1. IEEE Senior Member。
2. IEEE控制系統協會武漢分會 主席。
3. Nature出版期刊Scientific Reports 編委。
4. 國際期刊 Asian Journal of Control 編委。
5. 期刊Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences編委。
6. IEEE 控制系統協會編委會 編委。
8. IEEE Trans on Automatic Control, IEEE Trans on Systems, Man and Cybernetics-Part B, IEEE Trans on Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Trans on Neural Networks, IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems I, IEEE/ASME Trans on Mechatronics, Automatica, Systems and Control Letters, PLoS Computational Biology, Europhysics Letters 等三十余種SCI國際期刊審稿人。
2. 博士學歷、學位證書及現任職位證明材料;
1. 模型預測控制。
2. 多智能體系統控制。
3. 納米制造系統控制。
4. 多軸數控加工主動控制。
1. 主持中組部第二批青年拔尖人才項目。
2. 主持國家自然科學基金優秀青年基金項目“魯棒與預測控制”(61322304)。
3. 主持國家自然科學基金“納米制造基礎”重大研究計劃項目(91023034)。
4. 主持國家自然科學基金海外及港澳學者合作研究基金(51328501)(聯合主持)。
5. 主持國家自然科學基金青年基金項目(60704141)。
6. 主持教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃(NCET-09-0343)。
7. 主持湖北省杰出青年基金項目(2012FFA009)。
8. 參與國家自然科學基金創新群體項目(51121002),主要成員。
9. 參與國家自然科學基金重大國際(地區)合作項目(51120155001),第二負責人。
10. 參與973 計劃課題(2011CB013005),學術骨干。
1. 參編Springer等英文專著三部;發表SCI論文五十余篇,含A類論文三十余篇,其中一作和通訊作者Automatica和IEEE匯刊18篇,長文9篇;申請和授權國家專利十余項,獲得湖北省自然科學一等獎一項(排名第一)。曾應美國科學院院長邀請在中美青年科學家會議上作大會報告。
2. 從事博士后研究工作期間,將預測控制從單個體系統推廣到多智能體系統,研究了個體預測智能對于生命群集到達協調一致行為并降低群集內通信成本的關鍵性作用,發展了群集預測控制策略;提出了“渦旋”群集構型的協調控制方法;系統分析了幾類典型邊界條件對群集涌現行為的影響機制,并在多機器人協調控制中獲得了成功的應用。
3. 在記憶減退型非線性系統的建模與約束預測控制領域,他設計了高精度的Hammerstein/Wiener/Volterra模型辨識策略,將其從集中參數推廣到分布參數系統,并分別對記憶減退型和面向模塊型非線性系統的未來動態演化趨勢進行預測,進而發展了約束預測控制方法,提高了閉環系統的控制精度和瞬態性能,拓展了系統閉環穩定區域,并在實際控制系統中進行了實驗驗證。
4. 獲得了國家自然科學基金納米制造基礎重大研究計劃培育項目和青年基金項目的資助,自主研發了納米靜電噴印平臺裝備及其附屬高精度高均勻度微環境控制腔體,將所設計的非線性模型預測控制方法成功應用于納米靜電噴印微環境控制和射流與沉積過程控制。
5. 在多智能體系統的模型預測控制領域,他的工作的特色在于從自然界生命群集的動力學行為中提煉個體間互動和個體智能對群集涌現的本質規律,用于多智能體系統建模、分析與控制。成果得到了美國科學院院士H.E.Stanley教授、德國科學院院士D.Helbing教授、10余位IEEE Fellow、以及普林斯頓大學I.D.Couzin教授、加州理工學院M.C.Cross教授、麻省理工學院S.Kim博士等著名學術機構學者的正面評價。
6. 通過已經結題的項目“分布式生物醫學系統的模型預測控制”和“微生物群集的協調動力學行為機制研究”,張海濤揭示了個體對未來運動軌跡的預測智能對于群集演化達到協調一致行為的關鍵作用,構建了多智能體系統預測控制策略,提高了群集的緊密程度和同步效率;發展了不依賴于全局信息的分布式“渦旋”構型控制方法,實現了多智能體在不同軌道“渦旋”上的相位均勻分布,揭示了魚群和昆蟲群“渦旋”的動力學規律;針對邊界約束多智能體系統,設計了不依賴于個體間吸引作用的穩定群集控制方法,發現了兩類典型邊界條件下,群集以概率1收斂到速度同步的規律;發現并解釋了多智能體構型從“類液體”(即相鄰個體距離從外部到內部逐漸縮。┑“類晶體”(即相鄰個體距離保持恒定)的相變規律;提煉了自然界群集領導力傳播方式和奇異行為對群集演化過程的影響規律。
1 一種基于體表反向場的內外傷漏磁檢測區分方法與裝置 孫燕華;伍劍波;康宜華;李冬林;葉志堅;張海濤 2014-02-19 2014-04-30
2 一種薄壁件銑削振動的多機械手臂隨動抑制裝置 趙歡;趙杰;張海濤;吳越;丁漢;趙鑫;張國強 2015-01-08 2015-05-06
3 一種基于磁懸浮軸承電主軸的銑削顫振主動控制方法 陳智勇;吳越;趙歡;張海濤;趙杰;丁漢;趙鑫;張國強 2014-12-22 2015-05-27
4 一種高速銑削電主軸切削顫振的主動抑制裝置 趙杰;趙歡;張海濤;吳越;丁漢;趙鑫;張國強 2014-10-30 2015-02-18
5 一種基于Zernike矩的圖像匹配方法 王瑜輝;尹程龍;尹周平;張海濤;徐侃 2012-10-17 2014-05-07
6 一種高速銑削電主軸切削顫振的主動抑制裝置 趙歡;趙杰;張海濤;吳越;丁漢;趙鑫;張國強 2014-10-30 2015-03-11
7 一種高速銑削電主軸切削顫振的激勵模擬裝置 張海濤;趙杰;趙歡;吳越;丁漢;趙鑫;張國強 2014-10-30 2015-03-04
8 基于基板速度調節的納米纖維直徑控制方法及控制裝置 張海濤;魏飛龍;董益民;尹周平;丁漢 2013-12-09 2014-03-19
9 一種靜電噴印納米纖維直徑閉環控制方法及裝置 張海濤;魏飛龍;董益民;尹周平;丁漢 2013-09-03 2013-12-25
10 一種銑削加工顫振主動控制系統及其方法 丁漢;陳浦煒;張海濤;張小明 2013-04-24 2013-08-21
Selected Recent Publications
Book Chapters:
1. H.-T. Zhang, Z. Cheng, M.-C.Fan and Y. Wu, "Collective Behavior Coordination with Predictive Mechanisms," Complex Systems and Networks,
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2015.
2. H.-T. Zhang, Z. Chen, and H. Ding, "Adaptive LQR control to attenuate chatters in milling processes," Intelligent Robotics and Applications,
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
3. H.- T. Zhang , "MPC for Block-Oriented Nonlinear Systems with Input Saturations," Advanced Model Predictive Control, InTech - Open Access
Publisher, 2011
Journal Papers (* refers to corresponding author):
1. H.-T. Zhang, C. Zhai and Z. Chen, A general alignment repulsion algorithm for ocking of multi-agent systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, vol. 56,no. 2, pp. 430-435, 2011.
2. M.-C. Fan, Z. Chen Z. and H.- T. Zhang, Semi-global consensus of nonlinear second-order multiagent systems with measurement output feedback, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 59, no. 8, pp. 2222-2227, 2014.
3. Z. Chen and H.-T. Zhang, No-beacon collective circular motion of jointly-connected multi-agents, Automatica-Regular paper, vol. 46, pp. 1929-
1937, 2011.
4. Z. Chen and H.-T. Zhang, A Remark on Collective Circular Motion of Heterogeneous Multi-agents, Automatica, vol. 49, pp. 1236-1241, 2013.
5. H.-T. Zhang and Z. Chen, Collaborative control of multivehicle systems in diverse motion patterns, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems
Technology, DOI:10.1109/TCST.2015.2487864.
6. H.-T. Zhang, Z. Chen, L. Yan and W. Yu,Application of collective circular motion control to multi-robot systems, IEEE Transactions on Control
Systems Technology,vol. 21, no.4, pp. 1416-1422, 2015.
7. Z. Chen, H.-T. Zhang, M.-C. Fan, D.Wang and D. Li, Algorithms and experiments on ocking of multi-agents in a bounded space, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 22, no.4, pp. 1544-1549, 2014.
8. W. J. He, H.-T. Zhang, Z. Chen, B. Chu, K. Cao, B. Shan, and R. Chen, Generalized predictive control of temperature on an atomic layer deposition reactor, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 23, no.6, pp. 2408-2415, 2015.
9. H.-T. Zhang, M. Z. Q. Chen and G. B. Stan, Fast consensus via predictive pinning control, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Regular
paper, vol.58,no.9, pp. 2247-2258, 2011.
10. H.-T. Zhang , Z. M. Cheng and G. Chen, Model predictive ocking control for second-order multi-agent systems with input constraints,IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Regular paper, vol. 62, no.6, pp. 1599-1606, 2015.
11. Z. M. Cheng, H.-T. Zhang , M.-C. Fan and G. Chen, Distributed consensus of multi-agent systems with input constraints: a model predictive
control approach,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Regular paper, vol. 62, no.3, pp.825-834, 2015.
12. H.-T. Zhang , M. Z. Q. Chen , G. B. Stan, T. Zhou and J. M. Maciejowski, Collective behavior coordination with predictive mechanisms, IEEE
Circuits and Systems Magazine{Feature Article, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 67-85, 2008.
13. H.-T. Zhang, Z. Chen, P. Chen, X. Zhang and H. Ding, Saturated output regulation approach for active vibration control of thin-walled exible
workpieces with voice coil actuators, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics-Regular paper, DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2015.2440425.
14. H.-T. Zhang and Z. Chen, Consensus acceleration in a class of predictive networks,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 25, no. 10, pp.1921-1927, 2014.
15. Z. Chen and H.-T. Zhang, Analysis of joint connectivity condition for multi-agents with boundary constraints, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics-
Regular paper, vol. 43, no.2, pp. 437-444, 2013.
16. Z. Chen, M.-C. Fan and H.-T. Zhang , How much control is enough for network connectivity preservation and collision avoidance, IEEE
Transactions on Cybernetics-Regular paper, vol. 45, no.8, pp. 1647-1656, 2015.
17. W. J. He, H.-T. Zhang, Z. Chen, J-L. Lin, B. Shan, and R. Chen, Temperature control for nano-scale lms by spatially-separated atomic layer
deposition based on generalized predictive control, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology-Regular paper, vol. 14, no.6, pp. 1094-1103, 2015.
18. Fan M.-C., Zhang H.-T. and Lin Z., Distributed Semi-global Consensus with Relative Output Feedback and Input Saturation under Directed
Switching Networks, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, vol. 62. no.8, pp. 796-800, 2015.
19. H.-T. Zhang, Z. Chen, T. Vicsek, G. Feng, L. Sun, R. Su, and T. Zhou, Route dependent switch between hierarchical and egalitarian strategies in
pigeon ocks, Scientic Reports, vol.4, pp. 5805, 2014.
20. H.-T. Zhang , Y. Wu, D. He and H. Zhao, Model predictive control to mitigate chatters in milling processes with input constraints, International
Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture , vol. 91, pp. 54{61, 2015.
21. Z. Chen and H.-T. Zhang, X. Zhang and H. Ding, Adaptive Active Chatter Control in Milling Processes, ASME Transactions-Journal of Dynamic
Systems, Measurement and Control -Regular paper, vol. 136, pp. 021997, 2014.
22. T. Huang, Z. Chen, H.-T. Zhang and H. Ding, Active control of an active magnetic bearings supported spindle for chatter suppression in milling
process, ASME Transactions-Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control -Regular paper, vol. 137, pp. 111003, 2015.
23. H.-T. Zhang, M. Z. Q. Chen and Z. Chen, Nonlinear Laguerre-Volterra-observer controller and its application to process control, International
Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,vol.20, pp. 412-423, 2010.
24. H.-T. Zhang, G. Chen and M. Z. Q. Chen, A novel dual-mode predictive control strategy for constrained Wiener systems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,vol.20, pp. 975-986, 2010.
25. Y. Wu, H.-T. Zhang, T. Huang and H. Ding, Adaptive chatter mitigation control for machining processes with input saturations, International
Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, accepted.
26. H.-T. Zhang and H. X. Li, A general control horizon extension method for nonlinear model predictive control, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry
Research, vol.46,no.26, pp. 9179-9189, 2007.
27. M.-C. Fan, H.-T. Zhang and M. M. Wang, Bipartite ocking for multi-agent systems, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical
Simulation, vol. 19,no. 9, pp. 3313-3322, 2014.
28. C. K. Qi, H.-T. Zhang and H. X. Li, A multi-channel spatio-temporal Hammerstein modeling approach for nonlinear distributed parameter
processes, Journal of Process Control, vol. 19, pp. 85-99, 2008.
29. H.-T. Zhang, H. X. Li and G. Chen, A novel predictive control algorithm for constrained Hammerstein systems, International Journal of Control, vol. 81, pp.1609-1625, 2008.
30. H.-T. Zhang, Z. H. Chen, Y. J. Wang and M. Li, Adaptive predictive control algorithm based on Laguerre functional model, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 53-76, 2006.
31. H.-T. Zhang, N. Wang, R. Q. Su, M. Z.Q. Chen, T. Zhou and C. Zhou, Spatially quantifying the leadership eectiveness in collective behaviors, New Journal of Physics, vol.12, pp.12305, 2010.
32. Z. Cheng, H.-T. Zhang, M. Z.Q. Chen, T. Zhou and V.N.Valeyev, Aggregation pattern transition by slightly varying the attraction/repulsive
function, PLoS ONE,vol.6, no.7, pp. e22123, 2011.
33. H.-T. Zhang, M. Z. Q. Chen, T. Zhou and G. B. Stan, Predictive protocol of ocks with small-world connection pattern, Physical Review E, vol. 79,
pp. 016113, 2009.
34. C. Zhai, H.-T. Zhang, Y. Zhao, M. Z. Q. Chen, B. H.Wang. and T. Zhou, Eective usage of credit records promotes cooperation on weighted
networks, Physical Review E, vol. 81, pp. 036112, 2010.
35. W. Li, H.-T. Zhang, M. Z. Q. Chen and T. Zhou, Singularities in homogeneous and its contribution to the large-scale emergence order, Physical
Review E, vol.77, 021902, 2008.
36. L. Peng, Y. Zhao, B. Tian, J. Zhang, B. H. Wang, H.-T. Zhang and T. Zhou,Consensus of self-driven agents with avoidance of collisions, Physical
Review E, vol.79, no.3, pp. 026113, 2009.
37. H.-T. Zhang, M. Z. Q. Chen, T. Zhou and G. B. Stan, Ultrafast consensus viapredictive mechanisms, Europhysics Letters, vol.83,pp. 40003,2008.
38. H.-T. Zhang, M. Z. Q. Chen and T. Zhou, Improve consensus via decentralized predictive mechanisms, Europhysics Letters, vol. 86, pp. 40011,
39. Z. Chen, H.-T. Zhang, X. Chen, D. Chen and T. Zhou, Two-level leader-follower organization in pigeon ocks, Europhysics Letters, vol. 112, pp.
20008, 2015.
40. Z. M. Cheng, H.-T. Zhang and M.-C. Fan , Distributed MPC based consensus for single-integrator multi-agent systems, ISA Transactions, vol. 58, pp. 112-120,2015. .
41. J. Zhang, Y. Zhao, B. Tian, L. Peng, H.-T. Zhang, B. H. Wang and T. Zhou,Improve consensus via decentralized predictive mechanisms, Physica A, vol. 338,no.7, pp. 1237-1242, 2009.
42. H.-T. Zhang, C. K. Qi, T. Zhou and H. X. Li, Greatly enhancing the modeling accuracy for distributed parameter systems by nonlinear time/space
separation,Physica A, vol. 376, pp. 215-222, 2007.
43. J. G. Liu, M. Z. Q. Chen, J. Chen, F. Deng, H.-T. Zhang, Z. Zhang, and T.Zhou, Recent advances in personal recommender systems, International
Journal of Information and Systems Sciences, vol. 5, no.2, pp. 230-247, 2009.
44. W. Yu, M. Cao, J. Lu, G. Chen and H.-T. Zhang, Swarming behaviors in multiagent systems with nonlinear dynamics, Chaos, vol. 23, pp. 043118, 2013.
45. H.-T. Zhang, L. Tischenko and P. Z. Yu, A novel adaptive control algorithm based on nonlinear Laguerre-Volterra observer, Transactions of the
Institute of Measurement and Control, vol. 31, pp. 129-151, 2009.
46. H.-T. Zhang, C. Zhang, Z. H. Chen and M. Li, OFS model-based adaptive control for block-oriented nonlinear systems, Transactions of the
Institute of Measurement and Control, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 209-218, 2006.
47. H.-T. Zhang and Y. J. Wang, Dual-mode control algorithm for Wiener-typed nonlinear systems, Springer Lecture Notes in Control and Information Science, vol.345, pp. 1157-1162, 2006.
48. H.-T. Zhang, Z. H. Chen and M. Li, A nonlinear adaptive predictive control algorithm based on OFS model, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, vol.3645, no. 2, pp. 502{511, 2005.
49. T. Qin, H.-T. Zhang and Z.H. Chen, Continuous CMAC-QRLS and its systolic array, Neural Processing Letters, vol 22, no. 1, pp. 1-16, 2005.
50. T. Qin, Z. H. Chen and H.-T. Zhang, A learning algorithm of CMAC based on RLS, Neural Processing Letters, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 49-61, 2004.
51. Z. H. Chen, H.-T. Zhang, M. Li and W. Xiang, Adaptive control method for nonlinear time-delay processes, Journal of Systems Engineering and
Electronics, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 566-576, 2007.
1. 受美國科學院院長R.J.Cicerone的邀請,赴美國加州爾灣參加第15屆中美青年科學家前沿科學會議做大會報告,并擔任多智能體系統分析與控制分會主席。
2. 應邀于2007-2012年在劍橋大學、萊斯特大學、倫敦大學、加州大學等英美德澳港10余所大學做關于多智能體預測控制方面的專題演講。
3. 在2012年亞洲控制會議上擔任講座和研討會主席。
4. 在2011年-2013年的三次中國控制會議上專門組織了“多智能體預測控制”主題邀請分會。
5. 應邀為IEEE電路與系統雜志撰寫的長文在該雜志近五年的引用排名第三。
1. 2015年度湖北省自然科學一等獎(排名第一)。
2. 2013年度《科學中國人》年度人物之“杰出青年科學家獎”。
3. 2012年度湖北省自然科學論文一等獎(排名第一)。
4. 2011年度湖北省優秀碩士論文獎(指導教師)。
5. 2010年度第11屆IEEE控制、自動化、機器人和視覺國際會議最佳論文提名獎,新加坡;(通信作者)。
6. 2009年度華中科技大學首屆學術新人獎。
7. 2006年度中英優秀學者獎(排名第一)。
8. 2004年度中國科學院院長獎(排名第一)。
9. 中組部“青年拔尖人才支持計劃”入選者。
10. 國家優秀青年基金獲得者。
11. 教育部新世紀優秀人才。
12. 湖北省杰出青年基金獲得者。
13. 華中學者。
靠著執著的科研精神、較高的學術水平和很強的科研能力,張海濤取得了豐碩的科研成果。在記憶減退型非線性系統的建模與約束預測控制領域,他設計了高精度的Hammerstein/Wiener/Volterra模型辨識策略,將其從集中參數推廣到分布參數系統,并分別對記憶減退型和面向模塊型非線性系統的未來動態演化趨勢進行預測,進而發展了約束預測控制方法,提高了閉環系統的控制精度和瞬態性能,拓展了系統閉環穩定區域,并在實際控制系統中進行了實驗驗證。鑒于他的杰出工作,他應邀參編了英文專著Advanced Model Predictive Control;獲得了國家自然科學基金納米制造基礎重大研究計劃培育項目和青年基金項目的資助,自主研發了納米靜電噴印平臺裝備及其附屬高精度高均勻度微環境控制腔體,將所設計的非線性模型預測控制方法成功應用于納米靜電噴印微環境控制和射流與沉積過程控制。
在多智能體系統的模型預測控制領域,他的工作的特色在于從自然界生命群集的動力學行為中提煉個體間互動和個體智能對群集涌現的本質規律,用于多智能體系統建模、分析與控制。成果得到了美國科學院院士H.E.Stanley教授、德國科學院院士D.Helbing教授、10余位IEEE Fellow、以及普林斯頓大學I.D.Couzin教授、加州理工學院M.C.Cross教授、麻省理工學院S.Kim博士等著名學術機構學者的正面評價。
為此,他受美國科學院院長R.J.Cicerone的邀請,赴美國加州爾灣參加第15屆中美青年科學家前沿科學會議做大會報告,并擔任多智能體系統分析與控制分會主席。英國劍橋大學 J.M.Maciejowski教授(模型預測控制領域國際著名學者、IEEE、IET Fellow、前歐洲控制聯合會主席、前國際測量與控制學會主席、劍橋大學工程系信息工程部主任)在評價他的博士后工作時指出“申請者將群集動力學和預測控制有機結合,做出了重要的工作,是劍橋控制組近年來最成功的訪問研究之一”;陬A測控制工作,他被推選為IEEE Senior Member,并擔任SCI國際期刊Asian Journal of Control的副編輯。他還應邀于2007-2012年在劍橋大學、萊斯特大學、倫敦大學、加州大學等英美德澳港10余所大學做關于多智能體預測控制方面的專題演講,在2012年亞洲控制會議上擔任講座和研討會主席,并在2011年-2013年的三次中國控制會議上專門組織了“多智能體預測控制”主題邀請分會。他應邀為IEEE電路與系統雜志撰寫的長文在該雜志近五年的引用排名第三。其在納米精度宏微運動控制的成果在套色印刷行業也創造了超過2000萬元的新增產值。
國際系統辨識領域著名學者、IET/IMA Fellow、英國謝菲爾德大學S.A.Billings教授指出,他“提出了分布參數系統的多通道Hammerstein非線性時空分離方法”;IEEE Trans. Systems Man and Cybernetics-C最佳論文得主、Automatica編委、荷蘭Delfts大學B.D. Schutter教授將他的工作做為分布參數系統建模的代表性工作進行介紹;IEEE Control Society副主席、IEEE Fellow、新加坡國立大學S.Ge教授對其工作也進行了長篇評述,指出“發展的Hammerstein時空模型較之以往方法更適合用在控制系統設計,(因為)它是純數據驅動,需要更少的先驗知識”。IFAC前副主席、法國洛林大學J.Ragot教授指出,張將“Laguerre濾波器用于控制器設計中”;IEEE Computation Intelligence Society副主席、IEEE Fellow、米蘭理工大學A. Cesare教授指出,張的“基于遺忘因子的方法可以解決知識集中過時信息的去除問題”;IET Fellow、新加坡資訊技術研究所P.K.Meher,指出張“基于Laguerre多項式的控制算法對變化的時滯、階次和結構參數具有很好的適應性,且計算復雜度低,性能優于傳統方法”。
上述科研成果同樣得到了科學界的認可,美國科學院院士、美國波士頓大學Willam Fairfield杰出教授H.E.Stanley(波爾茲曼獎獲得者)和以色列物理學會前主席S.Havlin教授(英國物理學會和美國物理學會Fellow、美國物理學會Nicholson獎、Landau杰出物理學研究獎、德國洪堡獎、威茲曼獎獲得者)共同撰文,評價“加快了群集動力學模型收斂速度,避免了碰撞”。H.E.Stanley等還將他的工作進行了拓展,通過個體視野調整,進一步加快了群集同步收斂速度。
印度工程院院士、印度理學院教授D.Ghose評價“提出了一系列預測控制算法及其解析分析策略,改進了Vicsek模型的收斂性,加快了線性群集動力學系統到達同步一致的速度”。IEEE Fellow、美國加州理工學院R.M.Murray教授肯定了張海濤的工作“將模型預測控制用于群集動力學一致性設計,加快了收斂速度”。IEEE Fellow、美國德州大學F.L.Lewis教授評價“提出具有動力學預測機制的群集行為控制”。普林斯頓大學I.D.Couzin教授和美國西北大學C.Huepe博士聯合撰文評價“設計的方法加快了群集收斂速度”、“簡化的非線性動力學模型提供了重要的工具,能幫助理解新奇的群集現象并探索其基本規律”。韓國首爾國立大學S.Seo教授和美國麻省理工學院S.Kim博士評價“張等提出了不依賴吸引作用的改進Reynold模型,分析了個體間交互對群集動力學的作用,顯示了通過有限距離通信實現群集分布式控制的可能性”。
來源:科學中國人 2013年第9期
Prof. Hai-Tao Zhang, Control Engineering
Contact Information:
Department of Automatic Control, School of Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
1037 Luoyu Road, Wuhan, P. R. China 430074,
Mobile phone: +86-15997450253
E-mail: zht@hust.edu.cn
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K. January-December 2007
Postdoctoral Researcher, Control Group, Engineering Department
Research Topic: "Network-based coordinated predictive control of flocks"
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, P.R.China
September 2000 -July 2005
Ph.D., Department of Automation
Research Topic: \Orthonormal functional series-based nonlinear model predictive control"
USTC, Hefei, P.R.China September 1995-July 2000
B.Eng., Automatic Control, Department of Automation; Bachelor of Business Administration, Department of Administration Science
Department of Automatic Control and Key Laboratory of Image Processing and Intelligent Control, Huazhong (Central China) University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, P.R.China
Professor (full time), Head of Department of Automatic Control, Deputy Director of Key Laboratory of Image Processing and Intelligent Control, Chinese Ministry of Education,March 2013 -present.
Department of Automatic Control and State Key Laboratory of Digital Manufacturing Equipments and Technology, HUST, Wuhan, P.R.China
Professor (full time) Oct. 2010 - present.
Charles L. Brown Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, U.S.
Visiting Professor Feb. 2014 - Feb. 2005.
Department of Control Science and Engineering and State Key Laboratory of Digital Manufacturing Equipments and Technology, HUST, Wuhan, P.R.China
Associate Professor (full time) July 2005- Oct. 2010.
Department of Engineering and Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, Cam-bridge, U.K.
Visiting Scholar July -December 2008
Department of Electronics Engineering , City University of HongKong, HongKong SRA, P.R.China
Research Fellow February -May 2009
Department of Manufactory Engineering and Engineering Management, City University of HongKong, HongKong SRA, P.R.China
Senior Research Assistant February - May 2006
Digital Media/Security Team, IBM China Research Lab, Beijing, P.R.China
Intern July - October 2004
Research interests:
Collective Behavior Analysis and Multi-agent Systems (MASs) Control; Model Predictive Control (MPC); Nano-manufacturing Control.
Projects as Principal Investigator
1、"Model predictive control for electrospinning manufacturing" 2016
National Youth Outstanding Talent Support Program, 2,400,000 RMB.
2、"Robust and model predictive control" 2014-2016
The National Excellent Youth Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC) with Grant No. 61322304, 1,000,000 RMB.
3、"Micro and nano-positioning dynamics and control" 2014-2015
The Joint Research Fund for Overseas, Hong Kong and Macao Young Scholars of NNSFC with Grant No. 51328501, 200,000 RMB. PI with Associate Professor Zhiyong Chen of The University of Newcastle Australia
4、"Model predictive micro-environment control for nano-jet printing platform"2011-2013
Major Research Plan NNSFC with Grant No. 91023034, 500,000 RMB.
5、"Biomedically inspired MPC for distributed parameter systems" 2008-2010
NNSFC with Grant No. 60704041, 220,000 RMB.
6、"Collective behavior analysis and control for microorganism colonies"
Chinese Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University with Grant. 2009373, 500,000 RMB.
7、"Active controller design of ve-axis digital machining system for heavy ma-chine tools" 2012-2016
Outstanding Youth Project of the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province with Grant No. 2012FFA009, 100,000 RMB.
8、"Predictive control for electro-spraying and substate sediment process of nano-scale jet-printing systems " 2013-2014
Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China with Grant No. 20130142110050, 120,000 RMB.
9、"Distributed biomedical systems' MPC research" 2008-2010
Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China with Grant No. 20070487090, 36,000 RMB.
Projects as Co-Investigator
1、"Autonomous control for unmanned vessels" 2016-2020
Pearl River Talent Plan Project, 20,000,000 RMB, as Co-Investigator.
2、"Dynamics analysis and active controller design of ve-axis digital machining system for complex surfaces" 2012-2016
Key-joint Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC) with Grant No. 51120155001, 3,000,000 RMB, as Co-Investigator.
3、"State-space realization theory for multi-dimensional systems" 2007-2009
NNSFC with Grant. No. 60604001, 240,000 RMB, as Co-Investigator.
1、Associate Editor
Nature Scientic Reports
Asian Journal of Control
IST Transactions of Control Engineering-Theory and Applications.
Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Science
IEEE CSS Conference Editorial Board The 54th and 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control American Control Conference 2015,2016
2、Programe Chair & Programe Member
The 9th Asian Control Conference
The 24th and 25th Chinese Control Conferences
The 4th Chinese Automation Congress
3、Session Chair
The 15th Chinese-American Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium
The 30th, 31st, 32nd, 33rd and 34th Chinese Control Conferences
4、Reviewer of the following journals
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions
on Automation Science and Technology, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics-B, IEEE Transac-tions on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Automatica, PLoS Computational Biology, Systems and Control Letters, PRE, EPL, Science China, etc.
5、Reviewer of the following conferences IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE American Control Conference, IFAC,etc.
1、Automatic Control Theory" course for undergraduates at HUST
Sept.-Dec., 2005; Sept.-Dec., 2006; Sept.-Dec., 2008; Sept.-Dec., 2009;Sept.-Dec.,2010,Sept.-Dec., 2011,Sept.-Dec., 2012; Sept.-Dec., 2013.
2、Model Predictive Control and Its Industrial Applications" course for graduates at HUST
Sept.-Dec., 2008; Sept.-Dec., 2009, Sept.-Dec., 2010, Sept.-Dec., 2012.
PhD graduated Ming-Can Fan.
PhD candidates at HUST Four candidates: Yong Hu, Yue Wu, Duxin Chen and Bin Liu.
PhD candidate of Joint HUST-Newcastle University Australia Tao Huang
Master students
Eighteen graduated: Xiaoxue Li, Chao Jiang, Yabin Li, Yaqi Wu, Di Zheng, Chao Zhai, Benren Pan, Yue Wei, Zhou Wang, Jie Zhai, Jin Cao, Yi Zhen, Puwei Chen, Tao Huang,Chenglong Yin, Xiang Chen, Yifei Tang, Feilong Wei,
Seven ongoing: Zhaomeng Cheng, Jie Zhao, Tao Zhou, Yimin Dong, Xianyi Shi, Qing Wang, Tao Zhu, Wei Wu.
Honors and Awards:
1. First Class Natural Science Award (1/3), Hubei Province, P.R.China, September 2015.
2. Outstanding Young Scientist Award, Scientic Chinese, April, 2014.
3. Nominee Best Paper Award of the 11th International Conference on Control, Automa-tion, Robotics and Vision, Singapore, December 2010
4. First Class Excellent Natural Science Paper Award (1/3), Hubei Province, P.R.China,December 2012. .
5. U.K./China Fellowship for Excellence Programme ($25,434) December 2006
6. President Prize of Chinese Academy of Sciences June 2004
Selected Recent Publications
Book Chapters:
1. H.-T. Zhang, Z. Cheng, M.-C.Fan and Y. Wu, "Collective Behavior Coordination with Predictive Mechanisms," Complex Systems and Networks,
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2015.
2. H.-T. Zhang, Z. Chen, and H. Ding, "Adaptive LQR control to attenuate chatters in milling processes," Intelligent Robotics and Applications,
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
3. H.- T. Zhang , "MPC for Block-Oriented Nonlinear Systems with Input Saturations," Advanced Model Predictive Control, InTech - Open Access
Publisher, 2011
Journal Papers (* refers to corresponding author):
1. H.-T. Zhang, C. Zhai and Z. Chen, A general alignment repulsion algorithm for ocking of multi-agent systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, vol. 56,no. 2, pp. 430-435, 2011.
2. M.-C. Fan, Z. Chen Z. and H.- T. Zhang, Semi-global consensus of nonlinear second-order multiagent systems with measurement output feedback, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 59, no. 8, pp. 2222-2227, 2014.
3. Z. Chen and H.-T. Zhang, No-beacon collective circular motion of jointly-connected multi-agents, Automatica-Regular paper, vol. 46, pp. 1929-
1937, 2011.
4. Z. Chen and H.-T. Zhang, A Remark on Collective Circular Motion of Heterogeneous Multi-agents, Automatica, vol. 49, pp. 1236-1241, 2013.
5. H.-T. Zhang and Z. Chen, Collaborative control of multivehicle systems in diverse motion patterns, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems
Technology, DOI:10.1109/TCST.2015.2487864.
6. H.-T. Zhang, Z. Chen, L. Yan and W. Yu,Application of collective circular motion control to multi-robot systems, IEEE Transactions on Control
Systems Technology,vol. 21, no.4, pp. 1416-1422, 2015.
7. Z. Chen, H.-T. Zhang, M.-C. Fan, D.Wang and D. Li, Algorithms and experiments on ocking of multi-agents in a bounded space, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 22, no.4, pp. 1544-1549, 2014.
8. W. J. He, H.-T. Zhang, Z. Chen, B. Chu, K. Cao, B. Shan, and R. Chen, Generalized predictive control of temperature on an atomic layer deposition reactor, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 23, no.6, pp. 2408-2415, 2015.
9. H.-T. Zhang, M. Z. Q. Chen and G. B. Stan, Fast consensus via predictive pinning control, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Regular
paper, vol.58,no.9, pp. 2247-2258, 2011.
10. H.-T. Zhang , Z. M. Cheng and G. Chen, Model predictive ocking control for second-order multi-agent systems with input constraints,IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Regular paper, vol. 62, no.6, pp. 1599-1606, 2015.
11. Z. M. Cheng, H.-T. Zhang , M.-C. Fan and G. Chen, Distributed consensus of multi-agent systems with input constraints: a model predictive
control approach,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Regular paper, vol. 62, no.3, pp.825-834, 2015.
12. H.-T. Zhang , M. Z. Q. Chen , G. B. Stan, T. Zhou and J. M. Maciejowski, Collective behavior coordination with predictive mechanisms, IEEE
Circuits and Systems Magazine{Feature Article, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 67-85, 2008.
13. H.-T. Zhang, Z. Chen, P. Chen, X. Zhang and H. Ding, Saturated output regulation approach for active vibration control of thin-walled exible
workpieces with voice coil actuators, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics-Regular paper, DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2015.2440425.
14. H.-T. Zhang and Z. Chen, Consensus acceleration in a class of predictive networks,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 25, no. 10, pp.1921-1927, 2014.
15. Z. Chen and H.-T. Zhang, Analysis of joint connectivity condition for multi-agents with boundary constraints, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics-
Regular paper, vol. 43, no.2, pp. 437-444, 2013.
16. Z. Chen, M.-C. Fan and H.-T. Zhang , How much control is enough for network connectivity preservation and collision avoidance, IEEE
Transactions on Cybernetics-Regular paper, vol. 45, no.8, pp. 1647-1656, 2015.
17. W. J. He, H.-T. Zhang, Z. Chen, J-L. Lin, B. Shan, and R. Chen, Temperature control for nano-scale lms by spatially-separated atomic layer
deposition based on generalized predictive control, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology-Regular paper, vol. 14, no.6, pp. 1094-1103, 2015.
18. Fan M.-C., Zhang H.-T. and Lin Z., Distributed Semi-global Consensus with Relative Output Feedback and Input Saturation under Directed
Switching Networks, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, vol. 62. no.8, pp. 796-800, 2015.
19. H.-T. Zhang, Z. Chen, T. Vicsek, G. Feng, L. Sun, R. Su, and T. Zhou, Route dependent switch between hierarchical and egalitarian strategies in
pigeon ocks, Scientic Reports, vol.4, pp. 5805, 2014.
20. H.-T. Zhang , Y. Wu, D. He and H. Zhao, Model predictive control to mitigate chatters in milling processes with input constraints, International
Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture , vol. 91, pp. 54{61, 2015.
21. Z. Chen and H.-T. Zhang, X. Zhang and H. Ding, Adaptive Active Chatter Control in Milling Processes, ASME Transactions-Journal of Dynamic
Systems, Measurement and Control -Regular paper, vol. 136, pp. 021997, 2014.
22. T. Huang, Z. Chen, H.-T. Zhang and H. Ding, Active control of an active magnetic bearings supported spindle for chatter suppression in milling
process, ASME Transactions-Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control -Regular paper, vol. 137, pp. 111003, 2015.
23. H.-T. Zhang, M. Z. Q. Chen and Z. Chen, Nonlinear Laguerre-Volterra-observer controller and its application to process control, International
Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,vol.20, pp. 412-423, 2010.
24. H.-T. Zhang, G. Chen and M. Z. Q. Chen, A novel dual-mode predictive control strategy for constrained Wiener systems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,vol.20, pp. 975-986, 2010.
25. Y. Wu, H.-T. Zhang, T. Huang and H. Ding, Adaptive chatter mitigation control for machining processes with input saturations, International
Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, accepted.
26. H.-T. Zhang and H. X. Li, A general control horizon extension method for nonlinear model predictive control, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry
Research, vol.46,no.26, pp. 9179-9189, 2007.
27. M.-C. Fan, H.-T. Zhang and M. M. Wang, Bipartite ocking for multi-agent systems, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical
Simulation, vol. 19,no. 9, pp. 3313-3322, 2014.
28. C. K. Qi, H.-T. Zhang and H. X. Li, A multi-channel spatio-temporal Hammerstein modeling approach for nonlinear distributed parameter
processes, Journal of Process Control, vol. 19, pp. 85-99, 2008.
29. H.-T. Zhang, H. X. Li and G. Chen, A novel predictive control algorithm for constrained Hammerstein systems, International Journal of Control, vol. 81, pp.1609-1625, 2008.
30. H.-T. Zhang, Z. H. Chen, Y. J. Wang and M. Li, Adaptive predictive control algorithm based on Laguerre functional model, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 53-76, 2006.
31. H.-T. Zhang, N. Wang, R. Q. Su, M. Z.Q. Chen, T. Zhou and C. Zhou, Spatially quantifying the leadership eectiveness in collective behaviors, New Journal of Physics, vol.12, pp.12305, 2010.
32. Z. Cheng, H.-T. Zhang, M. Z.Q. Chen, T. Zhou and V.N.Valeyev, Aggregation pattern transition by slightly varying the attraction/repulsive
function, PLoS ONE,vol.6, no.7, pp. e22123, 2011.
33. H.-T. Zhang, M. Z. Q. Chen, T. Zhou and G. B. Stan, Predictive protocol of ocks with small-world connection pattern, Physical Review E, vol. 79,
pp. 016113, 2009.
34. C. Zhai, H.-T. Zhang, Y. Zhao, M. Z. Q. Chen, B. H.Wang. and T. Zhou, Eective usage of credit records promotes cooperation on weighted
networks, Physical Review E, vol. 81, pp. 036112, 2010.
35. W. Li, H.-T. Zhang, M. Z. Q. Chen and T. Zhou, Singularities in homogeneous and its contribution to the large-scale emergence order, Physical
Review E, vol.77, 021902, 2008.
36. L. Peng, Y. Zhao, B. Tian, J. Zhang, B. H. Wang, H.-T. Zhang and T. Zhou,Consensus of self-driven agents with avoidance of collisions, Physical
Review E, vol.79, no.3, pp. 026113, 2009.
37. H.-T. Zhang, M. Z. Q. Chen, T. Zhou and G. B. Stan, Ultrafast consensus viapredictive mechanisms, Europhysics Letters, vol.83,pp. 40003,2008.
38. H.-T. Zhang, M. Z. Q. Chen and T. Zhou, Improve consensus via decentralized predictive mechanisms, Europhysics Letters, vol. 86, pp. 40011,
39. Z. Chen, H.-T. Zhang, X. Chen, D. Chen and T. Zhou, Two-level leader-follower organization in pigeon ocks, Europhysics Letters, vol. 112, pp.
20008, 2015.
40. Z. M. Cheng, H.-T. Zhang and M.-C. Fan , Distributed MPC based consensus for single-integrator multi-agent systems, ISA Transactions, vol. 58, pp. 112-120,2015. .
41. J. Zhang, Y. Zhao, B. Tian, L. Peng, H.-T. Zhang, B. H. Wang and T. Zhou,Improve consensus via decentralized predictive mechanisms, Physica A, vol. 338,no.7, pp. 1237-1242, 2009.
42. H.-T. Zhang, C. K. Qi, T. Zhou and H. X. Li, Greatly enhancing the modeling accuracy for distributed parameter systems by nonlinear time/space
separation,Physica A, vol. 376, pp. 215-222, 2007.
43. J. G. Liu, M. Z. Q. Chen, J. Chen, F. Deng, H.-T. Zhang, Z. Zhang, and T.Zhou, Recent advances in personal recommender systems, International
Journal of Information and Systems Sciences, vol. 5, no.2, pp. 230-247, 2009.
44. W. Yu, M. Cao, J. Lu, G. Chen and H.-T. Zhang, Swarming behaviors in multiagent systems with nonlinear dynamics, Chaos, vol. 23, pp. 043118, 2013.
45. H.-T. Zhang, L. Tischenko and P. Z. Yu, A novel adaptive control algorithm based on nonlinear Laguerre-Volterra observer, Transactions of the
Institute of Measurement and Control, vol. 31, pp. 129-151, 2009.
46. H.-T. Zhang, C. Zhang, Z. H. Chen and M. Li, OFS model-based adaptive control for block-oriented nonlinear systems, Transactions of the
Institute of Measurement and Control, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 209-218, 2006.
47. H.-T. Zhang and Y. J. Wang, Dual-mode control algorithm for Wiener-typed nonlinear systems, Springer Lecture Notes in Control and Information Science, vol.345, pp. 1157-1162, 2006.
48. H.-T. Zhang, Z. H. Chen and M. Li, A nonlinear adaptive predictive control algorithm based on OFS model, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, vol.3645, no. 2, pp. 502{511, 2005.
49. T. Qin, H.-T. Zhang and Z.H. Chen, Continuous CMAC-QRLS and its systolic array, Neural Processing Letters, vol 22, no. 1, pp. 1-16, 2005.
50. T. Qin, Z. H. Chen and H.-T. Zhang, A learning algorithm of CMAC based on RLS, Neural Processing Letters, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 49-61, 2004.
51. Z. H. Chen, H.-T. Zhang, M. Li and W. Xiang, Adaptive control method for nonlinear time-delay processes, Journal of Systems Engineering and
Electronics, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 566-576, 2007.
Selected Patents :
1. H.-T. Zhang, F.-L. Wei, Y.-M. Dong, Z.-P. Yin and H. Ding , Static spray printing nanober diameter closed-loop control method and device, Chinese
Invention Patent,Application No. CN201310396573, 2013.
2. H.-T. Zhang, F.-L. Wei, Y.-M. Dong, Z.-P. Yin and H. Ding , Nano-ber diameter control method based on substrate speed adjustment and control
device, Chinese Invention Patent, Application No. CN201310659164, 2013.
3. H.-T. Zhang, J. Zhao, H. Zhao, H. Ding, X. Zhao and G.-Q. Zhang, An excitation simulation equipment for high speed machining chatters based on active magnetic bearing, Chinese Invention Patent, Application No. CN 2014206456988, 2014.
4. J. Zhao, H. Zhao, H.-T. Zhang, H. Ding, X. Zhao and G.-Q. Zhang, An active chatter attenuation equipment for high speed machining processes
based on active magnetic bearing, Chinese Invention Patent, Application No. CN 2014106045684, 2014.
5. H. Ding, P.-W. Chen, H.-T. Zhang and X.-M. Zhang, Milling machining chatter active control system and method, Chinese Invention Patent,
Application No. CN201310145177, 2013.
6. Y.-H. Wang, C.-L. Yin, Z.-P. Yin, H.-T. Zhang and K. Xu, Image matching method based on Zernike matrix, Chinese Invention Patent, Application No. CN201210395617,2012.
7. Y.-H. Sun, J.-B. Wu, Y.-H. Kang, D.-L. Li, Z.-J. Ye, and H.-T.Zhang, Internal and external aw magnetic ux leakage detection distinguishing method
and device based on supercial reversed eld, Chinese Invention Patent, Application No.CN201410055718, 2014.
Selected Invited presentations :
1、Collective torus motion control and applications to multi-robot systems, Research Laboratory for Electronics, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, U.S., Nov. 26, 2014.
2、Phase transition of natural collective motions, Department of Physics, Boston University, Boston, U.S., Nov. 24, 2014.
3、Nanometer Electrical-spraying Control, Charles L. Brown Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville U.S., March 26, 2014.
4、Exploring the Collective Motion Evolution, Plenary Talk, Chinese-American Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium, Invited by Ralph J Cicerone, the
President of National Academy of Science, Irvine, U.S., Oct. 14, 2012.
5、Multi-robot circular motion control, Department of Electronics Engineering, RoyalMelbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 14, 2012.
6、Multi-robot circular motion control, Department of Electronics Engineering, University of California Riverside, Riverside CA, U.S., Oct. 12, 2012.
7、Collective Behavior Coordination via Decentralized MPC, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Newcastle Australia, Australia, March12, 2009.
8、Synchronized Collective Behavior via Low-cost Communication, CityU-PolyU Complex Network Workshop, Department of Electronics Engineering, City University ofHongKong, HongKong SAR, P. R. China, May 12, 2009.
9、Collective Behavior Coordination via Decentralized MPC, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, U.K., Aug. 4, 2008.
10、Predictive protocol of ocks/swarms with small-world connection pattern,Microsoft Research Asia, P.R.China, Jan. 20, 2008.
11、Synchronized collective behavior via low-cost communication, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, U.K., Nov. 1, 2007.
12、Extracting predictive mechanisms of biological ocks/swarms, School of Biological Sciences, Royal Holloway, University of London, U.K., Oct. 23,
13、Collective behavior coordination with decentralized predictive mechanisms, Department of Engineering, University of Leicester, U.K., Oct. 17,
14、Ultrafast consensus via model prediction protocol, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, U.K., Oct. 4, 2007.
15、Network-based coordinated predictive control of ocks, Department of Physics, University of Potsdam, Germany, Sept. 12, 2007.
16、Model predictive control for distributed parameter systems, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, U.K., Feb. 2, 2007.
17、A novel modeling method for nonlinear distributed parameter systems, Department of Manufactory Engineering and Engineering Management, City University ofHongKong, HongKong SAR, P. R. China, May 12, 2006.