from secondary coal fly ash[J]. Environmental technology, 2016, 37(22): 2916-2923.
81. Liu Y, Yan C, Qiu X, et al. Preparation of faujasite block from fly ash-based geopolymer via in-situ hydrothermal method[J]. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2016, 59: 433-439.
82. Duan P, Yan C, Luo W, et al. A novel surface waterproof geopolymer derived from metakaolin by hydrophobic modification[J]. Materials Letters, 2016, 164: 172-175.
83. X. Li, C. Yan, W. Luo, Q. Gao, Q. Zhou, Chen Liu, Sen Zhou. Exceptional cerium(III) adsorption performance of poly(acrylic acid) brushes-decorated attapulgite with abundant and highly accessible binding sites. Chemical Engineering Journal 2016 (284) 333-342.
84. Duan P, Yan C, Zhou W, Luo W, Shen C. An investigation of the microstructure and durability of a fluidized bed fly ash-metakaolin geopolymer after heat and acid exposure. Materials & Design 2015;74:125-37.
85. Chen T, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Yan C. Preparation of Uniform PMMA-SiO2 Particles with High Content of SiO2 via in situ Suspension Polymerization. Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Materials Science and Energy Engineering (Cmsee 2014) 2015:308-313.
86. Zhou Y, Zhou C, Li Q, Yan C, Han B, Xia K, et al. Enabling Prominent High-Rate and Cycle Performances in One Lithium-Sulfur Battery: Designing Permselective Gateways for Li+ Transportation in Holey-CNT/S Cathodes. Advanced Materials 2015;27(25):3774-3381.
87. Zhou, C., Alshameri, A., Yan, C.*, Qiu, X., Wang, H., & Ma, Y. . Characteristics and evaluation of synthetic 13X zeolite from Yunnan’s natural halloysite. Journal of Porous Materials, 2013,20(4), 587-594.(T3)
88. "lshameri, A., Yan, C.*, & Lei, X.. Enhancement of phosphate removal from water by TiO2/Yemeni natural zeolite: preparation, characterization and thermodynamic. Microporous and mesoporous materials,2014,196, 145-157.(T2)
89. Alshameri, A., Abood, A. R., Yan, C.*, & Muhammad, A. M.. Characteristics, modification and environmental application of Yemen’s natural bentonite. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2014,7(3), 841-853.(T4)
90. Alshameri, A., Yan, C.*, Al-Ani, Y., Dawood, A. S., Ibrahim, A., Zhou, C., & Wang, H.. An investigation into the adsorption removal of ammonium by salt activated Chinese (Hulaodu) natural zeolite: kinetics, isotherms, and thermodynamics. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2014, 45(2), 554-564.(T3)
91. Chen, T., Wang, Y., & Yan, C.*. Preparation of heat resisting poly (methyl methacrylate)/silica fume composite microspheres used as ultra-lightweight proppants. Micro & Nano Letters, 2014,9(11), 775-777.(T4)
92. Zhu, X., Chen, J., Chen, J., Lei, X., & Yan, C.*. UREA INTERCALATION COMPOUND PRODUCTION IN INDUSTRIAL SCALE FOR PAPER COATING. Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 2014;20(2):241-48.(T4)
93. Zhou, C., Liang, Y., Gong, Y., Zhou, Q., Chen, Y., Qiu, X.& Yan, C.*. Modes of occurrence of Fe in kaolin from Yunnan China. Ceramics International, 2014,40(9), 14579-14587.(T2)
94. Qiu, X., Wang, H., Zhou, C., Li, D., Liu, Y., & Yan, C.*. Polyimide/kaolinite composite films: Synthesis and characterization of mechanical, thermal and waterproof properties. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2014,45(4), 2021-2028.(T3)
95. Alshameri, A., Ibrahim, A., Assabri, A. M., Lei, X., Wang, H., & Yan, C.* . The investigation into the ammonium removal performance of Yemeni natural zeolite: Modification, ion exchange mechanism, and thermodynamics. Powder Technology, 2014, 258, 20-31.(T3)
96. Zhou, C., Sun, T., Gao, Q., Alshameri, A., Zhu, P., Wang, H. & Yan, C.*. Synthesis and characterization of ordered mesoporous aluminosilicate molecular sieve from natural halloysite. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2014,45(3), 1073-1079.(T3)
97. Qiu, X., Lei, X., Alshameri, A., Wang, H., & Yan, C.*. Comparison of the physicochemical properties and mineralogy of Chinese (Beihai) and Brazilian kaolin. Ceramics International, 2014,40(4), 5397-5405.(T2)
98. Ma, Y., Yan, C.*, Alshameri, A., Qiu, X., & Zhou, C.. Synthesis and characterization of 13X zeolite from low-grade natural kaolin. Advanced Powder Technology, 2014,25(2), 495-499.(T3)
99. Qiu, X., Liu, Y., Li, D., & Yan, C.*. Preparation of NaP zeolite block from fly ash-based geopolymer via in situ hydrothermal method. Journal of Porous Materials, 2015,22(1), 291-299.(T3)
100. Zhou, C., Gao, Q., Luo, W., Zhou, Q., Wang, H., Yan, C.*, & Duan, P.. Preparation, characterization and adsorption evaluation of spherical mesoporous Al-MCM-41 from coal fly ash. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2015,52, 147-157.(T3)
101. Liu, C., Yan, C.*, Luo, W., Li, X., Ge, W., & Zhou, S.. Simple preparation and enhanced adsorption properties of loofah fiber adsorbent by ultraviolet radiation graft. Materials Letters, 2015,157, 303-306.(T2)
102. Liang, H., Zhou, S., Chen, Y., Zhou, F., & Yan, C.* . Diatomite coated with Fe2O3 as an efficient heterogeneous catalyst for degradation of organic pollutant. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2015,49, 105-112.(T3)
103. Liu, R., Yan, C.*, Wang, H., Xiao, G., & Tu, D.. Occurrence and Characterization Microstructure of Iron Impurities in Halloysite. Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology, 2015,15(9), 7385-7390.(T3)
104. Zhou, F., Chen, T., Yan, C.*, Liang, H., Chen, T., Li, D., & Wang, Q.. The flotation of low-grade manganese ore using a novel linoleate hydroxamic acid. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015,466, 1-9.(T4)
105. Chen, T., Wang, Y., Yan, C.*, Wang, H., Xu, Y., & Ma, R. . Preparation of heat resisting poly (methyl methacrylate)/graphite composite microspheres used as ultra‐lightweight proppants. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015,132(18).(T4)
106. Zhou, Q., Gao, Q., Luo, W., Yan, C.*, Ji, Z., & Duan, P.. One-step synthesis of amino-functionalized attapulgite clay nanoparticles adsorbent by hydrothermal carbonization of chitosan for removal of methylene blue from wastewater. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015,470, 248-257.(T4)
107. Chen, T., Yan, C.*, Wang, Y., Tang, C., Zhou, S., Zhao, Y., & Duan, P.. Synthesis of activated carbon-based amino phosphonic acid chelating resin and its adsorption properties for Ce (III) removal. Environmental technology, 2015,36(17), 2168-2176.(T4)
108. Duan, P., Zhou, W., & Yan, C.*. Investigation of pore structure and ITZ of concrete blended with mineral admixtures in a seawater environment. Magazine of Concrete Research, 2015,67(15), 812-820.(T4)
109. Wang, Y., Chen, T., & Yan, C.*. Reinforced performances of polymethyl methacrylate/silica fume composite spherical particles used as ultra-lightweight proppants. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2015,34(8), 672-683.(T4)
110. Zhou, Q., Gao, Q., Luo, W., Yan, C.*, Ji, Z., & Duan, P. (2015). One-step synthesis of amino-functionalized attapulgite clay nanoparticles adsorbent by hydrothermal carbonization of chitosan for removal of methylene blue from wastewater. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015, 470, 248-257.(T4)
111. Chen, T., Wang, Y., Yan, C.*, Wang, H., Xu, Y., & Ma, R.. Preparation of heat resisting poly (methyl methacrylate)/graphite composite microspheres used as ultra‐lightweight proppants. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015, 132(18).(T4)
112. Zhou, F., Yan, C.*, Wang, H., Sun, Q., Wang, Q., & Alshameri, A.. Flotation behavior of four C18 hydroxamic acids as collectors of rhodochrosite. Minerals Engineering, 2015, 78, 15-20.(T4)
113. Duan, P., Yan, C.*, Zhou, W., & Luo, W.. Thermal Behavior of Portland Cement and Fly Ash–Metakaolin-Based Geopolymer Cement Pastes. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2015, 40(8), 2261-2269.(T4)
114.Zhou, S., Li, X., Shi, Y., Alshameri, A., & Yan, C.*. Preparation, characterization, and Ce (III) adsorption performance of poly (allylamine)/silica composite. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2015, 56(5), 1321-1334.(T4)
所獲榮譽 :
1. 湖北省享受省政府專項津貼人員。
2. 自然資源部科技領軍人才。
1. 嚴春杰; 暴峰; 陳濤; 馬睿; 周森; 景錄如,超低密度壓裂支撐劑制備技術與應用, 湖北省技術發明二等獎, 2018.
2. 離子交換技術在稀土選冶廢水的應用研究被評為“國土資源公益性行業科研專項2017年度十大優秀成果”。
3. 嚴春杰; 梁玉軍; 陳潔渝; 朱小燕; 王洪權; 周森,高嶺土優化利用及其呆廢礦盤活的關鍵技術, 湖北省技術發明二等獎, 2014.
2017-08-15 21:40
嚴春杰教授在廣東省德慶縣稀土冶煉氨皂工藝廢液處理示范工程施工現場 通訊員周森攝
長江網訊(記者黃哲 通訊員陳華文 周森)稀土是世界公認的發展高新技術、國防尖端技術、改造傳統產業不可或缺的戰略資源,但稀土提取過程中資源流失導致的利用率低和環境污染問題,成為制約我國稀土產業發展的瓶頸。今日,記者從中國地質大學(武漢)獲悉,這一難題被該校材料與化學學院教授嚴春杰團隊成功破解。
嚴春杰教授(中)和團隊成員在實驗室從事科研 通訊員周森攝
據悉,這一項目技術可使每噸冶煉原礦增收24 千克稀土氧化物,使得稀土回收率提高2.6%。這是一個了不起的突破,嚴春杰說,“按2017年離子型稀土礦指令生產計劃1.79萬噸計,若使用這一技術,則可多回收稀土資源465.4噸,增創價值約為9300萬元”。
來源: 長江網-長江日報