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1. 國家自然科學基金委:材料與不飽和金屬網站存儲氫氣,2007-2008,主持。
2. 國家重點實驗室紅外物理:幾何和電子結構的InSb低維材料,2008-2009,主持。
3. 國家自然科學基金委:Janus結構和組裝材料,2009-2011,主持。
1. Z. J. Deng, Q. Wang, J. Li, and Q. Sun Studies of the Size Distribution of Ag ultrafine Particels Prepared by Sputtering J. Collid. Interface Sci. 165 (1994) 346.
2. S. S. He, J. F. Merkin, Q. Sun, Q. Wang Deep traps in LiF: Mg, Ti Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 145 (1994) K1.
3. X. S. Chen, J. Zhao, Q. Sun, F.Q. Liu, and G.H. Wang The effect of interaction between supported Au clusters on conductance resonance J. Appl. Phys. 78 (1995) 3258.
4. J. Zhao, X. S. Chen, Q. Sun, F. Q. Liu, and G. H. Wang Tight-binding studies of structural and magnetic properties of V clusters Physica B: Condens. Matter. 225 (1995) 377.
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6. J. Zhao, X. S. Chen, Q. Sun, F. Q. Liu, and G. H. Wang A simple d-band model for the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic clusters Phys. Lett. A 205 (1995) 308.
7. X. S. Chen, J. Zhao, Q. Sun, F. Q. Liu, and G. H. Wang Surface thermal stability of Ni clusters Phys. Stat. Sol.(a) 193 (1994) 1.
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9. J. Zhao, X. S. Chen, Q. Sun, F. Q. Liu, and G. H. Wang Tight-binding calculations of ionization porential of small Si clusters Phys. Lett. A 198 (1995) 243.
10. X.S. Chen, J. Zhao, Q. Sun, and G.H. Wang Electronic properties of random interaction cluster model Phys. Lett. A 204 (1995) 169.
11. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, and Z. J. Deng The properties of coercivity of fractal aggregates J. Appl. Sci. 13 (1995) 121.
12. Q. Sun, X. G. Gong, Q. Q. Zheng, and G. H. Wang First-principles studies on 4d impurities in Cu clusters Phys. Lett. A 209 (1995) 259.
13. Q. Sun, X. G. Gong, Q .Q. Zheng, and G. H. Wang The magnetic properties Fe3TMB clusters Physica B: condens. matter. 222 (1996) 247.
14. Q. Sun, X.G. Gong, Q.Q. Zheng, and G.H. Wang The magnetic properties 4d impurities in Ag clusters Solid State Commun. 97(1996) 429.
15. Q. Sun, X.G. Gong, Q.Q. Zheng, and G.H. Wang Structures and magnetic properties of small FenB clusters J. Phys.: condens. matter. 8 (1996) 1805.
16. Q. Sun, X.G. Gong, Q.Q. Zheng, and G. H. Wang The formation of local magnetism in clusters Science in China (series A), 26 (1996) 1032.
17. Q. Sun, X.G. Gong, Q.Q. Zheng, D.Y. Sun, and G.H. Wang Local magnetic properties and electronic structures of 3d and 4d impurities in Cu12 Phys.Rev. B, 54 (1996) 10896.
18. Q. Sun, Q. Wang, and S.Y. Wang The Local Magnetic Properties of sp Impurities in Alkali Metal Clusters Phys. Lett. A 228 (1997) 297.
19. Q. Sun, Q. Wang, J.Z. Yu, Z-Q. Li, J-T. Wang, and Y. Kawazoe Local Magnetism of 3d and 4d Impurities in Ag and Pd Clusters J. de Phsique 7 (1997) 1233.
20. Y. Guo, Z.Q. Li, B.L. Gu, Q. Sun, J.Z. Yu, and Y. Kawazoe Transmission Resonances in Magnetic-barrier Structures The Eurp. Phys. J. B3 (1998) 263.
21. Y. Guo, B.L. Gu, Z.Q. Li, Q. Sun, and Y. Kawazoe Resonance Splitting Effect in Semiconductor Superlattices The Eurp. Phys. J. B3 (1998) 257.
23. J.T. Wang, Z.Q. Li, Q. Sun, and Y. Kawazoe First-Principles Study of Magnetic and Electronic Properties of Fem/Aun Multilayers J. Magn. Magn. Mater.183 (1998) 42. Relaxations on Nonpolar Zinc Blende (110) Surface of GaN, AlN, and BN J. Appl. Phys. 84 (1998) 1977.
24. Q. Sun, J.Z. Yu, L. Zhou, Z.Q. Li, K. Ohno, and Y. Kawazoe Adsorption of O adatoms on Hydrogenated Si Cluster Europhys. Lett. 43 (1998) 47.
25. Q. Sun, Q. Wang, J.Z. Yu, Z.Q. Li, J.T. Wang, and Y. Kawazoe Effects of Cluster Interactions on the Structure and Magnetic Properties in Fe6 Mat. Sci.Eng. A 241 (1998) 137.
26. Q. Sun, Q. Wang, J.Z. Yu, Z.Q.Li, K.Ohno, and Y. Kawazoe First-Principles Studies on the Local Magnetism of Fe /Nb Multilayers Phys. Lett. A 239 (1998) 406.
27. Q. Sun, Q. Wang, J.Z. Yu, Z.Q. Li, K. Ohno, and Y. Kawazoe Can 5d Transition-Metal Monolayers Be Magnetic on FerromagneticSubstrate Solid State Communition 106 (1998) 665.
28. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, J.Z. Yu, Z. Zeng, and Y. Kawazoe The Local Magnetic Properties of Fe impurity in Nbn and NbnMom Clusters J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 184 (1998) 106.
29. L. Zhou, Q. Sun, J.T. Wang, J.Z. Yu, and Y. Kawazoe Quantum Method for Coercivities of Transition-metal Magnetic Systems J. Magn. Soc. Japan 23 (1999) 412.
30. M. Sakurai, K. Sumiyama, Q. Sun, and Y. Kawazoe Preferential Formation of Fe13O8 Clusters in RLV Cluster Source J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 68 (1999) 3479.
31. J.Z Yu, Q. Sun, Q. Wang, and Y. Kawazoe Theoretical Study of Hydrogen Solubility in Transition Metal Fe, Co and Ni Mater.Trans. JIM 40 [9] (1999) 855.
32. T. Oku, Q. Sun, D.S. Wang, Q. Wang, and Y. Kawazoe Atomic Structure of Pd Intercalated Graphite Mater. Trans. JIM 40 [11] (1999) 1213.
33. Jing-Zhi. Yu, Q. Sun, Q. Wang, and Y. Kawazoe Effect of Hydrogen on Magnetism and Its Solubility in Ferromagnetic Nickel Materilas Transactions, JIM 40 [11] (1999) 1244.
34. Q. Sun, Y. Hasi, L. Zhou, Q. Wang, J-Z. Yu, Z. Zeng, and Y. Kawazoe On the Metastable States of Low Dimensional Magnetic Systems J. Magn. Soc. Japan 23 (1999) 590.
35. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, J.Z. Yu, and Y. Kawazoe Capacitance of Micro-clusters Mater. Trans. JIM, 40 [11] (1999) 1224.
36. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, J.Z. Yu, M. Ishihara, and Y. Kawazoe First-Principles Studies on the Adsorptive Properties of Hydrogenated Si Cluster Physica B: Condns. Matt. 269 (1999) 239.
37. L. Zhou, Y. Hashi, Q. Sun, J.Z. Yu, D.S. Wang, and Y. Kawazoe Atomic Theory of Critical Field for Intrinsic Spin Reversal in Transition Metals Phys. Rev. B 59 (1999) 1028.
38. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, M. Sakurai, J.Z. Yu, B.L. Gu, K. Sumiyama, and Y. Kawazoe Geometry and Electronic Structures of Magic Iron Oxide Cluster Phys. Rev. B 59 (1999) 12672.
39. T. Oku, G. Schmid, K. Sugauma, Q. Sun, and Y. Kawazoe Structure of Pd-Intercalated Graphite Onions Formed by Electron Beam Irradiation Mol. Crst. and Liq. Cryst. 340 (2000) 95.
40. J-Z. Yu, Q. Sun, Q. Wang, U. Onose, Y. Akiyama, and Y. Kawazoe First-Principles Calculation on dissociation of Hydrogen Molecule in NickelMater. Trans. JIM 41 [9] (2000) 1114.
41. J.Z. Yu, Q. Sun, Q. Wang, and Y. Kawazoe Effect of magnetic transition on Hydrogen Solubility in Ni Mater. Trans. JIM 41 [5] (2000) 621.
43. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, J.Z. Yu, B.L. Gu, Y. Kawazoe, and Y. Hashi Structures of magic Ba and Ba suboxide clusters Phys. Rev. A 62 (2000) 063203. 42. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, J.Z. Yu, Y. Hashi, and Y. Kawazoe Magnetism of Ni Clusters Coated and Alloyed with Pd Phys. Lett. A 267 (2000) 394.
44. Q. Sun, D. S. Wang, Q. Wang, T. Oku, and Y.Kawazoe First-principles Studies on Pd Intercalated Graphite Mol. Crst. and Liq. Cryst. 340 (2000) 283.
45. Q. Sun, M. Sakurai, Q. Wang, JZ. Yu, H. Wang, K. Sumiyama, and Y. Kawazoe Geometry and electronic structures of magic transition-metal oxide clusters Phys. Rev. B 62 (2000) 8500.
46. Q. Sun, Q. Wang, K. Parlinski, J.Z. Yu, Y. Hashi, G.X. Gong, and Y. Kawazoe The Intrinsic Stability of Magic Iron Oxide Cluster Phys. Rev. B 61 (2000) 5781.
47. J.Z. Yu, Q. Sun, Q. Wang, and Y.Kawazoe Magnetic Phase Transition and Hydrogen Solubility in Fe, Co and Ni J. Phase Equilib. 22 (2001) 504.
48. H. Kawamura, V. Kumar, Q. Sun, and Y. Kawazoe Bonding Character of Hydrogen in Aluminum Clusters Mater. Trans. JIM, 42 (2001) 2175.
49. M. Sakurai, Q. Sun, K. Sumiyama, and Y. Kawazoe Magic Number Clusters in Transition Metal Oxide Clusters IPAP, 3 (2001) 158.
50. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, J.Z. Yu, and Y. Kawazo Capacitance of Magic Barium Cluster Nanomaterials Scripta Mater 44 (8-9) (2001) 1959.
51. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, J.Z. Yu, and Y. Kawazoe Nonmetal-Metal Transition in Barium Cluster Solid State Communication 117 (2001) 635.
52. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, T.M. Briere, and Y. Kawazoe Structure and Stability of Magic Ar6Fe+ Cluster Mater. Trans. JIM, 42 (2001) 2601.
53. Q. Sun, M. Sakurai, Q. Wang, K. Sumiyama, and Y. Kawazoe Structure and Magnetic Properties of Magic Fe Oxide Clusters IPAP, 3 (2001) 162.
54. Q. Sun, Q. Wang, J.Z. Yu, K. Ohno, and Y. Kawazoe Structures and Properties of Pure and Doped C32 Cluster J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 3 (2001) 1931.
55. Q. Sun, Q. Wang, J. Z. Yu, T.M. Briere, and Y. Kawazoe Structure and Interaction Mechanism in the Magic Al13+H2O Cluster Phys. Rev. A 64 (2001) 053203.
56. Q. Sun, Q. Wang, J.Z. Yu, V. Kumar, and Y. Kawazoe Real Space Presentation of Shell Structure of Jellium-like Cluster Phys. Rev. B 63 (2001) 193408.
57. M. Oku, T. Shishido, T. Shinohara, T. Fukuda, Q. Sun, Y. Kawazoe, and K.Wagatsuma Electronic structures of perovskite-type ScRhB Journal of Alloys and Compounds 339 (2002) 317.
58. H. Kawamura, V. Kumar, Q. Sun, and Y. Kawazoe Magic behavior and bonding nature in hydrogenated aluminum clusters Phys. Rev. B. 65 (2002) 045406.
59. Q. Sun, Q.Wang, T.M. Briere , and Y. Kawazoe Dimer Interactions of Magic Si12W Clusters J. Phys.: Conden. Matt. 14 (2002) 4503.
60. Q. Sun, Q. Wang, X.G.Gong, V. Kumar, and Y. Kawazoe Structures and stability of Al7C andAl7N clusters Eur. Phys. J. D. 18 (2002) 77.
61. Q. Sun, Q. Wang, T.M. Briere, V. Kumar, Y. Kawazoe, and P. Jena First-Principles Studies on Metal Stabilized Si20 Cage Phys. Rev. B 65 (2002) 235417.
62. Q. Sun, Q. Wang, Y. Kawazoe, and P. Jena Design of a Nanostructure Peapod Using Magic Silicon Clusters Phys. Rev. B 66 (2002) 245425.
63. M. Oku, T. Shishido, K. Wagatsuma, Q. Sun, and Y. Kawazoe Electronic structure of perovskite-type YBRh3 J. Alloys. Compounds 349 (2003) 206.
64. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, T. Oku, and Y. Kawazoe First Principles studies of La doped B36N36 cage Physica B 339 (2003) 105.
65. M. Oku, T. Shishido, Q. Sun, K. Nakajima, Y. Kawazoe, and K. Wagatsuma Comparison of electronic structures of ScAl3 and ScRh3: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio band calculation J. Alloy Compd. 358 (2003) 264.
66. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, B.K. Rao, P. Jena, and Y. Kawazoe Nitrogen-induced magnetic transition in small chromium clusters J. Chem. Phys. 119 (2003) 7124.
67. Q. Sun, Q. Wang, P. Jena, J.Z. Yu, and Y. Kawazoe Geometry and energetics of Si60 isomers Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 4, (2003) 361.
68. H. Kawamura, V. Kumar, Q. Sun, and Y. Kawazoe Cyclic and linear polymeric structures of AlnH3n Phys. Rev. A. 67 (2003) 063205.
69. Q. Sun, Q. Wang, P. Jena, S. Waterman, and Y. Kawazoe First-principles Studies on Structure and Properties of Si36 Cluster Phys. Rev. A. 67 (2003) 063201.
70. M. Oku, T. Shishido, T. Shinohara, Q. Sun, Y. Kawazoe, K. Nakajima, and K. Wagatsuma Effect of boron non-stoichiometry on B-site in perovskite type structure ScBxRh3 and CeBxRh3 on charges of atoms on A-site Journal of Solid State Chemistry 177 (2004) 457.
71. N. Bertram , Y.D. Kim, G. Gantefor, Q. Sun, P. Jena, J. Tamuliene, G. Seifert Experimental and theoretical studies on inorganic magic clusters: M4X6 Chem. Phys. Lett. 396 (2004) 314.
72. D. Kim, G. Gantefor, Q. Sun, and P. Jena Chemisorptions of atomic and molecular oxygen on Au and Ag cluster anions: discrimination of different isomers Chem. Phys. Lett. 396 (2004) 69.
73. Q. Sun, Q.Wang, Y. Kawazoe, and P. Jena Interaction of magic gold cluster with Si60 cage Eur. Phys. J. D 29 (2004) 231.
74. Q. Sun, Q. Wang, Y. Kawazoe, and P. Jena The Soft Breakdown of an Insulating Nanowire in Electric Field Nanotechnology 15 (2004) 260.
75. Q. Sun, B. K. Rao, P. Jena a, D. Stolcic b, G. Gantefor, and Y. Kawazoe Effect of sequential oxidation on the electronic structure of tungsten clusters Chem. Phys. Lett. 387 (2004) 29.
76. Q. Sun, P. Jena, Y.D. Kim, M. Fischer, and G. Gantefor Interactions of Au cluster anions with oxygen J. Chem. Phys. 120 (2004) 6510.
77. Q. Sun, B.K. Rao, P. Jena, D. Stolcic, Y.D. Kim, G. Gantefoer, and A.W. Castleman Appearance of bulk properties in small tungsten oxide clusters J. Chem. Phys. 121 (2004) 9417.
78. S.Y. Wang, J.Z. Yu, H. Mizuseki, Q. Sun, C.Y. Wang, and Y. Kawazoe Energetics and local spin magnetic moment of single 3, 4d impurities encapsulated in an icosahedral Au12 cage Phys. Rev. B 70 (2004) 165413.
80. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, B.K. Rao, and P. Jena Magnetism and Energetics of Mn Doped ZnO (10 0) Thin Film Phys. Rev. B 69 (2004) 233310. Carrier-mediated Ferromagnetism in N co-doped (Zn, Mn)O (10 0) Thin Film Phys. Rev. B 70 (2004) 052408.
81. Q. Sun, Q. Wang, P. Jena, R. Note, J-Z. Yu, and Y. Kawazoe Metastability of a Gold Nano Ring: Density Functional Calculations Phys. Rev. B 70 (2004) 245411.
82. D. Stolcic, M. Fischer, G. Gantefor, Y. D. Kim, Q. Sun, and P. Jena Direct Observation of Key Reaction Intermediates on Gold Clusters J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125 (2003) 2848.
83. Q. Sun, Q. Wang, P. Jena, B. K. Rao, and Y. Kawazoe Stabilization of Si60 Cage Structure Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 135503.
84. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, P. Jena, and Y. Kawazoe Anti-ferromagnetic coupling driven by bond length contraction near GaMnN film surface Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 155501.
85. Q. Sun, Q. Wang, and P. Jena Comment on ‘‘Fully Coordinated Silica Nanoclusters: (SiO2)N Molecular Rings’’Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) 039601.
86. Q. Sun, Q. Wang, B. K. Rao, and P. Jena Electronic structure and bonding of Au on SiO2 cluster: A nano bullet for tumors Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 186803.
87. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, P. Jena, and Y. Kawazoe Ferromagnetic GaN-Cr nanowires Nano Letters 5 , 1587 (2005).
88. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, P. Jena, J. Z. Yu, R. Note, and Y. Kawazoe Ab Initio Study of Ferromagnetism in Ga1-xCrxN Thin Film Phys. Rev. B 72 (2005) 045435.
89. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, P. Jena, and Y. Kawazoe First-principles study of ferromagnetic coupling in Zn1-xCrxTe thin film J. Appl. Phys 97 (2005) 043904.
90. Q. Sun, Q. Wang, and P. Jena Storage of molecular hydrogen in B-N cage: Energetics and thermal stability. Nano Letters 5 (2005) 1273.
91. Q. Sun, Q. Wang, Y. Shiokawa, and Y. Kawazoe Interactions of Uranium Atom with Tetraketone Complexes Chem. Phys. Lett. 415, (2005) 243.
92. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, P. Jena, and Y. Kawazoe Magnetic coupling between Cr atoms doped at bulk and surface sites of ZnO Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, (2005) 162509
93. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, and P. Jena Ferromagnetism in Mn doped GaN Nanowire Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 , (2005) 167202
94. Q. Sun, Q. Wang, P. Jena, and Y. Kawazoe Clustering of Ti on a C60 fullerene and its effect on hydrogen adsorption J. Am. Chem. Soc. (Communication) 127, (2005)14582.
95. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, P. Jena, and Y. Kawazoe Clustering of Cr in GaN nanotubes and the onset of ferrimagnetic order Phys. Rev. B 73, 205320 (2006)
96. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, P. Jena, and Y. Kawazoe Ferromagnetism in AlCrN thin films by density functional calculations Phys. Rev. B 73, 115411 (2006)
97. Q. Sun, A.K. Kandalam, Q. Wang, P. Jena, Y. Kawazoe, and M.Marquez Effect of Au coating on the magneticand structural properties of Fe nanoclusters for use in biomedical applications: A density-functional theory study Phys. Rev. B 73, 134409 (2006)
98. Q. Sun, P. Jena, Q. Wang, and M.Marquez First-principles study of hydrogen storage in Li12C60 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 9741 (2006).
99. Q. Wang , Q. Sun, and P. Jena Ab Initio Study of Electronic and Magnetic Properties of the C-codoped GaMnN Surface Phys. Rev. B 75, 035322 (2007)
100. Q. Wang , Q. Sun, P. Jena, and Y. Kawazoe Ferromagnetic to ferrimagnetic crossover in Cr-doped GaN nanohole arrays Phys. Rev. B 75, 075312 (2007)
101. Q. Sun, B.V. Reddy, M. Marquez, P. Jena, C. Gonzalez, and Q. Wang Theoretical Study on Gold-Coated Iron Oxide Nanostructure: Magnetism and Bioselectivity for Amino Acids J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 4159 (2007)
102. Q. Sun, Q. Wangy, P. Jena, B.V. Reddy, and M. Marquez Hydrogen Storage in Organometallic Structures Grafted on Silsesquioxanes Chemistry of Materials 19, 3074 (2007)
103. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, P. Jena, Z. Hu, R. Note, and Y. Kawazoe First-principles study of magnetic properties in V-doped ZnO Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, (2007) 063116
104. Qiang Sun, Qian Wang, Gong Chen, and Puru Jena Structure of SiAu16: Can a silicon atom be stabilized in a gold cage? J. Chem. Phys. 127, 1 (2007). Selected in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, covering a focused area of frontier research (http://www.vjnano.org/)
105. Q. Wang, Qiang Sun, and P. Jena Ligand induced ferromagnetism in ZnO nanostructures J. Chem. Phys. 129, 164714 (2008). Selected in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, covering a focused area of frontier research (http://www.vjnano.org/)
106. Qian Wang, Qiang Sun, Gang Chen, Y.Kawazoe, and P. Jena Vacancy-induced magnetism in ZnO thin films and nanowires Phys. Rev. B 77, 205411 (2008).Selected in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, covering a focused area of frontier research (http://www.vjnano.org/)
107. M.Kan, J. Zhou, Y.W.Li, and Q. Sun Using carbon chains to mediate magnetic coupling in zigzag graphene nanoribbons Appl. Phys. Lett. 100,173106 (2012) elected in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, covering a focused area of frontier research
108. Qiang Sun, Qian Wang, Puru Jena, Yoshi Kawazoe Design of Janus nanoparticles with atomic precision: Tungsten-doped gold nanostructures ACS NANO 2(2), 341 (2008).
110. Qian Wang, Qiang Sun, Puru Jena Superhalogen properties of CuFn clusters J.Chem.Phys. 131, 124301 (2009).
111. Qian Wang, Qiang Sun, Puru Jena N-doped ZnO thin films and nanowires: energetics, impurity distribution and magnetism New Journal of Physics 11, 063035 (2009).
112. Miaomiao Wu, Qiang Sun, Qian Wang,Puru Jena Doping induced anisotropic growth in C60 J. Chem. Phys. 130, 184714 (2009) Selected in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, covering a focused area of frontier research (http://www.vjnano.org/)
113. Qian Wang, Qiang Sun, Puru Jena, Y. Kawazoe Magnetic properties of transition-metal-doped Zn1-xTxO ( T=Cr , Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni) thin films with and without intrinsic defects: A density functional study Phys. Rev. B 79, 115407 (2009) .
115. Qian Wang, Qiang Sun, P. Jena, Y. Kawazoe Potential of AlN Nanostructures as Hydrogen Storage Materials ACS NANO 3, 621 (2009) . 114. Qian Wang, Qiang Sun, P. Jena, Y. Kawazoe Theoretical Study of Hydrogen Storage in Ca-Coated Fullerenes J. Chem. Theory Comput.5, 374 (2009)
116. Qian Wang, Qiang Sun, P. Jena, Y. Kawazoe Mg-doped GaN nanostructures: Energetics, magnetism, and H2 adsorption Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 013108 (2009) .Selected in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, covering a focused area of frontier research (http://www.vjnano.org/)
117. Qiang Sun, Qian Wang, Puru Jena Functionalized heterofullerenes for hydrogen storage Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 013111 (2009) . Highlighted in American Physical Society (APS) News Vol 18, No. 5, 2009. http://www.aps.org/publications/apsnews/200905/marchmeeting.cfm Selected in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, covering a focused area of frontier research (http://www.vjnano.org/)
118. Xiao Zhou, Miao Miao Wu, Jian Zhou, Qiang Sun Hydrogen storage in Al-N cage based nanostructures Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 103105 (2009). Selected in Virtual Journal of Nanoscience & Technology, covering a focused area of frontier research (http://www.vjnano.org/)
119. Jian Zhou, Miao Miao Wu, Xiao Zhou, Qiang Sun Tuning electronic and magnetic properties of graphene by surface modification Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 103108 (2009). Selected in Virtual Journal of Nanoscience & Technology, covering a focused area of frontier research
120. J. Zhou, Q. Wang, Q. Sun, X.S. Chen, Y.Kawazoe, and P.Jena Ferromagnetism in semihydrogenated graphene sheet Letters.9, 3867 (2009)
121. Puru Jena, Anil Kandalam, and Qiang Sun 《Materials Issues in a Hydrogen Economy》 World Scientific Press (2009)
122. G. Chen, Q. Wang, Q. Sun, Y. Kawazoe Structures of neutral and anionic Au16clusters revisited J. Chem . Phys. 132, 194306 (2010).
123. Y-L.Li, Y-L.Liu, Q. Wang, Q. Sun Geometry and Energetics of Nano Gears Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 7, 1457 (2010)
124. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, P. Jena First-principles study of the effect of vacancies on magnetic properties of ZnCoO thin films J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22, 076002 (2010)
125. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, P. Jena, Y. Kawazoe Tuning magnetic properties of Mn4 cluster with gold coating PCCP 12, 1493 (2010)
126. J.Zhou,Q.Wang, Q.Sun,P.Jena Electronic and magnetic properties of a BN sheet decorated with hydrogen and fluorine Phys. Rev. B 81, 085442 (2010)
127. J.Zhou,Q.Wang,Q.Sun,P.Jena,X.S.Chen Electric Field Enhanced Hydrogen Storage on Polarizable Materials Substrates PNAS 107,2801(2010)
128. M.M Wu, X.Zhou, J. Zhou, Q. Sun, Q.Wang, P. Jena Interaction of C59Si with Si based clusters: a study of Janus nanostructures J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22, 275303 (2010).
129. M.M. Wu, Q. Wang, Q. Sun, P. Jena, Y. Kawazoe First-principles study of hydrogen adsorption in metal-doped COF-10 J. Chem. Phys. 133, 154706 (2010)
130. Z.P. Jiang, X. Zhou, Q. Sun, Q. Wang, P. Jena Geometry, Electronic Properties, and Hydrogen Adsorption Properties of Li3N-Based Nanostructures J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 19202 (2010)
131. Q. Wang, Q. Sun, P. Jena Probing the existence of energetically degenerate cluster isomers by chemical tagging Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 223104 (2010)
109. Qian Wang, Qiang Sun, Puru Jena Stabilizing a 22 karat nanogolden cage J.Chem.Phys. 131, 204501 (2009). Selected in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, covering a focused area of frontier research (http://www.vjnano.org/)
132. H.G.Xu, M.M. Wu, Z.G. Zhang, Q.Sun, W.J. Zheng Structural and bonding properties of ScSi−n (n = 2 ~ 6) clusters: photoelectron Chinese Phys. B 20 043102 (2011)
133. J. Zhou, Q. Wang, Q. Sun, P. Jena Enhanced Hydrogen Storage on Li Functionalized BC3 Nanotube J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 6136 (2011).
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1. 獲日本金屬學會“優秀成果獎”。