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林祥欽—— 分析化學專家林祥欽——中國科學技術大學教授

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最后更新: 2015-04-22
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  林祥欽—— 分析化學專家林祥欽——中國科學技術大學教授 


林祥欽 男,漢族,1946年生,福建福州人,F為中國科學技術大學教授,博士生導師。先后任中科院長春應用化學研究所學術委員會副主任、中國科學院電分析化學開放研究實驗室學術委員,國家電化學和光譜研究分析中心主任、中國科學技術大學化學與材料科學學院副院長兼化學系主任。曾任九三學社第十屆中央委員會委員,第七屆安徽省委員會副主任委員,第三屆吉林省委員會常委,第七屆吉林省政協常委,第九屆安徽省人大常委,第七屆長春市政協委員。被收入IBC國際名人錄和ABI500名人錄。









1. 1994-,中國色譜學會,副會長;

2. 1988-,中國科學院長春應用化學研究所學術委員會,委員;

3. 1987-,《應用化學》、《冶金分析》、《分析測試儀器通訊》刊物編委;

4. 安徽省環境科學學會第二屆理事會副理事長;

5. 安徽大學、安徽師范大學兼職教授;

6. 化學會有機分析委員會委員;

7. 電分析化學國家重點實驗室學術委員;

8. Biosensors and Bioelectronics、Sensors & Actuators、Analytica Chimica Acta等雜志審稿人。







研究方向: 分析化學的多學科交叉研究。

1 快速-超快速伏安法;

2 電化學歐姆電位降補償新方法;

3 納米修飾電極及其電化學傳感原理;

5 活體電化學探測;

6 界面張力電化學;

7 現場光譜電化學。


1. 國家自然科學基金:射頻段快速循環伏安新技術研究,2002-2004;

2. 高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金資助課題:新型修飾電極生物電化學傳感器研究,2005-2007;

3. 國家自然科學基金: 納米修飾碳電極生物傳感器的制備與研究,2006-2008;

4. 非水溶劑金屬卟啉電化學和光譜電化學;

5. 現場顯微FTIR光譜電化學等多項國家自然科學基金研究;

6. 學習記憶過程的電分析化學方法九五院重大項目課題研究。






1. Vacuum-Tight Thin-Layer Spectroelecctrochemical Cell with a Doublet Platinum Gauze Working Electrode, X.Q. Lin; K.M. Kadish, Anal. Chem., 1985, 57: 1498-1501.

2. New cell Designs in Thin-Layer Electrochemistry and Spectroelectrochemistry, X.Q. Lin; K.M. Kadish, 42nd Southwest Reaginal ACS Meeting (Houston), Abstract, 1986, 147: p.52, , Houston.

3. A Simple Light Transparent FTIR Spectroelectrochemical Cell with a V-shaped Thin-Layer Chamber.In-situ Characterization of Electrochemically Generated Metalloporphyrin Cation Radicals in Mathylane Chloride and Benzonitrile Solutions, X.Q. Lin; K.M.Kadish, 2nd Beijin Conf.and Exhib.on Instrum.Analysis(BCEIA), Proceedings, 1987, p-1311, , Beijing.

4. The Construction and Utilization of a Simple Light Transparent FTIR Spectroelectrochemical Cell with Thin-layer Chamber, K.M. Kadish; X.H. Mu; X.Q. Lin, Electroanalysis, 1989, 1: 35-41.

5. 電極體插入式長光程薄層可見紫外光譜電化學池設計.二茂鐵在二氯乙烷和苯甲烷溶液中的氧化還原行為, 林祥欽; 劉殿駿; 汪爾康, 物理化學學報, 1989, 5: 719-722.

6. A Long-Path-Length UV-Visible Spectroelectrochemical Cell that Uses a Versatile Plug-in Teflon Thin-Layer Electrode, X.Q. Lin; D.J. Liu; E.K. Wang, 3rd Beijin Conf.and Exhib. on Instrum. Anal.(BCEIA), Proceedings, 1989, F143, , Beijing.

7. 光波譜電化學方法的一些新進展, 林祥欽, 第二屆國際電分析化學研討會, 資料匯編, 1989, , , 長春.

8. 直立式金網電極薄層紅外光譜電化學池的新設計, 林祥欽; 劉宇; 汪爾康, 化學學報, 1990, 48: 1080-1084.

9. 一種簡易的多用途長光程薄層光譜電化學池, 林祥欽; 楊鋒利; 汪爾康, 第四屆全國電分析化學學術會議, 論文集, 1990, I12: p.431, , 上海.

10. 非水介質中幾種金屬酞菁化合物的電化學與光譜電化學研究, 林祥欽; 劉 宇; 汪爾康, 第四屆全國電分析化學學術會議, 論文集, 1990, I11: p.430, , 上海.

11. 一種簡易多用途可見紫外薄層光譜電化學池, 林祥欽; 楊鋒利; 汪爾康, 分析化學, 1991, 19: 1100-1103.

12. A Simple Long Path-Length Thin-Layer Spectroelectrochemical Cell Using a Glassy Carbon Plate Working Electrode, X.Q. Lin; F.L. Yang; E.K. Wang, the First Changchun International Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry (ISEC), Abstracts of Papers, 1991, p.254, , Changchun..

13. 摻錫三氧化銦導電玻璃雙工作電極薄層光透電化學池的設計, 林祥欽; 魏培海; 買光昕; 韓文俊; 余亦舜; 李光賓, 分析化學, 1992, 20: 735

14. In-situ Distance Resolved Optically Transparent Thin-layer Microscopic FTIR Spectro- electrochemistry. Eestimation of the Concentration-Disdance Profile, X.Q. Lin; Z.L. Li, Chen.Chem. Lett., 1993, 4(4): 355-358.

15. 新型透射式紅外光譜電化學池, 楊鋒利; 林祥欽; 汪爾康, 分析化學, 1993, 21: 857-860.

16. 一種簡易型ESR 波譜電化學池的設計和卟啉π 陽離子自由基的檢測, 劉殿駿; 郭慶斌; 詹瑞云; 徐 杰; 林祥欽, 分析化學, 1993, 21: 979-982.

17. 現場顯微紅外光譜電化學技術及超微鉑盤電極上的反射吸收光譜測定, 林祥欽; 章宏強, 分析化學, 1993, 21: 1355-1358.

18. 現場顯微紅外光譜電化學法- 超微鉑盤電極反射式電化學池的設計及對Fe(CN)64-/Fe(CN)63-的現場表征, 林祥欽; 章宏強, 第五屆全國電分析化學學術會議(5th NCEAC),論文集, 1993, F7: p.464, , 武漢.

19. 全玻璃型順磁波譜電化學池的設計與表征, 劉殿駿; 郭慶斌; 詹瑞云; 徐杰; 林祥欽, 第五屆全國電分析化學學術會議(5th NCEAC), 論文集, 1993, F10: p.470, , 武漢.

20. Utilization of IR-microscope for Studies of FTIR Spectroelectrochemistry: the Microscopic FTIRS, X.Q. Lin, the Second Asian Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Abstract of papers,1993, E38: p.128, , Changchun.

21. Principle and Technical Aspects of the In-situ Microscopic FTIR Spectroelectro-chemistry, X.Q. Lin, 4th ISEC, Proceedings (Invited report ), 1993, p.53, , Changchun.

22. 現場顯微紅外光譜電化學研究普魯士藍膜修飾電極氧化還原機理, 李志麗; 林祥欽, 第三屆尼高力公司用戶會議, 文集, 1994, , , 北京.

23. 聚鄰苯二胺膜電極的紅外光譜電化學檢測, 章宏強; 林祥欽; 汪爾康, 第三屆Nicolet 用戶會議, 文集, 1994, , , 北京.

24. 顯微紅外光譜電化學研究及其進展, 林祥欽, 分析化學新進展 (中國化學會第五屆年會暨第四屆無機微量技術及痕量分析學術會議), 文集, 1994, A27, , 南京.

25. Electrochemistry and In-situ IR Microspectroectrochemistry in A Versatile Thin-Layer Reflection FTIR Microspectroelectrochemicall Cell, Z.L. Li; X.Q. Lin, J.Electroanal.Chem., 1995, 386: 83-87.

26. In-situ Microscopic FTIR Spectroelectrochemical Cell Design for Solid-State Electro-chemical Studies. Redox Reaction of Fe(CN)63-/4- in PEG400/LiClO4, X.Q. Lin; X.Y. Wang, 7th BCEIA, Proceedings,1995, F157, , Beijing.

27. Studies on the In-situ Microscopic FTIR Spectroelectrochemistry (MFTIRS), X.Q.Lin, 5th ISEC, Extended Abstract, 1995, I-39: p.73a, , Changchun.

28. Spectroelectrochemical Study of Poly(o-Aminophenal) Film Coated Electrode by In-situ External Reflection FTIR Spectroscopy, H.Q. Zhang; X.Q. Lin; E.K. Wang, 46th Annual Meeting of ISE, Abstract,1995, 3-21, , Xiamen.

29. Electrochemical behavior of Ferrocene in Comlike Polymer Electrolyte of Main Chain Glass Transition Near Room Temperature, L.P. Guo; L. Qi; Y.Q. Lin; X.Q. Lin, 5th ISEC, Extended Abstract, 1995, 56; p.144, , Changchun.

30. A New Reflectance Microscopic FTIR Spectroelectrochemical Cell, J.G. Jiang; X.Q. Lin, 5th ISEC, Extended Abstract,1995, 57; p.145, , Changchun.

31. Microelectrode Esembles: A Novel Application in In-situ FTIR Spectroelectrochemistry,H.Q. Zhang, X.Q. Lin, E.K. Wang, 5th ISEC, Extended Abstract, 1995, 142; p-54, , Changchun.

32. 外反射式微薄層顯微紅外光譜電化學池的設計(In-Situ Microdisk Thin-Layer Microscopic Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroelectrochemical Cell for Solid-state Electrolyte System), 林祥欽; 王新豫, 分析化學, 1996, 24: 489-493.

33. In-situ External Reflection FTIR Spectroelectrochemical Investigation of poly(o- phenylenediamine) Film Coated on a Platinum Electrode, X.Q. Lin; H.Q. Zhang, Electrochim.Acta, 1996, 41: 2019-2024.

34. 微紅外光譜電化學方法在化學修飾電極研究中的應用, 林祥欽, 全國電分析化學會議,文集, 1996, , , 青島.

35. In-situ FTIR Spectroelectrochemical Investigation of Cobalt(II)-Cyanoferrate Polymeric Film Coated on a Glassy Carbon Electrode, H.Q. Zhang; X.Q. Lin, Talanta, 1997, 44(11): 2069-2073.

36. In-situ FTIR Spectroelectrochemistry of a Micro Array Electrode, H.Q.Zhang; X.Q. Lin, J.Electroanal.Chem., 1997, 434(1-2): 55-59.

37. 利用毛細管效應的新型反射式顯微紅外光譜電化學池的設計和表征, 蔣俊光; 林祥欽, 分析化學, 1997, 25(6): 734-737.

38. An Electrochemical Study of Prussian Blue Microcrystallines Mixed in PEO400 Polymer Electrolyte by Solid-state Voltammetry, L.P. Guo; X.Q. Lin, Chem.Res.in Chin.Univ., 1997,13(4): 304-311.

39. In-situ FTIR spectroelectrochemical study of the electrocatalytic oxidation of ascorbic acid by cobalt hexacyanoferrate in polymer media, L.P. Guo; X.Q. Lin, International 7th BCEIA, Proceedings,1997, F171, , Shanghai.

40. In-situ microscopic FTIR spectroelectrochemical study of the reduction of K3Fe(CN)6 in polyelectrolyte, L.P. Guo; X.Q. Lin, International 7th BCEIA, Proceedings, 1997, F173, , Shanghai.

41. In-situ MFTIR spectroelectrochemical investigation of the redox reaction of p-amino-phenol in MeCN solution, J.G. Jiang; H.Q. Zhang; X.Q. Lin, International 7th BCEIA, Proceedings, 1997, F175, , Shanghai.

42. In-situ external reflection FTIR spectroelectrochemical study of the cobalt cyanometallates polymeric film coated on a platinum electrode, A.L. Bo; X.Q. Lin, International 7th BCEIA, Proceedings, 1997, F181, , Shanghai.

43. Study of metal hexacyanoferrate microcrystallines mixed in polyelectrolyte by voltammetry and microscopic FTIR spectroelectrochemistry, L.P. Guo; X.Q. Lin, Sixth ISEC, Extended Abstracts, 1997, P-26: p.129, , Changchun.

44. In-situ FTIR spectroelectrochemical study of nickel cyanometallates film on glassy carbon electrode, A.L. Bo; X.Q. Lin, Sixth ISEC, Extended Abstracts, 1997, P-31, p.136, , Changchun.

45. 非水溶劑中鐵酞箐的in-situ可見紫外光譜電化學(in-situ UV-Visible spectroelectrochemical studies of ironphthalocyanine in non aqueous solvents), 劉 宇; 林祥欽,應用化學, 1998, 15: 44-47.

46. 固體六氰合鐵酸鈷微粒在聚電解質中的現場顯微紅外光譜電化學(in-situ Microscopic FTIR spectroelectrochemical study of cobalt hexacyanoferrate microcrystallites in polyelectrolyte), 郭黎平; 林祥欽, 應用化學(Chin. J. of Appl. Chem.),1998, 15(4): 13-16.

47. 聚合物電解質(PEG/LiClO4中 L-抗壞血酸氧化的現場顯微紅外光譜電化學研究(In-situ Microscopic FTIR Spectroelectrochemical Study of Oxidation of L-Ascorbic Acid in Polymer Electrolyte (PEG/LiClO4)), 郭黎平; 林祥欽, 高校化學學報, 1998, 19(5): 802-804.

48. Characterization of the structural and functional changes of hemoglobin in dimethyl sulfoxide by spectroscopic techniques,C.W. Liu; A.L. Bo; G.J. Cheng; X.Q. Lin; S.J. Dong, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1998, 1385: 53-60.

49. Electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical studies on eletrooxidation reactions of (TPP)CoII/NO3- system, X.Q. Lin; Z.X. Wang; D.J. Liu,Chem. Res. in Chin. Univ.,1998, 14(3): 344-347.

50. In-Situ Microscopic FTIR Spectroelectrochemical Study of the Reduction of K3[Fe(CN) 6] in Polymer Electrolyte, L.P.Guo; X.Q.Lin, Chemi.Res.in Chin.Univ., 1998, 14(3): 264-269.

51. In-situ FTIR Spectroelectrochemical Study of Chromium Hexacyanoferrate on Glassy Carbon Electrodes, A.l.Bo; X.Q.Lin, Chin.Chem.Lett.,1998,9(9): 851-854.

52. In-situ microscopic FTIR spectroelectrochemistry of ascorbic acid in poly(ethylene glycol)/LiClO4 electrolyte paste and in the presence of dispersed cobalt hexacyanoferrate microcrystalline powder, L.P. Guo; X.Q. Lin, Chem.Res.in Chin.Univ.,1999,15(1): 10-16.

53. 玻碳電極上六氰亞鐵酸鈀的現場FTIR光譜電化學研究(In-situ FTIR spectroelectrochemical study of palladium hexacyanoferrate thin film deposited on glassy carbon electrode), 薄愛麗;林祥欽,電化學, 1999,5(2): 206-211.

54. 酞箐錳絡合物的電化學與光譜電化學研究(Electrochemistry and spectroelectrochemistry study of manganese phthalocyanine in nonaqueous media),劉 宇; 林祥欽, 分析化學(Chem. J. of Chin. Univ.), 1999, 27: (9): 1026-1028.

55. 聚電解質中活性物質氧化還原反應機理的現場顯微紅外光譜電化學研究(In-situ microscopic Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroelectrochemistry of redox mechanism for electroactive species in polyelectrolyte), 郭黎平; 林祥欽,分析化學,. 1999, 27(2): 135-139.

56. 六氰亞鐵酸鎳修飾玻碳電極的現場紅外光譜電化學研究(In-situ FTIR spectroelectrochemistry as a probe of the glassy carbon electrode chemically modified by nickel(II)-cyanometallates),薄愛麗; 林祥欽,分析化學,1999,27(3): 254-260.

57. 聚電解質中陽離子濃度對7;7;8;8-四氰基苯醌二甲烷現場顯微紅外光譜的影響(Influence of cation concentration on 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane in polyelectrolyte by using in-situ microscopic FTIR spectroelectrochemistry),郭黎平;林祥欽,分析化學, 1999, 27(3): 300-303.

58. 聚電解質中陰離子對鐵氰化甲還原過程影響的原位顯微紅外光譜電化學,郭黎平;林祥欽,分子科學學報, 1999, 15(02): 103-107.

59. 普魯士藍-六氰亞鐵酸鎳膜修飾鉑電極的現場FTIR光譜電化學(Electrochemical and in-situ FTIR spectroelectrochemical study of Plussian Blue (PB) and PB-NiHCF mixture film modified platinum electrode),林祥欽; 薄愛麗,安徽師范大學學報(自然科學版),1999,22(1):1-4.

60. 循環伏安和現場紅外光譜電化學研究鎘(II)在普魯士藍/鉑修飾電極上的反應(Cyclic voltammetric and in-situ FTIR spectroelectrochemical studies on the reaction of Cd2+ on the Plussian Blue/ platinum modified electrode), 薄愛麗; 林祥欽,分析化學,1999,27(4):392-397.

61. In-situ external reflection FTIR spectroelectrochemical and XPS investigation of cobalt-cyanometallates as inorganic polymeric materials on a platinum electrode, A.L.Bo; X.Q.Lin, Talanta, 1999,49: 717-723.

62. 一種多功能薄層光譜電化學池, 吳霖生; 崔 華; 林祥欽, 安師大學報(自然科學版), 2000,23(2):131-133.

63. In-situ microscopic FT-IR spectroelectrochemical investigation of polythiophene film modified electrode,Jiang J G; Zhang H Q; Lin X Q, CHEM RES CHINESE U.,2001, 17 (1): 26-30.

64. Multi-mode in-situ spectroelectrochemical studies of redox pathways of adrenaline, H.Cui; L.S.Wu; J.Chen; X.Q.Lin, J.Electroanal.Chem.,2001, 504: 195-200. (Cui H; Wu LS; Chen J; Lin XQ, Multi-mode in situ spectroelectrochemical studies of redox pathways of adrenaline, JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY2001,504,2,,195-200.)

65. 橋聯雙二茂鐵鉑配合物的電子轉移機理研究,汪夏燕; 金葆康; 田玉鵬; 林祥欽,化學學報,2001,59(10):1577-1582. (Wang XY; Jin BK; Tian YP; Lin XQ, Study on the mechanism of electron transfer of a bridged biferrocene platinum (II) complex, ACTA CHIMICA SINICA 2001,59,10,1577-1582.)

66. 對氨基苯酚氧化還原的電化學和紅外光譜電化學研究, 章宏強; 蔣俊光; 林祥欽, 高;瘜W學報,2001,22(?): 26-31

67. Electrochemical and in-situ FTIR Studies of Biferrocene Trinuclear Platinum (Ⅱ) Complex, XY Wang, ZX Deng, BK Jin, YP, XQ Lin,Electrochimica Acta,2002, 47(10): 1537-1543.

68. Electrochemical and in-situ SNIFTIR spectroscopic study on palladium(II) and zinc(II) Schiff base complexes: Structure control the electronic communication between two identical redox sites, X.Y.Wang; Z.X.Deng; B.K.Jin*; Y.P.Tian; X.Q.Lin*, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan,2002,75(6):1269-1273.

69. 中性溶液中抗壞血酸在六氰合亞鐵酸鈷銅膜修飾鉑電極上現場紅外光譜電化學研究, 汪夏燕; 崔興品; 崔運梅; 金葆康; 林祥欽, 高校化學學報, 2002,23(8)Aug:1498-1500. (Investigation of electrochemical oxidation of L-ascorbic acid at CoCuHCF/Pt electrode in neutral solutions by in situ FTIRRAS, X Wang; X Cui; Y Cui, B Kang; X Lin, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 2002,23(8)Aug:1498-1500. CHI)

70. In-situ ftir spectroelectrochemical study of dopamine at a glassy carbon electrode in neutral solutions, x. Y. Wang; b.k. Jin, X.Q. Lin, anal. Sci.,2002, 18(8):931-933.

71. Study on the spectroelectrochemical properties of s-benzyl-n- (ferrocenyl-1-methyl-metylidene)- dithio -carbazate nickel(ii) complex x.y.wang; z.x.deng; b.k.jin; y.p.tian; X.Q.Lin, spectrochimica acta part a: mol. & biomol. 2002, 58: 3113-3120.

72. 乙酰二茂鐵縮肼基硫代甲酸芐酯鎳/鈷配合物現場紅外光譜電化學研究, 汪夏燕; 金葆康; 田玉鵬; 林祥欽, 光譜學與光譜分析, 2003,23(1):42-45. (Study on S-benzyl-N- (ferrocenyl- 1-methyl-metylidene)- dithiocarbazate nickel (Ⅱ)/cobalt (Ⅱ) complexes by in-situ FTIR spectroelectrochemistry, X.Y. Wang; B.K. Jin*; Y.P. Tian; X.Q. Lin*, Spectroscopy and Spectroanalysis),2003, 23(1): 42-45. CHI)

73. 六氰合鐵酸銅鈷薄膜修飾電極的in-situ FTIR研究, 崔興品; 汪夏燕; 林祥欽, 光譜學與光譜分析,2003,23(3)Jun: 603-604.(In-situ FTIR study of hybrid copper-cobalt hexacyanoferrate film modified electrode, X Cui; X Wang; X Lin, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2003,23(3)Jun: 603-604. CHI)

74. In-situ FTIR Spetroelectrochemical and Electrochemical Studies of Ferrocene and Derivatives at a Platinum Electrode , P Du, B K Jin, J X Yan, X Q Lin, Chin. Chem. Lett. 2004, 15(2): 204-207.

75. 紫外可見吸收光譜發現場監測聚苯胺的電化學降解, 姜春明, 張漢昌, 林祥欽, 白如科, 光譜學與光譜分析, 2005, 25(5): 751-753.



76. 電化學數字模擬的一種新不等格分格法, 林祥欽; 薄愛麗, 應用化學, 1995, 12: 52-57.

77. 電化學數字模擬的一種新不等格的分格法, 林祥欽; 薄愛麗, 第八屆全國電化學會議, 論文摘要集, 1995, A1: p.1, , 廈門.

78. 電化學數值模擬法改進及未補償溶液電阻存在下的快掃循環伏安研究(An improved electrochemical numerical simulation and characterization of influences of uncompansated solution resistance on cyclic voltammograms), 林祥欽;鄧兆祥, 安徽師大學報(自然科學版),1998, 21(4): 333-338.

79. Digital Simulation of Fast Cyclic Voltammogram by the Integration of Double Layer Charging Curret, Z.X.Deng; X.Q.Lin, J.Electroanal.Chem., 1999, 464: 215-221.

80. 快掃循環伏安曲線的單純形優化數值模擬擬合方法(Simplex optimization-numerical simulation method for fast cyclic voltammetric curve fitting),鄧兆祥;趙 煒; 林祥欽,分析化學, 1999, 27(4): 383-387.

81. 計時電流和因子分析-法拉第電流與充電電流的分離,林祥欽; 陳宗海; 邵學廣; 鄧兆祥,分析化學, 1999, 27(12): 1381-1385.( Separation of faradic and charging current with factor analysis for chronoamperometry, CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, Lin XQ; Chen ZH; Shao XG; Deng ZX, 1999, Vol 27, Iss 12, pp 1381-1385.)

82. 指數擴展的網絡方法模擬超快循環伏安曲線(Simulation of ultra-fast cyclic voltammetric curve by the exponential expand network method), 鄧兆祥; 林祥欽, 分析化學, 1999,27(12):1376-1380. (Simulation of ultra-fast cyclic valtammetric curve by the exponentially expand network method,CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, Deng ZX; Lin XQ,1999, Vol 27, Iss 12, pp 1376-1380.)

83. 在線小波變換用于伏安分析儀的研制(An application of on-line wavelet transform to the development of voltammetric analyzer),邵學廣;龐春燕;張漢昌;吳守國;林祥欽,分析化學, 1999, 27(11): 1248-1253.

84. Development of wavelet transform voltammetric analyzer, X.G.Shao; C.Y.Pang; S.G.Wu; X.Q.Lin, Talanta, 2000, 50 (6): 1175-1182.

85. Factor analysis and its progress in electroanalytical chemistry, Chen ZH; Lin XQ; Shao XG, CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 2000, Vol 28, Iss 11, pp 1428-1433.

86. 網絡法數字模擬電活性物種吸附體系的循環伏安曲線, 鄧兆祥; 林祥欽, 分析化學, 2000, 28(8):930-935.

87. 基于小波變換平滑主成分分析, 陳宗海; 林祥欽; 邵學廣, 分析化學, 2000,28(8):960-963.

88. 一種新型的信號擬合方法-免疫算法, 邵學廣; 陳宗海; 林祥欽, 分析化學, 2000, 28(2):152-155.( A novel algorithm for fitting analytical signals - an immune algorithm, Shao XG; Chen ZH; Lin XQ, CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 2000, Vol 28, Iss 2, pp 152-155.)

89. An immune algorithm for multicomponent overlapping chromatograms, X G.Shao; Z H Chen; X Q Lin, Freserius J.Anal.Chem., 2000,366(1):10-16.

90. Resolution of multicomponent overlapping chromatograms using an immune algorithm and genetic algorithm,X.G.Shao; Z.H.Chen; X.Q.Lin, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2000,50:91-99.(sci)

91. An application of on-line wavelet transform to the development of voltammetric analyzer, Shao XG; Pang CY; Zhang HC; Wu SG; Lin XQ, CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 1999, Vol 27, Iss 11, pp 1248-1253.

92. 因子分析及其在電分析化學中的應用進展, 陳宗海; 林祥欽; 邵學廣, 分析化學, 2000, 28(11):1428-1433.

93. 傅立葉變換-主成分分析方法用于二維色譜數據的壓縮和重構, 陳宗海; 邵學廣; 林祥欽, 分析實驗室, 2000,19(6):46-49.

94. Flip shift subtraction method: a new tool for separating the overlapping voltammetric peaks on the basis of finding the peak position through the continuous wavelet transform, S.G.Wu; L.Nie; J.W.Wang; X.Q.Lin; L.Z.Zheng; L.Rui, J.Electroanal.Chem., 2001, 508:11-27.

95. Continuous wavelet transform and its application to resolving and quantifying the overlapped voltammetric peaks, L Nie; SG Wu; JW Wang; LZ Zheng; XQ Lin; L Rui, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2001, 450(1-2), 185-192.

96. 傅立葉變換用于快掃循環伏安法的電流分離, 陳宗海; 林祥欽; 邵學廣, 分析化學, 2001, 29(6): 625-628.

97. 一種判斷電化學/化學反應體系熱力學自洽性的新方法, 鄧兆祥; 林祥欽*; 童中華, 化學學報,2002,60(8):1415-1418. (A new algorithm for judgment of the thermodynamic self-consistency of an electrochemical/chemical reaction system, Z Deng; X Lin; Z Tong, Acta Chimica Sinica, 2002,60(8):1415-1418. CHI)

98. 窗口因子分析算法的改進及帶噪聲HPLC-DAD數據的解析,邵學廣; 邵利民; 李梅青; 林祥欽,中國科學,2002,32(2):97-104.

99. 電分析化學中的化學計量學方法及其應用進展, 陳宗海; 林祥欽; 邵學廣, 分析科學學報, 2002,18(1):75-79. (Application and advance of chemometrics in electroanalytical chemistry, Z Chen; X Lin; X Shao, J. Anal. Sci., 2002, 18(1): 75-79. CHI)

100. An improvement of window factor analysis for resolution of noisy HPLC-DAD data, X.G.Shao;L.M.Shao;M.Q.Li;X.Q.Lin, Science in China, 2002,45(3):289-298.

101. Approximate Derivative Calculated by Using Continuous Wavelet Transform, L Nie; SG Wu; XQ Lin; LZ Zheng; L Rui, J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., 2002, 42, 274-283.

102. 連續和離散小波變換用于重疊伏安信號峰位置提取的對比研究, 聶磊; 吳守國; 林祥欽; 鄭龍珍; 芮蕾,《21世紀電分析化學》,甘肅文化出版社, p.325-326, 蘭州.

103. Exponentially expanded grid network approach (EEGNA): an efficient way for the simulation of stiff electrochemical problems, Z X Deng; X Q Lin; Z H Tong, Chinese J.Chemistry, 2003,21(9):1137-1145.

104. 一種基于免疫識別的主因子數判斷方法,邵利民;邵學廣;林祥欽,高等學;瘜W學報,2003,24(4)APR:595-598.(A novel method for determining the principal factor number on immune recorgnition, L Shao; X Shao; X Lin, Chem. J. Chin. Univ., 2003,24(4)APR: 595-598. CHI)

105. Universal Electrochemical/Chemical Simulator Based on an Exponentially Expanding Grid Network Approach, Z. X. Deng , X. Q. Lin, Z. H. Tong, Chin.J.Chem ., 2004,22(7):719-726 Jun.

106. Global evaluation of linear sweep voltammetric responses with electroactive species confined at the electrode surface, Z. X. Deng, Z. H. Tong, X. Q. Lin , J. Electroanal. Chem., 2004, 568(1-2): 235-245.

107. Exponentially Expanded Grid Network Approach (EEGNA):An Efficient Way for the Simulation of Electrochemical Problems at Spherical, Cylindrical and Rotating-disk Electrodes,Z X Deng; X Q Lin; Z H Tong, (指數擴展格網絡方法:模擬球、柱和旋轉圓盤電極體系電化學問題的有效方法, 鄧兆祥; 林祥欽; 童中華), Chin. J. Chem., 2005, 23(2):166-172.


108. DNA immobilization on nano-gold modified glassy carbon electrode, X.Q.Lin; Q.Miao; B.K.Jin, Chin.Chem.Lett., 1999,10(2): 157-160.

109. 鉑黑修飾酶電極測定膽堿, 陳 峻; 林祥欽; 陳宗海; 吳守國; 王樹青, 分析化學, 2000,28(9):1066-1069.

110. Amperometric biosensor for hydrogen peroxide besed on immobilization of horsradish peroxidase on methylene blue modified graphite electrode, X.Q.Lin; J.Chen; Z.H.Chen, Electroanalysis, 2000,12(4):306-310.

111. ss-DNA在納米金上固載和雜化的電化學傳感研究, 繆 謙; 金葆康; 林祥欽, 高;瘜W學報, 2000,21(1):27-30.

112. Amperometric Micro-Biosensor Array For Choline And Acetylcholine Based On A Glassy Carbon Electrode Modified By Platinum-Black Particles And A Co-Crosslinked Enzyme System,J.Chen; X.Q.Lin; Z.H.Chen; S.G.Wu; S.Q.Wang,Anal.Lett.,2001,34(4):491-501.

113. Covalent modification of Glassy Carbon Electrode with Glutamic Acid for Simultaneous Determination of Uric Acid and Ascorbic Acid, L.Zhang; X.Q.Lin, Analyst, 2001,126(3): 367-370. (Zhang L; Lin XQ, Covalent modification of glassy carbon electrode with glutamic acid for simultaneous determination of uric acid and ascorbic acid, ANALYST 2001,126,3,367-370.)

114. Covalent Modification of Glassy Carbon Electrodes with Glycine for Voltammetric Separation of Dopamine and Ascorbic Acid, L.Zhang; X.Q.Lin, Fresenius J.Anal.Chem., 2001,370: 956-962.

115. Simultaneous Determination of Dopamine and Ascorbic acid at Glutamic acid Modified Graphite Electrode, X.Q.Lin; L.Zhang, Anal. Lett., 2001, 34(10): 1585-1601.( Lin XQ; Zhang L, Simultaneous determination of dopamine and ascorbic acid at glutamic acid modified graphite electrode, ANALYTICAL LETTERS 2001,34,10,1585-1601.)

116. 乙酰膽堿/膽堿電化學生物傳感器研究進展, 陳 峻; 林祥欽, 分析科學學報,2001,17(6): 511-516.

117. Separation of anodic peaks of ascorbic acid and dopamine at α-alanine covalently modified glassy carbon electrode, L.Zhang; Y.G.Sun; X.Q.Lin, Analyst, 2001, 126(10): 1760-1763.( Zhang L; Sun YG; Lin XQ, Separation of anodic peaks of ascorbic acid and dopamine at an ct-alanine covalently modified glassy carbon electrode, ANALYST 2001,126,10,1760-1763.)

118. Selective Determination of Dopamine in the presence of Ascorbic Acid at Over-oxidized Poly(N-acetylaniline) Electrode, L.Z.Zheng; S.G.Wu; X.Q.Lin; L.Nie; L.Rui, Analyst, 2001, 126:736-738.

119. Electrochemical studies on the oxidation of thymine at β-cyclodextrin modified electrode, S.G.Wu; L.Z.Zheng; L.Rui; X.Q.Lin, Electroanalysis, 2001,13(11): 976-970. (Wu SG; Zheng LZ; Rui L; Lin XQ, Electrochemical studies on the oxidation of thymine at beta-cyclodextrin modified electrode, ELECTROANALYSIS 2001,13,11,967-970.)

120. Selective Determination of Uric Acid by using a β-cyclodextrin modified electrode, LZ Zheng; SG Wu; XQ Lin; L Nie; L Rui, Electroanalysis, 2001, 13(16), 1351-1354. (Zheng LZ; Wu SG; Lin XQ; Nie L; Rui L,Selective determination of uric acid by using a beta-cyclodextrin modified electrode, ELECTROANALYSIS,2001,13,16,1351-1354.)

121. 六氰合鐵酸銅鈷在蠟浸石墨電極表面的電化學沉積,崔興品; 汪夏燕; 張雷; 林祥欽, 分析化學,2002,30(1):93-96. (Electrodeposition of copper-cobalt hexacyanoferrate on waxed graphite electrode, X Cui; X Wang; L Zhang; X Lin, 2002,30(1): 93-96. CHI)

122. 六氰合鐵酸銅鈷薄膜修飾鉑電極的電化學、XRD及XPS研究, 崔興品; 汪夏燕; 張雷; 林祥欽, 化學學報,2002, 60(4): 704-710. (Electrochemistry, XRD and XPS of a platinum electrode modified with hybrid hexacyanoferrate films of copper and cobalt, X Cui; X Wang; L Zhang; X Lin, 2002, 60(4): 704-710.)

123. Hybrid Copper-Cobalt Hexacyanoferrate Films Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode As An Electrochemical Sensor For Hydrogen Peroxide, X P Cui; X Q Lin, ANAL LETT, 2002, 35(4): 663-675.

124. Electrocatalytic Oxidation Of Hydroxylamine On Glassy Carbon Electrodes Modified by Hybrid Coppr-Cobalt Hexacyanoferrate Films, X.P. Cui; H. Li; X.Q. Lin, Anal. Sci., 2002, 18(5): 543-547.

125. 乙二胺四乙酸二鈉/碳糊修飾電極測定水中銀離子, 張勝幫; 張學俊; 林祥欽, 分析化學,2002,30(6):745-747. (An ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid modified carbon paste electrode for the determination of silver ion, Zhang; X Zhang; X Lin, Chinese Journal Of Analytical Chemistry, 2002,30(6):745-747. CHI)

126. Electrochemical Preparation, Characterization and Application of Electrodes Modified With Hybrid Hexacyanoferrates of Copper and Cobalt, X.P. Cui; L Hong; X.Q. Lin, J. Electroanal. Chem., 2002,526(1-2):115-124.

127. Preparation and Characterization of a Novel β-Cyclodextrin Modified Poly(N-acetylaniline) Film, LZ Zheng; SG Wu; XQ Lin; L Nie; L Rui; XR Yang, Macromolecules, 2002, 35(16), 6174-6177.

128. 聚L-谷氨酸/石墨充蠟修飾電極測定多巴胺, 林祥欽; 晉冠平; 崔華, 分析化學,2002,30(3):271-275.(Covalent binding of L-glutamic acid on a waxed graphite electrode for determination of dopamine in the presence of ascorbic acid and adrenaline, X Lin; G Jin; H Cui, Chin .J. Anal. Chem., 2002,30(3):271-275. CHI)

129. 石墨電極固載DNA的一種新修飾方法, 鄭賽晶; 林祥欽*; 尹屹梅, 化學學報, 2002,60(10):1828-1833. (A new method for surface modification of paraffin impregnated graphite electrode for DNA immobilization and hybridization, S Zheng; X Lin; Y Yin, Acta Chim. Sinica, 2002,60(10):1828-1833. CHI)

130. DNA sensor for base mismatch detection based on a gold colloid modified glassy carbon electrode, Lin XQ; Zheng SJ; Miao Q; Jin BK, Analytical Letters, 2002, 35 (8): 1373-1385. *

131. 受體生物傳感器的研究進展, 尹屹梅; 林祥欽, 分析化學, 2002, 30(10):1267-1271. (Advances of Receptor biosensors, Y Yin; X Lin, Chin.J. Anal. Chem. 2002, 30(10): 1267-1271. CHI)

132. 微孔穴修飾碳電極固載DNA,林祥欽; 鄭賽晶; 王樹青,in “21世紀電分析化學”/汪爾康;盧小泉;康敬萬編, 甘肅文化出版社,蘭州.

133. 聚苯胺的改性研究, 鄭龍珍; 吳守國; 林祥欽; 聶磊; 芮蕾,《21世紀電分析化學》,甘肅文化出版社,p.337-338, 2002.8.10-14,蘭州.

134. 分子層g-氨基丁酸共價修飾玻碳電極同時測定多巴胺、尿酸和抗壞血酸, 張 雷; 林祥欽, 高;瘜W學報,2003,24(4): 591-594.

135. 六氰合鐵酸銅鈷薄膜修飾電極的in-situ FTIR研究, 崔興品; 汪夏燕; 林祥欽, 光譜學與光譜分析,2003,23(3)Jun: 603-604.(In-situ FTIR study of hybrid copper-cobalt hexacyanoferrate film modified electrode, X Cui; X Wang; X Lin, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2003,23(3)Jun: 603-604. CHI)

136. Electrochemical Characterization of Poly(N-acetylaniline)/Nafion Composite Film in Neutral and Basic Aqueous Solutions, LZ Zheng; SG Wu; XQ Lin; CH Shi; L Nie; L Rui, Electroanalysis 2003, 15(3)March: 191-195.

137. DNA納米網絡修飾碳纖維盤電極及其分子傳感應用,林祥欽; 蔣曉華; 魯理平, 分析實驗室22 (增刊)(2003-11): 22. (DNA Nano-Netting Modification On Carbon Fiber Disk Electrode And Application For Molecular Sensing,X Lin; X Jiang; L Lu, the 11Th Symposium on Organic Analysis and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2003.11, Hanzhou, China)

138. Voltammetric Behaviour of Dopamine At ct-DNA Modified Carbon Fiber Microelectrode, X Q Lin; L P Lu; X H Jiang, Microchemia Acta, 2003, 143(4):229-235.

139. Amperometric Biosensor For Hydrogen peroxide Based on Electrodeposited sub-micrometer Gold Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode, Shu-Qin Wang, Jun Chen, Xiang-Qin Lin, Chin J. Chem., 2004, 22(4): 360-364.

140. Cooperative effect of Pt nanoparticles and Fe(III) in the electrocatalytic oxidation of nitrite, S. Q. Wang, L. P. Lu Y M Yin, X. Q. Lin , Electrochemistry Communications , 2004, 6(3)March: 259-262.

141. Novel choline and acetylcholine modified glassy carbon electrodes for simultaneous determination of dopamine, serotonin and ascorbic acid, G. P. Jin, X. Q. Lin, J. M. Gong , J.Electroanal.Chem. , 2004, 569(1): 135-142.

142. The Electrochemical behavior and amperometric determination of tyrosine and tryptophan at a glassy carbon electrode modified with butyrylcholine, G. P. Jin, X. Q. Lin , Electrochemistry Communications , 2004, 6 (5): 454-460 May.

143. Determination of Serotonin and the Competitive Adsorption with DA at 5,5-ditetradecyl-2-(2-trimethyl-ammonioetyl)-1,3-dioxane Bromide Self-assembled Lipid Film Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode, J. M. Gong, X. Q. Lin , Analytical Sciences, 2004, 20(6):905-909 Jun.

144. Atomic force microscopy of DNA self-assembled on a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite electrode surface, X. H. Jiang, X. Q. Lin , Electrochemistry Communications , 2004, 6(9): 873-879.

145. DNA Nano-Netting Intertexture On Carbon Electrodes , X. Q. Lin, X. H. Jiang, L. P. Lu , Chin. Chem. Lett., 2004,15(8): 997-1000.

146. Attachment of DNA to the carbon fiber microelectrode via gold nanoparticles for simultaneous determination of dopamine and serotonin , L. P. Lu, S. Q. Wang, X. Q. Lin , Anal. Sci., 2004, 20 (8): 1131-1135 Aug.

147. Fabrication of Layer-By-Layer Deposited Multilayer Films Containing DNA And Gold Nanoparticle For Norepinephrine Biosensor, L. P. Lu, S. Q. Wang, X. Q. Lin, Analytica Chimica Acta , 2004, 519(2): 161-166.

148. Glassy carbon electrode modified with gold nanoparticle and DNA for the simultaneous determination of uric acid and norepinephrine under coexistence of ascorbic acid, L P Lu, X Q Lin, Analytical Science , 2004, 20(3): 527-530 Mar.

149. Electrocatalytical oxidation and selective detection of dopamine at 5,5-ditetradecyl-2-(2- trimethylammonioethyl)-1,3-dioxane bromide self-assembled bilayer membrane modified glassy carbon electrode, X Q Lin, J M Gong, Analytica Chimica Acta , 2004, 507(2): 255-261.

150. A Glassy Carbon Supported Bilayer Lipid-like Membrane of 5,5–Ditetradecyl–2-(2– Trimethyl-Ammonioethyl)–1,3-dioxane Bromide for Electrochemical sensing of Epinephrine, J. M. Gong, X. Q. Lin , Electrochimica Acta , 2004,49(25):4351-4357.

151. A selective voltammetric method for uric acid detection at a glassy carbon electrode modified with electrodeposited film containing DNA and Pt-Fe 2 O 3 nanocomposites, S. Q. Wang, L. P. Lu, X. Q. Lin, Electroanalysis , 2004, 16 (20): 1734-1738 OCT

152. 直流電位下 DNA 的納米網絡編織 , 林祥欽 , 蔣曉華 , 魯理平 , 中國化學會第 24 屆學術年會論文摘要集“新世紀的中國化學 - 機會與挑戰”, 10-O-007, 10-032, 湖南長沙 2004.

153. 氨基酸和膽堿的共價單層鍵植碳電極及其生化分析應用,林祥欽 ;晉冠平,中國化學會第 24 屆學術年會論文摘要集“新世紀的中國化學 - 機會與挑戰”, 10-P-054, 10-092, 湖南長沙 2004.

154. 自組雙層類脂膜的電化學研究,龔靜鳴;林祥欽 ,中國化學會第 24 屆學術年會論文摘要集“新世紀的中國化學 - 機會與挑戰”, 05-O-009, 05-023 ,湖南長沙 2004 。

155. DNA 神經遞質電化學傳感器 , 林祥欽 , 魯理平 , 蔣曉華 , 中國化學會第 24 屆學術年會論文摘要集“新世紀的中國化學 - 機會與挑戰”, 10-P-069, 10-107, 湖南長沙 2004.

156. DNA Deposition on Carbon Electrodes under Controlled DC Potentials, X. Q. Lin, X. H. Jiang, L. P. Lu, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2005, 20(9): 1709-1717.

157. Immobilization of DNA on carbon fiber microelectrodes by using overoxidized polypyrrole template for selective detection of dopamine and epinephrine in the presence of high concentrations of ascorbic acid and uric acid, X.H.Jiang; X.Q.Lin, Analyst, 2005, 130(3): 391-396.

158. Overoxidized Polypyrrole film Directed DNA Immobilization for Construction of Electrochemical Micro-biosensors and Simultaneous Determination of Serotonin and Dopamine, X.H.Jiang; X.Q.Lin,, Anal. Chin. Acta, 2005, 537: 145-151.

159. Electrodeposition of Pt-Fe(III) Nanoparticle on Glassy Carbon Electrode for Electrochemical Nitric Oxide Sensor, S Q Wang; X Q Lin, Electrochimica Acta, 2005, 50(14): 2887-2891.

160. Electrochemical generation of silver nanowires, X.Q. Lin; S.Q. Wang, Indian J. Chem., 2005, 44A(5):1016-1018. MAY.

161. Preparation and characterization of novel choline and L-glutamic acid mixed monolayer covalently modified glassy carbon electrode and analytical application for nitrite determination,G P Jin, X Q Lin,Chinese J.Chemistry,2005, 23(6): 673-677.

162. Monolayer Modification of Glassy Carbon Electrode by using Propionylcholine for Selective Detection of Uric Acid, X Q Lin; G P Jin, Electrochim. Acta, 2005, 50(16-17)MAY: 3210-3216.

163. Voltammetric behavior and determination of estrogens at carbamylcholine modified paraffin-impregnated graphite electrode, G P Jin; X Q Lin, Electrochimica Acta, 2005, 50(16-17): 3556-3562.

164. Glassy carbon electrodes modified with mixed covalent monolayers of choline, glycine, and glutamic acid for the determination of phenolic compounds, G P Jin; X Q Lin; Y F Ding, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2005, 1432-8488 (Paper) 1433-0768 (Online).

165. Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotube Paste Electrode for Adsorptive Stripping Determination of Quercetin: a Comparison with Graphite Paste Electrode via Voltammetry and Chrono- potentiometry, J B He; X Q Lin, Electroanalysis,2005, 17(18): 1681-1686.

166. Ion Channel Behavior of a tetra-(n-Hexadecylpyridiniurnyl)porphyrin and n-Hexadecylamine Fabricated Hybrid Bilayer Membrane on Glassy Carbon Electrode, X Q Lin; Y X Li, BCEIA, F21, 2005, Beijing, China.

167. Dopamine, Ascorbic Acid and Uric Acid Determination at a Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) Covalently Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode, X.Q. Lin, Y.X. Li, (第十三屆有機分析與生物分析學術會議, 10月, 遼寧鞍山 2005-8-30 subm.), 分析實驗室, 2005, 24(suppl): 230.

168. Heme Proteins and Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Containing Nafion films on a Choline Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode for Fabrication of Amperometric Biosensors, X.Q. Lin, Y.X. Li, (第十三屆有機分析與生物分析學術會議, 10月, 遼寧鞍山) 2005-8-30 subm. ,分析實驗室, 2005, 24(suppl): 231-232.

169. A Pt nano-clusters electrochemically deposited on multiwalled carbon nanotubes, X.Q. Lin, Y.X. Li, (第十三屆有機分析與生物分析學術會議, 10月, 遼寧鞍山.), 分析實驗室, 2005, 24(suppl): 227-228.

170. 在碳表面共價鍵種植納米單層生物有機分子, 林祥欽, 有機化學, 2005, 25 (suppl.): 262 (CCS第四屆有機化學學術會議, 昆明市, 2005年8月).

171. Voltammetry of the interaction of metronidazole with DNA and its analytical applications, X.H.Jiang; X.Q.Lin, Bioelectrochemistry, 2006, 68: 206-212.

172. Simultaneous electroanalysis of dopamine, ascorbic acid and uric acid by poly (vinyl alcohol) covalently modified glassy carbon electrode, Y. X. Li, X. Q. Lin, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2006, 15(1): 134-139.

173. A sensitive determination of estrogens with a Pt nano-clusters / multiwalled carbon nanotubes modified glassy carbon electrode,; X. Q. Lin; Y. X. Li, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2006, 22(2): 253-259.

174. Monolayer covalent modification of 5-hydroxytryptophan on glassy carbon electrodes for simultaneous determination of uric acid and ascorbic acid, X. Q. Lin: Y. X. Li, Electrochim. Acta, 2006, 51(26): 5794-5801.

175. DNA/Poly(p-aminobenzensulfonic acid ) Composite Bi-Layer Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode For Determination Of Dopamine And Uric Acid Under Coexistence Of Ascorbic Acid, X. Q. Lin; G. F. Kang; L. P. Lu, Bioelectrochemistry, 2006, 70: 235-244.

176. Self–Assembly of Molyybdophosphate on the Choline Covalently Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode and the Electrocatalytic Reduction of Iodate, X Q Lin, C M Jiang, Analytical Science, 2006, 22: 697-700.

177. Fabrication of a Nanobiocomposite Film Containing Heme Proteins and Carbon Nanotubes on a Choline Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode: Direct Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Catalysis, Yongxin Li, Xiangqin Lin, Chunming Jiang, Electroanalysis, 2006, 18 (21): 2085-2091.

178. Simultaneous determination of quercetin and rutin at a multi-wall carbon nanotube paste electrodes by reversing differential pulse voltammetry, X Q Lin; J B He; Z G Zha, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2006, 119: 608-614.

179. RNA modified electrode for the simultaneous determination of dopamine and uric acid in presence of high amounts of ascorbic acid, G F Kang; X Q Lin, Electroanalysis, 2006,18(24): 2458-2466. PDF.

180. 5-羥色胺酸及其衍生物修飾玻碳電極的制備及應用, 李永新,林祥欽, 南昌大學學報(理科版), 2006, 30(suppl):865-866. (中國化學會第九屆分析化學年會及第九屆全國原子光譜學術會議, #272, 2006.10, 江西南昌)

181. 磷鉬雜多酸在膽堿共價修飾玻碳電極上的自組裝及其對溴酸根的催化還原, 姜春明,林祥欽, 南昌大學學報(理科版), 2006, 30(suppl):867-868. (中國化學會第九屆分析化學年會及第九屆全國原子光譜學術會議, #276, 2006.10.10-15, 江西南昌)

182. DNA/二聚氨基苯磺酸復合膜修飾電極測定多巴胺, 康廣鳳,林祥欽, 南昌大學學報(理科版), 2006, 30(suppl): 788-789. (中國化學會第九屆分析化學年會及第九屆全國原子光譜學術會議, #273, 2006.10.10-15, 江西南昌. 口頭報告)

183. 多壁碳納米管支撐的鉑納米團簇的電化學沉積及對氧的催化還原, 徐彥輝,林祥欽, 南昌大學學報(理科版), 2006, 30(suppl): 790-791. (中國化學會第九屆分析化學年會及第九屆全國原子光譜學術會議, #275, 2006.10.10-15, 江西南昌).

184. NO2-在納米修飾電極上催化氧化, 朱小紅, 林祥欽, 南昌大學學報(理科版), 2006, 30(suppl):1149-1150. (中國化學會第九屆分析化學年會及第九屆全國原子光譜學術會議, #274, 2006.10.10-15, 江西南昌. 口頭報告).


185. Mechanestic Studies of the Mode of Reaction of Mitomycin C under Catalytic and Electrochemical Reductive Conditions, H. Kohn; N. Zein; X.Q. Lin; J.Q. Ding; K.M. Kadish, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1987, 109: 1833-1840.

186. 大腦探測伏安法(Voltammetry of brain probing), 陳 峻; 林祥欽, 分析化學, 1999, 27(3): 361-266.

187. 長光程薄層紫外-可見光譜電化學法測定多巴胺, 吳霖生; 崔 華; 晉冠平; 林祥欽, 分析化學, 2000,28(5):617-620.( Determination of dopamine by long path length thin-layer ultraviolet-visible spectroelectrochemistry, Wu LS; Cui H; Jin GP; Lin XQ,Chin. Anal. Chem.,2000, 28(5):617-620.)

188. Intercalation of Epinephrine with Calf-thymus ds-DNA, S.J.Zeng; X.Q.Lin, Chin.Chem.Lett., 2001,12(7): 619-622. (Zheng SJ; Lin XQ, Intercalation of epinephrine with calf-thymus ds-DNA, Chin.Chem.Lett., 2001,12,7,619-622.)

189. 分子計算機的研究進展, 尹屹梅; 林祥欽, 化學進展, 2001,13(5):337-342.( Yin YM; Lin XQ, Progress on molecular computer, Prog. in Chem.,2001,13,5,337-342.)

190. 一種單細胞電化學模擬分析裝置,夏小慶;林祥欽,分析科學學報,2002,18(3):260. (A electrochemical analysis device for simulating single cell, J. Anal. Sci., 2002, 18(3): 260. CHI)

191. 充蠟石墨支撐的季銨離子/己二酸混合雙層膜上鈣離子誘發的離子通道行為, 龔靜鳴; 林祥欽, 化學學報, 2002, 60(4):698-703. (Calcium Ion Induced Ion Channel Behavior of Supported Hybrid Bilayer Membranes on a Waxed Graphite Electrode, Aata Chiica. Sinica, 2002, 60(4):698-703. CHI)

192. 用聲卡采集電生理數據的方法研究, 尹屹梅; 林祥欽, 中國科技大學學報,2002,32(3):283-287. (A study on sound-card recording method for electrophysiological data, Y Yin; X Lin, J. Univ. Sci. Technol. China., 2002,32(3):283-287. CHI)

193. 基于美洲蜚蠊下顎須的整合受體生物傳感器測定抗壞血酸, 洪麗; 尹屹梅; 鄭賽晶; 段亞楠; 林祥欽*,化學學報,2002,60(9):1727-1731. (Intact-Chemoreceptor Based Biosensor: Detection of Ascorbic Acid, L Hong, Y M Yin, S J Zeng, Y N Duan, X Q Lin, Acta Chemica Sinica, 2002, 60(9):1727-1731)

194. Single Alternating Group Explicit (SAGE) Method for Electrochemical Finite Difference Digital Simulation, Z.X.Deng; X.Q.Lin; Z.H.Zhong, Chin. J. Chem., 2002,20,252-262.

195. 雙波長薄層紫外-可見光譜電化學方法測定多巴胺, 晉冠平; 崔華; 林祥欽; 施麗君, 理化檢驗-化學分冊,2002,38(3):132-134. (Detection of dopamine by double wavelength thin-layer UV-Visible spectroelectrohemistry, G Jin; H Cui; X Lin; L Shi, PTCA Part B, 2002,38(3):132-134. CHI)

196. Facilitated Electron Transfer of Hemoglobin Embeded in Nanosized Fe3O4 Matrix Based on Paraffin Impregnated Graphite Electrode and Electrochemical Catalysis for Trichloroacetic Acid, (4)J. M. Gong; X. Q. Lin, Microchemical Journal, 75(1)July:51-57, 2003.

197. Ion Channel Behavior of a Supported Bilayer Lipid Membrane Composed of 5,5–Ditetradecyl -2-(2-trimethyl- ammonioethyl)–1, 3-dioxane Bromide Modified Glass Carbon Electrode, J M Gong; X Q Lin, Chin.J.Chemistry, 2003,21(7):756-760 .

198. Direct electrochemistry of horseradish peroxidase embedded in nanosized Fe3O4 matrix on paraffin impregnated graphite electrode and electrochemical catalysis for H2O2, J M Gong; X Q Lin, Chin.J.Chemistry, 2003,21(7):761-766.

199. Spectral and electrochemical investigation of Intercalations of Adrenaline and CT-DNA, S J ZHENG;X Q LIN, Chin.J.Chemistry, 2003,21(7):767-771.

200. Voltammetric Behaviour of Dopamine At DNA Modified Carbon Fiber Microelectrode and Its Analytical Applications, X Q Lin, L P Lu, Microchemia Acta, 2003, 143(4):229-235.

201. 封閉式電滲驅動方法及電滲鼓, 林祥欽, 蔣曉華, 何友昭, 發明專利, 申請日: 030404, 專利號: ZL 03 1 13129.8, 授權日: 051228, 授權公告號: CN 1233446C, 證書號: No.242478.

202. 一種DNA納米網絡編織碳電極及其制備方法, 林祥欽; 蔣曉華; 魯理平, 發明專利,申請號:03131966.1 (申請日:2003-6-19); 03132149.6 (申請日:2003-6-29). 公開號: CN1566361A. 授權公告: 2006-9-13.

203. Voltammetry of the interaction of metronidazole with DNA and its analytical applications, X.H.Jiang; X.Q.Lin, Bioelectrochemistry, 2006, 68: 206-212.

204. Simultaneous electroanalysis of dopamine, ascorbic acid and uric acid by poly (vinyl alcohol) covalently modified glassy carbon electrode, Y. X. Li, X. Q. Lin, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2006, 15(1): 134-139.

205. A sensitive determination of estrogens with a Pt nano-clusters / multiwalled carbon nanotubes modified glassy carbon electrode,; X. Q. Lin; Y. X. Li, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2006, 22(2): 253-259.

206. Monolayer covalent modification of 5-hydroxytryptophan on glassy carbon electrodes for simultaneous determination of uric acid and ascorbic acid, X. Q. Lin: Y. X. Li, Electrochim. Acta, 2006, 51(26): 5794-5801.

207. DNA/Poly(p-aminobenzensulfonic acid ) Composite Bi-Layer Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode For Determination Of Dopamine And Uric Acid Under Coexistence Of Ascorbic Acid, X. Q. Lin; G. F. Kang; L. P. Lu, Bioelectrochemistry, 2006, 70: 235-244.


208. 超快掃速循環伏安法的研究進展(Recent development of ultra-fast scan cyclic voltammetry), 林祥欽;趙煒;鄧兆祥,安徽師大學報(自然科學版)J. of Anhui Norm. Univ. (Nature Sci.),1998,21(4):389-394.

209. 雙盤工作電極參比電位采樣快掃伏安方法(Twin disk working electrode: Potential sampling method for cyclic voltammetric measurements),林祥欽; 趙 煒; 鄧兆祥,分析化學, 1999, 27(2): 237-241.

210. 基于AD829運算放大器的超快伏安系統,鄧兆祥; 林祥欽*,分析化學,2003,31(10):1269-1273.(Ultrafast cyclic voltammetric system based on AD829 operational amplifier, Z Deng; X Lin, Chin. J. of Anal. Chem., 2003,31(10): 1269-1273. CHI)

211. Ultrafast Cyclic Voltammetry At Scan Rates Up To 3 MV/s Through A Single-Opamp Circuit With Positive Feedback Compensation Of Ohmic Drop, Z. Y. Guo, X. Q. Lin, J.Electroanal.Chem. , 2004, 568(1-2): 45-53.

212. Undistorted Cyclic Voltammograms at Scan Rates up to 2.5 MV s-1 through Positive Feedback Compensation of Ohmic Drop, Z. Y. Guo, X. Q. Lin, Z. X. Deng , Chinese J. Chemistry , 2004, 22(9): 913-919 SEPT.

213. 超快速電化學研究 , 林祥欽 , 郭智勇 , 鄧兆祥 , 中國化學會第 24 屆學術年會論文摘要集“新世紀的中國化學 - 機會與挑戰”, 11-O-015, 11-019, 湖南長沙 2004. (Studies of Ultrafast Electrochemistry, X. Q. Lin, Z. Y. Guo, Z. X. Deng , The 24th Annual Metting of the Chinese Chemical Society , 11-O-015, April 24~27, 2004, Changsha , China ).

214. Ultrafast Double Potential Step Chronoamperometry with the Time Window Down to Submicrosecond, X Q Lin, Z Y Guo , Anal. Sci., 2004, 20(12): 1645-1647.

215. 快掃速伏安法研究進展, 林祥欽, 第九屆全國電分析化學學術會議(the 9th National Conference on Electroanalytical Chemistry)大會報告, 2005.10南京, 論文摘要集, A-6, p.7. 2005.10.28~11.1, 南京.

216. Ultrafast Sinusoidal Voltammetry, Z Y Guo(3); X Q Lin, Anal. Sci. 2005, 38(6)APR:1007-1017.

217. Kinetic studies of oxygen and superoxide ion in acetonitrile at gold electrodes using ultrafast cyclic voltammetry, Z. Y. Guo, X. Q. Lin, J. Electroanal. Chem., 2005, 576(1): 95-103.

218. An Integrated Dual Ultramicroelectrode with Lower Solution Resistance Applied in Ultrafast Cyclic Voltammetry, Z Y Guo; X H Jiang; X Q Lin, Anal. Sci., 2005, 21(2): 101-105. Feb.

219. An Integrated Chemically Modified Dual-Microelectrode Sensing Probe, X Q Lin; L P Lu; X H Jiang, Chin.Chem.Lett., 2005, 16(3): 416-418.

220. Dissociation and Adsorption of Acetonitrile at Gold Electrodes on Ultrafast Voltammetry, X.Q. Lin; Z.Y. Guo; Y.H. Xu, (第十三屆有機分析與生物分析學術會議, 10月, 遼寧鞍山), 分析實驗室, 2005, 24(suppl): 229.

221. Compensation Of Ohmic Drop Within An Electrochemical Cell By Using An Auxiliary Working Electrode, X Q Lin; L D Feng, ISEC, I-59 (邀請口頭報告). 2005.10, 長春.

222.The in-cell iR compensation using a four-electrode system, X Q Lin; L D Feng, Chin. Chem. Lett, 2006, 17(5): 703-706.

223. Direct Electrochemical Evidence of the Dissociation and Adsorption Behavior of Acetonitrile at Gold Electrodes by Ultrafast Voltammetry, Z. Y. GUO; X. Q. Lin; Y. H. Xu, Chin. Chem. Lett., 2006, 17(4): 513-516.


224. Potential-resolved electrochemiluminescence of luminol, X.Q.Lin; H. Cui; Y.G.Sun, Chem. J. Chin. Univ., 1999,20(supplement):316.

225. 堿性魯米諾體系在玻碳和鉑電極上的電位分辨電致化學發光研究(Potential-resolved electrochemiluminescence of luminol in alkaline solutions at glassy carbon and platinum electrodes), 林祥欽; 孫玉剛; 崔 華, 分析化學, 1999,27(5): 497-503.

226. Inhibition of luminol and lucigenin chemiluminescence by reducing organic compounds, H.Cui; R.Meng; H.Y.Jiang; Y.G.Sun; X.Q.Lin, Luminescence, 1999, 14(3): 175-182.

227. Cu2+對魯米諾陽極電致化學發光的抑制作用(Inhibition of Cu2+ to the anodic electrochemiluminescence of luminol), 孫玉剛; 崔華; 林祥欽,光譜實驗室,1999, 16(6):611-614.

228. Long-lasting chemiluminescence of luminol on electrochemically pre-oxidized platinum electrodes in NaOH solution, Lin XQ; Sun YG; Cui H, LUMINESCENCE, 2000, 15(5), pp 299-304.

229. 魯米諾在鉑電極上陽極電致化學發光機理研究, 孫玉剛; 崔 華; 林祥欽, 化學學報, 2000,58(5):567-571.( Sun YG; Cui H; Lin XQ, Mechanistic study of the anodic electrochemiluminescence of luminol at platinum electrode, ACTA CHIMICA SINICA 2000, Vol 58, Iss 5, pp 567-571.)

230. Determination of some catechol derivatives by a flow injection electrochemiluminescent inhibition method, Sun YG; Cui H; Li YH; Lin XQ, TALANTA 2000, Vol 53, Iss 3, pp 661-666.,

231. 鉑電極在堿性含氧溶液中的預還原處理對魯米諾電致化學發光的影響, 孫玉剛; 崔 華; 林祥欽, 化學學報, 2000, 58(9):1151-1155.

232. 流動注射化學發光法測定啤酒中的單寧酸, 李世鳳; 崔 華; 孫玉剛; 林祥欽, 光譜實驗室, 2000,17(6):680-683.

233. Flow injection analysis of pyrogallol with enhanced electrochemiluminescent detection, Sun YG; Cui H; Lin XQ; Li YH; Zhao HZ, ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 2000, Vol 423, Iss 2, pp 247-253. (sci)

234. Flow injection analysis of tannic acid with inhibited electrochemiluminescent detection, Sun YG; Cui H; Li YH; Zhao HZ; Lin XQ, ANALYTICAL LETTERS 2000, Vol 33, Iss 11, pp 2281-2291. (sci)

235. Determination of gallic acid by flow injection with electrochemiluminescence detection, Y.G.Sun; H.Cui; Y.H.Li; X.Q.Lin, Anal.Lett., 2000,33(15):3239-3252.( Sun YG; Cui H; Li YH; Li SF; Lin XQ, Determination of gallic acid by flow injection with electrochemiluminescent detection, Analytical Letters 2000,33,15,3239-3252. )sci

236. 魯米諾在鉑電極上電位分辨的電致化學發光研究(Investigation of potential- resolved electrochemiluminescence of luminol at platinum electrodes), 孫玉剛; 崔華; 林祥欽, “分析化學的成就與挑戰”,2000,pp.443-444, 西南師大出版社, 重慶.

237. Study of electrochemiluminescence of lucigenin at glassy carbon electrodes in NaOH solution, Y.G.Sun; H.Cui; X.Q.Lin, J. Luminescence, 2001, 92(3):205-211.( Sun YG; Cui H; Lin XQ, Study of electrochemiluminescence of lucigenin at glassy carbon electrodes in NaOH solution, JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE 2001,92,3,205-211.)

238. Chemiluminescence of Ce(IV) and surfactant Tween 20, H.Cui; S.F.Li; X.Q.Lin, Analyst, 2001,126:553-554.( Cui H; Li SF; Lin XQ, Chemiluminescence of Ce(IV) and surfactant Tween 20, ANALYST2001,126,5,553-554.)

239. 流動注射電致化學發光抑制法測定香煙中的綠原酸, 孫玉剛; 李應會; 崔華; 林祥欽, 分析化學,2001, 29(4):459-459.

240. 流動注射化學發光增強法測定單寧酸,李世鳳; 崔華; 孫玉剛; 林祥欽,分析化學, 2001, 29(3):333-335. (Li SF; Cui H; Sun YG; Lin XQ, Flow injection analysis of tannic acid with enhanced chemiluminescent detection, CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2001,29,3,,333-335.)

241. 化學發光分析法應用新進展, 韓鶴友; 崔華; 林祥欽, 光譜實驗室, 2002, 19(1): 39-45. (Recent progress in analytical application of chemiluminescence, H Han; H Cui, X Lin, Chin. J. Spectroscopy Lab., 2002, 19(1): 39-45. )

242. Potential-Resolved Electrochemiluminescence of Ru(bpy)32+/C2O42- System on Gold Electrode, F.Li; H.Cui; X.Q.Lin, Luminescence,2002,17:117-122.

243. A novel chemiluminescent method for the determination of salicylic acid in bactericidal solutions, H Cui, S F Li, F Li, Y G Sun, X Q Lin, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2002, 372: 601-604.

244. Electrogenerated chemiluminescence behaviors of Ru(bpy)32+ system on a paraffin-impregnated graphite electrode and a glassy carbon electrode, F. Li, H. Cui, X.Q. Lin, Luminescence, 2002, 17: 98.

245. Comparative Studies on Electrogenerated Chemiluminescent and Amperometric behaviors of Ru(bpy)32+ System on a Paraffin-Impregnated Graphite Electrode and a Glassy Carbon Electrode, Feng Li,Xiang-Qin Lin* and Hua Cui*,J Electroanal.Chem. 2002, 534: 91-98.

246. Determination of adrenaline by using inhibited Ru(bpy)32+ electrochemiluminescence, F. Li, H. Cui, X.Q. Lin, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2002 , 471(2): 187-194.

247. Ru(bpy)3/2+-C2O42--PtE體系的兩條電致化學發光通道, 李鳳; 林祥欽; 崔華, 化學學報, 2002,60(2):304-311. (Ru(bpy)3/2+-C2O42—PtE, F Li; X Lin; H Cui, Acta Chimia Sinica, 2002, 60(2): 304-311. CHI)

248. Electrogenerated chemiluminescence behaviors of Ru(bpy)32+ system on a paraffin-impregnated graphite electrode and a glassy carbon electrode, F.Li; H.Cui*; X.Q.Lin *,第十二屆國際生物發光和化學發光學術討論會, 劍橋大學,UK, 2002.

249. Electrochemiluminescence of luminol in alkaline solution at a paraffin-impregnated graphite electrode, H Cui; G Z Zhou; X Q Lin, Anal.Chem., 2003,75(2)Jan: 324-331.

250. Cathodic electrochemiluminescence of Ru(bpy)32+/Nafion coated on graphite oxide electrode in purely aqueous solution, H Cui; X Y Zhao; X Q Lin, Luminescence, 2003, 18(4)Jul-Aug:199-202.

251. Determination of noradrenaline and dopamine in pharmaceutical injection samples by inhibition flow-injection electrochemiluminescence of Ruthenium complexes,F Li; X Q Lin;H Cui,Talanta, 2003, 59(3) March : 627-636.

252. Flow injection analysis of gallic acid with inhibited electro-chemiluminescence detection, X.Q. Lin, F. Li, Y.Q. Pang, H. Cui, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry , 2004, 378(8): 2028-2033 Apr.

253. Potential-dependent electrochemiluminescence of luminol in alkaline solution at a gold electrode, Hua Cui, Zhi-Feng Zhang, Gui-Zheng Zou and Xiang-Qin Lin, J.Electroanal.Chem. , 2004, 566(2): 305-313 May.

254. Effect of pH on inhibition and enhancement of Luminol-H2O2-Co2+ chemiluminescence by phenolic compounds and amino acids , H. Cui, M. J. Shi, R. Meng, J. Zhou, C. Z. Lai, X. Q. Lin, 2004, Photochem. Photobiology, 79 (3): 233-241.

255. Inhibition of Ru complex electrochemiluminescence by phenols and anilines, H.Cui;F.Li;Ming-Juan Shi;Yong-Qiang Pang;X.Q.Lin, Electroanalysis 2005, 17(7): 589-598.  



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257. PreCast Nanosized Fe3O4 Dispersion as Fine Tunner of a Controllable El








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