楊文婷, 張曉梅, 李國棟, 李俊楠, 楊承凡, 張愛麗* |
云南中醫藥大學 云南省高校中醫藥學分子生物學重點實驗室/中藥學院暨云南省南藥可持續利用研究重點實驗室, 昆明 650500 |
摘要: |
金鐵鎖(Psammosilene tunicoides)是西南地區重要的民族民間藥物、云南白藥等中成藥的主要原料藥。為分離并鑒定云南金鐵鎖根腐病病原菌,該研究采用微生物純培養方法,分離純化金鐵鎖根腐病植株根部的病健交接處組織,獲得金鐵鎖根腐病病原微生物。按照Koch's法則驗證分離得到的病原菌的致病性。結合形態學觀察、真菌rDNA-ITS和TEF-1α序列分析以及系統發育樹的構建鑒定獲得的病原菌的種類。結果表明:(1)從金鐵鎖根腐病植株組織中分離純化得到85株真菌,其中PSD-1、PSD-2、PSD-3菌株均能引起金鐵鎖的根腐病。(2)金鐵鎖健康植株接種PSD-1、PSD-2、PSD-3菌株后,產生與大田植株根腐病相似的癥狀,并且發病率分別為60%、61.7%、71.7%。(3)結合形態學觀察及基因序列分析,鑒定該三株菌株均為尖孢鐮刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum)。該文首次報道了尖孢鐮刀菌是引起金鐵鎖根腐病的主要病原菌之一,為深入探究具有根腐病生物防治功能的內生菌群及其作用機制奠定了基礎,也為后續金鐵鎖病害的防治工作提供了理論依據。 |
關鍵詞: 金鐵鎖, 根腐病, 分離, 鑒定, 尖孢鐮刀菌 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202205027 |
分類號:Q945.8 |
文章編號:1000-3142(2023)01-0079-09 |
基金項目:國家自然科學基金(81560613); 國家自然科學基金(81960693); 云南省科技廳-云南省應用基礎研究項目(202101AT070600); 云南省科技人才和平臺計劃(202105AG070012)。 |
Isolation and identification of pathogens causing root rot disease of Psammosilene tunicoides in Yunnan Province |
YANG Wenting, ZHANG Xiaomei, LI Guodong, LI Junnan, YANG Chengfan, ZHANG Aili* |
Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology for Sinomedicine/College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Yunnan Key Laboratory of Southern Medicinal Utilization, Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine, Kunming 650500, China |
Abstract: |
Psammosilene tunicoides is an important ethnic medicine in Southwest China and the main raw material for Chinese patent medicines like Yunnan Baiyao. The purpose of this study was to isolate and identify the pathogenic fungus of root rot of Psammosilene tunicoides in Yunnan. In this study, the disease-health junction of the root tissue of diseased plant was isolated and purified by pure culture method to obtain the main pathogenic microorganisms of P. tunicoides. Pathogenicity of isolated pathogenic microorganisms was analyzed the according to Koch's Postulates, and then were identified by morphological observation, rDNA-ITS and TEF-1α sequence analysis and phylogenetic tree construction. The results were as follows:(1)A total of 85 strains of fungi were obtained, among which PSD-1, PSD-2 and PSD-3 of Fusarium fungi caused root rot of Psammosilene tunicoides.(2)These three strains were re-inoculated into the P. tunicoides, which produced similar disease symptoms occurred with field plants, and the disease incidences after inoculation with pathogenic fungi were 60%, 61.7% and 71.7%, respectively.(3)Combined with morphological observation and gene sequence analysis, the three strains were identified as Fusarium oxysporum. This study firstly found that the F. oxysporum was one of the main pathogenic fungi causing root rot of Psammosilene tunicoides. The results of this study lay a foundation for the in-depth exploration of the endophytic flora with biological control of root rot and its mechanism, and serve as a theoretical basis for the follow-up prevention and control of the disease. |
Key words: Psammosilene tunicoides, root rot, isolation, identification, Fusarium oxysporum |