1991/4 - 1995/1,國防科學技術大學,應用物理,博士。
1986/9 - 1988/1,中國科學技術大學,近代力學,碩士。
1981/9 - 1986/7,中國科學技術大學,近代力學,學士。
1988-1991年:中國科學院/石油部滲流流體力學研究所 助理工程師。
1997-1999年:新加坡高等計算研究院(IHPC) 高級研究工程師。
2001-2004年:英飛凌科技亞太有限公司(Infineon) 一級高級工程師。
2004-2006年:Cookson Electronics Packaging Materials(新加坡) 資深科學家。
2006-2010年:新加坡聯合科技(UTAC)科技研發部 資深經理。
2010-2014年:天水華天科技有限公司 總工程師;昆山西鈦微電子科技有限公司 總經理。
7. 美國IEEE會員(2006-2011)和ASME會員(1999-2006)。
8. Materials Science, Materials Science letters, Packaging Reliability,International Journal of Impact Engineering等多個國際雜志的審稿人。
9.IEEE EPTC(新加坡)會議組委會主要成員(2006-2009)、論壇與培訓課程主席(2008)、Simulation and Design技術分會主席(2006-2009)。
10.ICEPT(-HDP)國際會議技術委員會共同主席(2010-2013),WLP論壇主席(2010),TSV論壇主席(2011),Simulation and Design分會主席(2008-2010)。
1.國家973 計劃“高性能LED 制造與裝備中的關鍵基礎問題研究”第四課題:封裝裝備執行系統的多參數耦合設計及高加速度復合運動生成(2011CB013104),2011-2015。
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:面向芯片智能固化過程的時空多模型監控系統(51175519), 2012-2015。
3. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:針對電子封裝中熱力過程的具有時空處理機能的三維模糊自調節控制系統(50775224),2007-2009。
4. 國家杰出青年科學基金(B)–香港澳門青年學者合作研究基金:微電子封裝中復雜分布式參數過程的智能集成建模和控制(50429501), 2005-2008。
5. 國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973計劃)制造與工程科學領域“20/14nm集成電路晶圓級三維集成制造的基礎研究”項目,項目中央財政經費預算3600萬元,其中前兩年項目預算批復1665萬元,2015年。
6.指導并組織了02專項“高密度倒裝封裝的快速MPP平臺建設”項目申報及實施工作,推動國內高端FC基板材料的應用。 參與策劃和組織國家重大02專項子課題“MCP封裝技術研發與產業化”的實施。該課題已通過專項驗收。
8.2010年就職華天科技公司后,組織封裝技術研究中心、設備部、財務部等相關人員申報了2010年02專項 “多圈V/UQFN、FCQFN和AAQFN封裝工藝技術研發及產業化”項目。
2.領導研究出具有自主知識產權的全新AAQFN產品,開發了 V/UQFN, FCQFN等系列新產品,突破和掌握了引腳后蝕刻分離等技術,大大提高了QFN的封裝密度,將QFN I/O數提高到441L,建立了Flip Chip工藝能力,開發出5種V/UQFN新產品、7種FCQFN新產品、3種AAQFN及3種FCBGA系列產品,申請專利68項,已授權30項,實現了高端技術先進封裝的重大突破,為國內相關高端芯片封裝提供了重要服務平臺。
5.開辟了新的Flip chip產品方向,帶領研發具有自主知識產權的AAQFN系列產品,建立了Flip chip和蝕刻新工藝的研發工程線。
6.加強了企業設計與仿真分析平臺的建設,結合企業目前封裝現狀引入了HFSS、POWER SI、FLOTHERM+FLOPACK、UPD、ANSYS MECHANICAL、Molder3D等軟件,從各仿真軟件的引進、配套平臺的建設、利用模型復現實際系統中發生的本質過程,到軟件的完善升級、更新換代,承擔了總體的規劃實施。通過三年的努力,在設計、封裝、測試、實驗分析等方面建立了完善的設計與仿真分析能力,將仿真的技術應用到微電子器件封裝設計中,改變了研發方法,縮短了研發周期,滿足了客戶需要,節省了研發成本,并為加工和生產過程中問題提供了快速有效的新方案。
1 多圈排列無載體雙IC芯片封裝件 中國 實用新型 ZL201120228061.5 2011.06.30
2 多圈排列IC芯片封裝件 中國 實用新型 ZL201120228077.6 2011.06.30
3 多圈排列雙IC芯片封裝件 中國 實用新型 ZL201120228063.4 2011.06.30
4 多圈排列無載體雙IC芯片封裝件及其生產方法 中國 發明專利 ZL201110181830.5 2011.06.30
5 多圈排列IC芯片封裝件及其生產方法 中國 發明專利 ZL201110181837.7 2011.06.30
6 一種基板的多層隔片式IC芯片堆疊封裝件 中國 實用新型 ZL201120568213.6 2011.12.31
7 一種單載體MEMS器件封裝件 中國 實用新型 ZL201120568239.0 2011.12.31
8 一種雙載體雙MEMS器件封裝件 中國 實用新型 ZL201120568237.1 2011.12.31
9 一種雙層MEMS器件堆疊封裝件 中國 實用新型 ZL201120568188.1 2011.12.31
10 中心布線雙圈排列單IC芯片封裝件 中國實用新型 ZL201120568217.4 2011.12.31
11 一種中心布線雙圈排列IC芯片堆疊封裝件 中國 實用新型ZL201120568212.1 2011.12.31
12 一種BT基板的懸梁式IC芯片堆疊封裝件 中國 實用新型ZL201220141808.8 2012.04.06
13 四邊扁平無引腳封裝件 中國 實用新型 ZL201220141710.2 2012.04.06
14 四邊扁平無引腳多圈排列IC芯片封裝件 中國 實用新型 ZL201220250188.1 2012.05.30
15 一種引線框架的寶塔式IC芯片堆疊封裝件 中國 實用新型 ZL201220439870.5 2012.08.31
1 一種球型光柵陣列IC芯片封裝件及其生產方法 中國 發明 專利 201010569804.5 2010.12.02
2 多圈排列無載體IC芯片封裝件及其生產方法 中國 發明 專利 201110181828.8 2011.06.30
3 多圈排列雙IC芯片封裝件及其生產方法 中國 發明 專利 201110181831.X 2011.06.30
4 中心布線雙圈排列單IC芯片封裝件及其制備方法 中國 發明 專利 201110454999.3 2011.12.31
5 一種雙層MEMS器件堆疊封裝件及其生產方法 中國 發明 專利 201110455037.X 2011.12.31
6 一種中心布線雙圈排列IC芯片堆疊封裝件及其生產方法 中國 發明 專利 201110455052.4 2011.12.31
7 一種雙載體雙MEMS器件封裝件及其生產方法 中國 發明 專利 201110455053.9 2011.12.31
8 一種單載體雙MEMS器件封裝件及其生產方法 中國 發明 專利 201110455054.3 2011.12.31
9 一種基板的多層隔片式IC芯片堆疊封裝件及其生產方法 中國 發明 專利 201110455062.8 2011.12.31
10 四邊扁平無引腳封裝件及其生產方法 中國 發明 專利 201210098828.6 2012.04.06
11 一種BT基板的懸梁式IC芯片堆疊封裝件及其生產方法 中國 發明 專利 201210098857.2 2012.04.06
12 四邊扁平無引腳多圈排列IC芯片封裝件生產方法及封裝件 中國 發明 專利 201210173671.9 2012.05.30
13 一種帶有方形凹槽的沖壓框架的扁平多芯片封裝件及其制作方法 中國 發明專利 201210582792.9 2012.12.28
14 一種底填料固化后晶圓減薄的單芯片封裝件及其制作工藝 中國 發明 專利 201210582312.9 2012.12.28
15 一種Fan-out Panel Level BGA封裝件的制作工藝 中國 發明 專利 201210542559.8 2012.12.15
16 一種擴展引腳的Fan-out Panel Level BGA封裝件及其制作工藝 中國 發明 專利 201210541846.7 2012.12.14
17 一種帶有銅柱的晶圓減薄的單芯片封裝件及其制作工藝 中國 發明 專利 201210534210.X 2012.12.12
18 一種基于先棕化后刷綠漆的扁平封裝件制作工藝 中國 發明 專利 201210527175.9 2012.12.10
19 一種基于磨屑塑封體的扁平封裝件制作工藝 中國 發明專利 201210523271.6 2012.12.9
20 一種基于腐蝕塑封體的扁平封裝件制作工藝 中國 發明專利 201210523294.7 2012.12.9
a) Book chapter
1. 秦飛,安彤,朱文輝,曹立強,可靠性物理與工程(譯著),科學出版社,2013.
2. W.H. Zhu*, M. Yoshida and S. Tanimura: “Tensile Fracture in Al acted by 300ps laser pulses” - Chapter 16 in Engineering Plasticity and Impact Dynamics - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Plasticity and Impact (ISPI 2001), Ed. L.C. Zhang, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2001, pp.279-294.
b) Articles in Journals
3. QIN Fei, XIA Guofeng, GAO Cha, AN Tong, ZHU Wenhui, Design of Experiment Methodology for Thermal Fatigue Reliability of Multi-row QFN Packages Based on Numerical Simulations, Journal of Mechanical Engineering(2014):50(18).
4. Guofeng Xia, Fei Qin, Cha Gao, Tong An, Wenhui Zhu, Reliability Design of Multirow Quad Flat Nonlead Packages Based on Numerical Design of Experiment Method, ASME Journal of Electric Packaging, 2013, 135:0410071-0410076.
5. T.C. Chai, X. Zhang, H.Y. Li, V.N. Sekhar, W.Y. Hnin, M.L. Thew, O.K. Kanvas, John Lau,W.H. Zhu, Impact of packaging design on reliability of large die Cu-Low-k (BDTM) Interconnect, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS, PACKAGING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 2, NO. 5, MAY 2012.
6. 夏國峰, 秦飛, 朱文輝, 馬曉波, 高察, LQFP和eLQFP熱機械可靠性的有限元分析, 半導體技術.2012.37(7):552-557.
7. 秦飛, 王珺, 萬里兮, 于大全, 朱文輝, TSV結構熱機械可靠性研究綜述, 半導體技術.2012.37(11):835-831.
8. F.X.CHE, W.H. ZHU, EDITH POH, X.W.ZHANG, T.C. CHAI, X.R.ZHANG, Creep Properties of Sn-1.0Ag-0.5Cu Lead-Free Solder with Ni Doping, Journal of Electronic Materials 40.3 (Mar 2011): 344-354.
9. F.X. Che, W.H. Zhu, Edith Poh, X.W. Zhang , X.R. Zhang, The study of mechanical properties of Sn–Ag–Cu lead-free solders with different Ag contents and Ni doping under different strain rates and temperatures, Journal of Alloys and Compounds507.1 (Sep 24, 2010): 215-224.
10. F.X. Che, W.H. Zhu, X.W. Zhang, T.C. Chong, Reliability Evaluation for Copper/Low-k Structures Based on Experimental and Numerical Methods, IEEE Transactions on Device and Material Reliability (2008): 8(3), 455-463.
11. W.H.Zhu*, Sharry Ang, S. L. Gan, Moisture effect on fracture strength of molding compounds (MCs) for electronic packaging in a wide temperature range, Journal of Materials Science(2005): 40(6), 1533-1537.
12. T.Y. Lin, M. Pecht, Diganta Das, J. S. Pan, J. W. Chai, K. C. Toh, W. C. Tjiu, W.H. Zhu*, The Evaluation of Copper Migration during Die Attach Curing and Wire Bonding Process, IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies (2005): 28(2), 377-344.
13. W.H. Zhu*, M.Yoshida, Spall strength of thin aluminum foils at ultra high strain rate, Journal of Materials Science Letters (2002): 21, 1569-1572.
14. W.H. Zhu*, M. Yoshida, H. Tamura, K. Kondo, S. Tanimura, Multiple spalling of aluminum subjected to a pico-second stress pulse, Journal of Materials Science Letters (2001): 20(10), 961-963.
15. W.H. Zhu*, M. Yoshida, H. Tamura, K. Kondo, S. Tanimura, Multiple spallation in aluminum induced by ultra-short stress pulses, Special issue of International Journal of Materials Processing Technology (2001): 117(3).
16. S. Tanimura, K. Mimura, W.H. Zhu*, A dynamic constitutive equation and its experimental verification, Journal de Physique IV (2000): 10 (Pr9), 33-38.
17. S. Tanimura, K. Mimura W.H. Zhu*, Practical constitutive models covering wide ranges of strain rates, strains and temperature, Key Engineering Materials (2000): 177-180, 189-200.
18. W.H. Zhu*, G. Shi, S. Tanimura, Effect of soft material on insulating impact pressure into explosive, Key Engineering Materials (2000): 177-180, 237-242.
19. W.H. Zhu*, T.X. Yu, Z.Y. Li, Laser induced shock waves in PMMA confined foils, International J. of Impact Engineering (2000): 24(6-7), 641-657.
20. S. Tanimura, K. Mimura, T. Nonaka, W.H. Zhu*, Dynamic Failure of structures due to the great Hashin-Awaji earthquake, International J. of Impact Engineering (2000): 24(6-7), 583-596.
21. W.H. Zhu*, H.L. Xue, G.Q. Zhou, G.K. Schleyer, Dynamic response of cylindrical explosive chambers to internal blast load produced by a concentrated explosive charge, International J. of Impact Engineering (1997): 19 (9), 831-845.
22. W.H. Zhu*, Z.Y. Li, G.Q. Zhou, Z.H. Liu, Effects of Black paints on laser-induce shock waves in confined targets, J. of High Power Lasers and Particle Beams (in Chinese) (1997): 9(3), 458-462.
23. W.H. Zhu*, Z.Y. Li, G.Q. Zhou, X.Z. Li, Measurement of laser-induced shock waves by PVDF, J. of Experimental Mechanics (in Chinese) (1997): 12(2), 216-220.
24. Z.Y. Li, W.H. Zhu*, J. Cheng, D.H. Guo, H. Wu, Experimental study of high-power pulsed laser induced shocks in aluminum targets, Chinese Journal of Lasers (1997): A24 (3): 259-262.
25. Z.Y. Li, W.H. Zhu*, D.H. Guo, H. Wu, Experimental study of the effect of PMMA confinement on laser shock waves, Chinese Journal of Lasers (1997): A24 (2): 118-122.
26. W.H. Zhu*, H.L. Xue, Z.Y. Zhang, Combining analytical method with numerical solution to obtain blast load on chamber wall produced by an explosive charge, J. of National University of Defense Technology (1997): 19(6), 102-106.
27. Z.Y. Li, W.H. Zhu*, J. Cheng, G.Q. Zhou, Measurement of Laser Induced Shock Waves in Carbon Epoxy Composites, J. Materials Science Letters(1996): 15, 2122-2123.
28. Z.Y. Li, W.H. Zhu*, J. Cheng, G.Q. Zhou D.H. Guo, Experimental study on attenuation of high power laser-induced shock waves in copper, Chinese Science Bulletin (1996) (English edition): 41(20), 1694-1696.
39. W.H. Zhu*, G.Q. Zhou, J. Cheng, Dependence of yield Stress on grain size of nanocrystals, Acta Metallurgical Sinica (1996): 32(9), 959-965.
30. Z.Y. Li, W.H. Zhu*, J. Cheng, G.Q. Zhou, Nondestructive estimation of homogeneity in materials using laser shocks, Applied Laser Technology (in Chinese) (1996): 16(4), 166-168.
31. W.H. Zhu*, Z.Y. Li, G.Q. Zhou, J. Cheng, Dynamic loading in materials using laser-induced shocks, Applied Laser Technology (in Chinese) (1996): 16(2), 52-54.
32. W.H. Zhu*, H.L. Xue, J. Han, G. Liu, On the study of dynamics of explosive chambers, Advances in Mechanics (in Chinese) (1996): 26(1), 68-77.
33. W.H. Zhu*, H.L. Xue, C. L. Liu, J. Han, Experimental study on the explosive chambers under internal blast load, Explosion and Shock Waves (in Chinese) (1995): 15(4), 374-381.
34. Z.Y. Zhang, S. Huan, F.Y. Lu, W.H. Zhu*, Viscoplastic collapse mechanism of hot-spot formation in porous TNT explosives, Energetic Materials (in Chinese) (1994): 2(2), 36-42.
35. W.H. Zhu*, S. Huan, Principal difficulties in dynamic experiments of composites, Ordnance Materials Science and Engineering (in Chinese) (1993): No.6, 51-58.
36. W.H. Zhu*, C. Q. Liu, Study of unsteady flow of non-Newtonian fluids in annular pipes, J. of National University of Defense Technology (in Chinese) (1993): No. l, 105-110.
37. W.H. Zhu*, S. Huan, Carbon/epoxy composites under impact tension, J. of Ballistics (in Chinese) (1993): No.3, 70-75.
38. W.H. Zhu*, C. Q. Liu, Analytical solution of flow of second-order non-Newtonian fluids through annular pipes, Chinese J. of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (1993) (English edition): 14(3), 209-215.
39. W.H. Zhu*, C. Q. Liu, Analytical solution for the unsteady flow of Maxwell fluids through annular pipes, Acta Mechanica Sinica (in Chinese) (1992): 24(1), 116-121.
40. X.M. Liu, W.H. Zhu*, X.Z. Li, Study on the viscoelastic properties of wet bull-femur bone under high strain rates, J. of Biomechanics (in Chinese) (1991): 5(7), 1-8.
c). * Published contributions to academic conferences (partial list)
41. WU Wei, QIN Fei, ZHU Wenhui, Delamination Analysis and Reliability Design for CMOS Image Sensors Packages, 2013 International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging, 2013, 507-511.
42. XIA Guofeng, QIN Fei, GAO Cha, AN Tong, ZHU Wenhui, Finite Element Based DOE Methodology for Thermal Fatigue Reliability Design of Multi-row QFN Packages, 2013 International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging, 2013, 512-516.
43. 夏國峰,秦飛,高察,安彤,朱文輝,基于數值模擬的多圈QFN封裝熱疲勞可靠性試驗方法,中國力學大會,2013.
44. Songfang Zhao, Guoping Zhang*, Chongnan Peng, Rong Sun*, S. W. Ricky Lee, Wenhui Zhu, Fangqi Lai. Investigation on the Properties and Processability of Polymeric Insulation Layers for Through Silicon Via. Electronic Components & Technology Conference (ECTC2013, Las Vegas) 81-85.
45. XIA Guofeng, QIN Fei, ZHU Wenhui, GAO Cha, MA Xiaobo, Interfacial Delamination and Reliability Design of Exposed Pad Packages, 2012 International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging, 2012, 588-594.
46. XIA Guofeng, QIN Fei, ZHU Wenhui, GAO Cha, MA Xiaobo, Effects of Solder Constitutive Models and FE Models on Fatigue Life of Dual-raw QFN Package, 2012 International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging, 2012, 595-599.
47. QIN Fei, ZHU Wenhui, GAO Cha, XIA Guofeng, MA Xiaobo, Optimal Thermal Design of a High Power Package Using the Design of Experiment(DOE), 2012 International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging, 2012, 611-615.
48. XIA Guofeng, QIN Fei, ZHU Wenhui, MA Xiaobo, GAO Cha, Comparative Analysis of Reliability between Dual-raw and Conventional QFN Packages, 2012 International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging, 2012, 616-619.(Outstanding Paper Award)
49. WU Wei, XIA Guofeng, QIN Fei, ZHU Wenhui, MA Xiaobo, Thermal Fatigue Life Optimization of QFN Package Based on Taguchi Method, 2012 International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging, 2012, 1128-1132.
50. Siew Hoon Ore, W.H. Zhu, Dr W.L. Yuan, Dr Nathapong Suthiwongsunthorn,Module Level Thermal Performance Characterization and Enhancement of Chip Stack and Package Stack Memory Devices,EPTC2010, Singapore, 8-10 Dec. 2010, P. 626-631.
51. K.Y. Au, S.L. Kriangsak, X.R. Zhang, W.H. Zhu and C.H.Toh, 3D Chip Stacking & Reliability Using TSV-Micro C4 Solder Interconnection, 2010 Electronic Components and Technology Conference, P.1376-1384.
52. John Beleran, Tan Hua Hong, Ong PL Wilson, Dr Zhang XR, Gatbonton Librado Amurao, Gaurav Mehta & Dr Zhu WH, Solutions for 45/40nm ELK Device Integration into Flip Chip and Wire Bond Packaging, 2010 Electronic Components and Technology Conference, P.1604-1612.
53. Y. B. Yang, X. R. Zhang, W. H. Zhu, J. C. Teddy, Y. W. Liang, S. Nathapong, C. Surasit, Reliability Design for Exposed Pad and Low-profile Leadframe Package, ICEPT2010, Xi An, P.643-647 (Best Paper award, 獲最佳論文獎).
54. Siew Hoon Ore, Edith Poh S W, Dr. W.H. Zhu, Dr W.L. Yuan, Dr Nathapong Suthiwongsunthorn, Co-Design for Thermal Performance and Mechanical Reliability of Flip Chip Devices, ICEPT2010, Xi An, P.81-87.
55. Siew Hoon Ore, Dr. W.H. Zhu, Dr W.L. Yuan, Dr Nathapong Suthiwongsunthorn A New Tool Development for the Thermal Design and Quick Performance Evaluation of FBGA Devices, ICEPT2010, Xi An, P.698-703.
56. X.R. Zhang, W.H. Zhu, B.P. Liew, M. Gaurav,etc,Copper Pillar Bump Structure Optimization for Flip Chip Packaging with Cu/Low-K Stack,EuroSime2010,Berlin, P.1-7.
57. Wei Sun, W.H. Zhu, Edith S. W. Poh, H.B. Tan and Richard Te Gan, Study of Five Substrate Pad Finishes for the Co-design of Solder Joint Reliability under Board-level Drop and Temperature Cycling Test Conditions, ICEPT –HDP 2008 (E3-08).
58. Wei Sun, W.H. Zhu, Kriangsak Sae Le and H.B. Tan, Simulation Study on the Warpage Behavior and Board-level Temperature Cycling Reliability of PoP Potentially for High-speed Memory Packaging, ICEPT –HDP 2008 (C3-05) (Best conference paper,最佳論文獎).
59. T.C. Chai, D.Q. Yu, W.H. Zhu and X.R. Zhang, Angled high strain rate shear testing for SnAgCu solder ball, the 58th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC2008), 27-30 May 2008, Florida, US, P.623-28.
60. Chai TC, Xiaowu Zhang, H.Y. Li, VN Sekhar, Hnin WY, Thew ML, OK Navas, John Lau, R. Murthy, S. Balakumar ,Tan YM, Cheng CK, SL Liew, Chi DZ, Zhu W.H., Impact of Packaging Design on Reliability of Large Die Cu/low-κ (BD) Interconnect, the 58th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC2008), 27-30 May 2008, Florida, US, P.38-45.
61. W.H. Zhu, Luhua Xu, John HL Pang, X.R. Zhang, Edith Poh, Y.F. Sun, Anthony Y.S. Sun, C.K. Wang, H.B. Tan, Drop Reliability Study of BGA Assemblies with SAC305, SAC105 and SAC105-Ni Solder Ball on Cu-OSP and ENIG Surface Finish, the 58th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC2008), 27-30 May 2008, P.1667-72.
62. S. Krishna S., W.H. Zhu, C.K. Wang, S.H. Ore, H.B. tan and Anthony Y.S. Sun, Thermal performance evaluation and methodology for pyramid stack die packages, Proceedings of Itherm2008, 28-31 May 2008, Florida, US, P.325-32.
63. Edith S.W. Poh*, W.H. Zhu, X.R. Zhang, C.K. Wang, Anthony Y.S. Sun and H.B. Tan, Lead-free Solder Material Characterization For Themo-mechanical Modeling, Proceedings of EuroSime2008, 20-23 April, 2008, Freiburg, Germany, P.627-34.
64. Wei Sun, W.H. Zhu, C.K. Wang, Anthony Y.S. Sun and H.B. Tan, Warpage Simulation and DOE Analysis with Application in Package-on-Package Development, Proceedings of EuroSime2008, 20-23 April, 2008, Freiburg, Germany, P.244-51.
65. F.X. Che and W.H. Zhu, Reliability assessment for Cu/Low-k structure based on bump shear modeling and simulation method, EPTC2007, Singapore, 10-12 Dec. 2007, P. 27-31.
66. F.X. Che, Edith Candy Poh, W.H. Zhu and B.S. Xiong, Ag Content Effect on Mechanical Properties of Sn-xAg-0.5Cu Solders, EPTC2007, Singapore, 10-12 Dec. 2007, P. 713-718.
67. Krishnamoorthi. S, W.H. Zhu, C.K.Wang, H.B. Tan and Anthony Y.S. Sun, Thermal Evaluation of Two Die Stacked FBGA Packages, EPTC2007, Singapore, 10-12 Dec. 2007, P. 278-284.
68. Weiliang Yuan, Wenhui Zhu, Palei Win, CK Wang, HB Tan, and Anthony YS Sun, "Packaging Failure Isolation with Time-Domain Reflectometry (TDR) for Advanced BGA Packages", Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Electronics Packaging Technology (ICEPT 2007), August 14th – 17th, 2007, Shanghai, China, pp.597-600.
69. Wei Sun, C.K. Wang, W.H. Zhu, F.X. Che, Anthony Y.S. Sun and H.B. Tan, Ultra-thin Die Characterization for Stack-die Packaging, ECTC2007, Rero, 29 May-1st June, 2007, pp. 1390 - 1396.
70. F. X. Che, W. H. Zhu, Wei Sun, Anthony Sun, C.K. Wang and H.B. Tan, Comprehensive Modeling Stress-Strain Behavior for Lead-Free Solder Joints under Board-Level Drop Impact Loading Condition, ECTC2007, Rero, 29 May-1st June, 2007, pp. 528-535.
71. F. X. Che, W. H. Zhu, Wei Sun, Anthony Sun and C.K. Wang, Development and Assessment of Global-Local Modeling Technique Used in Advanced Microelectronic Packaging, EuroSime2007, London, UK, 15-18 April, 2007, pp. 375 -381.
72. Wei Sun, W.H. Zhu, F.X. Che, C.K. Wang, Anthony Y.S. Sun and H.B. Tan, Study on the Board-level SMT Assembly and Solder Joint Reliability of different QFN Packages, EuroSime2007, London, UK, 15-18 April, 2007, pp 344-349.
73. W.H. Zhu, Sun Wei, Che F.X., Anthony Sun, C.K. Wang, H.B. Tan, Cure shrinkage characterization and its implementation into correlation of warpage between simulation and measurement, EuroSime2007, London, UK, 15-18 April, 2007, pp. 579-586.
74. F.X. Che, W.H. Zhu, X.W. Zhang and T.C. Chong, Reliability Evaluation for Copper/Low-k Structures Based on Experimental and Numerical Methods, EPTC2006, Singapore, 10-12 Dec. 2007, pp. A2.3.
75. S. Krishna, W.H. Zhu, C.K. Wang, H.B. Tan and Y.S. A. Sun, Thermal evaluation of two-die stacked FBGA packages, EPTC2006, Singapore, 10-12 Dec. 2007, pp. A1.3.
76. F.X. Che, E.C. Poh, W.H. Zhu and B.S. Xiong, Ag content effect on mechanical properties of Sn-Xag-0.5Cu solders, EPTC2006, Singapore, 10-12 Dec. 2007, pp. G1.5.
77. F. X. Che, W. H. Zhu, Wei Sun, and Anthony Y. S. Sun, Modeling Constitutive Model Effect on Reliability of Lead-Free Solder Joints, ICEPT2006, Shanghai China, 27-29, Aug. 2006, pp.155-160.
78. Wei Sun, W. H. Zhu, F. X. Che, C. K. Wang, Anthony Y.S. Sun and H. B. Tan, Experimental and Numerical Assessment of Board-level Temperature Cycling Performance for Eutectic and Pb-free windows-Chip-Scale-Package (wCSP), ICEPT2006, Shanghai China, 26-29, Aug. 2006, pp.794-799 (Best conference paper, 獲最佳論文獎).
79. F. X. Che, W. H. Zhu, Wei Sun, Anthony Sun and C.K. Wang, Application of Global-Local Modeling Technique in Electronic Packaging, 6th ASEAN ANSYS Conference, Singapore, 1-2 Nov, 2006 (no proceedings).
80. F.X. Che, W.H. Zhu and Anthony Y. S. Sun, Cyclic Bend Fatigue Reliability Investigation for Sn-Ag-Cu Solder Joints, EPTC2006, Singapore, 7-8 Dec. 2006, pp.313-317.
81. Wei Sun, W. H. Zhu, F. X. Che, C. K. Wang, Anthony Y.S. Sun and H. B. Tan, Experimental and Numerical Assessment of Board-level Temperature Cycling Performance for PBGA, FBGA and CSP, EPTC2006, Singapore, 7-8 Dec. 2006, pp.121-126.
82. Y.Y. Ma, Krishnamoorthi. S, C.K. Wang, Anthony Y.S. Sun, W.H. Zhu and H.B. Tan, On the Thermal Characterization of an Exposed Top Quad Flat No-Lead Package, EPTC2006, Singapore, 7-8 Dec. 2006, pp. 810-814.
83. W.L. Yuan, H.P. Kuah, C.K. Wang, Anthony Y.S. Sun, W.H. Zhu, H.B. Tan, and A.D. Muhamad, High-Speed Differential Interconnection Design for Flip-Chip BGA Packages, EPTC2006, Singapore, 7-8 Dec. 2006, pp. 76-81.
84. Gojun Hu, Andrew A. O. Tay, Yongwei Zhang, Wenhui Zhu and Spencer Chew, Characterization of Viscoelastic Behaviour of a Molding Compound with Application to delamination analysis in IC packages, EPTC2006, Singapore, 7-8 Dec. 2006, pp. 53-59.
85. Xueren Zhang, Tong Yan Tee, Hun Shen Ng, Jerome Teysseyre, Shane Loo, Subodh Mhaisalkar, Fong Kuan Ng, Chwee Teck Lim, Xinyu Du, Eric Bool, W.H.Zhu, Spencer Chew (2004), Hygro-thermo-mechanical Modeling of Mixed Flip-chip and Wire Bond tacked Die BGA Module with Molded Underfill. Proceedings of 2004 Electronic Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC2004), 10-12 Dec. 2004, Singapore (accepted).
86. T.Y.Lin, Diganta Das, Michael. Pecht and K.C.Teo, W.H. Zhu, X. Dong and G.H. Duan (2004), The Impact of SMD Post Baking Process on the Yield of Printed Circuit Board Assemblies. Proceedings of 2004 Electronic Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC2004), 10-12 Dec. 2004, Singapore (accepted).
87. W.H. Zhu, Sharry Ang, S. L. Gan and C.L. Toh (2004), Mechanical properties of molding compounds (MCs) under different moisture conditions and in a wide temperature range, Thermal and Mechanical Simulation and Experiments in Micro-electronics and Micro-systems, May 9-12, 2004, Belgium (accepted).
88. W.H. Zhu, S. Stephan, H. Pape and S. L. Gan (2003), Comparative study on solder joint reliability using different FE-models, Proceedings of 2003 Electronic Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC2003), 10-12 Dec. 2003, Singapore, P.687-694.
89. W.H. Zhu (2002), Stress design in a ball grid array (BGA) package, Proceedings of ANSYS User conference 2002, Nov. 2002, Singapore, P.1-12.
90. W.H. Zhu, Parametric characterization of warpage in electronic packaging. Proceedings of SEMICON Singapore 2002. 6-8 May 2002, Singapore, P.81-88.
91. S. Tanimura, T. Umeda, W.H. Zhu and K. Mimura, Evaluation of accuracy in measurement of dynamic load by using load sensing block method. Impact Engineering and Application (ELSEVIER) -Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Impact Engineering (ISIE/4), Ed. Akira Chiba, Shinji Tanimura and Kazuyuki Hokamoto, July 16-18, 2001, Kumamoto, Japan, Vol. 1, P.77-82.
92. W.H. Zhu, M. Yoshida, H. Tamura, K. Kondo and S. Tanimura: Multiple spallation in aluminum induced by ultra-short stress pulses, Abstract Proceedings of the International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (THERMEC 2000), December 4-8, 2000, Las Vegas, USA, P.145 and THERMEC'2000 - Proceedings International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, Las Vegas, USA, December 2000:CDROM, Section A2, Vol 117/3 “Special Issue: Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Eds. T.Chandra, K Higashi, C.Suryanarayana & C.Tome, Elsevier Science, UK (October 2001)”.
93. W.H. Zhu, S. Tanimura, K. Mimura and T. Umeda: Dynamic response of new sensing block systems and its applications to dynamic buckling tests, Proceedings of ICTAM2000 (International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics), August 27- September 2, 2000, Chicago, USA, p.69-GM07.
94. W.H. Zhu, M. Yoshida, H. Tamura, K. Kondo and S. Tanimura: Spall of aluminum induced by pico-second laser pulses. Proceedings of Symposium on Shock Wave Japan, Tokyo University, March 16-18, 2000, Tokyo, p.461-464.
95. S. Tanimura, K. Mimura, W.H. Zhu: A dynamic constitutive equation and its experimental verification. Proceedings of DYMAT2000- the 6th International Conference on Mechanical and Physical Behavior of Materials under Dynamic Loading, Krakow, Poland, September 25-29, 2000, Pr9-33~38.
96. S. Tanimura, K. Mimura, W.H. Zhu and T. Umeda: A practical rate sensitive constitutive equation applicable to wide range of strain rates and material groups. JSME 6th Symposium on Impact Problem of Materials, Kyoto, Japan, December 2-3, 1999.
97. S. Tanimura, K. Mimura, W.H. Zhu and T. Umeda: On high speed material testing and buckling testing systems by using sensing block method. JSME 6th Symposium on Impact Problem of Materials, Kyoto, Japan, December 2-3, 1999.
98. W.H. Zhu, K.Y. Lam, C. Lu and T.X. Yu: Experimental determination of laser induced shock pressures in PMMA confined copper foils. Impact Response of Material and Structures, - 3rd International Symposium on Impact Engineering (ISIE), Ed. By V.P.W. Shim, S. Tanimura and C.T. Lim (held in Singapore, 7-9 December 1998), Oxford University Press, 1999, p.280-285.
99. W.H. Zhu, T.X. Yu and K.Y. Lam: Folding of a fabric strip under its own weight. Proceedings of the High Performance Computing Conference, Vol. 1, 23-25 September 1998, Singapore, p.50-54.
100. S.C. Suresh, W.H. Zhu, H. Zheng, Z. Xu and et al: Finite element analysis of chain sprocket system. Proceedings of the High Performance Computing Conference, Vol. 1, 23-25 September 1998, Singapore, p.547-555.
101. *Z.Y. Li, W.H. Zhu, J. Cheng, G.Q. Zhou and D.H. Guo: Measurement of laser induced shock waves in aluminum targets using PVDF gauges. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering v2888, 1996, p.232-236.(* This paper was cited by EI)
102. W.H. Zhu, Z.Y. Li, X.Z. Li and G.Q. Zhou: Experimental study on laser-induced shock in copper targets (abstract paper). Proceedings of International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM): Japan, August 1996, p.651.
103. W.H. Zhu and H.L. Xue: Simulation and analysis on the strain growth in vibration of explosive chambers (abstract paper). Proceedings of International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM), Japan, August 1996, p.649.
104. W.H. Zhu,Theoretical analysis on vibration of chamber structures under impulsive loading. Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Impact Engineering (ISIE), China, Ed. by C.Y. Chiem, L. L Wang and S. Tanimura, September 2-6, 1996, p.110-115.
105. W.H. Zhu, H.L. Xue and G.Q. Zhou: Analysis on vibration of cylindrical explosive chambers under internal blast loading. Proceedings of 4th National Conference on the Explosive Mechanics (in Chinese) China, October 1995, p.100.
106. W.H. Zhu and H.L. Xue: Experimental study on the vibration of explosive chambers. Proceedings of 4th National Congress on Impact Dynamics (in Chinese) China, October 1994, p.66-72.
107. X.M. Liu, X.Z. Li, and W.H. Zhu: Experimental study of wet bull-femur bones at high strain rates. Proceedings of International Conference on Constitutive Laws of Engineering Materials (ICCLEM), China, October 1989, p.392- 395.
d). Technical Reports
108. W.H. Zhu, Moisture effect on mechanical properties of molding compound. Internal Technical Report of Infineon Technologies, March 2004, p.1-65.
109. W.H. Zhu, Correlation of solder joint reliability between simulation and TCOB test, Internal Technical Report of Infineon Technologies, March 2004, p. 1-102.
110. W.H. Zhu and G. Shi, Evaluation of pressure contours induced by high explosive in storage chamber. Report No. CAE/99-17/CC, Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore, May 1999, p.1-35.
111. W.H. Zhu, G. Shi, Addie Van Der Vegte and C. Lu, Survivability and penetration simulations of blast fragment warhead, Report No: CAE/9802/CC, Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore, November, 1998, p.1-41.
112. H. Zheng, W.H. Zhu, S.C. Suresh and Z. Xu, Application of computational mechanics techniques for acoustic analysis of a chain/sprocket system, (Vols.1 and 2) Report No.9801, Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore, 1998.
113. W.H. Zhu and T.X. Yu, Draping and folding of a fabric strip under its own weight. Report No. RI95/96.EG18—TR.01, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, October 1997, p.1-36.
*Note: Conference paper list is incomplete since it collected mainly those papers for international conferences. Most of the national conference papers including those for 863 high technology topic conference on laser weapon effects and etc. are not cited here.
1. 多排矩陣式DIP封裝技術研發 2010.11.14 國內領先 甘肅省科學技術廳 排名2
2. HZIP大功率器件封裝技術研發 2010.11.14 國內領先 甘肅省科學技術廳 排名1
3. 無載體柵格陣列封裝技術研發 2010.11.14 國際先進 甘肅省科學技術廳 排名1
4. 高密度SIM卡封裝技術研發 2010.11.14 國際先進 甘肅省科學技術廳 排名2
5. SiP封裝技術研發 2010.11.14 國際先進 甘肅省科學技術廳 排名2
6. TF/LFBGA封裝技術研發 2010.11.14 國內領先 甘肅省科學技術廳 排名2
7. 多芯片封裝(MCP)技術研發 2011.12.20 國際先進 甘肅省科學技術廳 排名2
8. 加速度傳感器MEMS封裝技術研發 2011.12.20 國際先進 甘肅省科學技術廳 排名1
9. eLQFP系列封裝技術研發 2011.12.20 國際先進 甘肅省科學技術廳 排名2
10. 多圈V/UQFN封裝技術研發 2012.10.13 國際先進 甘肅省科學技術廳 排名1
11. 多圈FCQFN封裝技術研發 2012.12.16 國際先進 甘肅省科學技術廳 排名1
12 .高密度窄間距小焊盤銅線鍵合封裝技術研發 2012.12.16 國際先進 甘肅省科學技術廳 排名1
1. 2010 TF/LFBGA封裝技術 排名2
2. 2011 LGA/SiP封裝技術 排名2
3. 2012 多圈V/UQFN封裝技術 排名1
1. 2011 SiP封裝技術研發 排名2 一等獎
2. 2012 多芯片封裝(MCP)技術研發 排名2 一等獎
1. 2010 TF/LFBGA封裝技術 排名2
2. 2010 SiP封裝技術 排名2
3. 2011 多芯片封裝(MCP)技術研發 排名2
4. 2011 eLQFP封裝技術研發 排名2
5. 2011 加速度傳感器MEMS封裝技術研發 排名1