1.Han D.M.*, Currell M.J., Persistent organic pollutants in China’s surface water systems. 2017. Science of the Total Environment. DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.12.007.
2.Han D.M.*, Currell M.J., Cao G.L., 2016. Deep challenges for China’s war on water pollution. Environmental Pollution. 218:1222-1233.
3.Han D.M.*, Song X.F., Currell M.J., 2016. Identification of anthropogenic and natural inputs of sulfate into a karstic coastal groundwater system in northeast China: evidence from major ions, δ13CDIC and δ34SSO4. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 1-17. doi:10.5194/hess-20-1-2016.
4.Cao G.L., Han D.M.*, Currell M.J., Zheng C.M., 2016. Revised conceptualization of the North China Basin groundwater flow system: Groundwater age, heat and flow simulations. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 127:119-136.
5.Cao G.L.*, Scanlon B.R., Han D.M.*, Zheng C.M., 2016. Impacts of thickening unsaturated zone on groundwater recharge in the North China Plain. Journal of Hydrology. 537:260-270.
6.Han D.M.*, Post V.E.A., Song X.F., 2015. Groundwater salinization processes and reversibility of seawater intrusion in coastal carbonate aquifers. Journal of Hydrology. 531(3):1067-1080.
7.Han D.M.*, Cao G.L., McCallum J., Song X.F., 2015. Residence times of groundwater and nitrate transport in coastal aquifer systems: Daweijia area, northeastern China. Science of the Total Environment. 538(15):539-554.
8.Han D.M.*, Song X.F., Currell M.J., Yang J.L., Xiao G.Q., 2014. Chemical and isotopic constraints on evolution of groundwater salinization in the coastal plain aquifer of Laizhou Bay, China. Journal of Hydrology. 508:12-27.
9.Han D.M.*, Tong X.X., Currell M., Cao G.L., Jin M.G., Tong C.S., 2014. Evaluation of the impact of an uncontrolled landfill on surrounding groundwater quality, Zhoukou, China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 136:24-39.
10.Cao G.L., Han D.M.*, Song X.F., 2014. Evaluating actual evapotranspiration and impacts of groundwater storage change in the North China Plain. Hydrological Processes. 28:1797-1808.
11.Cao G.L., Han D.M.*, Moser J., 2013. Groundwater exploitation management under land subsidence constraint: Empirical evidence from the Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou Plain, China. Environmental Management. 51:1109-1125.
12.Han D.M.*, Song X.F., Currell M.J., Tsujimura M., 2012. Using Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and Tritium to Improve Conceptual Model of Groundwater Flow in the South Coast Aquifers of Laizhou Bay, China. Hydrological Processes, 26(23):3614-3629.
13.Han D.M., Kohfahl C., Song X.F.*, Xiao G.Q., Yang J.L., 2011. Geochemical and isotopic evidence for palaeo-seawater intrusion into the south coast aquifer of Laizhou Bay, China. Applied Geochemistry, 26(5):863-883.
14.Han D.M., Song X.F.*, Currell M.J., Cao G.L., Zhang Y.H., Kang Y.H., 2011. A survey of groundwater levels and hydrogeochemistry in irrigated fields in the Karamay Agricultural Development Area, northwest China: Implications for soil and groundwater salinity resulting from surface water transfer for irrigation. Journal of Hydrology, 405(3-4, 5): 217-234.
15.Han D.M., Liang X.*, Currell M.J., Song X.F., Chen Z.Y., Jin M.G., Liu C.M., Han Y., 2010. Environmental isotopic and hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater systems in Daying and Qicun geothermal fields, Xinzhou Basin, Shanxi, China. Hydrological Processes, 24, 3157-3176.
16.Han D.M.*, Liang X., Jin M.G., Currell M.J., Song X.F., Liu C.M., 2010. Evaluation of groundwater hydrochemical characteristics and mixing behavior in the Daying and Qicun geothermal systems, Xinzhou Basin, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 189:92-104.
17.Han D.M.*, H.L.Xu, X.Liang, GIS-based Regionalization of a Karst Water System in Xishan Mountain Area of Taiyuan Basin, North China, 2006, Journal of Hydrology, 2006. 331(3-4):459-470.
18.Han D.M., Xing Liang*, Menggui Jin, Currell M.J., Ying Han, Xianfang Song. 2009. Hydrogeochemical Indicators of Groundwater Flow Systems in the Yangwu River Alluvial Fan, Xinzhou Basin, Shanxi, China. Environmental Management. 44:243-255.
19.Han D.M., Tong X.X.*, Jin M.G., Hepburn E., Tong C.S., Song X.F., 2013. Evaluation of organic contamination in urban groundwater surrounding a municipal landfill, Zhoukou, China. Environmental Monitoring Assessment. 185(4):3413-3444.
20.Currell M.J.*, Han D.M., Cartwright I., Bradley D.C., 2012. Sustainability of groundwater usage in northern China: dependence on palaeowaters and effects on water quality, quantity and ecosystem health. Hydrological Processes. 26:4050-4066.
21.Yuan R.Q.*, Song X.F., Han D.M., Zhang L., Wang S.Q., 2013. Upward recharge through groundwater depression cone in piedmont plain of North China Plain. Journal of Hydrology. 500:1-11.
22.Wang P., Song X.F.*, Han D.M., Zhang Y.H., Zhang B., 2012. Determination of evaporation, transpiration and deep percolation of summer corn and winter wheat after irrigation. Agricultural Water Management, 105:32-37.
23.Wang P., Song X.F.*, Han D.M., Zhang Y.H., Liu X., 2010. A study of root water uptake of crops indicated by hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes: A case in Shanxi Province, China .Agricultural Water Management, 97(3) : 475-482.
24.Yuan R.Q., Song X.F.*, Han D.M., Zhang Y.H., Zhang L., Zhang B., Long X.T., Yu Y.L., 2012. Rate and Historical Change of Direct Recharge from Precipitation Constrained by Unsaturated Zone Profiles of Chloride and Oxygen-18 in Dry River Bed of North China Plain. Hydrological Processes. 26(9):1291-1301.