發表英文論文:* 為通訊作者
1. Yang J, Chen C, Liu Y, Si Qin, Chuang TH, Reisfeld RA, Xiang R, Luo Y, MicroRNA-19a-3p inhibits breast tumor metastasis and progression by inducing Macrophage polarization through down-regulating the expression of Fra-1 gene. Oncogene. 2013 Jul 8. doi: 10.1038/onc.2013.258.
2. Yang J, Liao D, Chen C, Liu Y , Chuang TH, Xiang R, Markowitzb D, Reisfeld RA, Luo Y. Tumor associated macrophages regulate murine breast cancer stem cells through a novel paracrine EGFR/Stat3/Sox-2 signaling pathway. Stem cell 2013 Feb;31(2):248-58. doi: 10.1002/stem.1281
3. Xiang R, Liao D , Cheng TM, Zhou H, Chung TH, Markowitz D, Reisfeld RA, Luo Y*, Knockdown of transcription factor Sox2 in cancer stem cells suppresses metastasis of murine non-small cell lung cancer cells. Br J Cancer. 2011 26;104(9):1410-1417.
4. Xu C, Liu J, Hsu LC, Luo Y, Xiang R, Chuang TH. Functional interaction of Hsp90 and Beclin 1 modulates Toll-like receptor-mediated autophagy. FASEB J. 2011 May 4.
5. Qian BJ, Yan F, Li N, Liu QL, Lin YH, Liu CM, Luo Y, Guo F, Li HZ. MTDH/AEG-1-based DNA vaccine suppresses lung metastasis and enhances chemosensitivity to doxorubicin in breast cancer. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2011;60(6):883-893.
6. Liao D, Liu Z, Wrasidlo W, Chen T, Luo Y, Xiang R, Reisfeld RA. Synthetic enzyme inhibitor: a novel targeting ligand for nanotherapeutic drug delivery inhibiting tumor growth without systemic toxicity. Nanomedicine. 2011 Mar 17.
7. Liao D, Luo Y, Markowitz, Xiang R Reisfeld RA. Cancer Associated Fibroblast Promote tumor growth and metastasis by modulating the tumor immune microenvironment in a 4T1 murine breast cancer model. PLoS ONE, 2010;4(11) e7965
8. Luo Y*, Zhou H, Krueger J, Kaplan C, Liao D, Markowitz D, Liu C, Chen T, Reisfeld RA and Xiang R. Transcriptional regulation of tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) controls invasion, angiogenesis and metastasis of breast cancer cells. Oncogene. 2010 4;29(5):662-673.
9. Liu J, Xu C, Hsu LC, Luo Y, Xiang R, Chuang TH. A five-amino-acid motif in the undefined region of the TLR8 ectodomain is required for species-specific ligand recognition.Mol Immunol. 2010 Feb;47(5):1083-1090.
10. Lee J, Hayash M, Lo JF, Fearns C, Chu WM, Luo Y, Xiang R, Chuang TH. NF-kB activation primes cells to a pro-inflammatory polarized response to a TLR7 agonist. Biochem J. 2009;421(2):301-310.
11. Xiang R, Luo Y, Niethammer AG, Reisfeld RA. Oral DNA vaccines target the tumor vasculature and microenvironment and suppress tumor growth and metastasis. Immunol Rev. 2008 Apr; 222:117-128.
12. Lewēn S, Zhou H, Hu HD, Cheng TM, Markowitz D, Reisfeld RA, Xiang R and Luo Y*. A Legumain-based minigene vaccine targets the tumor stroma and suppresses breast cancer growth and angiogenesis. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2008; 57(4):507-515.
13. Luo Y, Dorothy Markowitz, Rong Xiang, He Zhou and Ralph A. Reisfeld. FLK-1-based minigene vaccines induce T cell-mediated suppression of angiogenesis and tumor protective immunity in syngeneic BALB/c mice. Vaccine 2007 Feb 9; 25(8): 1409-1415.
14. Jiali Li, Sonya Lad, Guang Yang, Luo Y, Milena Iacobelli-Martinez, F. James Primus, Ralph A. Reisfeld, and Erguang Ll. Adenovirus fiber shaft contains a trimerization element that supports peptide fusion for targeted gene delivery. J Virol. 2006 Dec; 80(24):12324-31.
15. Luo Y. , Zhou, H., Kaplan CD., Kruger JA., Lee SH., Xiang R., Reisfeld RA. Induction of tumor-specific T cell memory by a DNA vaccine targeting Fos-related Antigen 1. J Clin Invest 2006;116(8):2132-2141.
16. Kruger JA., Kaplan CD., Luo Y. , Zhou, H., Markowitz D., Xiang R., Reisfeld RA; Novel Model fro the In Vivo Study of Stem Cell Like Cancer Cells in Immune Competent Mice. Blood, 2006 1;108(12):3906-3912.
17. Kaplan CD., Kruger JA., Zhou, H., Luo Y, Xiang R., Reisfeld RA; Anovel DNA vaccine encoding PDGFRb suppresses growth and dissemination of murine colon, lung and breast carcinoma. Vaccine 2006 17;24(47-48):6994-7002.
18. Lee SH., Mizutani M., Mizutani N., Luo Y. , Zhou, H., Kaplan CD., Xiang R., Reisfeld RA. Endoglin(CD105) is a Target for an oral DNA Vaccine against breast cancer. Cancer Immunol and Immunotherapy, 2006;55(12):1565-1574.
19. Luo Y. , Wu WY., Sun CZ., Liu Y., Kuo P., Varga J., Xiang R., Reisfeld R., Kim D., Thomas J., Edgington S., Liu C. Targeting Cell-Impermeable Prodrug Activation to Tumor Microenvironment Eradicates Multiple Drug-Resistant Neoplasm. Cancer Res. 2006 66: 970-980 *Shared first author.
20. Zhou H., Luo Y. , Kaplan CD., Kruger JA., Lee SH., Xiang R., Reisfeld RA. A DNA-based cancer vaccine enhances lymphocyte crosstalk by engaging the NKG2D receptor.Blood 2005 107(8):3251-3257.
21. Luo Y. , Zhou H., Mizutani M., Mizutani N., Xiang R., Reisfeld R. A DNA vaccine targeting Fos-related antigen 1 enhanced by IL-18 induces long-lived T-cell memory against tumor recurrence. Cancer Research. 2005 Apr 15; 65(8):3419-3427.
22. Zhou H.,Luo Y. , Kaplan CD., Kruger JA., Lee SH., Xiang R., Reisfeld RA. DNA-based vaccines activate innate and adaptive anti-tumor immunity by engaging the NKG2D receptor. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Aug 2; 102(31):10846-10851.
23. Zhou H., Luo Y. , Mizutani M., Mizutani N., Reisfeld RA. Xiang R. T cell-mediated suppression of angiogenesis results in tumor protective immunity. Blood 2005 Sep 15;106 (6):2026-2032.
24. Rong Xiang R., Mizutani N., Luo Y. , Chiodini C., Zhou H., Mizutani M., Ba Y., Becker JC., Reisfeld RA.. A DNA Vaccine Targeting Survivin Combines Tumor Cell Apoptosis with Suppression of Angiogenesis in the Eradication of Lung Tumor Metastases.Cancer Research, 2005 Jan 15; 65(2):553-561.
25. Zhou H., Luo Y. , Mizutani M., Mizutani N., Becker JC., Primus FJ., Xiang R., Reisfeld RA. A novel transgenic mouse model for immunological evaluation of carcinoembryonic antigen-based DNA minigene vaccines. J Clin Invest. 2004 Jun; 113(12):1792-1798.
26. Mizutani N., Luo Y. , Mizutani M., Reisfeld RA., Xiang R. DNA vaccines suppress angiogenesis and protect against growth of breast cancer metastases. Breast Disease, 2004; 20:81-91.
27. Reisfeld RA, Niethammer AG., Luo Y. , Xiang R. DNA vaccines suppress tumor growth and metastases by the induction of anti-angiogenesis. Immunol Review, 2004, 199:181-190.
28. Reisfeld RA, Niethammer AG, Luo Y. , Xiang R. DNA vaccines designed to inhibit tumor growth by suppression of angiogenesis. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2004 Mar; 133(3):295-304.
29. Luo Y. , Zhou H., Mizutani M., N., Mizutani N., Reisfeld RA., Xiang R. Transcription factor Fos-related antigen 1 is an effective target for a breast cancer vaccine. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2003, 100(15):8850.
30. Luo Y. , O'Hagan, D., Niethammer, A.G., Zhou, H., Singh, M, Ulmer, J., Reisfeld R.A., Primus, F.J., Xiang R. Plasmid DNA encoding human carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) adsorbed onto cationic microparticles induces protective immunity against colon cancer in CEA-transgenic mice. Vaccine, 2002, 16:21(17-18) .
1 LIN28B調控miRNAs維持MCF-7腫瘤干細胞的干性特征 白麗鵬; 陳翀; 劉妍; 謝俊嶺; 王威; 羅云萍 基礎醫學與臨床 2015-06-05
2 MicroRNAs介導的Lin28B對腫瘤干細胞的調控機制研究 白麗鵬; 陳翀; 謝俊嶺; 劉妍; 王威; 羅云萍 第九屆全國免疫學學術大會論文集 2014-10-18
3 High-throughput RNAi screening reveals novel inflammationrelated modulators of CSC identity 謝俊嶺; 赫慧文; 陳翀; 白鸝鵬; 劉妍; 王威; 曹峰琦; 吳鵬; 羅云萍 第九屆全國免疫學學術大會論文集 2014-10-18
4 腫瘤微環境中乳酸對巨噬細胞表型極化和功能的影響 劉妍; 陳翀; 曹峰琦; 白麗鵬; 羅云萍 基礎醫學與臨床 2014-06-05
5 腫瘤pH微環境通過激活β-catenin/TCF4增強人乳腺癌腫瘤細胞的干性 曹峰琦; 陳翀; 劉妍; 白麗鵬; 羅云萍 基礎醫學與臨床 2014-05-05
6 慢性炎癥對腫瘤干細胞的調控 優先出版 陳翀; 羅云萍 生物化學與生物物理進展 2014-02-10 16:35
7 miR-19a-3p通過抑制腫瘤相關巨噬細胞中Fra-1的表達降低乳腺癌細胞的轉移及侵襲能力 楊健; 陳翀; 劉妍; 斯琴; 向榮; 羅云萍 第八屆全國免疫學學術大會論文集 2012-10-18
8 重組逆轉錄病毒RV-40AS對K562細胞裸鼠移植瘤的實驗研究 曾建明; 馮文莉; 趙世巧; 白衛君; 王小中; 溫健萍; 曹唯希; 羅云萍; 涂植光; 黃宗干 臨床檢驗雜志 2008-03-15
9 自身淬滅熒光定量PCR檢測慢性粒細胞白血病bcr/abl mRNA 彭輝; 馮文莉; 王小中; 曾建明; 肖青; 潘健; 曹唯希; 羅云萍; 黃宗干 中華檢驗醫學雜志 2007-11-11
10 靶向激活蛋白激酶PKR對白血病K562細胞增殖的影響及機制 趙世巧; 馮文莉; 曾建明; 白衛君; 王小中; 溫健萍; 曹唯希; 羅云萍; 黃宗干 癌癥 2007-10-05
11 重組逆轉錄病毒雙表達載體的構建及其對K562細胞增殖活性的影響 曾建明; 馮文莉; 王小中; 趙世巧; 白衛君; 羅云萍; 溫健萍; 涂植光; 黃宗干 第三軍醫大學學報 2006-11-15
12 通過活化的T細胞、NK細胞和抗血管生成防止乳腺癌的生長 羅云萍 臨床檢驗雜志 2003-12-30
13 增強凋亡的哺乳動物新型線粒體蛋白質—Smac/Diablo 張卓; 羅云萍 生命的化學 2003-12-15
14 B7修飾K562細胞來源的樹突狀細胞抗腫瘤作用的研究 曹唯希; 羅云萍; 蔣代鳳; 李用國; 康格非 免疫學雜志 2003-09-25
15 樹突狀細胞與永生化EBV轉化B淋巴細胞對抗原提呈作用的比較分析 李用國; 羅云萍; 梁增偉; 蔡大川; 蘭英華; 任紅 中國免疫學雜志 2003-08-25
16 樹突狀細胞和巨噬細胞對肝癌細胞抗原的提呈作用 李用國; 羅云萍; 梁增偉; 蔡大川; 蘭英華; 謝群; 任紅 中華肝臟病雜志 2003-03-20
17 健康人外周血樹突狀細胞的體外培養擴增及其CDla等表面分子的表達分析 李用國; 陳敏; 梁增偉; 許紅梅; 羅云萍; 任紅 重慶醫科大學學報 2003-02-28
18 樹突狀細胞HBsAg疫苗抗乙型肝炎病毒免疫的體外研究 李用國; 羅云萍; 蘭英華; 梁增偉; 許紅梅; 任紅 中華傳染病雜志 2002-12-30
19 人臍血來源的樹突狀細胞的體外培養擴增 蔡大川; 李用國; 任紅; 梁增偉; 羅云萍 免疫學雜志 2002-12-30
20 白血病細胞系來源的樹突狀細胞誘導及其抗腫瘤免疫功能研究 羅云萍; 李用國; 蔡大川; 任紅 中國實驗血液學雜志 2002-06-15
21 慢性粒細胞白血病來源的DC細胞體外誘導高效而特異的抗腫瘤免疫 羅云萍; 李用國; 蔡大川; 任紅 重慶醫科大學學報 2002-03-28
22 B7轉染白血病細胞K562的作用研究 蔣代鳳; 羅云萍; 任紅; 凌寧; 陳潔萍 重慶醫科大學學報 2001-09-28
23 人外周血樹突狀細胞的體外培養擴增 李用國; 羅云萍; 梁增偉; 任紅 重慶醫科大學學報 2001-03-28
24 造血生長因子受體的信號傳導與血液系統惡性疾病 羅云萍; 康格非 國外醫學.臨床生物化學與檢驗學分冊 2001-01-25
25 慢性乙型肝炎病人外周血樹突狀細胞對HBsAg的提呈作用 李用國; 羅云萍; 梁增偉; 任紅 中華肝臟病雜志 2000-12-28
26 三種中藥皂甙對K562細胞誘導分化作用的實驗研究 陳婷梅; 祝彼得; 羅云萍; 王亞平; 姜蓉 白血病 1999-02-28
27 IL-6和TNF對白血病細胞的調控作用及意義 羅云萍; 黃宗干 上海免疫學雜志 1996-06-30
28 蘆丁復合物對兔實驗性腦梗塞血漿中TXB2、6-Keto-PGF1α的影響 馬伯良; 齊力; 羅云萍; 王一茹; 曹唯希 華西藥學雜志 1996-06-30
29 再生障礙性貧血白細胞介素2和腫瘤壞死因子的改變 羅云萍; 黃宗干; 曹唯希 重慶醫科大學學報 1994-06-20
30 手指全血微量ELISA法檢測乙型肝炎病毒六項標志物的方法學評價 劉國卿; 羅云萍; 曹唯希; 康紅; 張玉洪; 賴利華 重慶醫科大學學報 1993-10-01
31 T淋巴細胞克隆技術 羅云萍 重慶醫科大學學報 1992-07-01
32 血漿纖維結合蛋白的免疫散射比濁測定法 劉國卿; 羅云萍; 曹唯希 重慶醫科大學學報 1992-04-01
33 微量手指全血與靜脈血清反向間接血凝法檢測HBsAg的比較 劉國卿; 羅云萍 重慶醫科大學學報 1991-10-01