在國際一流SCI雜志和國際會議文集上發表英文論文90余篇(其中以第一、二作者發表7篇Phys. Rev. Lett.)。
[1] R.S. Chivukula, H.-J. He, E.H. Simmons, M. Kurachi, M. Tanabashi, General Sum Rules for WW Scattering in Higgsless Models: Equivalence Theorem and Deconstruction Identities, Physical Review D78 (2008) 095003(1-27).
[2] P.-H. Gu, H.-J. He, U. Sarkar, Realistic Neutrinogenesis with Radiative Vertex Correction, Physics Letters B659 (2008) 634-639.
[3] H.-J. He, Y.-P. Kuang, Y.-H. Qi, B. Zhang, A. Belyaev, R.S. Chivukula, N. Christensen, A. Pukhov, E.H. Simmons, LHC Signatures of New Gauge Bosons in the Minimal Higgsless Model, Physical Review D (Rapid Communication) 78 (2008) 031701(1-5).
[4] P.-H. Gu, H.-J. He, U. Sarkar, Dirac Neutrinos, Dark Energy and Baryon Asymmetry, Journal of Cosmology & Astropartice Physics (JCAP) 0711 (2007) 016(1-10).
[5] P.-H. Gu, H.-J. He, U. Sarkar, Neutrino Dark Energy and Baryon Asymmetry from Higgs Sector, Physics Letters B653 (2007) 419-423.
[6] R. S. Chivukula, E. H. Simmons, H.-J. He, M. Kurachi, M. Tanabashi, Deconstruction and Elastic ππ Scattering in Higgsless Models, Physical Review D75 (2007) 035005(1-17).
[7] Pei-Hong Gu, Hong-Jian He, Neutrino Mass and Baryon Asymmetry from Dirac Seesaw, Journal of Cosmology and Astropartice Physics (JCPA) 0612 (2006) 010(1-9).
[8] R.S. Chivukula, B. Coleppa, S. Di Chiara, H.-J. He, M. Kurachi, E.H. Simmons, M. Tanabashi, A Three Site Higgsless Model, Physical Review D74 (2006) 075011(1-17).
[9] R. S. Chivukula, E. H. Simmons, H.-J. He, M. Kurachi, M. Tanabashi, Ideal Fermion Delocalization in Five Dimensional Gauge Theories, Physical Review D72 (2005) 095013(1-17).
[10] R. S. Chivukula, E. H. Simmons, H.-J. He, M. Kurachi, M. Tanabashi, Multi-Gauge-Boson Vertices and Chiral Lagrangian Parameters in Higgsless Models with Ideal Fermion Delocalization, Physical Review D72 (2005) 075012(1-14).
[11] R. S. Chivukula, E. H. Simmons, H.-J. He, M. Kurachi, M. Tanabashi, Ideal Fermion Delocalization in Higgsless Models, Physical Review D72 (2005) 015008(1-12).
[12] D. A. Dicus, Hong-Jian He, Scales of Mass Generation for Quarks, Leptons and Majorana Neutrinos, Physical Review Letters 94 (2005) 221802(1-4).
[13] R.S. Chivukula, E.H. Simmons, H.-J. He, M. Kurachi, M. Tanabashi, Deconstructed Higgsless Models with One-site Delocalization, Physical Review D71 (2005) 115001(1-12).
[14] Hong-Jian He, Higgsless Deconstruction Without Boundary Condition, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A20 (2005) 3362-3380.
[15] H.-J. He, D. A. Dicus, Scale of Mass Generation for Majorana Neutrinos, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A20 (2005) 3082-3088.
[16] R.S. Chivukula, E.H. Simmons, H.-J. He, M. Kurachi, M. Tanabashi, Electroweak Corrections and Unitarity in Linear Moose Models, Physical Review D71 (2005) 035007(1-28).
[17] D. A. Dicus, Hong-Jian He, Scales of Fermion Mass Generation and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking. Physical Review D71 (2005) 093009(1-36).
[18] R.S. Chivukula, E.H. Simmons, H.-J. He, M. Kurachi, M. Tanabashi, Universal Non-Oblique Corrections in Higgsless Models and Beyond, Physics Letters B603 (2004) 210-218.
[19] R.S. Chivukula, E.H. Simmons, H.-J. He, M. Kurachi, M. Tanabashi, The Structure of Corrections to Electroweak Interactions in Higgsless Models, Physical Review D70 (2004) 075008(1-13).
[20] Spencer Chang, Hong-Jian He, Unitarity of Little Higgs Models Signals New Physics of UV Completion, Physics Letters B586 (2004) 95-105.
[21] V. Barger, D.A. Dicus, Hong-Jian He, T. Li, Structure of Cosmological CP Violation via Neutrino Seesaw, Physics Letters B583 (2004) 173-185.
[22] R.S. Chivukula, H.-J. He, J. Howard, E.H. Simmons, The Structure of Electroweak Corrections due to Extended Gauge Symmetries, Physical Review D69 (2004) 015009(1-7).
[23] R.S. Chivukula, D.A. Dicus, Hong-Jian He, S. Nandi, Unitarity of the Higher Dimensional Standard Model, Physics Letters B562 (2003) 109-117.
[24] H.-J. He, Y.-P. Kuang, C.-P. Yuan, B. Zhang, Anomalous Gauge Interactions of the Higgs boson: Precision Constraints and Weak Boson Scatterings, Physics Letters B554 (2003) 64-72.
[25] H.-J. He, S. Kanemura, C.-P. Yuan, Single Charged Higgs Boson Production in Polarized Photon Collision and the Probe of New Physics, Physical Review D68 (2003) 075010(1-13).
[26] D. Black, T. Han, H.-J. He, M. Sher, Tau-Mu Flavor Violation as a Probe of the Scale of New Physics, Physical Review D 66 (2002) 053002(1-16).
[27] H.-J. He, D. A. Dicus, J. N. Ng, Minimal Schemes for Large Neutrino Mixings with Inverted Hierarchy, Physics Letters B536 (2002) 83-93.
[28] H.-J. He, S. Kanemura, C.-P. Yuan, Determining the Chirality of Yukawa Couplings via Single Charged Higgs Boson Production in Polarized Photon Collision, Physical Review Letters 89 (2002) 101803(1-4).
[29] R. S. Chivukula, Hong-Jian He, Unitarity of Deconstructed Five-Dimensional Yang-Mills Theory, Physics Letters B532 (2002) 121-128.
[30] R. S. Chivukula, D. A. Dicus, Hong-Jian He, Unitarity of Compactified Five Dimensional Yang-Mills Theory, Physics Letters B525 (2002) 175-182.
[31] H.-J. He, C. T. Hill, T. Tait, Top Quark Seesaw, Vacuum Structure and Electroweak Precision Constraints, Physical Review D65 (2002) 055006(1-31).
[32] J.L. Diaz-Cruz, Hong-Jian He, C.-P. Yuan, Soft SUSY Breaking, Stop-Scharm Mixing and Higgs Signatures, Physics Letters B530 (2002) 179-187.
[33] D. A. Dicus, H.-J. He, J. N. Ng, Neutrino-lepton masses, Zee Scalars and Muon g-2, Physical Review Letters 87 (2001) 111803(1-4).
[34] H.-J. He, N. Polonsky, S. Su, Extra Families, Higgs Spectrum and Oblique Corrections, Physical Review D64 (2001) 053004(1-11).
[35] H.-J. He, T. Tait, C.-.P. Yuan, New Topflavor Models with Seesaw Mechanism,Physical Review D (Rapid Communication) 62 (2000) 011702(1-5).
[36] E. Boos, H.-J. He, W. Kilian, A. Pukhov, C.-P. Yuan, P.M. Zerwas, Strongly Interacting Vector Bosons at TeV e+e- Linear Colliders, Physical Review D61 (2000) 077901(1-3).
[37] C. Balazs, H.-J. He, W.W. Repko, C.-P. Yuan, D.A. Dicus, Collider Tests of Compact Space Dimensions Using Weak Gauge Bosons Physical Review Letters 83 (1999) 2112-2115.
[38] C. Balazs, Hong-Jian He, C.-P. Yuan, QCD Corrections to Scalar Production via Heavy Quark Fusion at Hadron Colliders, Physical Review D60 (1999) 114001(1-3).
[39] Hong-Jian He, C.-P. Yuan, New Method for Detecting Charged Scalars at Colliders, Physical Review Letters 83 (1999) 28-31.
[40] C. Balazs, J.L. Diaz-Cruz, H.-J. He, T. Tait, C.-P. Yuan, Probing Higgs Bosons with Large Bottom Yukawa Coupling at Hadron Colliders, Physical Review D59 (1999) 055016(1-21).
[41] J.L. Diaz-Cruz, H.-J. He, T. Tait, C.-P. Yuan, Higgs Bosons with Large Bottom Yukawa Coupling at Tevatron and LHC, Physical Review Letters 80 (1998) 4641-4644.
[42] T. Han, Hong-Jian He, C.-P. Yuan, Quartic Gauge Boson Couplings at Linear Colliders: Interplay of WWZ/ZZZ Production and WW Fusion, Physics Letters B422 (1998) 294-304.
[43] E. Boos, H.-J. He, W. Kilian, A. Pukhov, C.P. Yuan, P.M. Zerwas, Strongly Interacting Vector Bosons at TeV e+e- Linear Colliders, Physical Review D57 (1998) 1553-1572.
[44] Hong-Jian He, W. B. Kilgore, The Equivalence Theorem and Its Radiative Correction-Free Formulation for All R_xi Gauges, Physical Review D55 (1997) 1515-1532.
[45] H.-J. He, Y.-P. Kuang, C.-P. Yuan, Estimating the Sensitivity of LHC to Electroweak Symmetry Breaking: Longitudinal/Goldstone Boson Equivalence as a Criterion, Physical Review D55 (1997) 3038-3067.
[46] H.-J. He, Y.-P. Kuang, C.-P. Yuan, Global Power Counting Analysis on Probing Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, Mechanism at High-Energy Colliders,Physics Letters B382 (1996) 149-156.
[47] H.-J. He, Y.-P. Kuang, C.-P. Yuan, Equivalence Theorem and Probing the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Sector, Physical Review D51 (1995) 6463-6473.
[48] H.-J. He, Y.-P. Kuang, X. Li, Proof of the Equivalence Theorem in the Chiral Lagrangian Formalism, Physics Letters B329 (1994) 278-284.
[49] H.-J. He, Z. M. Qiu, C. H. Tze, Inconsistency of QED in the Presence of Dirac Monopoles, Zeitschrift für Physik (Germany) C65 (1995) 175-182.
[50] H.-J. He, Y.-P. Kuang, X. Li, Further Investigation on the Precise Formulation of the Equivalence Theorem, Physical Review D49 (1994) 4842-4872.
[51] H.-J. He, Y.-P. Kuang, X. Li, On the Precise Formulation of Equivalence Theorem,Physical Review Letters 69 (1999) 2619-2622.
[52] H.-J. He, Y.-P. Kuang, Q. Wang, Y.-P. Yi, Effective Potential, Renormalization, and Nontrivial Ultraviolet Fixed Point in D-dimensional 4-Fermion Theories (2[53] H.-J. He, Y.-P. Kuang, Effective Potential for Local Composite Operators and the Problem of Factorization of Multifield Condensates, Zeitschrift für Physik (Germany) C47 (1990) 565-576.
[54] H.-J. He, Q. Wang, Y.-P. Kuang, Multiloop Calculations of Effective Action for Local Composite Operators, Zeitschrift für Physik (Germany) C45 (1990) 427-437.
[55] H.-J. He, T. Zhang, R.C. Shang, S.D. Xu, A Detailed Study of the Interaction Mechanisms for Si(Li) Detector Response Functions by Direct Monte Carlo Approach, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A272 (1988) 847-854.
1 TeV Physics and ILC 何紅建 清華大學 【會議】中國物理學會高能物理分會第七屆學術年會大會報告 2006-10-01
2 論中微子超光速與洛倫茲對稱性破壞以及質量產生 何紅建 清華大學近代物理研究所和高能物理研究中心 【期刊】現代物理知識 2011-12-18
3 中微子超光速、洛倫茲對稱性破壞和質量起源 何紅建 清華大學近代物理研究所和高能物理研究中心 【期刊】前沿科學 2011-12-28
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