1.1973.09-1976.07 山東師范大學(xué)化學(xué)系;
2.1980.09-1986.07 山東大學(xué)化學(xué)系研究生,導(dǎo)師:中科院院士鄧從豪教授, 1986年7月獲理學(xué)博士學(xué)位;
3.1987.08-1989.08 吉林大學(xué)理論化學(xué)研究所做博士后,導(dǎo)師:中科院院士孫家鐘教授;
4.1996.08-1996.12 日本京都大學(xué)與福井謙一教授(諾貝爾化學(xué)獎獲得者)、山邊時雄教授合作,從事生物分子理論合作研究;
5.2000.08-2000.12 日本筑波大學(xué)與菊池修教授合作,從事溶液理論合作研究;
1. 量子化學(xué)理論方法及其應(yīng)用研究;
2. 分子反應(yīng)動力學(xué)理論方法及其應(yīng)用研究;
3. 分子模擬理論方法及其應(yīng)用研究。
1. 國家自然科學(xué)基金七五重大項目:量子化學(xué)的理論與應(yīng)用---電子相關(guān)問題的理論和計算,18.0萬元,1987.01—1990.12;
2. 國家自然科學(xué)基金八五重大項目:量子化學(xué)與統(tǒng)計熱力學(xué)在化學(xué)中的應(yīng)用--分子反應(yīng)的量子散射理論,25.0萬元,1991.06—1995.12,項目編號:29290307;
3. 國家博士后管委員博士后基金項目:量子化學(xué)多體理論,2.0萬元1988.01—1989.12;
4. 國家教委博士點基金項目: 氮烯類化合物結(jié)構(gòu)和反應(yīng)性能理論研究,3.0萬元,1994.01—1997.12, 項目編號:9342208;
5. 國家自然科學(xué)基金項目:與大氣臭氧損耗有關(guān)的化學(xué)反應(yīng)過程理論研究,6.0萬元,1995.01—1997.12,項目編號:29473106;
6. 國家自然科學(xué)基金項目:電子轉(zhuǎn)移反應(yīng)速率問題的理論研究, 11.0萬元,1999.01—2001.12, 項目編號:29873025;
7. 山東省自然科學(xué)基金重點項目:多金屬橋聯(lián)鐵磁性分子材料的理論設(shè)計, 12.0萬元,2000.12—2003.12, 項目編號:Z2000B02;
8. 國家自然科學(xué)基金重點項目: 核酸電荷傳遞超快過程的微觀機理研究,40.0萬元,2002.01-2005.12,項目編號:20133020;
9. 中國石油天然氣(集團)總公司:非晶態(tài)超高分子聚合物工程熱力學(xué)參數(shù)理論計算及物系分子力學(xué)模擬,30.0萬元,2002.10-2005.06,項目編號:20021030A;
10. 國家自然科學(xué)基金項目:三核及簡單一維鏈體系磁相互作用的理論研究,22.0萬元, 2004.01-2006.12,批準號:20373033;
11. 中國石油天然氣(集團)總公司:高性能減阻聚合物的分子設(shè)計研究,49.5萬元, 2004.05-2008.12,批準號:GDGS/KJZX/KY1 JL 16-01-03-2003A1;
12.中國石油天然氣(集團)總公司:天然氣減阻劑機理研究,43萬元, 2006.12-2008.12,批準號:2006A-0017;
13.國家科委,國家重點基礎(chǔ)研究發(fā)展計劃(973計劃)項目。項目名稱:生命體系識別和調(diào)控過程中重要化學(xué)問題的基礎(chǔ)研究。課題名稱:組合QM/MM計算方法及其在生物酶中的應(yīng)用. 45萬元,2004.09-2009.10,課題編號:2004CB719902;
14. 國家自然科學(xué)基金重點項目:生物大分子分子識別與質(zhì)能傳遞過程的理論研究,60.0萬元,2007.01-2010.12,項目編號:20633060;
15. 國家自然科學(xué)基金項目:適用于若干生物大分子體系的緊束縛方法研究,33.0萬元,2009.01-2011.12,批準號:20873075;
16. 中國石油天然氣(集團)總公司:油品減阻劑開發(fā)與應(yīng)用研究,600萬元, 2008.11-2010.12,批準號:CNPC-2008-4549-01.
石油儲運減阻增輸及安全節(jié)能技術(shù)的研究與應(yīng)用 劉成卜; 張長橋; 魏云鶴; 于萍; 李國平; 主沉浮 山東大學(xué); 中國石油管道公司科技研究中心 2005-08-05。
1. 劉成卜,鄧從豪,
氫分子(H2) 基態(tài)的相關(guān)函數(shù)與相關(guān)能.
2. Deng Conghao, Liu Chengbu,
N-Representability and Method of Linear Variation of Second-Order Reduced Density Matrices.
J.Mol. Sci.,1985, 3(2), 151.
3. Liu Chengbu, Deng Conghao,
N-Representability of Reduced Density Matrices with Preimage Wavefunction Specified by Racah Scheme.
J. Mol. Sci., 1987, 5(2), 145.
4 Liu Chengbu, Deng Conghao,
Several Conclusions Concerning Diffuse Functions.Chem.
J. Chin. Univ., 1987, 3(2), 56.
5. 劉成卜, 鄧從豪,
高等學(xué)校化學(xué)學(xué)報, 1988, 9(2), 157.
6. Sun Jiazhong, Li Bofu, Zeng Zonghao, Liu Chengbu,
On the Construction of n-Electron States with Symplectic Symmetry.Chem.
J. Chin. Univ.,1989, 5(4), 344.
7. 劉成卜,鄧從豪,
BH4-, CH4, NH4+, H4O2+,H4F3+,BH32-,CH3-,NH3,H3O+,H3F2+等電子系的從頭算研究.
山東大學(xué)學(xué)報, 1989,24(3), 53.
8. 劉成卜, 曾宗浩, 孫家鐘,
科學(xué)通報, 1990, 第10期, 758.
9. Liu Chengbu, Zeng Zonghao, Sun Jiazhong,
Investigation on a Class of Wavefunctions with Symplectic Symmetry.
Chinese Science Bulletin, 1990, 35,2057.
10. 金北雁, 劉成卜*, 胡海泉, 孫家鐘,
物理化學(xué)學(xué)報, 1990, 6, 456.
11. 劉成卜, 李伯符,
吉林大學(xué)學(xué)報, 1991, 第一期, 68
12.海泉, 劉成卜*, 金北雁, 孫家鐘,
高等學(xué);瘜W(xué)學(xué)報, 1991, 12, 648.
13. Liu Chengbu, Deng Conghao, Hu Haiquan, Jin Beiyan,
The Properties of n-Electron Wave Functions Built Up with Two Kinds of Geminals.
Int.J. Quantum Chem., 1992,42, 339.
14. Liu Chengbu, Deng Conghao, Jin Beiyan, Hu Haiquan,
Applications of n-Electron Wave Functions Built Up with Two Kinds of Geminals.
Int. J.Quantum Chem., 1992, 43,301.
15. Ding Shiliang, Liu Chengbu, Deng Conghao, Dong Shunle,
Semiclassically Statistical Method for the Fission of Unimolecules into Two Free Radicals.
J. Mol. Sci., 1993, 9(2), 117.
16. Dong Shunle, Deng Conghao, Liu Chengbu,
Theoretical Study of Multiphoton Dissociation for Resonant Decay Widths and Resonant Energies.
J. Mol. Sci., 1993, 9(2), 89.
17. Sun Huabin, Liu Chengbu*, Zhao Liming,
Mechanism of the Concerted Ring Expansion of Singlet Cyclopropyl Nitrene.
Chem. Phys. Letts.,1994, 228, 268.
18. 孫華斌, 劉成卜*, 丁世良, 鄧從豪,
化學(xué)學(xué)報, 1994, 52, 740.
19. 孫華斌, 劉成卜*, 鄧從豪,
化學(xué)學(xué)報, 1994, 52, 556.
20. Liu Chengbu, Sun Huabin, Lu Deng, Deng Conghao,
Theoretical Studies of the Isomerizations of Singlet and Triplet Silyl Nitrene.
Science in China (Series B), 1994, 37, 1161.
21. 劉成卜, 孫華斌, 鄧從豪,
中國科學(xué)(B輯), 1994, 24(6), 567.
22. 王沂軒, 劉成卜, 鄧從豪,
高等學(xué)校化學(xué)學(xué)報, 1995, 16(19), 1445.(SCIE)
23. 孫華斌, 劉成卜, 關(guān)大任,
環(huán)境科學(xué), 1996, 17(2), 32.
24. 孫利鵬, 馬驁, 王沂軒, 劉成卜,
CF3C(O)F 水合作用的熱力學(xué)和動力學(xué)理論研究.
物理化學(xué)學(xué)報, 1996, 12(4), 361.
25. 馬驁, 孫利鵬, 王沂軒, 劉成卜*, 鄧從豪,
高等學(xué);瘜W(xué)學(xué)報,1996, 17(5), 777.
26. 劉成卜,
27. 孫華斌, 王修德, 劉成卜, 鄧從豪,
化學(xué)學(xué)報, 1997, 55, 250.
28. Yufang Zhou, Jiajian Wang, Chengbu Liu,
The Cluster Study on Doping Energy of a-Si:H.
Solid State Commun., 1997, 103(11), 615.
29. 王沂軒,劉成卜,孫利鵬,馬驁,
CF3C(O)F 解離和異構(gòu)化反應(yīng)的熱力學(xué)和動力學(xué)理論研究.
山東大學(xué)學(xué)報, 1997, 32(3), 302.
30. 趙黎明,孫華斌,劉成卜,
大氣臭氧損耗中的 Diels-Alder反應(yīng).
《研究與探索》,上海科學(xué)技術(shù)出版社,上海,1997 年6月第一版,130-135.
31. 胡海泉, 劉成卜,
物理化學(xué)學(xué)報, 1998,14(4), 349.
32. 盧秀慧,王沂軒,劉成卜, 鄧從豪,
33. Yufang Zhou and Chengbu Liu,
Theoretical study of C-H bonds of a-C:H.
J. Phys.Chem. s. 1998, 59, 1021-1023.
34. 胡海泉,劉成卜,
物理化學(xué)學(xué)報,1998,14, 1104.
35. 胡海泉,劉成卜,
36. 胡海泉, 劉成卜,
37. 盧秀慧,王沂軒,劉成卜,
38. 胡海泉,劉成卜,
39. 盧秀慧, 王沂軒, 劉成卜,
40. 盧秀慧,劉成卜,鄧從豪,
41. 盧秀慧, 王沂軒, 劉成卜,
42. 張冬菊,李林尉,馮大誠,步宇翔,劉成卜,
溶液中M(H2O)62+/3+(M=V,Cr,Mn, Fe,Co)自交換電子轉(zhuǎn)移體系內(nèi)層重組能和活化能的理論研究.
43. Yuxiang Bu, Xinyu Song and Chengbu Liu,
Theoretical Study of V2+OH2/V3+OH2 Electron Transfer Reactivity at Electron Correlation Level.
J. Phys. Chem. A, 1999, 103, 4485-4493.
44. Wen Cai Lu, Cheng Bu Liu and Chia Chung Sun,
Theoretical Study of the H3PNH+H2CO Reaction Mechanism Via Five Reaction Channels.
J. Phys. Chem. A, 1999, 103, 1078-1083.
45. Wang Yi-Xuan, Li Lin-Wei, Bian Wen-Sheng, Liu Cheng-Bu*, Deng Cong-Hao,
On the accuracy of the potential harmonic functions.
Chin. J. Chem., 1999,17(6), 561-569.
46. Dongju Zhang, Yuxiang Bu and Chengbu Liu,
Theoretical Study of the Inner-Sphere Energy Barrier of the Transition-Metal Complex M(H2O)62+/3+
in Electron-Transfer Process
Int. J. Quantum Chem., 1999, 75, 119-126.
47. Hai Quan Hu, Yong Jun Liu, Da Cheng Feng, Cheng Bu Liu*,
Ground State Spins of Bicarbenes and Binitrenes, Coupled through Electron-Rich Rings.
Chin.Chem. Lett., 1999, 10(11), 937-940.
48. Yuxiang Bu, Xingyu Song, Chengbu Liu,
Cr2+OH2/Cr3+OH2 electron transfer reactivity: an ab initio study at UMP2/6-311+G* level including
all electron correlation.
J.Mol. Struct. (Theochem), 1999, 489, 141-149.
49. Yuxiang Bu, Chengbu Liu,
O2+O2-electron transfer reactivity in the quartet state from ab initio calculation including electron correlation.
J. Mol. Struct. (Theochem), 1999, 490, 7-20.
50. Y.F. Zhou and C.B.Liu,
Theoretical study of HOCl adsorption on ice surface.
J.Phys. Chem. s., 1999, 60, 2001-2004.
51. Hai Quan Hu, Xian Zhao, Da Cheng Feng, Cheng Bu Liu*,
Coupling between Two No Radicals Linked through Electron-Rich Rings.
Chin.Chem.lett., 2000, 11(2), 123-126.
52. Dongju Zhang, Fangzhen Liang, Dacheng Feng, Chengbu Liu,
Ab initio study of the reorganization barrier for bent triatomic species.
Chem. Phys. Letters, 2000,317, 430-436.
53. Dongju Zhang, Bingyou Zhuang, Dacheng Feng, Chengbu Liu,
Theoretical Study of Self-Exchange Electron-Transfer Reactions for the M(H2O)62+/3+ (M=V, Cr, Mn, and Fe) Systems.
Int. J. Quantum Chem., 2000, 78,32-41.
54. 王沂軒, 弭云杰, 劉成卜*,
類氦離子 1, 3P激發(fā)態(tài)Schrodinger 方程的直接解.
55. Bian Wensheng, Liu Chengbu and H.J.Werner,
A fully ab initio potential energy surface for ClH2 reactive system.
Science in China (Series B),2000,43(4),396-404.
56.Yufang Zhou, Chengbu Liu,
Ab initio Study of Ice Catalyzation of HOCl +HCl Reaction.
Int. J. Quantum Chem., 2000,78,281.
57. Haiquan Hu, Dongju Zhang, Zhida Chen, Chengbu Liu*,
Influence of structural parameters of Cu2O2 core on magnetic coupling in alkoxo-bridged Cu(II) binuclear system.
Chem. Phys. Lets. , 2000, 329, 255-260.
58. 劉成卜,
59. 邊文生, 劉成卜, H.J.Werner,
中國科學(xué)(B輯), 2000, 30(5), 473.
60. 任燕, 馮大誠, 劉成卜,
山東大學(xué)學(xué)報, 2000,35(3), 310.
61. Wang Yixuan, Bu Yuxiang, Liu Chengbu*,
Exact Radial Solution of the Non-relativistic Schrodinger Equation for the Helium Atom with
the Potential Harmonic Method,
Chem. Res. Chin. Univ., 2000,16, 213-217.
62.Wang Yixuan, Zhuang Bingyou, Liu Chengbu*,
Performance of Hyperspherical Harmonic Expansion on the Low-lying P and D States of Helium Atom.
Chem. Res. Chin. Univ., 2000,16, 351-355.
63. 楊國生,嚴波,雷林,王文剛,劉成卜,
64 Yongjun Liu, Ying Liu, Xianghe Kong, Min Xia, Chengbu Liu,
Theoretical Investigation on Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Substituted Benzothiazole Derivatives.
J. Theor. & Exp. Chem., 2000, 36, 333.
65. 張冬菊, 胡海泉, 劉永軍,步宇翔,劉成卜,
物理化學(xué)學(xué)報, 2000,16,855.(SCIE)
66. Yuxiang Bu, Chengbu Liu,
The Orientation and Distance-Dependence Analysis of the Electron Transfer Reactivity:
An Electron Correlation Level Investigation of Mn2+(H2O)2/Mn3+(H2O)2 System.
J. Comput. Chem. 2000,21,1387.
67. 劉永軍,劉 英, 趙 顯,劉成卜,
68. Liu Yongjun, Liu Ying, Zhao Xian, Hu Haiquan, Zhang Dongju, Liu Chengbu*,
Theoretical Study on Second-order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Substituted Thiazole Derivatives.
Chin. J. Chem., 2001,19(4), 332.
69. 劉永軍,劉英,劉成卜*,
70. 劉永軍, 劉英 ,趙顯, 劉成卜*,
71. Haiquan Hu, Dongju Zhang, Yongju Liu, Chengbu Liu*,
Magnetic Coupling Mechanism in Singly Bridged Binuclear Systems.
Chem. Phys. Lett. 2001,340,370.
72. Haiquan Hu, Yongju Liu, Dongju Zhang, Chengbu Liu*,
Effect of Structural and Chemical Parameters on Magnetic Coupling in Hydroxo-Bridged Cu(II) Dimer.
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCH), 2001, 546, 73.
73. Dongju Zhang, Haiquan Hu, Yongjun Liu, Chengbu Liu,
The electron transfer reaction for Co(H2O)62+/3+.
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCH), 2001, 543, 177.
74. 張冬菊, 莊丙游, 劉永軍, 胡海泉, 劉成卜,
高等學(xué);瘜W(xué)學(xué)報, 2001, 22, 810.
75. Yongjun Liu, Dongju Zhang, Haiquan Hu, Chengbu Liu,
Theoretical studies on the electronic spectra and second-order nonlinear optical properties
of N-methyl-2-(2-thiophene)-pyrrolo[3,4]C60.
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCH), 2001, 545, 97.
76. 胡海泉,劉成卜*,劉永軍,張冬菊,畢思瑋,
77. 張冬菊,劉成卜*,
化學(xué)學(xué)報, 2001,59,1406.
78. Zhang Dongju, Liu Chengbu*, Hu Haiquan, Liu Yongjun,
Density Functional Studies of the C-F Bond Activation of CF3 Radical by Bare Co+.
Chinese J. Chem., 2001,19,938-942.
79.Chengbu Liu, Haiquan Hu, Xiaohua Yang,
A practicable parameter describing magnetic interactions.
Chem. Phys. Letters, 2001,349,89-94.
80. Siwei Bi, Chengbu Liu*, Haiquan Hu, Changqiao Zhang,
Theoretical study on magnetic coupling interaction for Cu(II) binuclear systems with extended bridging groups.
Chem. Phys. Letters, 2001,350,551-557.
81. Dongju Zhang, Changqiao Zhang, Chengbu Liu*,
Density functional studies of reactivity in the C-F bond activation of fluoromethane by bare
lanthanum monocation.
J. Organometalic Chem., 2001, 640,121-126.
82.Dongju Zhang , Chengbu Liu*,
Reorganization criteria and their effects on inner-sphere barriers for transition metal redox
pairs M(H2O)62+/3+(M=V,Cr,Mn,Fe and Co).
New J.Chem.,2002,26,361-366.
83.Zhang Dongju, Liu Chengbu*, Liu Yongjun, Hu Haiquan,
Density Functional Study on the Reaction Mechanism for the Reaction of Ni+ with Ethane.
Chin. J. Chem., 2002,20,220-226.
84.Liu yongjun, Hu Haiquan, Zhang Dongju, Liu Chengbu*,
ZINDO-SOS Studies on Second-order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Thiophene S, S-Dioxide Chromophores.
Chem. Res. Chin. U., 2002,18(1), 42-46.
85. Dong JU Zhang, Cheng Bu Liu*,
Density Functional Studies of the Reaction of Ytterbium Monocation with Fluoromethane: C-F
Bond and Electron-Transfer Reactivity.
Chin. Chem. Letters, 2002,13(4), 359-362.
86. Dongju Zhang,Yongjun Liu, Hanquan Hu, Chengbu Liu*,
Inner-Sphere Reorganization for Redox Pairs M(NH3)62+/3+(M=Mn,Fe,andCo): Models and Calculations”.
高等學(xué);瘜W(xué)學(xué)報, 2002,23,876-879.
90.Siwei Bi, Chengbu Liu*, Changqiao Zhang,
Structural Modeling and Magnetostructural Correlations for Heterobinuclear Cu(II)-Ni(II)
Inter. J. Quantum Chem., 2002, 88, 347-354.
91.Dongju Zhang, Chengbu Liu*, Siwei Bi,
Density Functional Studies of the Reactions of Lanthanide Monocations with Fluoromethane:
C-F Bond Activation and Electron-Transfer Reactivity.
J. Phys. Chem. A, 2002, 106, 4153-4157.
以 N-N基團為單橋的雙核Cu(II)體系磁-結(jié)構(gòu)關(guān)聯(lián)的理論研究.
93.Youmin Sun, Hongyu Zhang, Dezhan Chen and Chengbu Liu*,
Theoretical Elucidation on the Antioxidant Mechanism of Curcumin: A DFT Study.
Org. Letters, 2002,4(17),2909-2911.
95.Fancui Meng, Yuxiang Bu, Chengbu Liu,
Theoretical study of the pyridine-BF3 complex.
J. Mol. Struc. (Theochem) , 2002, 588, 1-8.
96.Daren Guan, Xizhang Yi, Qingtian Meng, Yujun Zheng, Chengbu Liu, Yuansheng Jiang,
Statistical mechanics in rotationally inelastic scattering of molecules from surface within
the dynamical Lie algebraic method.
Chem. Phys. 2002,280,239-255.
97. Siwei Bi, Chengbu Liu*, Haiquan Hu,
Theoretical Study on Magnetostructural Correlation in Unsymmetrical Oxamidocopper (II) Complexes.
J. Phys. Chem. B, 2002, 106, 10786-10792.
98. Wu Ailing, Liu Chengbu, Zhao Xian, Bian Xiufang,
Hyperspherical Harmonic Expansions of Potential 1/rjt of Molecular Systems.
Chin. J Chem., 2002,20,968-971.
99. Youmin Sun, Dezhan Chen, Chengbu Liu*,
Evaluation of the effectiveness of AM1 geometry used in calculating O-H bond dissociation enthalpy.
J. Mol. Struc. (Theochem) , 2002,618,181-189.
101.Haiquan Hu, Zhida Chen, Chengbu Liu,
Useful Parameter Describing Magnetic Interactions in Extended Bis-Bidentate Bridged Dimers.
Inter. J. Quantum Chem., 2003, 92, 428-432.
102.Dongju Zhang, Chengbu Liu*, Siwei Bi, and Shiling Yuan,
A Comprehensive Theoretical Study on the Reactions of Sc+ with CnH2n+2(n=1-3): Structure,
Mechanism, and Potential-Energy Surface.
Chem. Eur. J., 2003,9,484-501.
103.Fancui Meng, Chengbu Liu*, Weiren Xu,
Substituent effects of R (R=CH3,CH3O,F and NO2 ) on the A:T and C:G base pairs: a theoretical study.
Chem. Phys. Letters, 2003, 373, 72-78.
105.Wei Du, Guosheng Yang, Xinqiang Wang, Shiling Yuan, Lan Zhou, Dong Xu, Chengbu Liu,
Enantioseparation of 15 organic phosphonate esters on the cellulose tris(3,5-dimethylphenyl
carbamate) chiral stationary phase by HPLC.
106. Chengbu Liu, Dongju Zhang, Wensheng Bian,
Theoretical investigation of the reaction of Co+ with OCS.
J. Phys. Chem. A, 2003, 107, 8618-8622.
107. Dongju Zhang, Chengbu Liu*, Wensheng Bian,
Theoretical study of the reactivity of Fe+ toward OCS.
J. Phys. Chem. A, 2003, 107, 8955-8960.
108. You-Min Sun, Cheng-Bu Liu*,
A Comparison of Transition States During H-Atom Abstraction of Monophenols and Catechol by Merhyl Radical.
Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2004(1),120-128.
109. You-min Sun, Cheng-Bu Liu*, Xian-Jie Lin and Si-wei Bi,
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110. Siwei Bi, Chengbu Liu*,
Theoretical study of magnetic coupling interaction in terephthalato-bridged Ni(II) binuclear systems.
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111. Guosheng Yang, Shiling Yuan, Xianjie Lin,Zhongnan Qi, Chengbu Liu,Hongxiao Tian, Guy Felix
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A Study of Interaction in High Performance Liquid Chromatography by Molecular Modeling.
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113. Fancui Meng, Weiren Xu, Chengbu Liu*,
Theoretical study of incorporating 6-thioguanine into a guanine tetrad and their influence
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114. Fancui Meng, Weiren Xu, Chengbu Liu*,
Theoretical study of various H-bond nonclassical A:T and G:C pairs.
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116. Daren Guan, Xian Zhao, Xizhang Yi, Chengbu Liu, and Yuansheng Jiang, Statistical Dynamics
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117.Sun Youmin, Wang Ruoxi, Yuan Shiling, Lin Xianjie, Liu Chengbu*,
Theoretical Study on the Antioxidant Activity of Curcumin.
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118. Guo-Sheng Yang, Shi-Ling Yuan, Xian-Jie Lin, Zhong-Nan Qi, Cheng-Bu Liu, Hassan Y.
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The study of chiral discrimination of organophosphonate derivatives on pirkle type chiral
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121.Weiren Xu, Jianwu Wang, Chengbu Liu*, Chenglung Chen,
Experimental and Computational Studies of isomerization between Z and E isomers of Bezaldoximes.
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122.Gao Jun, Liu Wenjian, Song Bo, Liu Chengbu,
Time-dependent four-component relativistic density-functional theory for excitation energies.
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123.Gao Jun, Zou Wenli, Liu Wenjian, Xiao Yunlong, peng Daoling, Song Bo, Liu Chengbu,
Time-dependent four-component relativistic density-functional theory for excitation
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124.Fancui Meng, Huanjie Wang, Weiren Xu, Chengbu Liu*,
Theoretical Study of GC+/GC base derivatives.
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125.Wei Yunhe, Zhang Changqiao, Qin Jingyu, Liu Chengbu*,
Study on the cluster of floating dross before nucleating during hot-dipping process.
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126.Youmin Sun, Chengbu Liu*, Zhongnan,Qi, Dongju Zhang,
Theoretical study on magneto-structual correlation in trinuclear copper(II) complexes with oxamato bridge.
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130.Ruoxi Wang, Dongju Zhang, Chengbu Liu*,
Theoretical study of silicon-oxygen-sulfur oligomers(SiOS)n(n=1-6).
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131.Chengbu Liu, Youmin Sun, Bin Zheng, Ruoxi Wang,
Theoretical study on magneto-structural correlation in axially coordinated complexes of
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132. Ruoxi Wang, Dongju Zhang, Chengbu Liu*,
Theoretical prediction of a novel inorganic fullerene-like family of silicon-carbon materials.
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133.Qi Zhongnan, Zhang Chanqiao, Wang Ruoxi, Liu Chengbu*, Chen Zhenglong,
Investigation of Microstructures and Anti-corrosion Properties of Alumonoim-Zinc Alloys.
Chin. J. Chem., 2005, 23, 1182-1186.
134.Fancui Meng*, Huanjie Wang, Weiren Xu, Chengbu Liu,
Substituent effect of large conjugate group on the DNA base pair derivatives: Density functional study.
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135. Huanjie Wang, Fancui Meng*, Weiren Xu, Chengbu Liu,
The effects of incorporating 2,4-dithiouracil into uracil tetrad: a theoretical study.
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137.Guoping Li, Weiren Xu, Chaojun Zhang, Jianwu Wang, Chengbu Liu*,
Theoretical Study on the Internal Rotation of Nitrotyl of Benzaldoximes.
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138.Guoping Li, Weiren Xu, Xianjie Lin, Chengbu Liu*,
Theoretical Study on the Addition Reactions of Benzaldoximes with Propene.
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139.Yuemei Zhang, Dongju Zhang, and Chengbu Liu*,
Novel Chemical Sensor for Cyanides: Boron-Doped Carbon Nanotubes.
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141. Lin Xianjie, Zhang Dongju, Liu Chengbu*,
Computational Evidence for the Smallest Boron Nanotube.
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142. Qi Zhongnan, Wu Jian, Liu Chengbu*, Wang Ruoxi, Sun Youmin,
Theoretical study on magneto-structural correlation of trinuclear copper(II) complex with
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143.Bin Zheng, Jian Wu, Wenqi Sun, Chengbu Liu*,
Trapping and hopping of polaron in DNA periodic stack.
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144.Fenghui Tian, Chengbu Liu*,
DFT Description on Electrinic Structur and Optical Absorption Properties of Anionic S-Doped Anatase TiO2.
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145.Rongxiu Zhu, Dongju Zhang, Jian Wu, Chengbu Liu*,
Theoretical study of the bifunctional-urea catalyzed Michael reaction of 1,3-dicarbonyl
compounds and nitroolefins: reaction mechanism and enantioselectivity.
Tetrahedron: Asymmetry,2006,17,1611-1616.
146.Ruoxi Wang, Dongju Zhang, Yuemei Zhang ,Chengbu Liu*,
Boron-doped carbon nanotubes serving as a novel chemical sensor for formaldehyde.
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147.Ruoxi Wang, Dongju Zhang, Bin Zheng, Zhongnan Qi, Chengbu Liu,*
Theoretical study of silicon-oxygen-sulfur ionic oligomers (SiO)n+ and (SiOS)n- (n=1-6)”.
J. Mol.Struc.:THEOCHEM, 2006, 772, 13-21.
148.Yuanhua Qi, Daren Guan, Yuansheng Jiang, Chengbu Liu, Dongju Zhang, Theoretical study of the
electronic transport property of hydrogen-Pt contact system.
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149. Yuanhua Qi, Daren Guan, Yuansheng Jiang, yujun Zheng, Chengbu Liu,
How do oxygen molecules move into silver contacts and change their electronic transport properties?
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150. Qi Yuanhua, Guan Daren, Liu Chengbu,
DFT study of the conductance of molecular wire: The effect of coupling geometry and
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151.Qi Yuanhua,Guan Daren,Liu Chengbu,
DFT Study of the Transport Properties of Molecular Wire at Low Bias.
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152. Dongju Zhang, Guanlun Guo, Chengbu Liu, Zhang R. Q.,
Density Functional Theory Study of Geometrical Structures and Electronic Properties of Silica Nanowires.
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153. Dongju Zhang, R. Q. Zhang, Zhe Han, Chengbu Liu,
A synthetic route towards well-defined stoichiometric silica fullerene and nanotubes based
on the metastable four-membered rings”.
J. Phys. Chem. B, 2006, 110, 8992-8997.
154. Dongju Zhang, Jian Wu, R. Q. Zhang, Chengbu Liu,
A Family of Stable Silica Fullerenes with Fully Coordinated Structures.
J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110, 17757-17762.
155. Dongju Zhang, Guanlun Guo, Chengbu Liu,
New route for stabilizing silicon fullerenes.
J. Phys. Chem. B, 2006, 110, 14619-14622.
156.Dongju Zhang, Rongxiu Zhu, Chengbu Liu,
Density functional theory study on the geometrical and electronic structures of a new thinest boron nanotubes.
J. Mater. Chem.,2006, 16, 2429-2433.
157. Guixiu Wang, Rongxiu Zhu, Dongju Zhang, Chengbu Liu,
Theoretical study of the dark-oxidation reaction mechanisms for organic polymers. Chem.
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158. Guixiu Wang, Rongxiu Zhu, Dongju Zhang, Chengbu Liu,
Theoretical study of on the dark oxidation reaction mechanism of ethers.
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二元硅氧環(huán)與CFn (n=1-3)自由基反應(yīng)的理論研究.
化學(xué)學(xué)報, 2006, 20, 2046-2050.
161.Wenqi Sun, Jian Wu, Bin Zheng, Yongjun Zhu, Chengbu Liu*,
DFT study of vibrational circular dichroism spectra of (S)-glycidol-water complexes.
J. Mol. Struc. THEOCHEM, 2007,809, 161-169.
163. Dongju Zhang, Chen Ma, Chengbu Liu,
Potential High-Capacity Hydrogen Storage Medium: Hydrogenated Silicon Fullerenes.
J. Phys.Chem. C , 2007, 111, 17099-17103.
164.Hui Sun, Dongju Zhang, Fang Wang, Chengbu Liu,
Theoretical Study of the Mechanism for the Markovnikov Addition of Imidazole to Vinyl Acetate
Catalyzed by the Ionic Liquid [bmIm]OH.
J. Phys. Chem. A, 2007, 111, 4535 -4541.
165. Hui Sun, Dongju Zhang, Chen Ma, Chengbu Liu,
Theoretical study on the Diels-Alder reaction of cyclopentadiene with methacrolein
catalyzed by diethylimidazolium cation.
Inter. J. Quantum Chem.,2007, 107, 1875-1885.
166. Dongju Zhang, Hui Sun, Fang Wang, Chengbu Liu,
NO migration from N-methyl-N-nitrosobenzene-sulfonamide to 3, 6-dibromocarbazole: Concerted
or stepwise reaction path?
Inter. J. Quantum Chem., 2007, 107, 1585-1589.
167.Rongxiu Zhu, Dongju Zhang, Jian Wu, Chengbu Liu*,
Theoretical study on the enantioselective α-amination reaction of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds
catalyzed by a bifunctional-urea.
Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 2007, 18, 1655-1662.
168.Rongxiu Zhu, Dongju Zhang, Jian Wu, Chengbu Liu*,
A DFT study on the mechanism and regioselectivity of the tandem O-nitroso aldol/Michael
reaction of nitrosobenzene and cyclohexenone.
J.Mol. Struct: THEOCHEM,2007, 815, 105-109.
169.Ruoxi Wang, Dongju Zhang, Wenqi Sun, Zhe Han, Chengbu Liu*,
A novel aluminum-doped carbon nanotubes sensor for carbon monoxide.
J.Mol. Struct: THEOCHEM, 2007, 806, 93-97.
170.Ruoxi Wang, Dongju Zhang, Rongxiu Zhu, Chengbu Liu*,
Density functional theory study of BnC (n = 1–7) clusters.
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硼碳團簇BnC2 (n=1~6)的理論研究.
176. Lili Wang, Youmin Sun, Zhongnan Qi, Chengbu Liu*,
Magnetic Interaction in Two Heterobidged Dinuclear Copper(II) Complexes: Orbital
Complementarity or Countercomplementarity?.
J.Phys.Chem.A, 2008,112,8418-8422.
177. Lin Xianjie, Wang Qiang, Wu Jian, Liu Chengbu*,
DFT Study on the Mechanism of DNA Damage Caused by the Isomerization of DNA Purine Base.
J. Theor. Comp. Chem., 2008, 7, 457-472.
178.Xiaofeng Wei,Dongju Zhang*,Chengbu Liu*,
A DFT study on the hydrolysis stabilities of silica molecular chains and rings based on the two-membered rings.
Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 2008,859 1–6.
179.Hui Sun, Jinghua Li, Dongju Zhang*, Chen Ma*, Chengbu Liu,
Theoretical evidence on O–N type smiles rearrangement mechanism: a computational study on
the intramolecular cyclization of N-methyl-2-(2-chloropyridin-3-yloxy)-acetamide anion.
J. Phys. Org. Chem. 2008, 21 215–218.
180. Gang Yang, Xiaomin Wu, Yuanguang Zu, Chengbu Liu, Yujie Fu, Lijun Zhou,
Proton Transfer at the Carboxylic Sites of Amino Acids: A Single Water Molecule Catalyzed Process.
Int. J. Quantum Chem. 2008, 109, 320-327.
181.Gang Yang, Yuanguang Zu, Chengbu Liu, Yujie Fu, Lijun Zhou,
Stabilization of Amino Acid Zwitterions with Varieties of Anionic Species: The Intrinsic Mechanisms.
J. Phys. Chem. B 2008, 112, 7104-7110.
182. Dongju Zhang*, Peng Liu and Chengbu Liu*,
Thinnest Titanium Dioxide Nanowires Assembled by Ti2O4 Building Blocks.
J.Phys. Chem. C (Letter)2008, 112, 16729–16732.
183.Peng Cui, Jian Wu, Guiqing Zhang, Chengbu Liu*,
Hole polarons in poly(G)-poly(C) and poly(A)-poly(T) DNA molecules.
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184. 劉莉,朱榮秀,張冬菊,劉成卜*,
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186.Yingying Wang, Dongju Zhang*, Rongxiu Zhu, Changqiao Zhang, Chengbu Liu*,
A Density Functional Theory Study of the Water-Gas Shift Reaction Promoted by Neutral,Anionic,
and Cationic Gold Dimers,
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2009, 113, 6215-6220.
187.Gang Yang,Yuangang Zu,Yujie Fu,Lijun Zhou,Rongxiu Zhu,Chengbu Liu*,
Assembly and Stabilization of Multi-Amino Acid Zwitterions by the Zn(II) Ion: A Computational Exploration,
J. Phys. Chem. B, 2009, 113, 4899-4906.
188. Gang Yang, Lijun Zhou, Chengbu Liu*,
Glycine Canonical and Zwitterionic Isomers within Zeolites,
J. Phys. Chem. B, 2009, 113, 10399-10402.
189.Gang Yang, Lijun Zhou, Yuangang Zu, Yujie Fu, Rongxiu Zhu, Chengbu Liu*,
Effects of side chains in gas-phase amino acids: Conformational analysis and relative stabilities
J. Mol. Struc.: THEOCHEM, 2009, 901, 81-87.
190.Hui Sun, Dongju Zhang*, Chengbu Liu, Changqiao Zhang,
Geometrical and electronic structures of the dication and ion pair in the geminal dicationic
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J. of Mol. Structure: THEOCHEM, 2009, 900, 37-43.
191. Zhe Han, Dongju Zhang, Youmin Sun, Chengbu Liu*,
Reexamination of the reaction of 4-chlorophenol with hydroxyl radical,
Chem. Phys. Letters, 2009, 474, 62-66.
192.Guiqing Zhang, PengCui, Jian Wu, Chengbu Liu*,
Structural fluctuation effect on the polaron in DNA,
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193.Guiqing Zhang, Peng Cui, Jian Wu, Chengbu Liu*,
Polaron transport between DNA segments: annihilating and creating,
Chem. Phys. Letters, 2009, 471,163-167.
194.Rong-Xiu Zhu, Ruo-Xi Wang, Dong-Ju Zhang*, Cheng-Bu Liu,
A Density Functional Theory Study on the Ring-Opening Polymerization of D-Lactide Catalyzed
by a Bifunctional-Thiourea Catalyst,
Aust. J. Chem., 2009, 62, 157-164.
195. YANG Gang, LIU Cheng-Bu, ZU Yuan-Gang, FU Yu-Jie, ZHOU Li-Jun,
Discrimination of Glycine Enantiomers by the Biologically Important Phosphocompounds: A Theoretical Prediction
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196.宋其圣, 郭新利, 苑世領(lǐng), 劉成卜,
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197.李振泉, 郭新利, 王紅艷, 李青華, 苑世領(lǐng), 徐桂英, 劉成卜,
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198. Xiaofeng Wei, Dongju Zhang,Chengbu Liu*,
Characterizing the Properties of the Cation and Ion Pair for the Cyclic Tetramethylguanidinium Nitrate Ionic liquid,
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199. Yefei Wang, Gang Yang, Chengbu Liu*,
Electron transfers in proteins: investigations with a modified through-bond coupling model
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200. Baoping Ling,Zhiguo Wang, Rui Zhang, Xianhua Meng, Yongjun Liu*, Changqiao Zhang,
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Theoretical studies on the interaction of modified pyrimidines and purines with purine riboswitch.
J.Mol. Graph. Model., 2009, 28, 37-45.
201. Li-Li Wang, You-Min Sun, Zhang-Yu Yu, Zhong-Nan Qi , Cheng-Bu Liu*,
Theoretical Investigation on Triagonal Symmetry Copper Trimers: a gneto-Structural
Correlation and Spin Frustration,
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202. Zhiguo Wang, Baoping Ling, Rui Zhang, Yourui Suo, Yongjun Liu*, Zhangyu Yu, Chengbu Liu*,
Docking and molecular dynamics studies toward the binding of new natural phenolic marine
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203. Baoping Ling, Zhiguo Wang, Rui Zhang, Xianghua Meng, Yongjun Liu*,Changqiao Zhang,
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Theoretical studies on the interaction of modified pyrimidines and purines with purine
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204. Rui Zhang, Zhiguo Wang, Baoping Ling, Yongjun Liu*, Chengbu Liu,
Docking and molecular dynamics studies on the interaction of four imidazoline derivatives
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206. Yefei Wang, Zhangyu Yu, Jian Wu, Gang Yang, Chengbu Liu*,
Electron delocalization and transfer in polypeptide chains
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206. Xiaofeng Wei, Dongju Zhang, Changqiao Zhang, Chengbu Liu*,
Theoretical study of the Michael addition of acetylacetone to methyl vinyl ketone
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207. Yingying Wang, Dongju Zhang*, Zhangyu Yu, Chengbu Liu*,
Mechanism of N2O Formation During NO Reduction on the Au(111) Surface
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