[1] 中組部國家級人才支撐項目,非常規油氣滲流與提高采收率,2021.12-2026.12
[2] 國家自然科學基金-面上項目,頁巖油注天然氣開發油氣兩相滲流微尺度效應及增油機理, 2021.01-2024.12
[3] 國家自然科學基金-面上項目,致密油藏碳化水驅提高采收率機理研究,2019.01-2022.12
[4] 國家自然科學基金-石油化工聯合基金,致密油藏同井縫間注采機理研究,2018.01-2020.12
[5] 國家自然科學基金-青年基金,含油多孔介質中超磁性納米顆粒的傳遞機理研究,2014.01-2016.12
[6] '十三五'國家科技重大專項子課題,致密油藏碳化水+表面活性劑驅采油技術研究, 2017.01-2020.06
[7] '十三五'國家科技重大專項子課題,分段壓裂水平井油藏工程方法研究,2017.01-2020.12
[8] 國家重點研發計劃子課題,典型行業企業能源管理績效參數指標體系及績效提升途徑研究,2016.07-2018.12
[9] 提高油氣采收率全國重點實驗室基金,油氣相互作用對CO2-原油體系相對滲透率影響機制研究,2023.8-2024.8
[10] 油氣資源與探測國家重點實驗室基金,二氧化碳提高頁巖油采收率及埋存機理,2021.12-2023.12
[11] 頁巖油氣富集機理與有效開發國家重點實驗室基金,頁巖油CO2吞吐采油技術研究,2018.08-2019.07
[12] 校基金-學院自主項目,微納米孔隙油氣流動微尺度效應,2020.1-2022.12
[13] 校青年拔尖人才基金,超磁性納米顆粒傳遞機理及聚合物驅試井研究,2013.01-2015.12
[1] 裂縫性油藏天然氣/CO2協同驅替波及規律及注采參數優化研究,中海油研究總院,2024.9-2026.5
[2] 微氣泡與巖心滲透性匹配研究,中石化工程院,2024.10-2025.10
[3] 凝膠調堵劑體系多因素條件下超長距離運移規律研究,中海油服,2024.10-2025.6
[4] 氣井解水鎖機理實驗研究,中石化華美孚泰,2024.6-2024.12
[5] 隴東長8致密油藏未動用儲量CO2驅混相能力評價及配套技術對策,中石油長慶油田,2023.1-2024.7
[6] 不同類型低滲油藏氣驅滲流特征及提高波及系數關鍵參數研究,中海油研究總院,2022.10-2023.12
[7] 盆5凝析氣藏儲層污染綜合治理技術研究,中石油新疆油田,2022.8-2024.6
[8] 超低滲透油藏注CO2開發技術政策研究,中石油長慶油田,2022.7-2023.12
[9] 超低滲油藏水平井滲流距離測試及壓裂裂縫間距評價優化,中石油長慶油田,2022.7-2022.12
[10] 二氧化碳微氣泡在驅油-封存過程中的溶解動力學和穩定性實驗研究,中石化工程院,2021.9-2022.8
[11] 碳化水強化滲吸置換效率與二氧化碳埋存可行性實驗研究,中石油長慶油田,2021.9-2022.6
[12] 中東油田流體物性實驗、參數測定及水驅油實驗,中石油勘探院,2021.4-2021.12
[13] 侏羅系底水油藏控水材料基礎實驗研究,中石油長慶油田,2021.02-2021.12
[14] 超高壓裂縫性致密揮發油藏早期合理開發技術研究,中石油塔里木油田,2020.10-2023.9
[15] 超低滲-致密油儲層注烴類氣體補充能量方式可行性實驗評價,中石油長慶油田, 2019.08-2020.10
[16] 致密巖心高溫高壓滲吸機理研究,中石油勘探院,2019.10-2020.08
[17] 水平井同井縫間注采可行性研究,中石油大慶油田,2018.11-2019.08
[18] 特低滲氣田滲流機理研究,中海油上海分公司,2015.12-2016.12
[1] Investigation of CO2 microbubble assisted carbon sequestration and gravity-induced microbubble ripening in low permeability reservoir. Applied Energy, 2024.
[2] Investigation on oil recovery and countercurrent imbibition distance coupling carbonated water with surfactant in shale oil reservoirs. Fuel, 2024.
[3] A new empirical correlation of MMP prediction for oil – impure CO2 systems. Fuel, 2024.
[4] Investigation of non-chemical CO2 microbubbles for enhanced oil recovery and carbon sequestration in heterogeneous porous media. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2024.
[5] Nonlinear diffusion mechanism of porous media and countercurrent imbibition distance of fracturing fluids. Physics of Fluids, 2024.
[6] Mechanisms of Imbibition Diffusion and Recovery Enhancing of Fracturing Fluids in Tight Reservoirs. Energy & Fuels, 2024.
[7] Enhanced Oil Recovery and CO2 Storage by Enhanced Carbonated Water injection: A Mini-Review. Energy & Fuels, 2024.
[8] Countercurrent imbibition in low-permeability porous media: Non diffusive behavior and implications in tight oil recovery. Petroleum Science, 2023.
[9] Experimental Investigation on the CO2 Effective Distance and CO2‑EOR Storage for Tight Oil Reservoir. Energy & Fuels, 2023.
[10] A Systematic Method to Investigate the EOR Mechanism of Nanospheres: Laboratory Experiments from Core to Micro Perspective. Energy & Fuels, 2023.
[11] Theoretical Investigation of Nonlinear-Diffusion Countercurrent Imbibition for Porous Medium with Micro-/Nanopores. Energy & Fuels, 2023.
[12] Numerical study on natural gas injection with allied in-situ injection and production for improving shale oil recovery. Fuel, 2022.
[13] Experimental investigation on plugging performance of nanospheres in low-permeability reservoir with bottom water. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2022.
[14] Extraction of shale oil with supercritical CO2: Effects of number of fractures and injection pressure. Fuel, 2021.
[15] Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Oil and Gas Development. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2021.
[16] Experimental study on EOR performance of CO2-based flooding methods on tight oil. Fuel, 2021.
[17] Semi Analytical Modelling of Water Injector Test with Fractured Channel in Tight Oil Reservoir. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2020.
[18] Determination of minimum near miscible pressure region during CO2 and associated gas injection for tight oil reservoir in Ordos Basin China. Fuel, 2020.
[19] Semi-analytical Modelling of Water Injector Test with Fractured Channel in Tight Oil Reservoir. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2020.
[20] Feasibility Study of Improved Unconventional Reservoir Performance with Carbonated Water and Surfactant. Energy, 2019.
[21] Application of Cumulative-in-situ-injection-production Technology to Supplement Hydrocarbon Recovery Among Fractured Tight Oil Reservoirs: A Case Study in Changqing Oilfield, China. Fuel, 2019.
[22] Interference well-test model for vertical well with double-segment fracture in a multi-well system. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019.
[23] Interference testing model of multiply fractured horizontal well with multiple injection wells. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019.
[24] Pressure-Transient Analysis of Water Injectors Considering the Multiple Closures of Waterflood-Induced Fractures in Tight Reservoir: Case Studies in Changqing Oilfield China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019.
[25] A compositional model for CO2 flooding including CO2 equilibria between water and oil using the Peng-Robinson equation of state with the Wong-Sandler mixing rule. Petroleum Science, 2019.
[26] Analytical interference testing analysis of multi-segment horizontal well. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018.
[27] An Innovative Model to Evaluate Fracture Closure of Multi-Fractured Horizontal Well In Tight Gas Reservoir Based on Bottom-Hole Pressure. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2018.
[28] A Novel Well-Testing Model to Analyze Production Distribution of Multi-Stage Fractured Horizontal Well. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2018.
[29] A Semianalytical Methodology to Diagnose the Locations of Underperforming Hydraulic Fractures Through Pressure-Transient Analysis in Tight Gas Reservoir. SPE Journal, 2017.
[30] The Physical Process and Pressure-Transient Analysis Considering Fractures Excessive Extension in Water Injection Wells. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017.
[31] Semi-Analytical Modeling for Water Injection Well in Tight Reservoir Considering the Variation of Waterflood-Induced Fracture Properties–Case Studies in Changqing Oilfield China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017.
[32] A Semianalytical Approach to Estimate Fracture Closure and Formation Damage of Vertically Fractured Wells in Tight Gas Reservoir. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2016.
[33] Investigation of Nanoparticle Adsorption During Transport in Porous Media. SPE Journal, 2015.
[34] Flow enhancement of water-based nanoparticle dispersion through microscale sedimentary rocks. Scientific Reports, 2015.
[35] Well testing interpretation method and application in triple‐layer reservoirs by polymer flooding. Materialwissenschaft Und Werkstofftechnik, 2015.
[36] Transport and retention of aqueous dispersions of superparamagnetic nanoparticles in sandstone. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2014.
[37] 溫度循環荷載下花崗巖微裂隙演化試驗. 科學技術與工程, 2024.
[38] CO2微氣泡溶解動力學及提高采收率機理研究. 力學學報, 2023.
[39] 雙碳目標下煤炭深部流態化開采及前景. 潔凈煤技術, 2023.
[40] 新型低傷害無返排胍膠壓裂液在致密油儲層中的應用. 陜西科技大學學報, 2023.
[41] 海上低滲油藏CO2微泡沫驅提高采收率實驗與數值模擬研究. 中國海上油氣, 2023.
[42] 水氣交替CO2咸水層地質封存數值模擬研究. 中國海上油氣, 2023.
[43] 地層油氣高溫相態實驗一致性檢驗方法. 特種油氣藏, 2023.
[44] 基于不穩定壓力試井分析的致密氣井壓裂后產能評估. 特種油氣藏, 2023.
[45] 聚合物驅壓裂井油水兩相滲流不穩定壓力分析方法. 石油勘探與開發, 2022.
[46] 超低滲透油藏注水誘導動態裂縫開發理論及實踐. 中國科學:技術科學, 2022.
[47] 裂縫性非均質致密儲層自適應應力敏感性研究. 石油鉆探技術, 2022.
[48] 致密砂巖逆向滲吸作用距離實驗研究. 力學學報, 2021.
[49] 碳化水驅提高采收率研究進展. 石油科學通報, 2020.
[50] 致密油藏碳化水驅提高采收率方法. 大慶石油地質與開發, 2019.
[51] 水平井同井注采技術. 大慶石油地質與開發, 2019.
[52] 壓裂水平井裂縫和水平井筒不規則產油試井分析. 大慶石油地質與開發, 2018.
[53] 致密油藏多級壓裂井異井異步注采可行性研究. 石油科學通報, 2018.
[54] 能源管理體系評價指標與應用現狀分析. 中國標準化, 2018.
[55] 致密油藏多級壓裂水平井同井縫間注采可行性. 石油學報, 2017.
[56] 多段壓裂水平井不均勻產油試井模型. 中國石油大學學報:自然科學版, 2017.
[57] ISO50006、ISO50015與ISO50047的比較與探究. 標準科學, 2016.
[1] The Investigation into Carbonated Water as Pre-Fracturing Fluid to Improve Shale Oil Recovery by CT Online Scanning and Imbibition Experiments. SPE IOR年會, 2024.
[2] Experimental Investigation of Non-Chemical CO2 Microbubbles EOR Performance in Low-Permeability Resevoirs. International Petroleum Technology Conference, 2024.
[3] Transient Analysis of Sandface and Wellbore Temperature in Naturally Fractured Geothermal Reservoirs: Numerical and Analytical Approaches. SPE年會, 2022.
[4] Pressure transient analysis of wells in the fault-karst carbonate reservoirs with vertical beads-on-string structure: Case studies in Shunbei Oilfield, Tarim Basin of Northwestern China. SPE年會, 2021.
[5] Numerical study on the temperature behavior in naturally fractured geothermal reservoirs and analysis methodology for geothermal reservoir characterization and development. SPE年會, 2021.
[6] Application of inter-fracture injection and production in a cluster well to enhance oil recovery. SPE年會, 2019.
[7] Allied in-situ injection and production for fractured horizontal wells to increase hydrocarbon recovery in tight oil reservoirs: a case study in Changqing Oilfield. International Petroleum Technology Conference, 2019.
[8] A Novel Multi-Well Interference Testing Model of a Fractured Horizontal Well and Vertical Wells. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2018.
[9] Case Studies: Pressure-Transient Analysis for Water Injector with the Influence of Waterflood-Induced Fractures in Tight Reservoir. SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference, 2018.
[10] Estimation of Non-Uniform Production Rate Distribution of Multi-Fractured Horizontal Well Through Pressure Transient Analysis: Model and Case Study. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2017.
[11] A Novel Well Testing Inversion Method for Characterization of Non-Darcy Flow Behavior in Low Permeability Reservoirs. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, USA, 2017.
[12] Successful Application of Well Testing and Electrical Resistance Tomography to Determine Production Contribution of Individual Fracture and Water-Breakthrough Locations of Multifractured Horizontal Well in Changqing Oil Field, China. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2017.
[13] Transport and Retention of Aqueous Dispersions of Paramagnetic Nanoparticles in Reservoir Rocks. SPE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium, 2010.